


會計術語名稱 英文名稱
對賬 (checking)
對應賬戶 (corresponding accounts)
定期清查 (Periodic checking method)
定期盤存制 (periodic inventory system)
訂本式賬簿 (bound book)
調整賬戶 (adjustment accounts)
調整分錄 (adjusting journal entry)
單式記賬憑證 (single account title voucher)
單式記賬法 (single-entry bookkeeping
從屬賬戶 (Secondary accounts)
成本計算賬戶 costing accounts)
財產清查 (physical inventory)
簿記 (bookkeeping)
不定期清查 (non-periodic checking method)
補充登記法 (correction by extre recording)
表外賬戶 (off-balance sheet accounts)
備抵賬戶 (provision accounts)
備抵附加賬戶 (provision and adjunct accounts)
備查賬簿 memorandvn
序時賬簿 (book of chronological entry)
一次憑證 (single-record document)
銀行存款日記賬 (deposit journal)
永續盤存制 (perpetual inventory system)
原始憑證 (source document)
暫記賬戶 suspense accounts)
增減記賬法 (increase-decrease bookkeeping)
債權結算賬戶 (accounts for settlement of claim)
債權債務結算賬戶 (accounts for settlement of claim and debt)
債務結算賬戶 (accounts for settlement of debt)
賬戶 (account)
賬戶編號 (Account number)
賬戶對應關係 debit-credit relationship)
賬項調整 (adjustment of account)
專用記賬憑證 (special-purpose voucher)
轉回分錄 (reversing entry)
資金來源賬戶 (accounts of sources of funds)
資產負債賬戶 (balance sheet accounts)
轉賬憑證 (transfer voucher)
資金運用賬戶 (accounts of applications of funds)
自製原始憑證 (internal source document)
總分類賬簿 (general ledger
總分類賬戶 (general account)
附加賬戶 (adjunct accounts)
付款憑證 (payment voucher)
分類賬簿 (ledger)
多欄式日記賬核算形式 (bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal)
結賬 (closing account)
結賬分錄 (closing entry)
借貸記賬法 (debit-credit bookkeeping)
局部清查 (partial ckeck)
卡片式賬簿 (card book)
跨期攤提賬戶 (inter-period allocation accounts)
累計憑證 (multiple-record document)
聯合賬簿 (compound book)
明細分類賬簿 (subsidiary ledger)
明細分類賬戶 (subsidiary account)
盤存賬存 (inventory accounts)
平行登記 (parallel recording)
全面清查 (complete check)
日記總賬 (combinod journal and ledger)
日記總賬核算形式 (bookkeeping procedure using summarized journal)
三式記賬法 (triple-entry bookkeeping)
實賬戶 (real accounts)
試算表 trial balance
試算平衡 (trial balancing)
收付記賬法 (receipts-payment bookkeeping)
收款憑證 (receipt voucher)
損益表賬戶 (income statement accounts)
通用記賬憑證 (general purpose voucher)
通用日記賬核算形式 (bookkeeping procedure using general journal)
外來原始憑證 (source document from outside)
現金日記賬 (cash journal)
虛賬戶 (nominal accounts)
匯總原始憑證 cumulative source document)
匯總記賬憑證核算形式 (bookkeeping procedure using summary ovchers)
工作底稿 (working paper)
複式記賬憑證 (mvltiple account titles voucher)
複式記賬法 (Double entry bookkeeping)
複合分錄 compound entry
劃線更正法 (correction by drawing a straight ling)
匯總原始憑證 (cumulative source document)
會計憑證 (accounting documents)
會計科目表 chart of accounts
會計科目 (account title)
紅字更正法 (correction by using red ink)
會計核算形式 (bookkeeping procedures)
過賬 (posting)
會計分錄 (accounting entry)
會計循環 (accounting cycle)
會計賬簿 (Book of accounts)
活頁式賬簿 (loose-leaf book)
集合分配賬戶 clearing accounts)
計價對比賬戶 (matching accounts)
記賬方法 (bookkeeping methods)
記賬規則 (recording rules)
記賬憑證 (voucher)
記賬憑證核算形式 (Bookkeeping proced ureusing vouchers)
記賬憑證匯總表核算形式 (bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary)
簡單分錄 (simple entry)
結算賬戶 (settlement accounts)


會計術語名稱 英文名稱
期間費用 Period expense
收入的確認 recognition of revenue
公司債券發行價格 corporate bond issuing price
固定資產折舊 depreciation of fixed assets
可轉換債券 convertible bonds
加速折舊法 accelerated depreciation methods
營業外收支淨額 net non-operating income and expenditure
公司債券利率 interest rate on debenture
應收賬款出借 assignment of accounts receivable
無擔保債券 debenture bonds
後進先出法 last-in,first-out,LIFO
其他貨幣資金 Other monetary assets
應付票據貼現 discount on notes payable
先進先出去 first-in,first-out縮寫FIFO
在發建工程 constructions in process
固定資產更換固定資產改良 improvements and replacements of fixed assets
實地盤存制 periodic inventory system
收益總括觀點 all-inclusive concept of income
損益表法 Income statement approach
可變現淨值法 net realizable value
應付福利費 Accrued welfarism
固定資產擴建 additions of fixed assets
應收賬款出售 sale or Factoring of accounts receivable
或有負債 contingent liability
銷貨退回與折讓 sales returns and allowances
零售價格法 retail method
現金折扣 cash discount
公司債券 bonds payable
銷售法 sale method
應付票據 notes payable
認股權 stock rights
固定資產修理 repairs and maintenance of fixed assets
有擔保債券 mortgage bonds
銷售費用 selling expenses
應付股利 dividends payable
應收票據 notes receivable
無形資產 intangible assets
收款法 collection method
所得稅 income tax
流動負債 current liabilities
生產法 production method
廢棄和生置法 retirement and replacement method
盤存法 inventory method
流動資產 current assets
購貨折扣 purchases discounts
商譽 goodwill
應收賬款 accounts receivable
投資收益 investment income
營業利潤 operating income
股本 capital stock
公司債券償還 redemption of bonds
壞賬 bad debts
固定資產重估價 revaluations of fixed assets
銀行存款 cash in bank
固定資產 fixed assets
利潤分配 profit distribution
應計費用 accrued expense
商標權 trademarks and tradenames
淨利潤 net income
應付利潤 profit payable
未分配利潤 Undistributed profits
收益債券 income bonds
貨幣資金 Cash and cash equivalents
利息資本化 capitalization of interests
法定公益金 statutory welfare reserve
工程物資 engineer material
預付賬款 advance to supplier
其他應收款 other Receivables
現金 cash
預收賬款 Advance Received from Customers
公司債券發行 corporate bond floatation
應付工資 wages payable
實收資本 paid-in capital
盈餘公積 surplus reserves
管理費用 Management Fee/Management Fees
股利 dividend
應交稅金 taxes payable
負商譽 negative goodwill
費用的確認 recognition of expense
短期投資 temporary investment
短期借款 Short-term Borrowing
遞延資產 deferred charges
低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods/Low value consumbles
當期經營觀點 current operating concept of income
存貨銷售的影響 effects of inventory erRORs
折舊 depreciation
折舊方法 depreciation method
折舊率 depreciation rate
支出 payment
直線法 straight-line
專利權 patents
住房基金 housing fund
重置成本法 replacement costing
專有技術 know-how
專營權 franchises
資本公積 capital reserves
自然資源 natural resources
存貨 inventory
償債基金 sinking fund
長期應付款 long-term payables
長期投資 long-term investments
長期借款 long-term loans
長期負債 long-term liability of long-term debt
財務費用 financing expenses
撥定留存收益 appropriated retained earnings
標準成本法 standard costing
變動成本法 variable costing
包裝物 Wrappage
著作權 copyrights


會計術語名稱 英文名稱
獨立董事 independent director
市場附加值 Market Value Added,MVA
投資中心 Investment Center
利潤中心 Profit Center
酌量性費用中心 Discretionary Expense Centers
收入中心 revenue center
合併前利潤 preacquisition income
現金分配計畫 cash distribution plan
安全付款表 safe payments schedule
合併每股收益 consolidated EPS
期貨交易市場 market of futures transaction
期貨交易 futures transaction
舉債經營融資租賃 leveraged lease
金融工具 financial instruments
企業集團 business qroup
年度報告 annual report
內部往來 transactions between home office and branches
合夥企業 partnership enterprise
合併資產負債表 consolidated balance sheet
合併主體的所得稅會計(美) accounting for income taxes of consolidated entities
合併現金流量表 consolidated statement of cash flow
合併價差 cost-Book Value differentials
合併會計報表 consolidated financial statements
購買法 purchase methed
企業整體價值 the value of an enterprise as a whole
權益結合法 pooling of interest method
期內所得稅分攤(美) intraperiod tax allocation
期末存貨的未實現損益 unrealized profit in ending inventory
公司間的長期資產業務 intercompany transactions in long-term assets
名義貨幣保全 maintaining capital in units of money
基金論 the fund theory
功能性貨幣(美) functional currency
匯兌損益 exchange gains or losses
合併財務狀況變動表 consolidated statement of changes in financial poition
換算損益 translation gains or losses
舉債經營收購(美) Leveraged buyouts,簡稱LBC
母公司持股比例變動 change in ownership percentage held by parent
互動分配法(美) reciprocal allocation approach
貨幣項 monetary items
合夥清算 partnership liquidation
控股合併 acquisition of majority interest
關稅 tariff
名義貨幣單位 units of nominal currency
記賬本位幣 recording currency
經營租賃 operating lease
流動非流動性法 current/noncurrent method
經濟利潤 economic income
破產受託人清算組會計 trustee accounting
聯合會計報表 combined financial state-ments
權益法 equity method
共同費用分配 home office-branch expense allocation
貨幣非貨幣法 monetary/no monetary
利率期貨交易 interest rate futrues transaction
簡單權益法 simple equity method
匯率 exchange rate
母公司 parent company
紅利法 bonus procedure
庫藏股法(美) treasury stock approach
勞務因素 service factor
精算報告 actuaries’report
全面分攤法 comprehensive allocation
合併費用 expenses related to combinations
間接標價法 indirect quotation
買入匯率 buying rate
期貨契約 futrues contract
混合合併 conglomeration
控投公司 holding company
股票指數期貨 stock index futrues
橫向銷售 crosswise sale
固定匯率 fixed rate
納稅影響法 tax effect method
記賬匯率 recording rate
橫向合併 horizontal integration
合併前股利 preacquisition dividends
可變現淨值 net realizable
企業合併會計 accounting for business combination
平倉盈虧 offset gain and loss
賣出匯率 selling rate
金融期貨交易 financial futures transaction
會計利潤 accounting income
合併損益表 consolidated income statement
公允價值 fair value
期權 options
間接控股 indirect holding
兩筆交易觀 two-transaction opinion
破產清算 bankrupcy liquidation
企業合併 business combination
企業論 the enterprise theory
商品寄銷 Consignment
權益理論 equity theory
融資租賃 financing lease
商品期貨交易 futrues for commodity
商譽法 goodwill procedure
生產能力保全 maintaining capital in terms of productive capacity
升水 premium
少數股東損益 minority interest income
少數股東權益 minority stockholder’s interest
上市公告書 Listed Company statment
剩餘權益論 the residual equity theory
時態法 temporal method
實體理論 entity theory
實體論 the entity theory
受託人(美) trustee
特定變動 specific change
所得稅會計 income tax accounting
所得稅的跨期分攤 interqeriod tax allocation
稅務會計 tax accounting
售後回租 sale-leaseback
個人所得稅 personal income tax
個人財務報表(美) personal financial state-ments
改組計畫(美) reorganization plan
改組 reorganization
複雜權益法 complex equity method
附屬公司 associated company
負權人償金 dividend
浮動匯率 floating rate
分支機構會計 accounting for branch
推定贖回損益 constructive gains and losses on bonds
推定贖回 constructive retirement
投機 spculation
貼水 discount
特定物價指數 specific price index
分支機構 branch
分期收款銷貨 installment sales
分次清算 installment liquidation
分部報告 segmental reporting
房地產收入 real estate revenue
房地產成本 cost of real setate
房地產 real estate
多種匯率法 multiply exchange rate
對境外實體的淨投資 net investment in foreign entities
訂量單位 units of measurement
遞延法 deffered method
當代理論 contemporary theory
單一匯率法 singal method
退休金 pension plan
退休金會計(美) accounting for pension plan
退休金給付義務(美) pension benefit obligations
退休金成本淨額(美) net periodic pension cost
退休基金資產(美) pension plan assets
流轉會計 accoung for circulatin tax
合夥權益的轉讓(美) assignment of partnership interest
購買力損益 purchasing power gains or loosses
非貨幣性項目 nonmonetary items
單行合併(美) one-line consolidation
外匯 foreign exchange
外幣會計報表 foreign currency statements
外幣折算風險 foreign curency translation risk
外幣統賬法 recording-currency method
外幣套期保值 hedge
外幣投資風險 foreign curency investment risk
外幣資產風險 foreign currency assets risk
外幣會計報表折算 translation of foreign currency statements
外幣兌換風險 foreign currency exchange risk
外幣承諾 Foreign Currency Commitment
外幣負債風險 foreign crurency liability risk
外幣持有風險 foreingn currency holding risk
外幣分賬法 original-currency method
外幣 foreign currency
外幣業務 foreign currency transaction
吸收合併 merger
物價變動會計 accounting for price changes
無償債能力 insolvency
完全合併 full consolidation
物價指數 price index
物價變動 price changes
完全應計法 full accrual method
物價總指數 general price index
外匯期貨交易 foreign exchange frtrues transaction
下推會計(美) push-down accounting
先折算後調整法 translation-remeasurement method
現行成本/穩值貨幣會計 current cost/general purchasing power accountin
現行成本 crurent cost
現行成本會計 current cost accounting
先調整後折算法 remeasurement-translation method
銷售代理處 sales agency
相互持股 mutual holdings
相對賬戶調節 reconciliation of home office and branch accounts
新合伙人入伙 admission of a new parther
向上銷售 upstream sale
衍生金融工具 derivative financial instru-ments
銷售式融資租賃 sales-type financing lease
向下銷售 downstream sale
消費稅 consumer tax
一筆交易觀 one-transaction opinion
業主權論 the proprietorship theory
一般物價水準會計 general price level accounting
一般購買力單位 units of general purchasing power
一般購買力保全 maintaining capital in units of general purchasing power
印花稅 stamp tax
應付稅款法 taxes payable method
營業虧損抵免 operating loss carrybacks and carryforwards
以外幣表示的應收款項或應付款項 receivables ofr payables denominated in foreign currency
一次總付清算 lump-sum qartnership liquidation
營業稅 husiness tax
永久性差異 permanent difference
原合伙人退夥 retirement of initial partner
原始成本 historical cost
遠期匯率 forward rate
時間性差異 timing difference
暫時性差異 temporary difference
增值表 value added statement
債權人會議 committee representation
債務重整 debt restructurings
賬面匯率 recorded rate
直接融資租賃 direct financing lease
直接標價法 direct quotation
直接控股 direct holdings
招股說明書 prospectus
中間匯率 middle rate
中期報告 interim reporting
重置成本 replacement cost
轉租賃 subleases
準改組(美) quasi-reorbganization
資本保全 capital maintenance
資本化價值 capitalized value
資本因素 capital factor
資產負債法 asset/libility method
存貨轉讓價格 inventory transfer price
創立合併 consolidation
出租人會計 accounting for leases-lessor
持有/(產損益) holding gains losses
持倉盈虧 opsition gain and loss
承租人會計 accounting for leases-leasee
成本回收法 cost recovery method
縱向合併 Vertical integration
綜合變動 general change
子公司權益變動 change in ownership of a subsidiary
子公司 subsidiary company
資源稅 resources tax
成本法 cost method
財產信託會計(美) fiduciary accounting
財產稅 property tax
部分分攤法 partial allocation
不合併子公司 unconsolidated subsidiaries
最低退休金負債(美) minimum liability
租賃 leases
租金 rents
表融資 off-balance-sheet financing
比例合併(美) proportionate consolidtion
保證金法 deposit method


會計術語名稱 英文名稱
直接人工成本差異 direct labor variance
直接材料成本差異 direct material variance
在產品計價 work-in-process costing
聯產品成本計算 joint products costing
生產成本匯總程式 accumulation process of procluction cost
製造費用差異 manufacturing expenses variance
實際成本估計成本 actual cost and estimated cost
工資費用分配 salary costs allocation
成本曲線 cost curve
農業生產成本 agriculture production cost
原始成本和重置成本 original cost and replacement cost
直接成本與間接成本 direct cost and indirect cost
可控成本 controllable cost
製造費用分配 manufacturing expenses allocation
理論成本套用成本 theory cost and practice cost
輔助生產成本分配 auxiliary production cost allocation
成本控制程式 procedure of cost control
成本記錄 cost entry, cost recorder cost agenda
成本計算分批法 job costing method
直接人工成本差異 direct labor variance
成本控制方法 cost control method
生產費用要素 elements of production expenses
歷史成本未來成本 historical cost and future cost
可避免成本不可避免成本 avoidable cost and unavoidable cost
成本計算期 cost period
平均成本個別成本 avorage cost and individual cost
社會成本 society cost
廢品損失 spoliage and defective work losses
單位成本總成本 unit cost and total cost
成本開支範圍 allowable cost
成本轉賬 cost transfer
全面成本控制 total cost control
商品銷售成本 cost of merchandise sold
價格差異 price variance
存置成本 holding cost or Carrying Cost
已耗成本未耗成本 expired cost and unex-pired cost
相關成本非相關成本 relevant cost and irrelevant cost
因素分析法 factor analysis approach
目標成本 target cost
成本計算分類法 group costing method
定額成本 norm cost
跨期攤提費用分配 inter-period expenses allocation
計畫成本 planned cost
數量差異 quantity variance
燃料費用分配 fuel expenses allocation
定額成本控制制度 norm cost control system
定額管理 management norm
可遞延成本不可遞延成本 deferrable cost and undeferrable cost
成本控制標準 standard of cost control
副產品成本計算 by-product costing
責任成本 responsibility cost
生產損失核算 production loss accounting
生產成本 production cost
預計成本 predicted cost
成本結構 cost structure
主要成本與加工成本 prime costs and processing costs
決策成本 cost of decision making
成本計算品種法 category costing method
在產品成本 work-in-process cost
工廠成本 factory cost
成本考核 cost assess
製造費用 manufactruing expenses
動力費用分配 power expenses allocation
趨勢分析法 trend analysis approach
成本計算簡單法 simple costing method
責任成本層次 levels of responsibility cost
對比分析法 comparative analysis approach
約當產量比例法 equivalent units method
原始記錄 original record
可比產品成本分析 general product cost analysis
預算成本 budgeted costs
銷售成本 cost of goods sold
停工損失 loss on work stoppage
等級產品成本計算 graded product costing
巨觀經濟成本 macro economic cost
綜合費用分配 composite expenses allocation
全部成本 absorption cost
商品採購成本 merchandise procurement cost
成本考核指標 cost examming target
閒置成本 idle cost
賬面成本 cost of book value
再生產成本 cost of reproduction
增量成本 incremantal cost
成本控制 cost control
成本流程 cost flow
內部成本報表 internal cost statement
成本計算方法 costing method
成本計算對象 costing objective
成本計算單位 costing unit
成本計畫管理體系 planned management system of cost
成本計畫 cost plan
成本會計 cost accounting
成本核算原則 principle of costing
成本核算程式 cost accounting qrocedures
成本核算成本 costing account
成本核算 costing
成本歸集 cost accumulation
成本管理 cost management
成本分析 cost analysis
成本分配 ocst allocation
成本分類賬 cost ledger
成本分類 cost classifiction
成本調整 cost adjustment
成本差異 cost variance
成本報告 costing report
成本 cost
車間成本 workshop cost
廠內經濟核算制 internal business accounting system
廠內結算價格 internal settlement prices
產品壽命周期成本 product life cycle cost
產品成本項目 cost items of product
產品成本計畫 the plan of product costs
產品成本 product cost
產成品成本 finished product cost
財務成本管理成本 financial cost and manegement cost
材料費用分配 material costs allocation
不可控成本 uncontrollable cost
標準成本控制制度 standard cost control system
標準成本 standard cost
比率分析法 ration analysis apporach
報告成本 reporting cost
半成品成本 semi-finished product cost


會計術語名稱 英文名稱
政治風險 political risk
再開票中心 reinvoicing center
現代管理會計專門方法 special methods of modern management accounting
現代管理會計 modern management accounting
提前支付與延期支付 Leads and Lags
特許權使用管理費 fees and royalties
跨國資本成本的計算 the cost of capital for foreign lnuertments
跨國運轉資本會計 multinational working capital management
跨國經營企業業績評價 multinational performance evaluation
經濟風險管理 managing economic exposure
交易風險管理 managing transaction exposure
換算風險管理 managing translation exposure
國際投資決策會計 foreign project appraisal
國際投資決策會計 foreign project appraisal
國際存貨管理 international inventory management
股利轉移 dividend kemittances
公司內部貸款 intercompany loans
凍結資金轉移 repatriating blocked funds
凍結資金保值 maintaining the value of blocked funds
調整後的淨現值 adjusted net present value


會計術語名稱 英文名稱
管理層收購 MBO
財務總監 CFO
企業財務 business finance
期權市場 option market
期貨市場 future market
可轉讓定期存單市場 negotiable CDmarket
貨幣市場 money market
黃金市場 gold market
股份有限公司 company limited by shares
股份兩合公司 limited pactnership
公司 company
二級市場 security secondary market
獨資企業 sole proprietorship
店頭市場 over-the -counter-market
承兌市場 acceptance market
拆借市場 lending market
財務制度 financial regulations
財務政策 financial policy
財務預測 financial forecast
財務控制 financial control
金融市場 financial market
財務決策 financial decision
財務監督 financial cupervision
財務計畫 financial planning
財務活動 financial activities
財務管理組織 organization of financial management
一級市場 security primary market
無限責任公司 company of unlimited liability
外匯市場 foreign exchange market
貼現市場 dixcount market
企業組織形式 forms of enterprise organization
財務管理職能 the functions of finaneial management
財務管理原則 the principle of financial management
財務管理內容 the content of financial management
財務管理目標 financial management objectives
財務管理環境 financial management environment
證券交易所 stock exchange
證券市場 securities market
資本市場 capital market
有限責任公司 company of limited liability
財務管理環節 the cycle of financial managemten
財務管理對象 objects of financial management
財務管理 financial managment
財務分析 financial analysis


會計術語名稱 英文名稱
配比原則 matching
旅遊、飲食服務企業會計 accounting of tourinsm and service
施工企業會計 accounting of construction enterprises
民航運輸企業會計 accounting of civil aviation transportation enterprises
企業會計 business accounting
商品流通企業會計 accounting of commercial enterprises
權責發生制原則 accrual basis
農業會計 accounting of agzicultural enterprises
實現原則 realization principle
歷史成本原則 pringciple of historical cost
外商投資企業會計 accounting of enterprises with foreign investment
通用報表 all-purpose financial statements
鐵路運輸企業會計 accounting of rail way transportation enterprises
所有者權益 owners equity
所有者權益 owners equity
實質重於形式 substance over form
修正性慣例 principlle of exceptions
信息系統論 information system perspective
相關性原則 relevance
微觀會計 micro-accounting
客觀性原則 objectivity
可比性原則 comparability
謹慎性原則 Prudence
金融企業會計 accounting of finacial institutions
交通運輸企業會計 accounting of communication and transportation enterprises
建設單位會計 accounting of construction units
記賬本位幣 recording currency
計量屬性 measurement attributes
及時性原則 timeliness
貨幣計量 monetary measurement
會計準則 accounting standards
會計主體 accounting entity
會計職業道德 accounting professional ethics
會計職能 functions of accounting
會計預測 accounting for ecasting
會計要素 accounting elements
會計研究 accounting research
會計學科體系 accounting science system
會計學 accounting
會計信息 accounting information
會計任務 targets of accounting activities
會計人員 accounting personnels
會計確認 accounting recognition
會計目標 accounting objective
會計理論結構 theoretical structure of accounting
會計理論 accounting theory
會計控制 accounting control
會計決策 accounting decision making
會計監督 accounting supervision
會計假設 accounting assumption
會計記錄 accounting records
會計計量 accounting measurement
會計機構 accounting department
會計環境 accounting environment
會計核算 financial accounting
會計管理體制 system of accounting admin tstration
會計分期 accounting periods
會計對象 accounting object
會計等式 accounting equation
會計本質 nature of accounting
會計報表 accounting statements
巨觀會計 macro-accounting
會計 accounting
匯總報表 combination statements
劃分資本性支出與收益性支出原則 distinguishment oetween capital expenditure and revenue expenditiure
合併報表 consolidated fiancial statements
管理活動論 management activities perspective
管理會計 management accounting
管理工具論 manegement tool perspective
股份制企業會計 accounting of stock companies
公認會計原則 generally accepted accounting principle,GAAP
公共會計 public accounting
工業會計 accounting of industrial enterprises
個別報表 individual statements
高新技術企業會計 accounting of high technology enterprises
負債 liability
費用 expense
反饋價值 feedback value
對外經濟合作企業會計 accounting of foreign economic cooperation enter prises
對外報表 external statements
對內報表 internal statements
一致性原則 consistency
藝術論 art perspective
房地產開發企業會計 accounting of real estate enterprises
郵電通信企業會計 accounting of post and telecommonication enterprises
預測價值 forecast value
真實與公允 true and fair view
持續經營 going concern
成本報表 cost statement
財務會計原則 finanicial accounting principles
財務會計概念框架 financial accounting conceptual framework
財務會計 financial accounting
政府及非營利組織會計 governmentai and non-profit organizationaccounting
重要性原則 materiality
專用報表 special purpose financial statements
資產 assets
資金 funds
資金運動 funds movement
財務報告 financial report
財務報表要素 elements of financial statements
財務報表 financial statements
幣值穩定假設 constant-dollar assumption
保險企業會計 accounting of insurance companies


會計術語名稱 英文名稱
預算周轉金 public finance-budgetary revolving fund
預算舉借債務 public finance-debts
預算結餘 budget surplus
中國預算會計 governmental and non-profit oragnization accounting in China
預撥款項 appropriation in advance
醫院資產 saaets of hospitals
醫院支出 expenditures of hospitals
醫院預算管理辦法 hbdget management nethod of hospital
醫院收入 revenues of hospitals
醫院結餘 surplus of hospitals
醫院基金 funds of hospitals
醫院會計制度 accounting regulations ror hospitals
醫院會計科目 chart of accounts for hospitals
醫院會計報表分析 analysis of accounting statements of hospitals
醫院會計報表 accounting statements of hospitals
醫院會計 hospital accounting
醫院負債 liabilities of hospitals
醫院財務制度 financial regulations for hospitals
一般預算支出 general budget expenditure
一般預算收入 general budget revenue
行政單位資產 assets of governmental units
行政單位支出 expenditures of governmental units
行政單位暫付款 prepayments of governmental units
行政單位暫存款 deposite payable of governmental units
行政單位預算管理辦法 budget management method of governmental units
行政單位收入 revenues of governbmental units
行政單位年終清理和結轉 yearend checking and closing of governmental units
行政單位淨資產 net assets of governmental units
行政單位經費支出 fund expenditures of governmental units
行政單位結餘 surplus of governmental units
行政單位會計制度 accounting regulations of governmental units
行政單位會計報表分析 analysis of accounting
行政單位會計 accounting of governmental units
行政單位固定基金 fixed funds of governmental units
行政單位負債 liabilities of governmental units
行政單位財務規則 financial rules of governmental units
行政單位撥入經費 appropriated funds of governmental units
事業單位資產 assets for non-profit organiz-ations
事業單位專用基金 special funds non-profit organizations
事業單位支出 expenditure of non-profit organization
事業單位預算管理方式 budget management methods for non-profit organyzation’s
事業單位應繳款項 agent funds and tax paybale non-profit organization
事業單位收入 revenue for non-profit organization
事業單位流動資產 current assets for non-profit organizations
事業單位淨資產 net assets for non-profit organizations
事業單位借入款項 loans non-profit organization
事業單位結餘 surplus of non-profit gorganizaiton
事業單位基金 general funds non-profit organizations
事業單位會計準則 accounting standards for non-profit rganizations
事業單位會計 accounting for non-profit organizations
事業單位固定資產 fixed assets for non-profit organizations
事業單位固定基金 fixed funds non-profit organizations
事業單位負債 liabilities for non-profit organizations
事業單位對外投資 outside investments for non-profit organizations
事業單位財務清算 liquidation of non-profit organization
上繳上級支出 payment to the higher authority
上級補助收入 grant from the higher authority
其他收入 miscellaneous gains
科學事業單位資產 scientific research instifutes’assets
科學事業單位支出 scientific research institutes’expenditures
科學事業單位預算 scientific research institutes’budgeting
科學事業單位收入 scientific research institutes’revenues
科學事業單位結餘 scientific research institutes’surplus
科學事業單位會計制度 accointing regulations for scientific research instifutes
科學事業單位會計報表分析 scientific research institutes-analysis of accounting statements
科學事業單位會計 sicentific research institute accounting
科學事業單位成本費用管理 scientific research institutes-cost maragement
科學事業單位財務制度 financial regulations for scientific research institutes
經營支出 orerating expense
經營收入 operating revenue
基金預算支出 fund budget expenditure
基金預算收入 fund budget revenue
基金預算結餘 surplus of fund budget
國家預算 state budget
國家決算 final accounts of state revenue and expenditure
高等學校資產 colleges and universities assets
高等學校支出 colleges and universities expenditures
高等學校預算管理方式 budget management method of colleges and universities
高等學校收入 colleges and universities revenues
高等學校淨資產 colleges and universities net assets
高等學校結餘 colleges and universities surplus
高等學校會計制度 accounting regulations for institutions of higher learning
高等學校會計報表分析 colleges and universities analysis of accounting statements
高等學校會計 colleges and universities accounting
高等學校負債 colleges and universities liabilities
高等學校財務制度 financial regulations for colleges and universities
附屬單位繳款 payment from the auxiliary organization
對附屬單位補助 grant to the auxiliary organization
財政總預算會計制度 budgetary accounting regulations for public finance
財政總預算會計年終清理 public finance budgetary accounting-year-end checking
財政總預算會計年終結賬 public finance budgetary accounting-year-end sosing
財政總預算會計 public finance budgetary accounting
財政資產 public finance-assets
財政周轉金支出 expenditure on revolvring fund
財政周轉金收入 income from revolving fund
財政周轉基金 public finance-revolving fund
財政支出 public finance expenditure
財政性存款 public finance-cash in bank
資金調撥收入 proceods from allocated and transferred fund
專用基金支出 expenditure on special purpose fund
專用基金收入 proceeds from special purpose fund
專用基金結餘 surplus of special purpose funds
中華人民共和國預算法 the budget law of the people’s Republic of China
資金調撥支出 expenditure on allocated and transeferred fund
財政收入 public finance-revemue
財政淨資產 public finance-net assets
財政負債 public finance-liabilities
財政補助收入 grant from the state
撥入專款 restricted appropriation


