

巴西經濟最新指標main indicators latestEconomy of Brazil

Currency貨幣 1 Real (R$, BRL) = 100 centavos
匯率BRL/USD: 2.13 (Oct 16th, 2006)
GDP ranking排名 9th in the world世界第九位(Wikipedia)世界銀行2006年7月3日公布2005年巴西GDP產值排在世界第14位。
GDP總值 6,055,172,966(2005 est.)
GDPgrowth增長率 2.3% (2005), 3.5 – 4% (2006 est)
GDP per capita人均GDP ,322(2005 estatdso.)
GDP by sectorGDP部門分布 農業agriculture (10.1%) 工業industry (38.6%)服務業services (51.3%) (2004 est.)
Inflation通貨膨脹率 3.74% (2006 est.)
Labour force勞動力 92.860.128 (2004)(占人口50% of pop.)
Labour force by occupation勞動力部門分布 農業agriculture (20%), 工業industry (14%),服務業 services (66%) (2003 est.)
Unemployment失業率 10.7% (Aug 2006 est.)
Main industries主要產業部門 紡織、鞋業、化工、水泥、汽車及配件、機械設備textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, motor vehicles and parts, other machinery and equipment
Trading Partners外貿夥伴
Exports出口額 7 billion f.o.b. (2006)
出口產品 transport equipment, iron ore, soybeans, footwear, coffee, autos
Main partners出口主要貿易夥伴 U.S. 19.2%, Argentina 8.4%, China 5.8%, Netherlands 4.5%, Germany 4.2% (2005)
Imports進口額 billion f.o.b. (2006)
進口產品 machinery, electrical and transport equipment, chemical products, oil
Main Partners進口主要貿易夥伴 U.S. 17.5%, Argentina 8.5%, Germany 8.4%, China 7.3%, Japan 4.6% (2005)
Public finances公共財政
Public debt公 R20 billion (51.6% of GDP) (2005)
External debt外債 US6 billion (Aug 2006 est.)
Revenues收入 0.6 billion (2004)
Expenses支出 2.4 billion (2004)
Economic aid經濟援助 billion (2002)
People & life人民生活
Household income percentage share:家庭收入水平分布 lowest 10%: 0.7%highest 10%: 48% (1998)
Gini index:吉尼指數 59.70 (2004)
Life expectance預期壽命 71.97years
Pop below poverty line貧困線以下人口比例 20% ~4000萬

巴西經濟概覽Economy overview

According to the CIA World Factbook, Brazil has the ninth largest economy in the world at Purchasing power parity as of 2006. Brazil has a diversified middle income economy with wide variations in levels of development. Most large industry is concentrated in the south and south east. The north east is traditionally the poorest part of Brazil, but it is beginning to attract new investment. Brazil embarked on a successful economic stabilization program, the Real Plan (named for the new currency, the real; plural: reais) in July 1994. Inflation, which had reached an annual level of nearly 5,000% at the end of 1993, fell sharply, reaching a low of 2.5% in 1998; it was 6% in 2000. Brazil successfully shifted from an essentially fixed exchange rate regime to a floating regime in January 1999.
巨觀經濟調控Macro-economic trend
卡多斯政府Cardoso 引入憲法改革,實現國有經濟體制向市場化經濟體制的轉變,2003年推行私有化,鋼鐵、通訊等部門向私人和外國資本開放。財政稅收體制改革沒有取得進展。外國直接投資從1994年的190億美元增長到2000年的350億美元。主要外國投資者為美國
The Cardoso administration introduced to Congress a series of constitutional reform proposals to replace a state-dominated economy with a market-oriented one and to restructure all levels of government on a sound fiscal basis. Congress has approved several amendments to open the economy to greater private sector participation, including the involvement of foreign investors. By the end of 2003, Brazil's privatization program, which included the sale of steel and telecommunications firms, had generated proceeds of more thanbillion. Passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Law in mid-2000 improved fiscal discipline at all three levels - federal, state, and municipal - and all three branches of government. Some measures have been adopted to address large deficits in Brazil's pension programs, but more remains to be done. Tax reform - simplification - has been under debate for over 2 years, but there has not yet been sufficient closure for final legislative action. Despite fiscal austerity, the administration has acknowledged the need to invest more in education and health to redress social inequity.
Market opening and economic stabilization have significantly enhanced Brazil's growth prospects. Brazil's trade has almost doubled since 1990. U.S. direct foreign investment has increased from less thanbillion in 1994 to an estimatedbillion through 2000. The United States is the largest foreign investor in Brazil. Upcoming privatizations in the power and banking sectors will likely elicit strong interest from U.S. firms.
農業林業Agriculture and forestry
Brazil is endowed with vast agricultural resources. There are two distinct agricultural areas. The first, comprised of the southern one-half to two-thirds of the country, has a semi-temperate climate and higher rainfall, the better soils, higher technology and input use, adequate infrastructure, and more experienced farmers. It produces most of Brazil's grains and oilseeds and export crops. The other, located in the drought-ridden northeast region and in the Amazon basin, lacks well-distributed rainfall, good soil, adequate infrastructure, and sufficient development capital. Although mostly occupied by subsistence farmers, the latter regions are increasingly important as exporters of forest products, cocoa, and tropical fruits. Central Brazil contains substantial areas of grassland with only scattered trees. The Brazilian grasslands are less fertile than those of North America and are generally more suited for grazing.
During the dictatorship period, agriculture was neglected and exploited as a means of resources for the industry sector and cheap food for the urban population. Until late 1980s export and prices were controlled, with quotas on exports. This has changed since the early 1990s.
Brazilian agriculture is well diversified, and the country is largely self-sufficient in food. Agriculture accounts for 8% of the country's GDP, and employs about one-quarter of the labor force in more than 6 million agricultural enterprises. Brazil is the world's largest producer of sugarcane and coffee, and a net exporter of cocoa, soybeans, orange juice, tobacco, forest products, and other tropical fruits and nuts. Livestock production is important in many parts of the country, with rapid growth in the poultry, pork, and milk industries reflecting changes in consumer tastes. On a value basis, production is 60% field crop and 40% livestock. Brazil is a net exporter of agricultural and food products, which account for about 35% of the country's exports.
Half of Brazil is covered by forests, with the largest rain forest in the world located in the Amazon Basin. Recent migrations into the Amazon and largescale burning of forest areas have placed the international spotlight on the country and damaged Brazil's image. The government has reduced incentives for such activity and is beginning to implement an ambitious environmental plan - and has just adopted an Environmental Crimes Law that requires serious penalties for infractions.
Brazil has the most advanced industrial sector in Latin America. Accounting for one-third of GDP, Brazil's diverse industries range from automobiles, steel and petrochemicals to computers, aircraft, and consumer durables. With the increased economic stability provided by the Plano Real, Brazilian and multinational businesses have invested heavily in new equipment and technology, a large proportion of which has been purchased from U.S. firms.
Brazil has a diverse and sophisticated services industry as well. During the early 1990s, the banking sector accounted for as much as 16% of GDP. Although undergoing a major overhaul, Brazil's financial services industry provides local businesses with a wide range of products and is attracting numerous new entrants, including U.S. financial firms. The São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro stock exchanges are undergoing a consolidation and the reinsurance sector is about to be privatized.【citation needed】
The Brazilian government has undertaken an ambitious program to reduce dependence on imported oil. Imports previously accounted for more than 70% of the country's oil needs but now account for about 33%. Brazil is one of the world's leading producers of hydroelectric power, with a current capacity of about 58,000 megawatts. Existing hydroelectric power provides 92% of the nation's electricity. Two large hydroelectric projects, the 12,600 megawatt Itaipu Dam on the Paraná River--the world's largest dam--and the Tucurui Dam in Para in northern Brazil, are in operation. Brazil's first commercial nuclear reactor, Angra I, located near Rio de Janeiro, has been in operation for more than 10 years. Angra II is under construction and, after years of delays, is about to come on line. An Angra III is planned. The three reactors would have combined capacity of 3,000 megawatts when completed.
Proven mineral resources are extensive. Large iron and manganese reserves are important sources of industrial raw materials and export earnings. Deposits of nickel, tin, chromite, bauxite, beryllium, copper, lead, tungsten, zinc, gold, and other minerals are exploited. High-quality cooking-grade coal required in the steel industry is in short supply.
As of 31 December 2005, there were an estimated 3,304,000 broadband lines in Brazil【3】. Over 95% of the broadband lines were via DSL and the rest via Cable modems.
巴西金融體系Financial system in Brazil
from: Yewco.com
巴西稅收體系Tax system in Brazil
A.所得稅(Imposto de Renda)分企業所得稅、個人所得稅和源頭所得稅三種。
企業所得稅(IRPJ—Imposto de Renda das Pessoas Juridicas);每年分四次徵收,截止時間分別為3月31日、6月30日、9月30日和12月31日。企業所得稅的稅率一般為15%,收入超過一定的水準要交10%的附加稅。
個人所得稅(IRPF—Imposto de Renda das Pessoas Fisicas);月收入在900黑奧以下免交所得稅;月收入有900—1800黑奧之間交15%;月收入在1800黑奧以上交27·5%。任何能產生盈利的商業活動,如買賣房屋、地皮、資產或利息收入等,均應在商業發票中或銀行付息時扣所得稅。
源頭所得稅(IRRF—Imposto de Renda Retido na Fonte):對勞動贏利、金融交易資本所得、利息和佣金的匯出、廣告業收入、彩票贏利等所徵收的稅。此稅稅率和計征基礎各不相同。
B.工業產品稅(IPI—Imposto de Produtos Industrializados):平均稅率為10%。此稅由工業化生產企業交納,若屬進口商品,通關時由進口商交納。工業產品稅屬累進稅。
C.進口稅(II—Imposto da Importacao):根據不同的商品,進口稅率不同。目前平均稅率為17%。一般原材料稅率很低或為零,如耐火材料為5%,資本貨也較低,為5%;日用消費品一般為20—30%左右。
D.出口稅(IE—Imposto da Exportacao):為鼓勵出口,出口稅徵收的範圍極窄。
E.金融操作稅(IOF—Imposto de Operacao Financeira):稅率為2%。此稅對進口商購外匯、銀行信貸、保險、證券交易等業務徵收。
F.臨時金融流通稅(CPMF—Contribuicao de Propriedade Provisoria Sobre Movimentacao Financeira,又稱支票稅):稅率為0·38%。
G.農村土地稅(ITR—Imposto de Propriedade Territorial Rural)根據土地面積與使用程度而異,稅率在0·03%至20%之間。例如,5000公頃以上的土地,使用程度為80%以上稅率為0·45%;如使用程度在30%以下,稅率為20%。
2005、2006年巴西外貿概況Foreign trade overview
出口額 進口額 貿易總額 貿易順差
2006年1-6月份 60 901 41 360 102 261 19 541
2005年1-6月份 53 677 34 023 87 700 19 654
06/05同期比較% 13.5 21.6 16.6 -0.6

巴西綜合競爭力世界排名Core-competence Rank in the world

2006年巴西綜合競爭力排名第52位Core-competence Ranks No.52 in 2006
IMD排名IMD Rank system
瑞士洛桑國際發展管理學院(IMD) 在5月10日公布的《2006年度世界競爭力年鑑》資料顯示,巴西2006年的綜合競爭力排名第52位,比2005年的第51位下降一位。構成巴西排名下降的主要原因是2005年GDP增幅僅為2.3%,遠低於4.24%的全球平均增長速度。2003年和2004年分別排在第52位和第53位,歷史上的最好排名是2002年的第37位。
世界銀行排名World Bank System
2006年巴西貿易環境世界排名第121位Doing Business in Brazil Ranks No.121
Appendix I:2006年巴西經濟發展狀況與未來展望
原文:Brazil’s Presidential Election: Background on Economic Issues
by Mark Weisbrot and Luis Sandoval from Center for Economic and Policy Research, USA.
作者:美國經濟與政策研究中心主任Mark Weisbrot。
一、巴西遠期經濟成長速度下降The Long-Term Growth Slowdown
二、貨幣與匯率政策Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy
2000年以來巴西中央銀行短期拆借利率(Selic rate)。
三、就業、工資與貧困Employment, Wages, and Poverty
四、經濟未來展望Future Prospects for the Economy
Appendix II:Real USD exchange rate history巴西匯率變化表
Source: http://www.exchangerate.com/past_rates.html
= Brazil Real / US Dollar, BRL/USD
year Date Exchange rate remark
200l Jan l5th 1.948268
Jun l5th 2.413140
Dec l7th 2.369648
2002 Jan l5th 2.381275
Jun l7th 2.691029
Dec l7th 3.586311
2003 Jan l5th 3.319148
Jun l7th 2.871653
Dec l5th 2.920131
2004 Jan l5th 2.807519
Jun l5th 3.126194
Dec l5th 2.733182
2005 Jan l8th 2.700453
Jun l5th 2.443021
Dec l5th 2.297121
2006 Jan l6th 2.274769
Feb l5th 2.129432
Mar l5th 2.125023
Apr l7th 2.135655
May l5th 2.169944
Jun l5th 2.262706
Jul l7th 2.213599
Aug l5th 2.147666
Sep l5th 2.155482
Oct l6th 2.132532



