

王國瑾,1944 年出生於上海,浙江紹興人。浙江大學教授,套用數學學科博士生導師,中國幾何設計與計算傑出貢獻獎與教育部科技進步二等獎獲得者。我國著名同聲傳譯專家王若瑾教授之弟。 他解決了第一屆國際CAGD會議上的公開問題——幾何樣條逼近的收斂性證明與算法;把英國飛機設計系統的曲線推廣到任意次數,被國際上稱為Wang-Ball曲線;改進了美國專家關於曲線離散求交的終判法則;提出了NURBS曲線的直觀幾何定義;給出了關鍵幀動畫的幾何內在解法、有理曲線高階導矢多項式逼近的收斂性、過空間給定曲線的等參曲面束方程、有理圓錐曲線逆映射與充要條件,以及離散測地線的高速算法;並在曲線曲面的等距、降階、線性、區間、細分、漸進疊代等幾何逼近以及幾何處理等方面給出一系列重要結果。



王國瑾,浙江大學數學學院教授,套用數學學科博士生導師,1944年生於上海,浙江紹興人。1968年在浙江大學套用數學專業畢業,1970至1978年在機械工業部屬無錫工廠工作,1981年在浙江大學計算機輔助幾何設計與圖形學專業獲碩士學位,畢業後留校任教。1991年起在美國 Brigham Young 大學訪問研究2年,2002年起3次赴香港科技大學訪問研究。


主持完成 9 項並主持進行 1 項國家自然科學基金面上項目,以第 2 參與人完成 2 項國家自然科學基金重點項目。出版專著 2 部(均第 1 作者,共 152.8 萬字;2001,2015),以第一作者或通訊作者發表論文 239 篇,其中在SIGGRAPH發表 2 篇,在CAGD發表 13 篇,在CAD發表 11 篇,在GMIP,C&G,CGF,CI,JCAM,JAT,COMPUT,JACM,AML,CMA,MCM等國際刊物發表 66 篇,在中國科學等國內刊物發表 134 篇,另在國際會議發表 12 篇;有 85 篇被SCI摘錄,另有 104 篇被EI摘錄。

百度學術網站檢索表明,其專著已被國內外同行引用 530 多次,其論文已被國內外同行引用 3670 多次,共有 12 篇論文分別被引用 55 次以上,其 H 指數為 29 (含自引的統計)或 26 (不含自引的統計)。

在科研的同時致力於人才培養,為浙江大學 3 個系科的研究生講授學位課程《計算幾何》長達 28 年,至2017年已指導 26 名博士生與 27 名碩士生畢業。











1991/10/1-1993/10/1,美國Brigham Young大學,訪問國際頂級的計算機圖形專家 T.W.Sederberg,進行合作研究

2002/1/2 - 2002/2/25, 香港科技大學計算機系,合作研究

2003/1/2 - 2003/2/25, 香港科技大學計算機系,合作研究

2004/1/5 - 2004/2/28, 香港科技大學計算機系,合作研究







《Journalof Information and Computational Science》、

《AppliedMathematics, Journal of Chinese Universities》、






講授全校性的研究生學位課程《計算幾何》28 年


指導 60名本科生畢業論文

指導 26名博士生畢業(5名已成教授),27 名碩士生畢業, 參與指導多名博士生和碩士生

指導 1 名博士生在讀


主持進行國家自然科學基金項目 1 項

主持完成國家自然科學基金項目 9 項

以第二成員完成國家自然科學基金重點項目 1 項

主持完成國家重點基礎研究973項目子項目 1 項

以第二負責人完成國家自然科學基金重點項目 1 項

參加完成國家重點基礎研究973項目 2 項

主持完成浙江省自然科學基金項目 1 項

參加完成國家自然科學基金項目 3 項

參加完成國家自然科學創新研究群體基金項目 1 項

參加或主持完成橫向課題項目 3 項


1. 國家自然科學基金項目(61572430)



2. 國家自然科學基金項目(61070065)



3. 國家自然科學基金重點項目(60933007)



4. 國家自然科學基金項目(60873111)



5. 國家自然科學基金項目(60673031)



6. 國家重點基礎研究項目(973)(2004CB719400)




7. 國家自然科學基金重點項目(60333010)



8. 國家自然科學基金項目(60373033)



9. 國家重點基礎研究項目(973)(2002CB312101)




10. 國家自然科學基金項目(60173034)



11. 國家自然科學創新研究群體基金項目(60021201)



12. 國家自然科學基金項目(69973041)



13. 國家重點基礎研究項目(973)(G1998030600)




14. 國家自然科學基金項目(69924042)



15. 浙江省自然科學基金項目(698025)



16. 國家自然科學基金項目(69673029)



17. 國家自然科學基金項目(69473040)



18. 國家自然科學基金項目(18971073)



19. 國家自然科學基金項目(1880467)



20. 國家自然科學基金項目(數85226)



21. 航天部西安603所基金項目



22. 航天部成都飛機公司基金項目



23. 交通部基金項目




計算機輔助幾何設計(Computer Aided Geometric Design)

計算機圖形/圖象(ComputerGraphics and Images)



數字幾何信號處理(Digital Geometric Signal Processing)


套用逼近論(AppliedApproximation Theory)

離散微分幾何(DiscreteDifferential Geometry)


1. 中國幾何設計與計算傑出貢獻獎(個人),2016


2. “計算機輔助參數曲線曲面設計的理論研究”

獲教育部科技進步二等獎(王國瑾, 汪國昭, 鄭建民, 呂偉, 胡事民),1999

3. “船舶振動預報程式系統(SVPP)”

獲交通部科技進步二等獎(上海船舶運輸科學研究所, 王國瑾, 金通洸),1989

4. 陸增鏞CAD&CG(計算機輔助設計與圖形學)高科技獎一等獎(個人),2002

5. “幾何計算與幾何逼近最最佳化”

獲浙江省高等學校科研成果二等獎(王國瑾, 辛士慶, 胡倩倩),2010

6. “計算機輔助幾何設計算法理論的研究”

獲浙江省教委科技進步二等獎(王國瑾, 汪國昭),1994

7. “計算機輔助設計中NURBS造型及變形技術的研究”

獲浙江省教委科技進步二等獎(王國瑾, 汪國昭, 唐志豐),1998

8. “逼近論在CAGD和分形幾何中的套用”

獲浙江省高等學校科研成果二等獎(章仁江, 王國瑾, 謝庭藩),2007

9. 巨人優秀教師獎(個人),1995

10. 東方通信一等獎(個人),1998

11. 中興通訊科研獎(個人),1999

12. 微軟思源工程獎(個人),2004

13. 浙江大學研究生教育獎 2 次,1986,1987

14. 浙江大學教育研究成果獎(個人),1985


1. 王國瑾, 汪國昭, 鄭建民, 《計算機輔助幾何設計》 ,北京:高等教育--施普林格出版社,2001年7月

2.王國瑾, 劉利剛,《幾何計算,逼近與處理》,北京:科學出版社,2015年2月

專著 2 專著 2
專著 1 專著 1


1. 王國瑾, “KURGLA I”逼近的收斂性, 浙江大學學報, 1981,15(3): 92~99

2. 王國瑾, 圓柱螺線逼近及其收斂性定理,浙江大學學報, 1981, 15(3): 123~140

3. 王國瑾, 高次 Ball 曲線及其幾何性質,高校套用數學學報, 1987, 2(1): 126~140

4. 王國瑾, 《計算幾何》講授法初探, 浙江研究生教育, 1987, (1),No.1, 43~44

5. 梁友棟, 金通洸, 王國瑾, 李善慶, 培養套用理科人才的體會, 浙江大學教育研究, 1988, (1-2): 20~22, 34

6. 金通洸, 王國瑾,曲面離散造型的切割磨光法, 高校套用數學學報, 1988, 3(1): 5~15

7. 王國瑾, 圓弧曲線的有理3次Bernstein基表示, 高校套用數學學報, 1988, 3(2): 237~248

8. 王國瑾, 金通洸, 多重動態子結構分析的計算機繪圖原理及其程式實現, 自動化學報, 1989, 15(1): 80~83

9. 王國瑾,鏇轉曲面的有理 Bernstein- Bézier 表示,高校套用數學學報, 1989,4(2): 157~171

10. 王國瑾,Ball曲線曲面的離散求交, 工程數學學報, 1989, 6(3): 56~62

11. 王國瑾,鏇轉曲面CAD的有理B樣條方法, 軟體學報, 1990, 1(4): 24~39

12. Guojin Wang and Wei Xu, The termination criterion for subdivision of the rational Bézier curves, CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, 1991, 53(1): 93~96

13. Guojin Wang, Rational cubic circular arcs and their application in CAD, Computers in Industry, 1991, 16(3): 283~288

14. Guojin Wang, Generating NURBS curves by envelopes, Computing, 1992, 48(3-4): 275~289

15. Guojin Wang and Guozhao Wang, The rational cubic Bézier representation of conics, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 1992, 9(6): 447~455

16. 王國瑾,三次NURB曲線的一個轉換公式, 浙江大學學報(自然科學版), 1992, 26(6): 627~636

17. Thomas W. Sederberg, Peisheng Gao, Guojin Wang and Hong Mu, 2-D shape blending: an intrinsic solution to the vertex path problem, SIGGRAPH'93 Conference Proceedings, Computer Graphics, 1993, 27(4): 15~18

18. Barton T. Stander, Thomas W. Sederberg, Robert P. Burton and Guojin Wang, Approximating rational surfaces using polynomial surfaces, Computer Aided Drafting, Design and Manufacturing, 1993, 3(2): 1~7

19. Thomas W. Sederberg and Guojin Wang, A simple verification of the implicitization formulae for Bézier curves, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 1994, 11(2): 225~228

20. Guojin Wang and Thomas W. Sederberg, Computing areas bounded by rational Bézier curves, Computer Aided Drafting, Design and Manufacturing, 1994, 4(2): l8~27

21. Guozhao Wang and Guojin Wang, Higher order derivatives of a rational Bézier curve, CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, l995, 57(3): 246~253

22. Takafumi Saito, Guojin Wang and Thomas W. Sederberg, Hodographs and normals of rational curves and surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 1995, 12(4): 417~430

23. 王國瑾,NURBS曲線相關積分量的計算方法, 軟體學報, “計算機圖形學專輯”, 1996, 7(9): 542~546

24. 唐志豐, 王國瑾,基於圖象輪廓特徵線的MORPHING,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, “計算機圖形學專輯”, 1996, 8(增刊): 88~93

25. 王國瑾, CONSURF系統中機身造型曲線的若干幾何性質,高校套用數學學報, 1997, 12A(1): 1~8

26. Guojin Wang, Thomas W. Sederberg and Takafumi Saito, Partial derivatives of rational Bézier surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 1997, 14(4): 377~381

27. Guojin Wang, Thomas W. Sederberg and Falai Chen, On the convergence of polynomial approximation of rational functions, Journal of Approximation Theory, 1997, 89(3): 267~288

28. Shimin Hu, Guojin Wang and Jiaguang Sun, A type of triangular Ball surface and its properties, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 1998, 13(1): 63~72

29. 壽華好, 王國瑾,圓弧曲線的有理四次Bernstein基表示,高校套用數學學報, 1998, 13A(2): 233~238

30. 王國瑾, 王振武, 壽華好, B樣條曲面在嚴格約束狀態下的光順擬合, 軟體學報, 1998, 9(9): 696~698

31. 劉利剛, 王國瑾,基於內在變數的空間三角格線的形狀混合, 計算機學報, 1998, 21(9): 850~854

32. 壽華好, 王國瑾,區間曲線曲面與Offset曲線曲面的關係, 工程圖學學報, 1998, 19(3): 55~59

33. 陳焜, 王國瑾,CFFD方法及其在人臉變形中的套用, 中國計算機圖形學的新發展, (Chinagraph'98論文集), 唐澤聖等主編,清華大學出版社, 1998, 223~228

34. 王國瑾, 曲面造型技術的現狀和發展趨勢,計算機世界,第36期D版(技術專題), 1998. 9, D12~D13

35. 壽華好, 王國瑾,區間Bézier曲線的邊界,高校套用數學學報,幾何設計'97會議論文集,1998, 13A(增刊): 37~44

36. 陳動人, 王國瑾,簡單曲面的頂點對應算法及其關鍵幀動畫實現,高校套用數學學報, 幾何設計'97會議論文集, 1998, 13A(增刊): 111~l16

37. Guojin Wang and Thomas W. Sederberg, Verifying the implicitization formulae for degree n rational Bézier curves, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 1999, 17(1): 33~40

38. Ligang Liu and Guojin Wang, Three-dimensional shape blending: intrinsic solutions to spatial interpolation problems, Computers & Graphics, 1999, 23(4): 535~545

39. 王國瑾, 陳國棟, 劉利剛, 壽華好, 形位公差的計算幾何模型, 中國學術期刊文摘, 2000, 6(2): 241~244

40. Ligang Liu and Guojin Wang, Recursive formulae for Hermite polynomial approximation to rational Bézier curves, Proceedings of Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000 (April 10-12, 2000, Hong Kong), Edited by Ralph Martin and Wenping Wang, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2000: 190~197

41. 陳國棟, 王國瑾, 帶端點插值條件的 Bézier 曲線降多階逼近, 軟體學報, 2000, 11(9): 1202~1206

42. 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 壽華好, 區間 Bézier 曲面逼近, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2000, 12(9): 645~650

43. 陳國棟, 王國瑾, 有理等距曲線的C2-Hermite插值, 工程圖學學報, 2000, 21(3): 64~69

44. 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 基於球面三角格線逼近的等距曲面逼近算法, 工程圖學學報, 2000, 21(3): 70~75

45. 陳動人, 王國瑾,基於非線性規劃解的雙圓柱螺線樣條的局部構造, 工程圖學學報, 2000, 21(3): 76~82

46. Chen Guodong and Wang Guojin, Integral computation relating to rational curves with approximate degree reduction, Progress in Natural Science, 2000, 10(11): 851~858

47. Guojin Wang, Guodong Chen, Ligang Liu and Huahao Shou, The overview of offset research, Proceedings of International Symposium on Teaching and Applications of Engineering Mathematics (ISTAEM: January 8-11, 2001, Hong Kong), Printed by the Reprogrraphic Unit, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2001: 247~250

48. Wang Guojin and Cheng Min, New algorithms for evaluating parametric surface, Progress in Natural Science, 2001, 11(2): 142~148

49. 陳國棟, 王國瑾, 基於廣義逆矩陣的 Bézier 曲線降階逼近, 軟體學報, 2001, 12(3): 435~439

50. Liu Ligang and Wang Guojin, Two types of polynomial approximation to rational surfaces and their convergence, Journal of Software, 2001,12(5): 650~655

51. 張宏鑫, 王國瑾, 保持幾何連續性的曲線形狀調配, 高校套用數學學報, 2001,16A(2): 187~194

52. 陳國棟, 王國瑾, 五次PH曲線的Hermite插值, 軟體學報, 2001, 12(10): 1569~1572

53. 陳國棟, 王國瑾, 三次PH曲線偶的C1-Hermite插值, 計算機研究與發展, 2002, 39(1): 110~113

54. 壽華好, 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 基於劉徽割圓術的等距曲線逼近, 高校套用數學學報, 2002,17A(1): 105~112

55. Shou H., Martin R., Voiculescu I., Bowyer A. and Wang Guojin, Affine arithmetic in matrix form for polynomial evaluation and algebraic curve drawing, Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(1): 77~81

56. Chen Guodong and Wang Guojin, Multi-degree reduction of tensor product Bézier surfaces with conditions of corners interpolations, SCIENCE IN CHINA, Series F,2002, 45(1): 51~58

陳國棟, 王國瑾, 帶角點插值條件的張量積Bézier曲面降多階, 中國科學(E輯), 2002, 32(3): 386~392

57. 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 基於控制頂點偏移的等距曲線最優逼近, 軟體學報, 2002, 13(3): 398~403

58. Chen Dongren and Wang Guojin, Developable Bézier function surfaces, Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(5): 383~387

59. Guodong Chen and Guojin Wang, Optimal multi-degree reduction of Bézier curves with constraints of endpoints continuity, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2002, 19(6): 365~377

60. Ligang Liu and Guojin Wang, Explicit matrix representation for NURBS curves and surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2002, 19(6): 409~419

61. R. Martin, Huahao Shou, I. Voiculescu, A. Bowyer and Guojin Wang, Comparison of interval methods for plotting algebraic curves, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2002, 19(7): 553~587

62. Zhang Hongxin and Wang Guojin, Honeycomb subdivision, Journal of Software, 2002, 13(7): 1199~1208

63. Hongwei Lin, Ligang Liu and Guojin Wang, Boundary evaluation for interval Bézier curves, Computer-Aided Design, 2002, 34(9): 637~646

64. 陳國棟, 成敏, 王國瑾, 基於參數速度逼近的等距曲線有理逼近, 計算機學報, 2002, 25(9): 1001~1007

65. 張宏鑫, 王國瑾, 半靜態回插細分方法, 軟體學報, 2002, 13(9): 1830~1839

66. Zhang Hongxin and Wang Guojin, Semi-stationary subdivision operators in geometric modeling, Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(10): 772~776

67. Hongwei Lin and Guojin Wang, Interval B-Spline curve evaluation bounding point cloud, Proceedings of 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (October 9-11, 2002, Beijing), (Poster Session), Edited by S. Coquillart, H-Y, Shum and S-M, Hu, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, 2002, 424~425

68. Huahao Shou, R. Martin, Guojin Wang, I. Voiculescu and A. Bowyer, Affine arithmetic and Bernstein hull methods for algebraic curve drawing, in “Uncertainty in Geometric Computations”, Edited by J. Winkler and M. Niranjan, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2002: 143~154

69. Zhang Ren-Jiang and Wang Guo-Jin, Improvement of the termination criterion for subdivision of the rational Bézier curves, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, 2003, 4(1): 47~52

70. 陳動人, 王國瑾, 基於偽直母線的複雜曲面自適應分片與展開, 軟體學報, 2003, 14(3): 660~665

71. Zhang Jingjiao and Wang Guojin, Curve interpolation based on Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme, Progress in Natural Science, 2003, 13(2): 142~148

72. 藺宏偉, 王國瑾, 光滑曲面上的 G1 插值曲線,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2003, 15(5): 541~546

73. 陳動人, 王國瑾, 可展 Bézier 參數曲面,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2003, 15(5): 570~575

74. 潘永娟, 王國瑾,一類平面參數曲線的保單調插值, 軟體學報, 2003, 14(8): 1439~1447

75. Huahao Shou, Hongwei Lin, R. Martin and Guojin Wang, Modified affine arithmetic is more accurate than centered interval arithmetic or affine arithmetic, In: Michael J. Wilson and Ralph R. Martin Eds., Mathematics of Surface X, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2768, ISBN 3-540-20053-3, ISSN 0302-9743, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003: 355~365

76. Hongxin Zhang and Guojin Wang, Analytical properties of semi-stationary subdivision schemes, Eds. by Falai Chen and Dongming Wang , Geometric Computation, Lecture Notes Series on Computing -Vol. 11 , ISBN 981-238-799-4, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore/New Jersey, Mar. 2004, 191~208

77. 章仁江,王國瑾,有理Bézier曲線離散終判準則的改進,軟體學報, 2003, 14(10): 1813~1818

78. 張景嶠,王國瑾, 鄭建民 ,基於非均勻Catmull-Clark細分方法的曲線插值, 軟體學報, 2003, 14(12): 2082~2091

79. 解本懷,王國瑾, 參數曲線導矢界估計及在曲線繪製中的套用, 軟體學報, 2003, 14(12): 2106~2112

80. 藺宏偉, 王國瑾, 三維帶符號的歐氏距離變換及其套用, 計算機學報, 2003, 26(12): 1645~1651

81. Hong-Wei Lin, Chiew-Lan Tai and Guo-Jin Wang, A mesh reconstruction algorithm driven by intrinsic property of point cloud, Computer-Aided Design, 2004, 36(1): 1~9

82. 王國瑾, 蔣素榮, 兩類新的廣義Ball 曲線曲面的求值算法及其套用, 套用數學學報, 2004, 27(1): 52~63

83. 王國瑾, 胡倩倩, 一類有理Bézier曲線及其求積求導的多項式逼近, 高校套用數學學報, 2004, 19A(1): 89~96

84. Cheng Min and Wang Guojin, Multi-degree reduction of NURBS curves based on polynomial approximation theory and explicit matrix representation, SCIENCE IN CHINA, Series F,2004, 47(1): 44~54

成敏, 王國瑾, 基於顯式矩陣表示和多項式逼近論的NURBS曲線降多階, 中國科學(E輯), 2003, 33(8): 673~680

85. Lin Hongwei, Wang Guojin and Dong Chenshi, Constructing iterative non-uniform B-spline curve and surface to fit data points, SCIENCE IN CHINA, Series F, 2004, 47(3): 315~331

藺宏偉,王國瑾, 董辰世, 用疊代B-spline曲線曲面擬合給定點集, 中國科學(E輯), 2003, 33(10): 912~923

86. Chen Dongrenand Wang Guojin, Developable algebraic surfaces, Progress in Natural Science, 2004, 14(3): 262~268

87. Renjiang Zhang and Guojin Wang, Some estimates of the height of rational Bernstein-Bézier triangular surfaces, Proceedings of Geometric Modeling and Processing 2004 (April 13-15, 2004, Beijing), Edited by Shi-Min Hu and Helmut Pottmann, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2004: 79~84

88. Guo-Jin Wang, Kai Tang and Chiew-Lan Tai, Parametric representations of the surface pencil with a same spatial geodesic, Computer-Aided Design, 2004, 36(5): 447~459

89. Pan Yongjuan and Wang Guojin,A new method for automatically constructing convexity-preserving interpolatory splines, Progress in Natural Science, 2004, 14(6): 524~535

90. 章仁江,王國瑾,參數曲面用插值三角平面片逼近的誤差估計, 計算數學, 2004, 26(2): 169~178

91. 蔣素榮, 王國瑾, 任意偶數次Said-Ball基的對偶基的套用, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2004, 16(7): 950~952

92. Huahao Shou, Hongwei Lin, R. Martin and Guojin Wang, Modified affine arithmetic in tensor form, The Proceedings of International Symposium on Computing and Information (ISC&I, August 15-18, 2004, Zhuhai, China), Edited by Ren-Hong Wang and Xiao-Nan Luo, CIC Media Ltd., Hong Kong, Aug., 2004: 642~646

93. Chiew-Lan Tai and Guo-Jin Wang, Interpolation with slackness and continuity control and convexity-preservation using singular blending, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2004, 172(2): 337~361

94. 潘永娟, 王國瑾, a-非均勻B樣條曲線的保單調插值,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2004, 16(10): 1386~1395

95. 張景嶠,王國瑾, 細分蒙皮曲面, 計算機研究與發展, 2004, 41(11): 2006~2011

96. Huahao Shou, R. Martin, Guojin Wang, A. Bowyer and I. Voiculescu, A recursive Taylor method for algebraic curves and surfaces, Proceeding of Computational methods for algebraic spline surfaces (COMPASS: September 29 - October 3, 2003, Schloß Weinberg, Kefermarkt, Austria), Edited by Tor Dokken and Bert Jüttler, Springer–Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004, 135~154

97. Renjiang Zhang and Guojin Wang, The proof of Hermann’s conjecture, Applied mathematics letter, 2004, 17(12): 1387~1390

98. 蔣素榮, 王國瑾, 一類廣義Ball 曲線的對偶基及其兩種套用方法, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2004, 38(12): 1570~1574

99. 蔣素榮, 王國瑾, Bézier曲線到Wang-Ball曲線的轉換矩陣及其套用, 計算機學報, 2005, 28(1): 75~80

100. Su-Rong Jiang and Guo-Jin Wang, Conversion and evaluation for two types of parametric surfaces constructed by NTP bases, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,2005, 49(2-3): 321~329

101. 陳笑, 王國瑾, 等距曲線的圓域Bézier逼近, 軟體學報, 2005, 16(4): 616~624

102. Hongwei Lin, Wei Chen and Guojin Wang, Curve reconstruction based on an interval B-spline curve, The Visual Computer, 2005, 21(6): 418~427

103. Zhang Lei and Wang Guo-Jin, Computation of lower derivatives of rational triangular Bézier surfaces and their bounds estimation, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2005, 6(Suppl. I): 108~115

104. Hong-Wei Lin, Hu-Jun Bao and Guo-Jin Wang, Totally positive bases and progressive iteration approximation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2005, 50(3-4): 575~586

105. Hu Qianqian and Wang Guojin, Geometric meanings of the parameters on rational conic segments, SCIENCE IN CHINA, Series A, 2005, 48(9): 1209~1222

胡倩倩, 王國瑾, 有理圓錐曲線段的參數的幾何意義,中國科學(A輯),2005, 35(5): 513~525

106. Zhang Renjiang and Wang Guojin, Constrained Bézier curves’ best multi-degree reduction in the L2-norm, Progress in Natural Science, 2005, 15(9): 843~850

107. Ren-Jiang Zhang and Guojin Wang, A Note on the paper in CAGD (2004, 21(2), 181-191), Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2005, 22(9): 815~817

108. 方惠蘭, 王國瑾, 三角格線上離散曲率估計方法的比較和分析, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2005, 17(11): 2500~2507

109. Xin-Wang Zhang and Guo-Jin Wang, Poisson developable surfaces, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2005, 2(2): 415~419

110. Renjiang Zhang, Ligang Liu, Guojin Wang and Weiyin Ma, Construction of cubic triangular patches with C1-continuity around a corner, International Journal of CAD/CAM, 2006, 6(1): 145~152

111. Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu and Guojin Wang, Non-iterative global mesh smoothing with feature preservation, International Journal of CAD/CAM, 2006, 6(1): 85~93

112. Ren-Jiang Zhang and Guojin Wang, Sharp bounds on the approximation of a Bézier polynomial by its quasi control polygon, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2006, 23(1): 1~16

113. 任紹忠, 王國瑾, 曲線曲面擬合中型值點參數的最最佳化, 中國圖象圖形學報, 2006, 11(1): 96~102

114. 張興旺,王國瑾, 球域Bézier曲線的邊界, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2006, 40(2): 197~201

115. 章仁江, 王國瑾, 繞一個角點的Bézier三角片C1-連續拼接的新方法, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2006, 18(3): 385~389

116. 李宏坤, 王國瑾, 劉利剛, NURBS曲面上積分曲率線的B樣條表示, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2006, 18(3): 390~395

117. Xu Huixia and Wang Guojin, Multiple products of B-splines used in CAD system, Progress in Natural Science, 2006, 16(4): 425~430

118. 計忠平, 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 無局部自交的軸變形新方法, 計算機學報, 2006, 29(5): 828~834

119. 任紹忠, 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 保特徵形狀過渡的伸縮內在量算法, 中國圖象圖形學報, 2006, 11(Suppl.): 147~154

120. Huahao Shou, Wenhao Song, Jie Shen, Ralph Martin and Guojin Wang, A Recursive Taylor method for ray casting algebraic surfaces, Proceedings of The 2006 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (CGVR’06: June 26-29, 2006, Las Vegas, USA), Publisher: CSREA Press, USA, ISBN: 1-932415-85-8, 196~202

121. Lei Zhang, Ligang Liu, Zhongping Ji and Guojin Wang, Manifold parameterization, Proceedings of 24th Computer Graphics International Conference (June 26-28, 2006, Hangzhou, China), Edited by Tomoyuki Nishita, Qunsheng Peng and Hans-Peter Seidel, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 4035: 160~171

122. Xu Hui-Xia and Wang Guo-Jin, New method for distinguishing planar rational cubic B-spline curve segments as monotone curvature variation, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2006, 7(Suppl. II): 165~173

123. 陳軍, 王國瑾, 利用形狀參數構造保凸插值的雙曲多項式樣條曲線, 計算機研究與發展, 2006, 43(7): 1216~1224

124. Huahao Shou, Hongwei Lin, R. Martin and Guojin Wang, Modified affine arithmetic in tensor form for trivariate polynomial evaluation and algebraic surface plotting, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2006, 195(1-2): 155~171

125. Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Zhonggui Chen and Guojin Wang, Easy mesh cutting, Proceedings of Eurographics (September 4-8, 2006, Vienna, Austria), Computer Graphics Forum, 2006, 25(3): 283~291

126. Cheng Min and Wang Guo-Jin, Rational offset approximation of rational Bézier curves, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2006, 7(9): 1561~1565

127. 壽華好, 王國瑾, 沈傑,區間算術和仿射算術的研究與套用,中國圖象圖形學報, 2006, 11(10): 1351~1358

128. 陳軍, 王國瑾, 保單調插值的奇異混合三角/雙曲B樣條, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2006, 40(10): 1675~1681

129. Lin Hongwei, Wang Guojin, Liu Ligang and Bao Hujun, Parameterization for fitting triangular mesh, Progress in Natural Science, 2006, 16(11): 1214~1221

130. 成敏, 王國瑾, 均勻B樣條基與DP-NTP基之間的顯式轉換與套用, 軟體學報, 2006, 17(Suppl.): 38~45

131. Zhang Xin-Wang and Wang Guo-Jin, A new algorithm for designing developable Bézier surfaces ,Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2006, 7(12): 2050~2056

132. 張磊, 王國瑾, 有理三角B-B曲面多項式逼近的一個有效算法, 計算機學報, 2006, 29(12): 2151~2162

133. 王維國, 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 三次Bézier曲線間的幾何延拓算法, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2006, 18(12): 1911~1917

134. Renjiang Zhang and Guojin Wang, The sharp upper bound on the distance between a parametric patch and its interpolated triangle, SCIENCE IN CHINA, Series F, 2008, 51(2): 113~119

章仁江, 王國瑾, 三角片逼近其插值參數曲面的緊上界, 中國科學(E輯), 2006, 36(12) : 1414~1420

135. 計忠平, 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 基於局部多項式擬合的格線簡化算法, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2006, 40(12): 2083~2087

136. 計忠平, 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 基於割角的保特徵的格線簡化算法, 計算機研究與發展, 2006, 43(12): 2144~2151

137. 王國瑾, 以專著為教材啟發創新能力強化知識結構, 浙江研究生教育, 2006, (1), No.27, 22~24

138. 任紹忠, 劉利剛, 王國瑾, 保細節的平面形狀編輯, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2007, 19(1): 42~47

139. Qian-Qian Hu and Guo-Jin Wang, Necessary and sufficient conditions for rational quartic representation of conic sections, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2007, 203(1): 190~208

140. Hong-Yan Zhao and Guo-Jin Wang, Error analysis of reparameterization based approaches for curve offsetting, Computer-Aided Design, 2007, 39(2): 142~148

141. 章仁江, 王國瑾, 蔣素榮, 用割角多邊形產生Bernstein-Bézier曲線的更小包圍域, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2007, 41(6): 941~944

142. 成敏, 王國瑾, NURBS曲面顯式降多階逼近, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2007, 41(6): 945~949

143. Zhonggui Chen, Ligang Liu, Zhenyue Zhang and Guojin Wang, Surface parameterization via aligning optimal local flattening, Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM’07: June 4-6, 2007, Beijing, China), 2007: 291~296

144. Renjiang Zhang, Guojin Wang and Weiyin Ma, Best multi-degree reduction of Bernstein polynomial in L2-norm based on an explicit termination criterion, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, CAD Solutions Co. Ltd., 2007, 4(1-4): 181~190

145. Qian-Qian Hu and Guo-Jin Wang, Explicit multi-degree reduction of Said-Bézier generalized Ball curves with endpoints constraints, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2007, 4(2): 533~543

146. Hong-Yan Zhao and Guo-Jin Wang, Shape control of cubic H-Bézier curve by moving control point, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2007, 4(2): 871~878

147. Hong-Yan Zhao and Guo-Jin Wang, A new approach for designing rational Bézier surfaces from a given geodesic, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2007, 4(2): 879~887

148. Pan Yong-Juan and Wang Guo-Jin, Convexity-preserving interpolation of trigonometric polynomial curves with a shape parameter, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2007, 8(8): 1199~1209

149. Xu Huixia and Wang Guojin, Hodograph computation and bound estimation for rational B-spline curves, Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 17(8): 988~992

150. Hu Qianqian and Wang Guojin, A novel algorithm for explicit optimal multi-degree reduction of triangular surfaces, SCIENCE IN CHINA, Series F, 2008, 51(1): 13~24

胡倩倩,王國瑾, 三角曲面顯式最佳降多階的一個新穎算法, 中國科學(E輯), 2007, 37(8) : 989~999

151. Qianqian Hu and Guojin Wang, Rational quartic Said-Ball conics, The Proceedings of 3rd Korea-China Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing 2007 (Aug 22-24, 2007, Seoul, Korea), Edited by Tae-Wan Kim and Hongbin Zha, Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, Seoul, Korea, 2007: 94~102

152. Ligang Liu, Chiew-Lan Tai, Zhongping Ji and Guojin Wang, Non-iterative approach for global mesh optimization, Computer-Aided Design, 2007, 39(9): 772~782

153. Cai Hong-Jie and Wang Guo-Jin, Constrained multi-degree reduction of rational Bézier curves using reparameterization, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2007, 8(10): 1650~1656

154. 王國瑾, 喻春明, Bézier曲線約束降多階的算法分析與比較, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2007, 41(11): 1805~1809

155. Cheng Min and Wang Guo-Jin, Shape blending of artistic brushstroke represented by disk B-spline curves, Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 17(12): 1501~1507

156. Shi-Qing Xin and Guo-Jin Wang, Efficiently determining a locally exact shortest path on polyhedral surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, 2007, 39(12): 1081~1090

157. Qian-Qian Hu and Guo-Jin Wang, Improved bounds on partial derivatives of rational triangular Bézier surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, 2007, 39(12): 1113~1119

158. Zhao Hong-Yan and Wang Guo-Jin, A new method for designing a developable surface utilizing the surface pencil through a given curve, Progress in Natural Science, 2008, 18(1): 105~110

159. Guo-Jin Wang and Chiew-Lan Tai, On the convergence of hybrid polynomial approximation to higher derivatives of rational curves, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008, 214(1): 163~174

160. Qian-Qian Hu and Guo-Jin Wang, Optimal multi-degree reduction of triangular Bézier surfaces with corners continuity in the normL2 ,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008, 215(1): 114~126

161. Jie Chen and Guojin Wang, Construction of triangular DP surface and its application, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008, 219(1): 312~326

162. Cheng Min and Wang Guojin, Approximate merging of multiple Bézier segments based on matrix operation, Progress in Natural Science, 2008, 18(6): 757~762

163. 陳軍, 王國瑾, 2次有理Bézier曲線的最優參數化, 計算機研究與發展, 2008, 45(9): 1601~1604

164. 胡倩倩, 王國瑾, 球域Bézier曲面邊界的精確表示及其逼近, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2008, 42(11): 1906~1909

165. 張磊,劉利剛,王國瑾, 保相似的格線參數化方法, 中國圖象圖形學報, 2008, 13(12): 2383~2387

166. Yu Liu and Guo-Jin Wang, Best Constrained Multi-degree Reduction of WSGB Curves in L2- norm, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2008, 5(6): 2619~2628

167. 田奕豐, 王國瑾, 有理三次圓弧的標準正交基與廣義Ball基表示, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2009, 43(1): 1~7

168. 陳中貴, 劉利剛,王國瑾, 基於全局最佳化的圖象塊填充修複方法, 計算機研究與發展, 2009, 46(1): 144~150

169. 趙宏艷, 王國瑾,過測地線的最佳化曲面設計,計算機研究與發展, 2009, 46(2): 289~294

170. 蔡華輝, 王國瑾, 基於約束Jacobi基的多項式反函式逼近及其套用, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2009, 21(2): 137~142

171. Lian Zhou and Guo-Jin Wang, Constrained multi-degree reduction of Bézier surfaces using Jacobi polynomials, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2009, 26(3): 259~270

172. Hua-hui Cai and Guo-jin Wang, A new method in highway route design: joining circular arcs by a single C-Bézier curve with shape parameter, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2009, 10(4): 562~569

173. Lian Zhou and Guo-Jin Wang, Optimal constrained multi-degree reduction of Bézier curves with explicit expressions based on divide and conquer, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2009, 10(4): 577~582

174. Ligang Liu, Lei Zhang, Binbin Lin and Guojin Wang, Fast approach for computing roots of polynomials using cubic clipping, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2009, 26(5): 547~559

175. Hui-Xia Xu and Guo-Jin Wang, Approximating triangular rational Bézier surfaces by triangular Bézier surfaces, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics ,2009, 228(1): 287~295

176. 蔡華輝, 王國瑾, 對數螺線段的多項式逼近與C-Bézier逼近, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2009, 43(6): 999~1004

177. 成敏, 王國瑾, 有理Bézier曲線多項式逼近的新方法, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2009, 43(6): 1020~1025, 1171

178. 陳軍, 王國瑾, 帶邊界約束的4片相鄰三角Bézier曲面的近似合併, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2009, 21(8): 1047~1053

179. 周聯, 王國瑾, 帶約束條件的張量積Bézier曲面最佳降多階, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2009, 21(8): 1054~1060

180. Xin Shi-Qing and Wang Guo-Jin, New method in information processing for maintaining an efficient dynamic ordered set, SCIENCE IN CHINA, Series F, 2009, 52(8): 1292~1301

辛士慶, 王國瑾, 信息處理中有效維持動態有序集的新方法, 中國科學(F輯), 2009, 39(9): 923~932

181. Shi-Qing Xin and Guo-Jin Wang, Improving Chen and Han’s algorithm on the discrete geodesic problem, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2009, 28(4), Article 104

182. 蔡華輝, 王國瑾, 三角域上雙變數Jacobi–Bernstein的基轉換及其套用,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2009, 21(10): 1394~1400

183. Zhou Lian and Wang Guo-Jin, Constrained multi-degree reduction of triangular Bézier surfaces, Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 2009, 24(4): 417~430

184. Zhao Hong-Yan and Wang Guo-Jin, Offset approximation based on reparameterizing the path of a moving point along the base circle, Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 2009, 24(4): 431~442

185. 趙宏艷, 王國瑾,向量Padé逼近的改進及其在等距逼近上的套用, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2009, 44(12): 2165~2170

186. Min Cheng and Guojin Wang, Geometric parameters based cubic PH curve interpolation and approximation, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2009, 6(6): 2423~2432

187. 蔡華輝, 王國瑾, 三次C-Bézier螺線構造及其在道路設計中的套用,浙江大學學報(工學版), 2010, 45(1): 68~74

188. Huixia Xu and Guojin Wang, A new algorithm of polynomial triangular B-B surfaces approximation to rational triangular B-B surfaces, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2010, 7(3): 725~738

189. Qianqian Hu and Guojin Wang, Representing conics by lower degree rational DP-NTP curves, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 2010, 11(4): 278~289

190. 周聯, 王國瑾, 帶 G1連續約束的Bézier曲線最佳顯式降多階, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,2010, 22(4): 735~740

191. Liu Gang and Wang Guojin, Explicit multi-degree reduction of Said-Bézier generalized Ball curves with endpoints constraints, Journal of Software, 2010, 21(6): 1473~1479

192. Hong-Jie Cai and Guo-Jin Wang, Constrained approximation of rational Bézier curves based on a matrix expression of its end points continuous conditions, Computer-Aided Design, 2010, 42(6): 495~504

193. 周聯, 王國瑾, 用重新參數化技術改進有理參數曲線曲面的導矢界, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2010, 22(7): 1104~1109

194. 史艷會, 王國瑾, 有理Bézier調和與雙調和曲面的設計, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2010, 22(8): 1331~1338

195. 黃偉賢, 王國瑾, 基於升階矩陣的有理曲面之間L2距離計算, 計算機研究與發展, 2010, 47(8) : 1338~1345

196. Hong-Jie Cai and Guo-Jin Wang, Minimizing the maximal ratio of weights of rational Bézier curves and surfaces,Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2010, 27(9): 746~755

197. Shi-Qing Xin and Guo-Jin Wang, Applying the improved Chen and Han’s algorithm to different versions of shortest path problems on a polyhedral surface, Computer-Aided Design, 2010, 42(10): 942~951

198. 陳杰, 王國瑾, 過測地線的近似極小直紋曲面設計, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2010, 22(10): 1750~1755

199. 黃偉賢, 王國瑾, 一次復有理Bézier曲線的最優參數化, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2010, 22(11): 1972~1977

200. Chen Jun and Wang Guo-Jin, Approximate merging of B-spline curves and surfaces, Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 2010, 25(4): 429~436

201. Qianqian Hu and Guojin Wang, Multi-degree Reduction of disk Bézier curves in the normL2, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2010, 7(5): 1045~1057

202. 周聯, 王國瑾, 權因子最佳化的有理Bézier曲線顯式約束降多階 ,浙江大學學報(工學版), 2010, 44(12): 2229~2235

203. 吳花精靈, 王國瑾, 插值邊界曲線的NURBS近似極小曲面設計, 軟體學報,2010, 21(增刊): 67~74

204. Chen Jie and Wang Guo-Jin, A new type of the generalized Bézier curve, Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 2011, 26(1): 47~56

205 .Juzheng Zhang, Panpan Cai and Guojin Wang, A New approach to design rational harmonic surface over rectangular or triangular domain,Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2011, 8(1): 71~83

206. Wei-Xian Huang and Guo-Jin Wang, A weighted bivariate blending rational interpolation based on function values, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217(9): 4644~4653

207. 張威, 王國瑾, 四次PH曲線的漸開線及其幾何Hermite插值, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,2011, 23(2) : 216~222

208. 陳軍, 王國瑾, 規避障礙物的G2連續有理二次Bézier樣條曲線, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2011, 23(4) : 1~5

209 .支德佳, 王國瑾, Bézier曲線合併的區間逼近, 計算機研究與發展, 2011, 48(4):675~682

210. 蔡華輝, 王國瑾, 端點約束加權正交基與Bernstein基的轉換及套用, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2011, 45(4): 602~606, 613

211. 黃偉賢, 王國瑾, 用雙圓弧逼近兩條相容圓錐曲線的卷積曲線, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2011, 23(6) : 1022~1027

212. 陳杰, 王國瑾, 一類帶形狀參數的DP-NTP曲線及其套用,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2011, 23(6): 1055~1060

213. Hu Qian-Qian and Wang Guo-Jin, Rational cubic/quartic Said-Ball conics, Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 2011, 26(2): 198~212

214. Gang Liu and Guo-Jin Wang,Optimal constrained explicit multi-degree reduction approximation of DP curves, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2011, 8(6): 869~876

215. Shi-Qing Xin, Ying He, Guo-Jin Wang, Xianfeng Gu and Hong Qin, Isotropic and anisotropic mesh simplification by evolving the geodesic delaunay triangulation, Proceedings of 2011 8th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (June 28-30, 2011, Qingdao, China), Edited by Francois Anton and Wenping Wang, 2011: 39~47

216. Jie Chen and Guo-Jin Wang, Two kinds of new progressive iterative approximations, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (Aug. 27-29, Shanghai, China), Edited by Lizhuang Ma, Shimin Hu and Bin Sheng, 2011: 154~159

217. Yu Liu and Guojin Wang, Constructing minimal triangular mesh based on discrete mean curvature, Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering, 2011, 1(7): 30~35

218. Jie Chen and Guo-Jin Wang, Progressive-iterative approximation for triangular Bézier surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, 2011, 43(8): 889~895

219. Jie Chen and Guo-Jin Wang, Hybrid polynomial approximation to higher derivatives of rational curves,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics ,2011, 235(17): 4925~4936

220. 黃偉賢, 王國瑾, G1端點約束的Bézier曲線曲面的Ribs和Fans, 計算機研究與發展, 2011, 48(9): 1781~1787

221. Wei-Xian Huang, Cong-Jian Jin and Guo-Jin Wang, Approximate Bézier curves by cubic LN curves, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 218(7): 3083~3092

222 .黃偉賢, 王國瑾, 金聰健, 可弦長參數化的復有理曲線, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2011,23(12): 1975~1980

223. 吳花精靈, 王國瑾, 推廣Dirichlet方法用於B樣條極小曲面設計, 軟體學報, 2011, 22(12): 3015~3022

224. Hua-Jing-Ling Wu and Guo-Jin Wang, Extending and correcting some research results on minimal and harmonic surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2012, 29(1): 41~50

225. Zon-Zheng Wang and Guo-Jin Wang, Generating Bézier surfaces based on 8th-order PDE, Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering, 2012, 2(1): 10~17

226. Gang Liu and Guo-Jin Wang, A new interpolation method by NTP curves and surfaces, Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering, 2012, 2(1): 18~24

227. 陳杰, 王國瑾, 金聰健, 兩類推廣的漸進疊代逼近, 自動化學報, 2012, 38(1): 135~139

228. 李帥, 徐霄乾, 王國瑾, 三角域上調和與雙調和的有理Bézier曲面設計, 浙江大學學報(理學版), 2012, 39(2): 152~158

229. 周聯, 王國瑾, 有理三角曲面的分片線性逼近, 計算機研究與發展, 2012, 49(5): 1116~1122

230. 陳軍, 王國瑾,有理Bézier曲線的區間近似合併,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2012, 24(7): 852~857

231. Yu Liu and Guojin Wang, Design of rational Bézier developable surface pencil through a common isogeodesic, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2012, 6(18): 78~88

232. 杜文超, 王國瑾, 構造基圓的有理逼近對有理Bézier曲線作等距有理逼近, 第九屆中國計算機圖形學大會論文集(2012. 10.22-24, 成都), 吳恩華, 王平安主編, 2012: P226

233. Jie Chen and Guo-Jin Wang, Explicit matrix expressions of progressive iterative approximation, International Journal of CAD/CAM, 2013, 13(1): 1~11

234. Shi-Qing Xin, Xiaoning Wang, Jiazhi Xia, Wolfgang Mueller-Wittig, Guo-Jin Wang and Ying He, Parallel computing 2D Voronoi diagrams using untransformed sweepcircles, Proceedings of Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM'2012, Oct. 29-31, 2012, Dijon, France) Also to appear in:

Computer-Aided Design, 2013, 45(2): 483~493

235. Wei-Xian Huang, Hua-Jing-Ling Wu and Guo-Jin Wang, Constructing PDE based surfaces bounded by geodesics or lines of curvature, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2013, 65(4): 673~681

236. 劉羽, 王國瑾, 以已知曲線為漸進線的可展曲面束的設計, 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2013, 47(7): 1246~1252

237. 陳雙敏, 辛士慶, 賀英, 顧險峰, 王國瑾, 在不可定向的流形格線曲面上計算測地距離的一般方法, 中國科學(數學), 2014, 44(7): 1-8

238. Cai Hong-Jie and Wang Guo-Jin, Judging or setting weight steady-state of rational Bézier curves and surfaces, Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 2014, 29(4): 391~398

239. 張威,王國瑾, 以離散曲線為曲率線構造擬可展離散曲面, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2015, 27(10): 1950~1955

240. 張禮林,王國瑾, 帶測地線的NURBS曲面束的逆向設計, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2017, 29(2): 295~303

241. Wang Guo-Jin, Xu Hui-Xia, Hu Qian-Qian, Derivative bounds of NURBS surfaces, , Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B, 2017, 32(3): 281~293



