




王力工 王力工

王力工,荷蘭Twente大學博士,教授、博士生導師,研究方向為圖論及其套用。主持國家自然基金、省、部級基金5項,作為主要成員參加國家自然科學基金5項和陝西省自然科學基金1項。現為美國《數學評論》的評論員,在《Discrete Applied Mathematics》、《Linear Algebra and its Applications》、《Discrete Mathematics》、《Graphs and Combinatorics》、《Linear and Multilinear Algebra》、《Applied Mathematics and Computation》、《Electronic Journal of Combinatorics》、《Numerical Algorithms》、《Computational and Applied Mathematics》等國內外學術期刊發表學術論文130多篇,其中已被SCI索引60餘篇,被EI索引40餘篇。2006年起擔任碩士生導師在套用數學和運籌學與控制論方向招收碩士生。培養25名碩士研究生,其中已畢業20人。2013年遴選為博士生導師,培養8名博士研究生,已畢業2名。指導博士生3人已獲批國家自然基金委資助出國留學。指導博士論文創新基金1項,研究生創新種子基金5項。



複變函數論(本科生);複變函數與積分變換(本科生);組合數學(研究生, 博士生);代數組合(研究生);超圖理論(研究生);擬陣論(博士生)






[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:有向圖與符號有向圖的譜理論研究,項目批准號:11871398,2019.01-2022.12。

[2] 陝西省自然科學基礎研究計畫資助面上項目:定向圖的斜譜理論的若干問題研究,項目批准號:2018JM1032,2018.01-2019.12。

[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:圖與賦權圖的Q譜理論及其相關問題,項目批准號:11171273,2012.01-2015.12。

[4] 陝西省自然科學基礎計畫項目基金:整譜圖及相關專題的研究,項目批准號:SJ08A01,2009.01-2010.12。

[5] 教育部回國留學人員科研基金:樹與圖的整譜性理論研究,2009.01-2010.01。

[6] 西北工業大學引進高層次人才科研啟動費:圖的優美圖示號及算法的研究,2004.09-2006.9。

[7] 西北工業大學“英才培養計畫”:關於圖的整譜性理論研究,2003.9-2006.9。

[8] 西北工業大學青年科技創新基金:圖論中有關整譜樹的研究,2001.11–2003.11。


[1] 國家自然科學基金項目:賦權圖中重圈和重割的存在性,項目批准號:10871158,2009.01-2011.12,主持人為張勝貴,本人排名第二。

[2] 國家自然科學基金項目:基於圖的粘連度和邊粘連度的網路抗毀性研究,項目批准號:60642002,2007.01-2007.12,主持人為張勝貴,本人排名第三。

[3] 國家自然科學基金項目:集合對策解的公理化理論,項目批准號:70571065,2006.01-2008.12,主持人為孫浩,本人排名第三。

[4] 陝西省自然科學基礎研究計畫資助項目:限制性集合對策解的公理化方法,項目批准號:2007A09,2008.01-2009.12,主持人為孫浩,本人排名第三。

[5] 國家自然科學基金項目:最小權2連通生成子圖問題的多項式可解情形研究,項目批准號:10101021,2002.01-2004.12,主持人為張勝貴,本人排名第三。

[6] 國家自然科學基金項目:著色圖中有給定性質的子圖和最優子圖問題,項目批准號:19971069,2000.01-2002.12,主持人為李學良教授,本人排名第四。


 指導西北工業大學博士論文創新基金1項。

[1] 博士論文創新基金:求解鞍點問題及複線性系統的疊代法研究,項目批准號:No. CX201628,2015.11-2018.06(指導教師:王力工;學生:黃政閣)。

 指導西北工業大學研究生創新種子基金5項。

[1] 2019年研究生創意新種子基金:有向圖能量及其相關問題的研究,2019.01-2019.12(指導教師:王力工;學生:楊修文,楊金鈴,段存香)。

[2] 2018年研究生創意新種子基金:圖的連通度、韌度、生成樹與特徵值的關係,項目批准號:No. ZZ2017171,2018.01-2018.12(指導教師:王力工;學生:段存香,李希赫,劉香香)。

[3] 2017年研究生創意新種子基金:關於圖的能量和譜半徑的研究,項目批准號:No. Z2017190,2017.01-2017.12(指導教師:王力工;學生:劉香香,席維鴿,段存香)。

[4] 2016年研究生創意新種子基金:無符號拉普拉斯譜Turán型問題的研究,項目批准號:No. Z2016170,2016.01-2016.12(指導教師:王力工;學生:孔琪,周倩楠,田曉國,劉香香)。

[5] 2014年研究生創意新種子基金:圖的距離譜的研究,項目批准號:No. Z2014173,2014.01-2014.12(指導教師:王力工;學生:楊若松,程明紅、王陸華、孫豐妹)。



[1] Xiuwen Yang, Ligong Wang*, On the ordering of bicyclic digraphs with respect to energy and iota energy, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 339 (2018) 768-778. (SCI; EI)

[2] Qiannan Zhou, Ligong Wang*, Yong Lu, Wiener index and Harary index on Hamilton-connected graphs with large minimum degree, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 247(2018) 180-185. (SCI; EI)

[3] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, Some new inequalities for the minimum H-eigenvalue of nonsingular M-tensors, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 558 (2018) 146-173. (SCI; EI)

[4] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, The modified PAHSS-PU and modified PPHSS-SOR iterative methods for saddle point problems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37 (2018) 6076-6107. (SCI; EI)

[5] Yong Lu, Ligong Wang*, Qiannan Zhou, Skew-rank of an oriented graph in terms of the rank and dimension of cycle space of its underlying graph, Filomat 32 (4) (2018) 1303-1312. (SCI)

[6] Qiannan Zhou, Ligong Wang*, Yong Lu, Wiener-type invariants on graph properties, Filomat, 32 (2018)489-502. (SCI)

[7] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, The generalized Uzawa-SHSS method for non-Hermitian saddle-point problems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37(2)(2018) 1213-1231. (SCI)

[8] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, A modified generalized shift-splitting preconditioner for nonsymmetric saddle point problems, Numerical Algorithms, 78(1) (2018) 297-331. (SCI; EI)

[9] Xihe Li, Ligong Wang*, Shangyuan Zhang, The signless Laplacian spectral radius of some strongly connected digraphs, India Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 49(1)(2018) 113-127. (SCI)

[10] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, An efficient two-step iterative method for solving a class of complex symmetric linear systems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 75(7) (2018) 2473-2498. (SCI; EI)

[11] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, Some new preconditioned generalized AOR methods for solving weighted linear least squares problems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37(1)(2018) 415-438. (SCI)

[12] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, Parameterized generalized shift-splitting preconditioners for nonsymmetric saddle point problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 75(2)(2018) 349-373. (SCI; EI)

[13] Qiannan Zhou, Ligong Wang*, Yong Lu, Some sufficient conditions on k-connected graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 325 (2018) 332-339. (SCI; EI)

[14] Xiangxiang Liu, Ligong Wang*, Peng Xiao, Ordering of bicyclic graphs by matching energy, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 79(2018) 341-365. (SCI)

[15] Yong Lu, Ligong Wang*, Qiannan Zhou, The rank of a signed graph in terms of the rank of its underlying graph, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 538(2018) 166-186. (SCI; EI)

[16] Peng Xiao, Ligong Wang*, Yanfei Du, The first two largest spectral radii of uniform supertrees with given diameter,Linear Algebra and its Applications, 536(2018)103-119. (SCI; EI)

[17] Qiannan Zhou, Ligong Wang*, Distance signless Laplacian spectral radius and Hamiltonian properties of graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65(11) (2017) 2316-2323. (SCI; EI)

[18] Qi Kong, Ligong Wang*, Upper bounds on the Q-spectral radius of book-free and/or Ks,t-free graphs, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 32(2017) 447-453. (SCI)

[19] Yong Lu, Ligong Wang*, Peng Xiao, Complex unit gain bicyclic graphs with rank 2, 3 or 4, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 523(2017) 169-186. (SCI; EI)

[20] Yong Lu, Ligong Wang*, Qiannan Zhou, Hermitian-Randić matrix and Hermitian-Randić energy of mixed graphs, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2017) Paper No. 54, 14 pp. (SCI)

[21] Peng Xiao, Ligong Wang*, Yong Lu, The maximum spectral radii of uniform supertrees with given degree sequences, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 523(2017) 33-45. (SCI; EI)

[22] Weige Xi,Ligong Wang*, The signless Laplacian and distance signless Laplacian spectral radius of digraphs with some given parameters, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 227 (2017) 136-141. (SCI; EI)

[23] Weige Xi, Ligong Wang*, Bounds for the signless Laplacian energy of digraphs, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 48(3) (2017) 411-421. (SCI)

[24] Lifeng Guo, Ligong Wang*, Optimum skew energy of a tournament, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 530(2017) 405-413. (SCI; EI)

[25] Lifeng Guo, Ligong Wang*, Peng Xiao, 5-regular oriented graphs with optimum skew energy, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 301 (2017) 43-59. (SCI; EI)

[26] XiaoguoTian, Ligong Wang*, The trees with the second smallest normalized Laplacian eigenvalue at least $1-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 220 (2017) 118–133. (SCI; EI)

[27] Qiannan Zhou, Ligong Wang*, Some sufficient spectral conditions on Hamilton- connected and traceable graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65(2)(2017) 224-234. (SCI)

[28] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, The generalized modified shift-splitting preconditioners for nonsymmetric saddle point problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 299 (2017) 95-118. (SCI; EI)

[29] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang*, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, A generalized variant of deteriorated PSS preconditioner for nonsymmetric saddle point problems, Numerical Algorithms,75(4)(2017) 1161-1191. (SCI)

[30] Zhengge Huang, Ligong Wang* and Zhong Xu, Some new estimations for the Hadamard product of a nonsingular M-matrix and its inverse, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 20(3) (2017), 661-682. (SCI)

[31] Minghong Cheng, Ligong Wang*, A lower bound for the harmonic index of a graph with minimum degree at least three, Filomat, 30(8) (2016), 2249-2260. (SCI)

[32] Weige Xi, Ligong Wang*, Sharp upper bounds on the signless Laplacian spectral radius of strongly connected digraphs, DiscussionesMathematicae Graph Theory 36(4) (2016), 977-988. (SCI)

[33] Ligong Wang*, Xuran Zhou, The smallest Merrifield-Simmons index of trees with exactly six leaves, Ars Combinatoria, 124(2016), 129-151. (SCI)

[34] Ligong Wang*, Qi Wang, BofengHuo, Integral trees with diameter four, Applied Mathematics and Computation, (282)(2016), 53-64. (SCI; EI)

[35] Zhengge Huang*, Ligong Wang, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, Improved PPHSS iterative methods for solving nonsingular and singular saddle point problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 72 (2016), 92-109. (SCI; EI)

[36] Zhengge Huang*, Ligong Wang, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, Generalized ASOR and modified ASOR Methods for saddle point problems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2(2016):1-18. (SCI; EI)

[37] Zhengge Huang*, Ligong Wang, Zhong Xu, Jingjing Cui, A new S-type eigenvalue inclusion set for tensors and its applications, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2016 (2016), 254. (SCI)

[38] Yong Lu, Ligong Wang*, Qiannan Zhou, Bicyclic oriented graphs with skew-rank 6, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 270(1)(2015) 899-908. (SCI; EI)

[39] Luhua Wang, Ligong Wang*, Laplacian spectral characterization of clover graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 63(12)(2015) 2396-2405. (SCI)

[40] Ruosong Yang, LigongWang*, Distance-integral complete r-partite graphs, Filomat, 29(4)(2015) 739-749. (SCI)

[41] Weiwei Lang, Ligong Wang*, Sharp bounds for the signless Laplacian spectral radius of digraphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 238 (2014) 43-49. (SCI; EI)

[42] Ligong Wang*, Guopeng Zhao, Ke Li, Seidel integral complete r-partite graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 30(2)(2014) 479-493. (SCI)

[43] Guopeng Zhao, Ligong Wang*, Ke Li, Q-integral Complete r-partite Graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 438 (3)(2013) 1067-1077. (SCI; EI)

[44] Weiwei Lang, Ligong Wang*, Energy of generalized line graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 437(9) (2012)2386-2396. (SCI; EI)

[45] Ke Li, Ligong Wang*, Guopeng Zhao, The signless Laplacian spectral radius of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs with a given girth, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18 (1)(2011), #P183, 1-10. (SCI)

[46] Ke Li, Ligong Wang*, Guopeng Zhao, The signless Laplacian spectral radius of tricyclic graphs and trees with k pendant vertices, Linear Algebra Appl., (2011), 435 (4)(2011) 811-822. (SCI; EI)

[47] Ligong Wang* and Hao Sun, Infinitely many pairs of cospectral integral regular graphs, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B, 26 (3) (2011) 280-286. (SCI)

[48] Ligong Wang*, Qi Wang, Integral complete multipartite graphs K(a1.p1,a2p2,..., asps) with s=5, 6, Discrete Math. 310(4)(2010) 812-818. (SCI; EI)

[49] Ligong Wang* and Xiaodong Liu, New classes of integral trees of diameter 4, Ars Combinatoria. 96(2010) 203-220. (SCI)

[50] Yanqing Chen and Ligong Wang*, Sharp bounds for the largest eigenvalue of the signless Laplacian of a graph, Linear Algebra and its Applications 433(5) (2010) 908-913. (SCI; EI)

[51] Yanqing Chen and Ligong Wang*, The Laplacian spread of tricyclic graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 16 (2009), #R80, 1-18. (SCI)

[52] Ligong Wang* and Cornelis Hoede, Constructing fifteen infinite classes of nonregular bipartite integral graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 15 (2008), #R8, 1-29. (SCI)

[53] Ligong Wang*, Hajo Broersma, Cornelis Hoede, Xueliang Li and Georg Still, Some families of integral graphs, Discrete Math. 308(24)(2008) 6383-6391. (SCI; EI)

[54] Ligong Wang* and Xiaodong Liu, Integral complete multipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 3860-3870. (SCI; EI)

[55] Ligong Wang*, Hajo Broersma, Cornelis Hoede, Xueliang Li, Georg Still, Integral trees of diameter 6, Discrete Appl. Math., 155(10)(2007), 1254-1266. (SCI; EI)

[56] Ligong Wang* and XueliangLi , Integral trees with diameters 5 and 6, Discrete Math., 297 (2005) 128-143. (SCI; EI)

[57] Ligong Wang*, Xueliang Li and Cornelis Hoede, Two classes of integral regular graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 76(2005) 303-319. (SCI)

[58] Ligong Wang*, Xueliang Li and Shenggui Zhang, Families of integral trees with diameters 4, 6 and 8, Discrete Appl. Math., 136(2-3)(2004) 349-362. (SCI; EI)

[59] Ligong Wang*, Xueliang Li and Cornelis Hoede, Integral complete r-partite graphs, Discrete Math., 283 (2004) 231-241. (SCI)

[60] Shenggui Zhang*, Hajo Broersma, Xueliang Li and Ligong Wang, A Fan-type condition for heavy cycles in weighted graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 18 (1) (2002) 193-200. (SCI)



[1] 2016年國家級大學生創新訓練項目計畫:圖與有向圖的譜唯一性問題研究,項目批准號:No. 201610699011(指導教師:王力工;學生:楊筱韻,李希赫,張尚元,包亨達,王朋超),結題為優秀。

[2] 2014年國家級大學生創新訓練項目計畫:圖的譜確定問題研究,項目批准號:No. 201410699079(指導教師:王力工;學生:翟若男,梅若星,王展青,王克,董占鵬),結題為優秀。

[3] 2013年國家級大學生創新訓練項目計畫:圖的IC-著色問題,項目批准號:No. 201310699069(指導教師:王力工;學生:姜臻穎、楊楊、張楚文),結題良好。

[4] 2012年國家級大學生創新訓練項目計畫:圖的拓撲指標及其算法研究,項目批准號:No. 201210699107(指導教師:王力工;學生:羅宇,蔡高迪,謝淳,姜臻穎,黃哲彬),結題良好。



[1] 校優秀論文:李希赫,有向圖的無符號拉普拉斯譜半徑問題研究,2017年。

[2] 院優秀論文:周揚,圖的Wiener指標的若干研究,2015年。

[3] 校優秀論文:李越,四葉圖和直徑為6的毛毛蟲樹的能量研究,2013年。

[4] 院優秀論文:張智勇,基於signless Laplace譜的圖像特徵匹配,2012年。

[5] 校優秀論文:張程偉,幾類常見的碳納米管的拓撲指數的計算,2011年。

[6] 院優秀論文:謝葦,有關優美圖的若干研究,2010年。

[7] 院優秀論文:李傳亮,單圈圖的Merrifield-Simmons指標研究,2009年。

[8] 院優秀論文:孫波,具有相同Wiener指標的圖和它們的線圖,2008年。

[9] 院優秀論文:崔雅智,關於優美圖並的若干研究,2007年。

[10] 院優秀論文:李承龍,整和圖的若干研究,2006年。

[11] 校優秀論文:周敏,優美圖的若干研究,2003年。


[1] 《數學建模簡明教程》,北京:高等教育出版社,2008年。

[2] 《數學建模競賽優秀論文精選與點評》,西北工業大學出版社, 2011年。

[3] 《複變函數與積分變換作業集》,西北工業大學出版社,2003年。



 獲國家級教學成果一等獎, 排名第五(2014)

 獲陝西省優秀教學成果特等獎, 排名第五(2013)

 獲全國大學生數學建模競賽陝西賽區優秀組織工作者(2017)

 獲西北工業大學本科最滿意教師(2012)

 獲陝西省優秀數學建模指導教師(2011)

 獲校優秀教學成果一等獎, 排名第五(2011)

 省高校優秀教學團隊“數學建模與數學實驗教學團隊”核心成員(2009)

 國家精品課程《數學建模》主要成員(2009)

 獲西北工業大學校獎教金(2009,2000)

 《直徑為5和6的整譜樹》獲陝西省自然科學優秀論文二等獎(2008)

 學術論文《完全r-部整圖》獲陝西省自然科學學術論文一等獎(2006)


 指導博士生獲國家留學基金3項:鄭偉(2017)、席維鴿(2017)、周倩楠(2018)。

 指導博士生獲國家獎學金2項:黃政閣(2017),周倩楠(2018)。

 指導碩士生獲國家獎學金2項:郎偉偉(2012),楊修文(2018)。

 指導碩士生獲理學院北京精雕特等獎學金2項:楊若松(2014),段存香(2018)。

 指導研究生參加全國研究生數學建模競賽, 獲得全國一等獎1項、全國二等獎7項,以及1篇全國數模優秀論文並發表。


 美國《Mathematical Review》的評論員。

 西北工業大學數學建模創新教育指導委員會委員。

 西安-布達佩斯組合數學聯合研究中心顧問委員。

 擔任國內外重要學術期刊如:Linear Algebra and Its Applications,Applied Mathematics and Computation,Discrete Applied Mathematics, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Graphs and Combinatorics,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Applied Mathematics Letters、套用數學學報、運籌學學報、數學季刊等的審稿人。










