




出版時間:2004-12  目錄



Ulmaceae 榆科

Rhoipteleaceae 馬尾樹科

Moraceae 桑科



Podostemaceae 川苔草科

Proteaceae 山龍眼科

Olacaceae 鐵青樹科

Opiliaceae 山柚子科

Santalaceae 檀香科

Loranthaceae 桑寄生科

Viscaceae 槲寄生科

Aristolochiaceae 馬兜鈴科

Rafflesiaceae 大花草科

Balanophoraceae 蛇菰科

Polygonaceae 蓼科

Chenopodiaceae 藜科

Amaranthaceae 莧科

Nyctaginaceae 紫茉莉科

Phytolaccaceae 商陸科

Molluginaceae 粟米草科

Aizoaceae 番杏科

馬齒莧科 馬齒莧科

PortulacaceaeBasellaceae 落葵科

Index to Chinese Names

Index to Pinyin Names

Index to Scientific Names

Index to Families in the Flora of China and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae

Published Volumes of the Flora of China and the Flora of China Illustrations



第6卷 第6卷




Caryophyllaceae 石竹科 shi zhu ke

Nelumbonaceae 蓮科 lian ke

Nymphaeaceae shui睡蓮科 lian ke

Cabombaceae chun蓴菜科 cai ke

Ceratophyllaceae 金魚藻科 jin yu yao ke

Trochodendraceae 領春木科 ling chun mu ke

Trochodendraceae昆欄樹科 kun lan shu ke

Cercidiphyllaceae 連香樹科 lian xiang shu ke

Paeoniaceae 芍藥科 shao yao ke

Ranunculaceae 毛茛科 mao gen ke

Circaeasteraceae 星葉草科 xing ye cao ke

Lardizabalaceae 木通科mu to ke

Index to Chinese names

Index to Pinyin names

Index to Families in the Flora of China and the FRPS

Published Volumes of the flora of China and the Illustrations



第7卷 第7卷

作者:Flora of China Editorial Committee 著 目錄



Menispermaceae防己科fang ji ke

Illiciaceae八角科bajiao ke

Schisandraceae五味子科WU wei zi ke

Magnoliaceae木蘭科mu lan ke

Calycanthaceae蠟梅科la mei ke

Myristicaceae肉豆蔻科roll dou kou ke

Lauraceae樟科zhang ke

Hernandiaceae蓮葉桐科lian ye tong ke

Papaveraceae罌粟科ying SU ke

Cleomaceae白花菜科bai hua cai ke

Capparaceae山柑科shan gan ke

Index to Chinese Names

Index to Pinyin Names

Index to Scientific Names

Index to Families in the Flora ofChina and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae

Publisbed Volumes ofthe Flora ofChina and the Flora ofChina Illustrations


本卷記載我國產的十字花科、木犀草科、辣木科、泊樂樹科、豬籠草科、景天科、虎耳草科、茅膏菜科等8個科植物的形態圖共322幅圖版。內容與已出版的《中國植物志 第8卷》 英文版相對應。




第9卷 第9卷




Pittosporaceae 海桐花科

Hamamelidaceae 金縷梅科

Eucommiaceae 杜仲科

Platanaceae 懸鈴木科

Rosaceae 薔薇科

Connaraceae 牛拴藤科

Index to Chinese Names

Index to Pinyin Names

Index to Scientific Names

Index to Families in the Flora of China and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae

Published Volumes of the Flora of China and the Flora of China Illustrations


第11卷 第11卷

作者:Flora of China Editorial Committee 著出版時間: 2009-1-1




0xalidaceae酢漿草科cujiang cao ke

Geraniaceae櫳牛兒苗科mang niu er miao ke

Biebersteiniaceae熏倒牛科xun dao niu ke

Tropaeolaceae旱金蓮科han jin lian ke

Linaceae亞麻科ya ma ke

Erythroxylaceae古柯科gu ke ke

Nitrariaceae白刺科bai ci ke

Peganaceae駱駝蓬科luo tuo peng ke

Zygophyllaceae蒺藜科jili ke

Rutaceae芸香科yun xiang ke

Cneoraceae牛筋果科niu le guo ke

Simaroubaceae苦木科ku mu ke

Surianaceae海人樹科hai ren shu ke

Burseraceae橄欖科gan lan ke

Meliaceae楝科lian ke

Malpighiaceae金虎尾科jin hu wei ke

Polygalaceae遠志科yuan zhi ke

Dichapetalaceae毒鼠子科du shu zi ke

Pandaceae小盤木科xiao pan mu ke

Euphorbiaceae大戟科daji ke

Daphniphyllaceae交讓木科jiao rang mu ke

Callitrichaceae水馬齒科shui ma chi ke

Buxaceae黃楊科huang yang ke

Coriariaceae馬桑科ma sang ke

Anacardiaceae漆樹科qi shu ke

Cardiopteridaceae心翼果科xin yi guo ke

Aquifoliaceae冬青科dong qing ke

Celastraceae衛矛科wei mao ke

Plagiopteraceae斜翼科xie yi ke

DiDentodontaceae十齒花科shi chi hua ke

Tapisciaceae癭椒樹科ying jiao shu ke

Salvadoraceae刺茉莉科ci mo li ke

Staphyleaceae省沽油科sheng gu you ke

Icacinaceae茶茱萸科cha zhu yu ke

Aceraceae槭樹科qi shu ke

Index to Chinese Names

Index to Pinyin Names

Index to Scientific Names

Index to Families in the Flora of China and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae

Published Volumes ofthe Flora ofCh/na and the Flora ofChina Illustrations


第12卷 第12卷



The Chinese flora with an estimated 31000 species is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy too is Chinese traditional medicine which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. Descriptions and identification keys for this diverse flora until now unavailable in English have been published over the past 15 years in the Flora of China in conjunction with a separate series the Flora of China Illustrations. Twenty-eight of the total of 48 text and illustrations volumes have already been published thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.

Volume 12 of the illustrations series is devoted to 18 plant families several of which have economic and horticultural importance: Actinidiaceae source of the kiwi fruit; Balsaminaceae with the colorful Impatiens genus; Malvaceae with Gossypium the genus that provides cotton and the mallows and hollyhocks; Theaceae including the tea plant Camellia sinensis as well as the ornamental camellias; and Vitaceae notable for Vitis vinifera the grapevine.




Hippocastanaceae七葉樹科qi ye shu ke

Sapindaceae無患子科、wuuan zi ke

Sabiaceae清風藤科qing feng teng ke

Balsaminaceae鳳仙花科feng xian hua ke

Rhamnaceae鼠李科shu li ke

Leeaceae火筒樹科huo tong shu ke

Vitaceae葡萄科pu tao ke

Elaeocarpaceae杜英科du ying ke

Tiliaceae椴樹科duan shu ke

Malvaceae錦葵科jin kui ke

Bombacaceae木棉科mu mian ke

Sterculiaceae梧桐科wu tong ke

Dilleniaceae五椏果科wu ya guo ke

Actinidiaceae獼猴桃科mi hou tao ke

Ochnaceae金蓮木科jin lian mu ke

Sladeniaceae肋果茶科le guo cha ke

Pentaphvlacaceae五列木科wu lie mu ke

Theaceae山茶科shan cha ke

Index to Chinese Names

Index to Pinyin Names

Index to Scientific Names

Index to Families in the Flora ofChina and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae

Published Volumes ofthe Flora ofChina and the Flora ofChina Illustrations


第13卷 第13卷

作者:Flora of China Editorial Committee 著出版日期:2009-03-01

The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31,000 species, is of immense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy, too, is Chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. Descriptions and identification keys for this diverse flora, until now unavailable in English, have been published over the past 15 years in the Flora of China, in conjunction with a separate series, the Flora of China Illustrations. Thirty of the total of 48 text and illustrations volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.

Volume 13 of the illustrations series is devoted to 33 plant families, a number of which are of horticultural or agricultural importance or are otherwise distinctive: Violaceae, with its white, purple, and yellow violets; Passifloraceae, the passion flower family; Caricaceae, of which the genus Carica furnishes us with the papaya fruit; Begoniaceae, with Begonia, noted for its ornamental flowers and foliage; Cactaceae, featuring the Cactus genus; Thymelaeaceae, including the ornamental shrubs Daphne, and Edgeworthia used for the manufacture of paper and medicines; Trapaceae, the water chestnuts; Nyssaceae, containing the genus Camptotheca, source of the anticancer drug camptothecin, and Davidia, the dove tree, which naturally occurs only in China; Onagraceae, including evening primrose and Epilobium or willowherb; and Araliaceae, containing the ivies as well as Panax or ginseng.




Clusiaceae(Guttiferae)藤黃科teng huang ke

Dipterocarpaceae龍腦香科long nao xiang ke

Elatinaceae溝繁縷科90u fan ln ke

Frankeniaceae瓣鱗花科ban lin hua ke

Tamaricaceae檉柳科cheng liu ke

Cistaceae半日花科ban ri hua ke

Bixaceae紅木科hong mu ke

Violaceae堇菜科jin cai ke

Flacourtiaceae大風子科da feng zi ke

Stachyuraceae旌節花科jing jie hua ke

Passifloraceae西番蓮科xi fan lian ke

Caricaceae番木瓜科fan mu gua ke

Tetramelaceae四數木科si shu mu ke

Begoniaceae秋海棠科qiu hai tang ke

Ancistrocladaceae鉤枝藤科90u zhi teng ke

Cactaceae仙人掌科xian ren zhang ke

Thymelaeaceae瑞香科rui xiang ke

Elaeagnaceae胡頹子科hu tui zi ke

Lythraceae千屈菜科qian qu cai ke

Trapaceae菱科ling ke

Crypteroniaceae隱翼科yin yi ke

Lecythidaceae玉蕊科yu rui ke

Rhizophotaceae紅樹科hong shu ke

Nyssaceae藍果樹科lan guo shu ke

Alangiaceae八角楓科ba jiao feng ke

Combretaceae使君子科shi jun zi ke

Myrtaceae桃金孃科tao jin niang ke

Melastomataceae野牡丹科ye mu dan ke

Onagraceae杉葉菜科liu ye cai ke

Haloragaceae小二仙草科xiao er xian cao ke

Hippuridaceae杉葉藻科shan ye zao ke

Cynomoriaceae鎖陽科SUO yang ke

Araliaceae五加科wu jia ke

Index to Chinese Names

Index to Pinyin Names

Index to Scientific Names

Index to Families in the Flora ofChina and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae

Published Volumes of the Flora ofChina and the Flora ofChina Illustrations


第14卷 第14卷

Flora of China Illustrations,Vo1·15中國植物志圖集第14卷(英文版)吳征鎰,洪德元 編


Wu Zhengyi and Peter H.Raven,co-chairs of the editorial committeeThe Chinese flora,with an estimated 30,000species,is of immense scientific and hortcultural importance.Noteworthy,too,is the traditional medicine of the country,which is based on the remarkable plant resources.Descriptions and identification keys for this diverse flora,until now unavilable in English,have been published over the past twelve years in the Flora of China,in conjunction with a separate illustrations series.Twenty-three of the total of 50 volumes have already been published,thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.

Volume 14 of the illustrations series depicts the following plant families:Apiaceae(or Umbelliferae),containing a number of vegetables and herbs that are essential to ghe world's cuisines:anise,carrot,celery,cilantro of coriander,cumin,dill,fennel,and parsley,as well as several species used in traditional Chinese medicine;Cornaceae(and the related Garryaceae,Helwingiaceae,Mastixiaceae,and Toricelliaceae)。including the lovely white-blossomed dogwood trees;Diapensiaceae,a family of herbs and ornamental shrubs;and Ericaceae,the heath family,encompassing the glorious rhododendrons and azaleas,as well as cranberries and bilberries.





Cornaceae山茱萸科san xing ke

Aucubaceae桃葉珊瑚科bao ye shan hu ke

Helwingiaceae青莢葉科qing jia ye ke

Mastixiaceae單室茱萸科dan shi zhu ke

Toricelliaceae鞘柄木科qiao bin mu ke

Diapensiaceae岩梅科yan mei ke

Clethraceae榿葉樹科qi ye shu ke

Ericaceae杜鵑花科du juan hua ke

Index to Chinese Names

Index to Pinyin Names

Index to Scientific Names

Index to Families in the Flora of China and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae

Published Volumes of the Flora of China and the Flora of China Illustrations


第15卷 第15卷

Flora of China Illustrations,Vo1·15中國植物志圖集第15卷(英文版)作者:吳征鎰出版日期:2001-12-01

This publication is the third in a series of 25 volumes of the Flora of China Illustrations that will cover more than 40 percent of the vascular plants of China. This volume accompanies the Flora of China volume 15, which was published in 1996 and treated 65 genera with 1,079 species in the families Myrsinaceae, Primulaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Sapotaceae, Ebenaceae, Symplocaceae, Styracaceae, Oleaceae, and Loganiaceae. This volume of illustrations includes 302 figures representing 682 species from these families. Figures 1-20 illustrate 73 species of the Myrsinaceae, figures 21-132 illustrate 260 species of the Primulaceae, figures 133-140 illustrate 32 species of the Plumbaginaceae, figures 141-147 illustrate 18 species of the Sapotaceae, figures 148-169 illustrate 53 species of the Ebenaceae, figures 170- 196 illustrate 39 species of the Symplocaceae, figures 197-219 illustrate 46 species of the Styracaceae, figures 220-276 illustrate 127 species of the Oleaceae, and figures 277-302 illustrate 34 species of the Loganiaceae.

The illustrations are arranged according to the sequence of families, genera, and species in FOC volume 15, except when a figure includes more than one taxon, the sequence is determined by the first species listed in the compound figure. Species treated in FRPS but not in FOC are listed at the end of the genus to which they belong, and genera treated in FRPS but not in FOC are given at the end of the family. For example, figure 147 illustrates Manilkara zapota, of which both the genus and species were treated in FRPS but not in FOC and, therefore, it is illustrated at the end of the Plumbaginaceae. Infraspecific taxa are also included. Some highly variable species are illustrated more than once because they were treated as independent taxa in FRPS but reduced to synonymy in FOC.

Names of recognized taxa are in boldface, and author names follow FOC. Each recognized taxon is followed by its Chinese name and the Pinyin transliteration of that name. Italicized names refer to taxa accepted in FRPS but reduced to synonymy in FOC, and they are given immediately after the Pinyin name, except where a portion of the illustration was determined differently in FRPS. Page numbers for the descriptions in FOC and for the figure number, volume number, and year of publication of the FRPS volume, as well as name of the artist in Chinese and Pinyin, are listed in parenthesis at the end of the caption. Names of artists who modified the illustrations for FOC are also given in Chinese and Pinyin following those of the original FRPS artist. To avoid repetition, FOC volume number and year of publication are not given. However, the FRPS accounts of these families appeared in four books published in different years and, therefore, the volume and year are mentioned in the captions of each figure. For compound figures illustrating several taxa (e.g., figures 3 and 272), the range of FOC page numbers is given instead of listing the page number for each illustrated taxon.

內頁 內頁

Indexes to figure numbers are given for the Chinese names, their Pinyin transliterations, and the scientific names. 目錄



Myrsinaceae紫金牛科zi jin niu ke

Primulaceae報春花科bao chun hua ke

Plumbaginaceae白花丹科bai hua dan ke

Sapotaceae山欖科shan lan ke

Ebenaceae柿科shi ke

Symplocaceae山鞏科shan fan ke

Styracaceae安息香科an xi xiang ke

Oleaceae木犀科mu xi ke

Loganiaceae馬錢科qie ke

Index to Chinese names

Index to Pinyin names

Index to Scientific names

Index to families in the Flora of China and the FRPS


第22卷 第22卷

出版時間:2007-1-1 內容簡介

Wu Zhengyi and Peter H.Raven,co-chairs of the editorial committee

The Chinese flora,with an estimated 30,000species,is of immense scientific and hortcultural importance.Noteworthy,too,is the traditional medicine of the country,which is based on the remarkable plant resources.Descriptions and identification keys for this diverse flora,until now unavilable in English,have been published over the past twelve years in the Flora of China,in conjunction with a separate illustrations series.Twenty-three of the total of 50 volumes have already been published,thanks to an unprecedented and long-standing collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.

Volume 22 of the illustrations series is devoted to one plant family of enormous significance, namely , the grasses (Poaceae or Gramineae). The poaceae range from the bamboos within the tribe Bambuseae to the widelycultivated rice, wheat , barley, and maize or corn, as well as many grasses used for animal forage, all plants of unparalleled importance to human life. A large proportion of the species of grasses depicted here, including many woody bamboos, occur naturally only in China.




poaceae禾本科he ben ke

index to chinese names

index to scientific names

index to families in the flora of china and the flora reipublicae popularis sinicae

published volumes of the flora of china and the flora of china illustrations



