

《冷血生命》導演: David Attenborough介紹史上最成功的地上爬行者。



這一系列檢視爬蟲類以及兩棲類電視節目,介紹史上最成功地上爬行者,《冷血生命》將會是大衛·艾登堡祿(David Attenborough)作為自然節目主持人生涯中最重要工作,畫下完美休止符。運用最新科技,將異常特別、前所未見爬蟲行為鉅細無遺地呈現觀眾眼前,推翻冷血生物緩慢、獨居、原始印象,揭示他們如恆溫動物般激情、群居、複雜、熱情一面。如《灌叢下的生命》(Life in the undergrowth)一片,這系列將徹底改變觀眾看法,《冷血生命》給大家一個全新、暖心感覺。


1、冷血動物真面目 The Cold Blooded Truth
2、陸地入侵者 Land Invaders
3、旱地之龍 Dragons Of The Dry
4、非凡的蛇類 Sophisticated Snakes
5、裝甲巨無霸 Armoured Giants


The Cold-Blooded Truth


A cold-blooded creature needs solar power - soaking up the rays but hibernating in winter. We meet frogs that moisturise, jousting tortoises and frozen turtles that return to life. They can be sophisticated creatures like the bubble-messaging salt-water crocodile or the Balearic wall lizard that has a relationship with a flower, but there are the exceptions to the cold blooded rules such as the teenage tyrannosaurus rex and the largest reptile on earth, the leather back turtle.

Land Invaders


amphibians invaded by evolving some of the most bizarre life-histories on the planet. We discover the biggest salamander on earth, a newt with an aphrodisiac tail and a worm like amphibian, the female of which feeds her skin to her babies. The most diverse and engaging amphibians are the frogs, here Panamanian golden frogs communicate by semaphore, a jewel-like poison-arrow frog displays parenting skills and escapolgist tadpoles evade predatory wasps.

Dragons of the Dry


Enter the world of the lizard: from the chameleons, masters of the arboreal life to geckos tapping a code to plant-hopper insects and baby pygmy blue-tongued skinks huddling in their burrows long after birth. In the deserts are found some of the most bizarre lizards: baby Bushveld lizards mimicking acid-squirting beetles; the well-armoured and bizarrely spiky; thorny devils and the lizard kings - the Australian monitors - fast, intelligent and efficient hunters.

Sophisticated Serpents


Snakes have developed the ultimate economy of design and are the most elegant and iconic of hunters. Among the incredible species seen here are blind tiger snakes that hunt using their sense of smell, magnificent African spitting cobras and a bizarre turtle-headed sea-snake hunting on a coral reef. And, for the first time ever, cameras capture a snake ambush in the wild and the beautiful spectacle of yellow anacondas giving birth underwater.

Armoured Giants


The world of the armoured creature is equally fascinating and bizarre. Galapagos giant tortoises solve the problem of making love in a suit of armour; a heated sea turtle orgy leaves females in mortal danger and we witness the explosive arrival of a baby pig-nosed turtle. Giant salt-water crocodiles crowd a flooded river-run to fish for mullet and a caiman leads her brood in a touching trek to a communal crèche.



《探潛鯊魚火山 》

《地球水之旅 》
《BBC 海底世界揭秘》



