X-ray Dog

X-ray Dog

X-Ray Dog是一個專門為好萊塢電影預告配樂的音樂工作室。 他們的作品幾乎不針對一般消費者,網上也很少或者幾乎沒有他們的配樂作品下載。他們的作品對口直接輸送到了數字影視後期製作公司。約六成以上的好萊塢強片的預告片配樂都出自他們名下.像是神鬼奇航系列、魔戒系列、黃金羅盤、納尼亞傳奇、金剛、X-Men系列、變形金剛、凡赫辛等等,只要是氣勢磅礴的動作片、史詩巨片幾乎都是一致選用口碑甚佳的X-Ray Dog.


Night Hounds Night Hounds



當然,也有人批評說每張曲風皆很類似,只要取得五張就能囊括X-Ray Dog的精華,或者認為太過相似,聽久就膩了,這些說法其實也反應了部分的現實,相同性質的東西一聽再聽的確讓人難以持續,但打個比方,就像是一個只畫風車畫的畫家,雖然永遠只畫一種東西,看的人也容易厭煩,但反過來也可以說,只要提到風車就會想到他,因此在這單一領域,X-Ray Dog是無可比擬的巨擘!

X-Ray Dog非常擅長電子樂,電影迷應該聽到過他們的東西(比如《金陵十三釵》的預告片所用的背景音樂),雖然可能不知道是他們所做的。

X-Ray Dog的音樂有的激昂,有的悲傷,在聽的時候,如果你用浮躁的心去聽那么你什麼也不會聽懂,也永遠不會體會到每首音樂里所特有的感情。只有靜下心來用你的心靈去感受,隨著音樂回憶那些或高興,或悲傷的往事,你就會發現你能聽出每首音樂中所蘊涵的感情。

網上有時候也會將X-Ray Dog翻譯成為鐳射狗或X光狗。

如果你仍然表示沒聽過他們的作品,那么2012年聚美優品的電視廣告《我是陳鷗,我為自己代言》可以說讓更多的人了解了X-Ray Dog,這個廣告的背景音樂採用的就是X-Ray Dog創作的《Time will tell》,這是他們少有的清新風格作品,僅僅是音樂開頭就已經抓住了人們的心。



截至2016年1月22日 ,已知發行的78張專輯列表如下:

XRCD01 - New.music

New Music New Music


01 Dark Forces

02 War Path

03 Wired

04 Cyberworld

05 Darkness

06 Kiss my Drums

08 Surprise Attack Drums

09 Morrocan Roll

10 Indigo

11 Metal Flow

12 String Tek

13 Fata Morgana

14 Identity

15 Ravenous

16 Heavy Water

18 Dreamstate Pop

19 Dreamstate

20 Lesser Evil

21 I Hear Voices

22 Scallop Pond

23 Crime Trail

24 Heartbeat of Man

25 Freeflight

26 Terra Firma

27 The Academy

28 The Academy 2

30 Magical Mystery

31 Miracles Can Happen

32 Treasure Quest

33 Will to Survive

34 Hero's Return Drums

35 Monster Build

XRCD02 - Bonz Unleashed

Bonz Unleashed Bonz Unleashed


01 Alien Manhunt

02 Strike Force

03 Sinister Prey

04 Universal Commando

05 First Strike

06 Zombie Hunter

07 No Escape

08 Judgement Day

09 Global Crisis

10 Covert Ops

11 Terrorist Hijack

12 Maximum Velocity

13 Drop the Bomb

14 I Still Know

15 Planet of War

16 Critical Incident

17 Times Up

18 The Count

19 Goth March

20 Goth March (No Vox)

21 Red Alert

22 The Getaway

23 Boogie Man

24 Epic Montage

25 Stormbringer

26 Passing Through

27 Climax

28 Murder Game

29 Shanghai Suspense

30 Epiliogue

31 The Harvest

32 The Quick and the Dead

33 Unforgiving

34 Zombie Hunter

35 Garden's Gate

36 Born Threat

37 Mansonesque

38 Grunge Slam

39 Aa Botom

40 Pulp Surf Guitar

41 Trouble in 'da House

42 Warp Speed

43 Chillin'

44 Techno Drama

45 88 Trip Hop

46 Techno Latin

47 Underground Lounge

48 Voodoo Swing

XRCD03 - Prime Cuts

XRCD04 - Sit Up And Listen

XRCD05 - Fresh Meat

XRCD06 - New Tricks

XRCD07 - Mad Dog

XRCD08 - A Breed Apart

XRCD09 - Double Live Doggie Style I

XRCD10 - Double Live Doggie Style II

XRCD11 - Dog Party

XRCD12 - Canis Rex I

Canis Rex I Canis Rex I


01 victoria

02 across the world

03 across the world (no choir)

04 the final challenge

05 the final challenge (no choir)

06 the final challenge (with drums)

07 the prophet

08 ascension

09 reverie

10 burning woman

11 fight for glory

12 coming home

13 path to glory

14 eternity big mix

15 congo

16 warpath

17 warpath orchestral

18 hero's return with drums

19 the healer

20 enter the arena

21 the academy

22 the vision

23 atonement

24 eternal

25 pastoral elegy

26 breathing space

27 from the heart

28 a new hope

29 miracles can happen

30 miracles can happen (no choir)

31 not forgotten

32 not forgotten (no choir)

33 somaquado

34 somaquado (no choir)

35 will to survive

36 heartbeat of man

37 freeflight

38 magic of the season

39 magic of the season (no bells)

40 classic romp

XRCD13 - Canis Rex II

Canis Rex II Canis Rex II


01 here comes the king

02 here comes the king no choir

03 here comes the king drums_fx

04 revolutionary mix 1

05 revolutionary mix 2

06 generals

07 generals no choir

08 generals drums

09 valor quest

10 valor quest no choir

11 live or die

12 live or die no choir

13 the revelation

14 the revelation no choir

15 the revelation with drums

16 the artist

17 tunnel of darkness

18 tunnel of darkness no choir

19 the new gothic power

20 intrigue

21 intrigue no choir

22 apassionata

23 apassionata no choir

24 apassionata drums

25 cold stone rise

26 cold stone rise no choir

27 cold stone rise drums

28 a stranger awaits

29 a stranger awaits no choir

30 lesser evil

31 lesser evil no choir

32 gothic monsters

33 identity

34 south by southwest

35 wicked things

36 untraceable

37 dreamstate

38 i hear voices

39 scallop pond

40 crime trail

41 monster build

42 magical mystery

43 behold

XRCD14 - Dog Eat Dog I

XRCD15 - Dog Eat Dog II

XRCD16 - Hellhounds

XRCD17 - Bites Barks Growls

XRCD18 - B.B.G. Elements

XRCD19 - Dog Gone Wild

XRCD20 - X-Ray Spex

XRCD21 - Best in Show

XRCD22 - Mighty Dog

XRCD23 - K-9 Empire I

K-9 Empire K-9 Empire


01 darkness and light

02 leviathan

03 in a heart beat

04 timeline

05 conquest

06 divine crusade

07 the warrior

08 the siege

09 breach the gate

10 miserere

11 agnus dei

12 agnus dei choir only

13 burning religion

14 burning religion orchestral

15 burning religion choir only

16 return of the king

17 return of the king orchestral

18 return of the king choir only

19 gothic monsters

20 face of darkness

21 ring of death

22 acts of courage

23 acts of courage orchestral

24 state of valor

25 state of valor orchestral

26 war story

27 war story no snare

28 war story choir only

29 the armada

30 lost kingdom

31 lost kingdom no whistle

32 pandemic

33 artifact

34 artifact orchestral

35 labyrinth

36 mystery of time

37 the last chapter

38 the last chapter no bass

39 the resolution

40 in too deep

41 in too deep no piano

42 hammer of crom

43 desert curse

44 eternal demise

45 legend foretold

46 legend foretold drums choir

47 native soil

48 homeward sunset

XRCD24 - K-9 Empire II

XRCD25 - Cerberus I

XRCD26 - Cerberus II

XRCD27 - Boneyard I

XRCD28 - Boneyard II

XRCD29 - Dog Rock

XRCD30 - Alpha Dog

XRCD31 - Mechanimal

XRCD32 - Dogs of War I

XRCD33 - Dogs of War II

XRCD34 - Top Dog

XRCD35 - Argos

XRCD36 - Anubis

XRCD37 - Canis Maximus

XRCD38 - Feed The Beast

XRCD39 - Night_Hounds

XRCD40 - Woofer.torrent

XRCD41 - Rip_Chew_Gnaw.torrent

XRCD42 - IntrnlOrgns

XRCD43 - Seeing Eye

XRCD44 - Bite Size

XRCD45 - Bite Size

XRCD46 - Bite Size

XRCD47 - Bite Size

XRCD I - dog in heaven I

XRCD II - dog in heaven II

XRCD48 - Bare Bones

XRCD49 - Scent of Evil

XRCD50 - Pet Shop

XRCD51 - Muttskteer

XRCD52 - Xpack

XRCD53 - Comedy Rock

XRCD54 - Big Licks

XRCD55 - Canis Optimus

XRCD56 - Canis Destructus

XRCD57 - Beast Bteak

XRCD58 - Hot Pursuit

XRCD59 - Dog Beds Vol.1 Top chops

XRCD60 - Dog Beds Vol.2 Dogma


XRCD62 - Man's Best Friend


XRCD64 - Bury The Bone

XRCD65 - Stray

XRCD66 - Beware Of Dog

XRCD67 - Guard Dog

XRCD68 - Guard Dog Drums

XRCD70 - Master

XRCD71 - Leader

XRCD72 - Sheperd

XRCD73 - Pure Bred

XRCD74 - Sir Barksalot

XRCD75 - Dog House

XRCD76 - Dogma 2: Lethal Bites

XRCD77 - 暫無

XRCD78 - St. Bernard MP3



