

《福利尼奧的聖母》是義大利畫家拉斐爾1511年-1512年創作的一幅油畫作品,收藏於梵諦岡美術館。 表現聖母坐於雲端,聖徒和施主環立下方,地面遠景為福利尼奧田野風光。畫中聖母子的姿態既有三角形構圖又有富於氣韻的側轉,表明藝術家善於融匯達·文西和米開朗琪羅的成果於自己創作之中。


福利尼奧的聖母 福利尼奧的聖母

【創作時間】 文藝復興時期,約1511~1512

【現 存】 梵蒂岡博物館的布雷拉畫廊(Pinacoteca)



福利尼奧的聖母(局部) 福利尼奧的聖母(局部)

RAFFAELLO Sanzio (b. 1483, Urbino, d. 1520, Roma) The Madonna of Foligno 1511-12 Oil on canvas, 320 x 194 cm Pinacoteca, Vatican The painting was executed for Sigismondo de' Conti in 1511-12. It represents the Madonna in Glory but it is usually called the Madonna of Foligno. Raphael's pictorial research had been enriched by his solutions regarding the use of light in the Expulsion of Heliodorus and the Liberation of St Peter. These pictorial devices reappear in the Madonna of Foligno, now in the Vatican Museum. The Madonna and Child, borne by a cloud of angels and framed by an orange disk, dominate the group of saints below them, among whom is the donor. This group includes - from left to right - St John the Baptist, St Francis, Sigismondo de' Conti and St Jerome. A small angel at the centre of the composition holds a 'small plaque which was originally intended to carry the dedicatory inscription. The painting was commissioned to commemorate a miracle in which the donor's house in Foligno was struck by lightning or - according to another version - was struck by a projectile during the siege of Foligno, although it was not damaged. The stormy atmosphere of the landscape background and the flash of lightning (or explosion) which strikes the Chigi Palace (visible at left) illustrate the legend. The strong characterization of the figures, the volumetric fullness of the putti and the refined chiaroscuro distinguish the panel (which was taken as loot by Napoleon's army in 1799 and returned in 1815) as a work of the mature artist. --- Keywords: -------------- Author: RAFFAELLO Sanzio Title: The Madonna of Foligno Time-line: 1501-1550 School: Italian Form: painting Type: religious

RAFFAELLO Sanzio (b. 1483, Urbino, d. 1520, Roma) The Madonna of Foligno (detail) 1511-12 Oil on canvas Pinacoteca, Vatican The papal secretary Sigismondo de'Conti donated this ex voto altarpiece in 1511. A meteorite had fallen on Conti's house, a catastrophe Conti himself survived. Raphael portrays this event in the background. --- Keywords: -------------- Author: RAFFAELLO Sanzio Title: The Madonna of Foligno (detail) Time-line: 1501-1550 School: Italian Form: painting Type: religious


拉斐爾 拉斐爾

拉斐爾 Raphael(1483~1520)義大利畫家。1483年4月6日生於烏爾比諾,1520年4月6日卒於羅馬。原名拉法埃洛·聖喬奧。 自幼隨父(烏爾比諾公爵的宮廷畫師)學畫,後又轉入佩魯吉諾門下,1500年出師。 拉斐爾早期作品就顯露出非凡的天才。21歲時畫的《聖母的婚禮》不僅表明他充分吸收了佩魯吉諾的藝術精華,而且後來居上,無論構圖與形象塑造都有所創新。尤其是畫面的平衡,背景的描繪,聖母瑪利亞及其夫約瑟形象的端莊、文雅,均為前輩畫家作品中所罕見。



