






















23)稻瘟病廣譜高抗基因Pi39的功能研究及其套用(2007A020100002)/ 2007-2009


22)稻瘟病菌無毒基因的克隆及其功能研究 (0700695) / 2007-2009






19) 農業生物多樣性控制病重害和保護種質資源的原理與方法(2006CB1002006子課題)/2006-2010


18) 水稻品種抗稻瘟病基因型的鑑定技術的引進與推廣(2006-G61子課題)/2006-2010




16)稻瘟病持久抗性基因 Pif 的克隆及其套用(30570994)/2006-2008


15)水稻功能基因組與分子育種(IRT0448) /2005-2007




13)稻瘟病新抗性基因 Pi15 和Pi36的克隆及其功能研究(2002AA2Z1002)/2003-2005




13) 水稻疫情監控研究(粵農函[2003]363號)/2003-2010


14) 稻瘟病田間抗性主效基因Pif遺傳圖和物理圖的構建(2013)/2003-2005


15) 水稻稻瘟病菌新無毒基因的精細定位及BAC文庫構建(A021006)/2003-2005


16) 與稻瘟病菌非致病性基因 Avr1-Pi30 互作的水稻品種 Kasalath 新抗性基因 Pi30(t) 的克隆 (2001AA222231)/2001-2003


17) 稻瘟病田間抗性主效基因Pif遺傳圖和物理圖的構建(30170599)/2002-2004


18) 利用大片段DNA轉化技術改良水稻品種的稻瘟病抗性(J00-A-002)/2000-2002


19) 稻瘟病、白葉枯病室內鑑定及生理小種監測(粵農保2000-14)/2000-2002


20) 利用大片段DNA轉化技術改良水稻品種的稻瘟病抗性(000575)/2001-2003

廣東省自然科學基金3) 稻瘟病分子遺傳學研究(4200-0907A2)/1999-2003


21) 稻瘟病遺傳育種學研究(4200-K99043)/1999-2001


22) 水稻與稻瘟病原菌相互關係的遺傳分析(RF98001 #688)/1998-1999




1. 潘慶華,張樹林,何麗雲,楊先鋒,王玲.稻瘟病菌無毒基因AvrPib特異性分子標記及其方法與套用. (專利號:ZL201410570496.6;2017-01-18授權)

2. 潘慶華,張玉,林菲,楊先鋒,曾曉珊,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因 Pia功能特異性分子標記及其方法與套用. (專利號:ZL201210163881.X;2014-09-24授權)

3. 潘慶華,潘金媚,張玉,林菲,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因 Pia-C功能特異性分子標記及其方法與套用. (專利號:ZL201210164522.6;2013-12-25授權)

4. 潘慶華,陳彩霞,翟純,林菲,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因 Pik-s功能特異性分子標記PiksFNP及其方法與套用. (專利號:ZL201210118460.5;2013-12-25授權)

5. 潘慶華,翟純,林菲,董忠秋,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因 Pik及其套用. (專利號:ZL201010105686.2;2012-12-19授權)

6. 潘慶華,王玲,袁斌,徐曉可,林菲.稻瘟病抗性基因 Pik-p及其套用. (專利號:ZL200910236466.0;2012-12-19授權)

7. 潘慶華,甘霖,翟純,林菲,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因 Pi7及其套用. (專利號:ZL201010578633.2;2012-11-14授權)


4. Wang L,Hu TZ,Yang XY,Wu WH,and Pan QH. 2004. Characterization of genetic structure of the fungus population,Magnaporthe grisea,in South China. In: Lugtenberg B,Tikhonovich I,and Provorov N (eds),Biology of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,Volume 4,272-275. International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,St. Paul,MN,USA. (ISBN 0-9654625-3-6)

3. 藩 慶華、谷坂隆俊.1995. いもち病抵抗性(イネ)、pp123-126 in: 谷坂隆俊編、植物遺伝育種學実験法.朝倉書店、東京、日本.(ISBN 4-254-42014-5)

1. 凌忠專,潘慶華,王久林,李梅芳. 1990. 雲南粳稻品種的抗瘟性分類及基因分析. pp105-115; 124-130. 朱立宏主編,主要農作物抗病性遺傳研究進展. 江蘇科學技術出版社,南京. (ISBN 7-5345-1001-5)

1. 凌忠專,潘慶華,黃書針,王久林. 1990. 水稻抗稻瘟病育種. pp1-266. 凌忠專,潘慶華,黃書針,王久林編,福建科學技術出版社,福州. (ISBN 7-5335-0448-8)



28. Zhai C,Lin F,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. Pi41,a new rice blast resistance gene,was identified in the reference japonica rice cultivar,Q1076. (in preparation).

27. Zeng J,Feng S,Wang L,Lin F,Cai J,Pan QH.* 2007. Mating-type distribution and fertility status in Magnaporthe grisea populations collected from China. (in preparation).

26. Wang L,Lin F,Wang GT,Liu XQ,Zuo SF,Pan QH.* 2007. Seasonal dynamics and residual resistance effects were identified in the populations of Magnaporthe grisea collected from 2002 to 2004 in Guangdong province,China. (in preparation).

25. Lin F,Zhang Y,Wang T,Feng SJ,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. Molecular cloning and dissection of an avirulence gene AvrPik-m of Magnaporthe oryzae. (in preparation).

24. Wang L,Lin F,Xu X,Pan QH.* 2007. Fine mapping and characterization of the rice blast Pik-p gene locus using genomic position-ready markers. (in submission).

23. Yang QZ,Wang L,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2007. Identification and mapping of Pi40,a gene conferring resistance to rice blast in the indica reference cultivar,93-11. Theor Appl Genet (in revision). (SCI,2.715).

22. Lin F,Chen S,Que ZQ,Wang L,Liu XQ,Pan QH.* 2007. The blast resistance gene Pi37 encodes an NBS-LRR protein and is a member of a resistance gene cluster on rice chromosome 1. Genetics 177: 1871-1880. (SCI,4.242)

21. Feng SJ,Ma JH,Lin F,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. Construction of an electronic physical map of Magnaporthe oryzae using genomic position-ready SSR markers. Chinese Sci Bull 52: 3346-3354 (SCI,0.722).

20. Liu XQ,Yang QZ,Lin F,Hua LX,Wang CT,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. Identification and fine mapping of Pi39,a novel gene conferring the broad-spectrum resistance to Magnaprothe oryzae. Mol Gen Genomics 278: 403-410. (SCI,2.552)

19. Li L,Wang L,Jing J,Li Z,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2007. The Pikm gene,conferring stable resistance to isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae,was finely mapped in a crossover-cold region on rice chromosome 11. Molecular Breeding 20: 179-188 (SCI,2.135)

18. Liu XQ,Lin F,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. The in silico map-based cloning of Pi36,a gene encodes a coiled-coil NBS-LRR protein,conferring race-specific resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae. Genetics 176: 2541-2549. (SCI,4.242)

17. Lin F,Liu YG,Wang L,Liu XQ,Pan QH.* 2007. A high-resolution map of the rice blast resistance gene Pi15 was constructed by sequence-ready markers. Plant Breeding 126: 287-290 (SCI,0.954).

16. Feng SJ,Wang L,Ma J,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2007. Genetic and physical mapping of AvrPi7,a novel avirulence gene of Magnaporthe oryzae using physical position-ready markers. Chinese Sci Bull 52: 903-911 (SCI,0.722).

15. 樂美旺,陳實,潘慶華,曾任森,劉迎湖,駱世明. 2007. 水稻和稻瘟病菌互作中的信號傳導及防禦反應基因誘導表達的研究. 植物病理學報,37: 42-49.

14. 吳偉懷,王 玲,潘慶華.* 2006. 江蘇與雲南2省稻瘟病菌群體遺傳結構多樣性比較分析. 熱帶作物學報,27: 95-100.

13. Ma JH,Wang L,Feng SJ,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2006. Identification and fine mapping of Avr15,a novel avirulence gene of Magnaporthe grisea. Theor Appl Genet 113: 875-883. (SCI,2.715)

12. Chen JW,Wang L,Peng XF,Pan QH.* 2006. Genetic analysis and fine mapping of a new brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) resistance gene bph19(t). Mol Gen Genomics,275: 321-329. (SCI,2.552)

11. Chen S,Wang L,Que ZQ,Pan RQ,Pan QH.* 2005. Genetic and physical mapping of Pi37(t),a new gene conferring resistance to rice blast in the famous cultivar St. No. 1. Theor Appl Genet,111: 1563-1570. (SCI,2.715)

10. Liu XQ,Wang L,Chen S,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2005. Genetic and physical mapping of Pi36(t),a novel rice blast resistance gene located on chromosome 8. Mol Gen Genomics,274: 394-401. (SCI,2.552)

9. 蔡江橋,王玲,潘慶華.* 2005. 廣東省稻瘟病菌群體交配型及育性的研究. 中國農業科學 38: 837-842

8. 吳偉懷,王玲,何藝郡,潘慶華.* 2004. 稻瘟病菌群體的分子遺傳學研究. Ⅷ. 廣東省與江蘇省稻瘟病菌群體遺傳結構及致病型結構的比較分析. 中國農業科學37: 1628-1635.

7. 楊雪燕,王玲,何藝郡,潘慶華.* 2004. 稻瘟病菌群體的分子遺傳學研究. Ⅶ. 廣東省稻瘟病菌群體遺傳結構及致病型結構的時空變化分析. 中國農業科學 37: 1468-1473.

6. 吳偉懷,王玲,程貫忠,朱有勇,潘慶華.* 2004. 稻瘟病菌群體的分子遺傳學研究. Ⅵ. 廣東省與雲南省稻瘟病菌群體遺傳結構及致病型結構的比較分析. 中國農業科學37: 675-680.

5. Zhu ML,Wang L,and Pan QH.* 2004. Identification and characterization of a new blast resistance gene located on rice chromosome 1 through linkage and differential analyses. Phytopathology 94: 515-519. (SCI,2.195)

4. 潘慶華,胡鐵柱,蔡江橋,王玲. 2004. 稻瘟病菌群體的分子遺傳學研究. V. 廣東省地區特異性宗譜菌株的分子指紋和致病型分析. 中國農業科學37: 57-64.

3. 胡鐵柱,王玲,馮熙路,潘慶華.* 2003. 稻瘟病菌群體的分子遺傳學研究. Ⅳ. 由五個亞群體組成的廣東省稻瘟病菌群體遺傳結構的分析. 中國農業科學 36: 1476-1483.

2. Pan QH,Hu ZD,Tanisaka T,and Wang L. 2003. Fine mapping of the blast resistance gene Pi15,linked to Pii,on rice chromosome 9. Acta Botanica Sinica 45: 871-877. (SCI,0.599)

1. 潘慶華,王玲,陳瑾,羅倩,胡珍娣. 2003. 稻瘟病菌群體的分子遺傳學研究. Ⅲ. 廣東省2001年度稻瘟病菌群體的遺傳結構分析以及兩個假說的提出. 菌物系統22: 62-68.


22. Lin F,Liu X,Yang Q,Zhai C,Hua L,Wang L,Pan QH. 2007. Genetic studies on the model pathosystem,rice blast,in SCAU. Abstract in: International Workshop on Molecular Plant Pathology,7-9 October,Guangzhou,China. (Organizer,oral presentation)

21. Liu X,Lin F,Chen S,Yang Q,Zhai C,Hua L,Wang L,Pan QH. 2007. Molecular Characterization of the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi36 in the Reference indica Cultivar Kasalath. Abstract in: The 5th International Rice Functional Genomics Meeting,14-17 October,Tsukuba,Japan. (Oral presentation)

20. Lin F,Chen S,Que Z,Yang Q,Zhai C,Hua L,Liu X,Wang L,Pan QH. 2007. Molecular cloning and characterization of the rice blast resistance gene Pi37 in the well-known cultivar St. No. 1. Abstract in: The 4th International Rice Blast Conference,9-13 October,Changsha,China. (Oral presentation)

19. Lin F,Ma J,Feng S,Yang Q,Hua L,Zhai C,Wang L,Pan QH. 2007. Genetic dissection of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathsystem. Abstract in: Plant Genomics in China Ⅷ,17 –20 August,Shanghai,China. (Oral presentation)

18. Wang L,Lin F,Ma J,Feng S,Yang Q,Zhai C,Hua L,Pan QH. 2007. Genetic dissection of resistance and avirulence genes in the model pathosystem,Magnaporthe oryzae. Abstract in: 2007 APS/SON Joint Meeting,July 29-August 1,San Diego,USA. (Oral presentation)

17. Lin F,Ma JH,Liu XQ,Feng SJ,Wang T,Que ZQ,Wang L,Pan QH. 2006. Isolation and characterization of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of 4th International Rice Functional Genomics Symposium. 9-11 October,Montpellier,France. pp142. (Poster presentation)

16. Lin F,Ma JH,Liu XQ,Feng SJ,Wang T,Que ZQ,Wang L,Pan QH. 2006. Molecular dissection of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystam. Abstract in: Proceedings of Plant Genomics in China Ⅶ. 7-10 August,Harbin,China. pp36. (Oral presentation)

15. 林菲,馬俊紅,劉新瓊,馮淑傑,王濤,卻志群,王玲,潘慶華. 2006. 稻瘟病體系中抗病基因和無毒基因的遺傳分析. 中國植物病理學會及中國菌物學會西藏聯合年會,8月6-9 日林芝 (大會報告).

14. Que ZQ,Ma JH,Feng SJ,Xu XK,Liu XQ,Lin F,Huang ZH,Wang T,Wang L,Pan QH. 2005. Molecular cloning and characterization of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of Plant Genomics in China Ⅵ. 17-20 August,Kunming,China. pp43. (Oral presentation)

13.Que ZH,Ma JH,Feng SJ,Xu XK,Liu XQ,Lin F,Huang ZH,Wang T,Wang L,Pan QH. 2005. Molecular cloning and characterization of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. The 3rd Chinese Rice Blast Conference,12-16 August,Wuyishan,China. (Oral presentation)

12. Ma JH,Que ZQ,Liu XQ,Lin F,Feng SJ,Xu XK,Li LY,Huang ZH,Wang T,Wang L,Pan QH. 2005. Fine mapping of genes for blast resistance in rice. Abstract in: 5th International Rice Genetics Symposium and 3rd International Rice Functional Genomics Symposium,pp41. 19-23 November,Manila,Philippines. (Oral presentation)

11. Pan QH,Liu XQ,Lin F,Que ZQ,Chen S,Xu XK,Feng SJ,Ma JH,Wang T,Wang L. 2005. Molecular cloning and characterization of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in The Ⅻ International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 17-22 July,Cancun,Mexico. (Poster presentation)

10. Wang L,Cai JQ,Wu WH,Wang YC,Xiao Y,Pan QH. 2005. Comparative analyses of genetic structures of the fungus populations,Magnaporthe grisea,in South China. Abstract in The Ⅻ International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 17-222 July,Cancun,Mexico. (Poster presentation)

9. Pan QH,Lin F,Liu XQ,Li LY,Chen S,Feng S,Wang L. 2004. Map-based cloning of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference 2004. 5-7 November,Tsukuba,Japan. pp. 143. (Poster presentation)

8. 劉新瓊,林菲,卻志群,李落葉,陳深,馮淑傑,馬俊紅,沈春修,王玲,潘慶華. 2004. 稻瘟病體系中抗病基因和無毒基因的圖位克隆. 中國植物病理學會2004學術年會,9月16-19 日寧波 (大會報告).

7. Liu XQ,Lin F,Li LY,Chen S,Feng SJ,Wang L and Pan QH. 2004. In silico map-based cloning of resistance and avirulence genes involved in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of Plant Genomics in China V. 19-22 August,Wuhan,China. pp21. (Oral presentation)

6. Wang L,Wu WH,Cai JQ,Hu TZ and Pan QH. 2004. Population dynamics of Magnaporthe grisea in South China monitored by the pathotype and DNA fingerprinting analyses. Abstract in: Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress. 11-16 May,Beijing,China pp. 347. (Poster presentation)

5. Pan QH,Lin F,Feng SJ,Liu XQ and Wang L. 2004. Towards genetic dissection of resistance and avirulence in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress. 11-16 May,Beijing,China pp. 59. (Oral presentation)

4. Lin F,Liu XQ,Feng SJ,Li LY,Wang L,and Pan QH. 2003. Genetic dissection of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in Plant Genomics in China Ⅳ. 22-26 September,Yangling,China pp. 53. (Oral presentation)

3. Wang L,Hu TZ,Yang XY,Wu WH,and Pan QH. 2003. Characterization of genetic structure of the fungus population,Magnaporthe grisea,in South China. Abstract in The Ⅺ International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 18-26 July,St. Petersburg,Russia pp. 222. (Oral presentation)

2. Pan QH,Lin F,Feng SJ,and Wang L. 2003. Towards molecular cloning of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in The Ⅺ International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 18-26 July,St. Petersburg,Russia pp. 222. (Poster presentation)

1. 潘慶華,林菲,劉新瓊,陳深,馮淑傑,王玲. 2003. 稻瘟病體系中基因對基因相互作用的分子遺傳學研究. 第二屆全國稻瘟病會議,12月18-21日,廣州. (大會報告)



