最後一片葉子[Tom Waits演唱歌曲]

最後一片葉子[Tom Waits演唱歌曲]
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《最後一片葉子》是Tom Waits演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Bad As Me》中。



吉他:Tom Waits, Keith Richards, Marc Ribot

貝斯:James Whiton

管風琴:Tom Waits

專輯:《Bad As Me》(2011)


本歌曲選自美國民謠歌手湯姆·韋茨(Tom Waits)2011年發行的新專輯《Bad As Me》。湯姆·韋茨生於1949年12月7日,1973年發行第一張個人專輯《Closing Time》,至今已發行24張專輯。他的音樂作品多以低下層人民的生活為主題,以低啞的嗓音、幽默而辛酸的歌詞,及充滿靈性的詞曲編配手法,演繹出一個個楚楚動人的人生故事。通過Last Leaf 這首歌,湯姆·韋茨用蒼老的歌喉重新演繹了美國短篇小說家歐·亨利(O.Henry)的經典小說The Last Leaf(最後一片樹葉),表達了自己對人生的堅定信念及對音樂的執著追求。


Last Leaf

I'm the last leaf on the tree

The autumn took the rest

But they won't take me

I'm the last leaf on the tree

When the autumn wind blows

They're already gone

They flutter to the ground

Cause they can't hang on

There's nothing in the world

That I ain't seen

I greet all the new ones

That are coming in green

I'm the last leaf on the tree

The autumn took the rest

But they won't take me

I'm the last leaf on the tree

They say I got staying power

Here on the tree

But I've been here since Eisenhower

And I've out lived even he

I'm the last leaf on the tree

The autumn took the rest

But they won't take me

I'm the last leaf on the tree

I fight off the snow

I fight off the hail

Nothing makes me go

I'm like some vestigial tail

I'll be here through eternity

If you want to know how long

If they cut down this tree

I'll show up in a song

I'm the last leaf on the tree

The autumn took the rest

But they won't take me

I'm the last leaf on the tree

I'm the last leaf on the tree

I'm the last leaf on the tree


