

孫寶紅教授,目前為長江商學院市場行銷教授、傑出院長講席教授、全球項目副院長。她是《市場行銷科學》和《市場行銷學刊》等專業學術期刊編委會成員,並在包括芝加哥大學、沃頓商學院、康奈爾大學、加州大學伯克利分校、印弟安那大學等美國多所知名大學發表過演講。此外,她還分別是美國市場行銷學會和美國經濟學委員會成員。 她在美國南加州大學獲得博士學位。作為行銷領域專家,孫寶紅擁有豐富的公司諮詢經驗,服務過的公司包括PNC銀行,Bell South,青島啤酒和IBM公司等。她是《市場行銷科學》和《市場行銷學刊》等專業學術期刊編委會成員,並在包括芝加哥大學、沃頓商學院、康奈爾大學、加州大學伯克利分校、印弟安那大學等美國多所知名大學發表過演講。此外,她還分別是美國市場行銷學會和美國經濟學委員會成員。








•Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, INFORMS, 2009

•Faculty fellow for 2008 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2008

•Faculty fellow for 2007 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2007

•MBA George Leland Bach Teaching Award, CMU, 2006

•Faculty fellow for 2007 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2006

•Faculty fellow for 2006 Doctoral Consortium, AMA, 2006

•CART Research Frontier Award for Innovative Research, CMU, 2005

•Xerox Research Chair Professor, CMU, 2004-05

•Selected to Marketing Young Scholars Program, MSI, 2004

•MBA All Star Teaching Award, UNC, 2003

•MBA Master Teacher, UNC, 2003

•Academic Achievement Award, USC, 1995

•Academic Achievement Award, USC, 1993


“Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease - An Empirical Analysis of Customer Voice and Firm Intervention on Twitter.” Sunder Kekre, Liye Ma, and Baohong Sun.Conditionally accepted atMarketing Science.

“Implications of Self-Control of Vice Goods on Price and Promotion Effects.”Brett Gordon and Baohong Sun. Forthcoming atMarketing Science.

"The ISMS Durable Goods Datasets," Jian Ni and Scott Neslin (database article).Marketing Science, 2012, 31(6), 1008-13.

"Ushering Buyers into Electronic Channels." Nishitha Langer, Chris Forman, Sunder Kekre, and Baohong Sun.Information Systems Research, 2012, 23(4),1212-31.

"A Dynamic Structural Model of the Impact of Loyalty Programs on Customer Behavior," Praveen Kopalle, Scott A. Neslin, Baohong Sun, Yacheng Sun, and Vanitha Swaminathan.Marketing Science, 2012 (31(2), 216-235.

"Cross-Selling the Right Product to the Right Customer at the Right Time," Shibo Li, Alan Montgomery and Baohong Sun,Journal of Marketing Research, 2011, 48(4), 683-700.

"Learning and Acting Upon Customer Information: A Simulation-Based Demonstration on Service Allocations with Offshore Centers," Sun, Baohong and Shibo Li,Journal of Marketing Research, 2011, 48(1), 72-86.

"Testing for Choice Dynamics in Panel Data," Tulin Erdem, Michael Katz, and Baohong Sun,Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2010, 8(3), 303.

"Why Do Consumers Buy Extended Service Contracts?" Tao Chen, Ajay Kalra, and Baohong Sun,Journal of Consumer Research, 2009, 36(4), 661-623.

"An Empirical Investigation of the Dynamic Effect of Marlboro's Permanent Pricing Shift," Tao Chen, Baohong Sun, and Vishal Singh, 2009,Marketing Science, 28(4), 740-758.

"Internet Auction Features as Quality Signals," Shibo Li, Kannan Srinivasan and Baohong Sun, 2009,Journal of Marketing, 73(1), 75-92.

"A Dynamic Model of Brand Choice When Price and Advertising Signal Product Quality." Erdem, Tulin, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 2008,Marketing Science, 27(6), 1111-1129. (Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, INFORMS)

"The impact of advertising on consumer price sensitivity in experience goods markets," Erdem, Tulin, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 2008,Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 6 (2), p139-176.

"Promotion Effect on Endogenous Consumption," Baohong Sun, 2005,Marketing Science, 24(3), 430-443.

"Cross-selling Sequentially Ordered Products: An Application to Consumer Banking Services," Shibo Li, Baohong Sun and Ronald Wilcox, 2004,Journal of Marketing Research, 42 (2), 233-240.(2005-2007 Journal of Marketing Research Most-Cited Articles)

"Product Strategy for Innovators in Markets with Network Effects," Baohong Sun, Jinhong Xie and H. Henry Cao, 2004,Marketing Science, 23 (2), 243-254.

"Measuring The Impact of Promotions on Brand Switching Under Rational Consumer Behavior," Baohong Sun, Scott Neslin, Kannan Srinivasan, 2003,Journal of Marketing Research, 40, 4, 389-405.

"An Empirical Investigation of Spillover Effects of Marketing Mix Strategy in Umbrella Branding," Tulin Erdem and Baohong Sun, 2002,Journal of Marketing Research, 39, 4, 408-420.

"Understanding the Reference Price Shopper: A Within and Cross-Category Analysis," Tulin Erdem, Glenn Mayhew and Baohong Sun, 2001,Journal of Marketing Research, 38, 4, 445-457.

"Missing Price and Coupon Availability Data in Scanner Panels: Correcting for the Self-Selection Bias in the Choice Model Parameters," Tulin Erdem, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 1999,Journal of Econometrics, 89, 1-2, 177-196.

"Modeling Survey Response Bias - with An Application to the Demand for An Advanced Electronic Device Service," Cheng Hsiao and Baohong Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 1999, 89, 1-2, 15-39, (lead article).


“Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease - An Empirical Analysis of Customer Voice and Firm Intervention on Twitter.” Sunder Kekre, Liye Ma, and Baohong Sun.Conditionally accepted atMarketing Science.


“Implications of Self-Control of Vice Goods on Price and Promotion Effects.”Brett Gordon and Baohong Sun. Forthcoming atMarketing Science.


"The ISMS Durable Goods Datasets," Jian Ni and Scott Neslin (database article).Marketing Science, 2012, 31(6), 1008-13.


"Ushering Buyers into Electronic Channels." Nishitha Langer, Chris Forman, Sunder Kekre, and Baohong Sun.Information Systems Research, 2012, 23(4),1212-31.


"A Dynamic Structural Model of the Impact of Loyalty Programs on Customer Behavior," Praveen Kopalle, Scott A. Neslin, Baohong Sun, Yacheng Sun, and Vanitha Swaminathan.Marketing Science, 2012 (31(2), 216-235.


"Cross-Selling the Right Product to the Right Customer at the Right Time," Shibo Li, Alan Montgomery and Baohong Sun,Journal of Marketing Research, 2011, 48(4), 683-700.


"Learning and Acting Upon Customer Information: A Simulation-Based Demonstration on Service Allocations with Offshore Centers," Sun, Baohong and Shibo Li,Journal of Marketing Research, 2011, 48(1), 72-86.


"Testing for Choice Dynamics in Panel Data," Tulin Erdem, Michael Katz, and Baohong Sun,Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2010, 8(3), 303.


"Why Do Consumers Buy Extended Service Contracts?" Tao Chen, Ajay Kalra, and Baohong Sun,Journal of Consumer Research, 2009, 36(4), 661-623.


"An Empirical Investigation of the Dynamic Effect of Marlboro's Permanent Pricing Shift," Tao Chen, Baohong Sun, and Vishal Singh, 2009,Marketing Science, 28(4), 740-758.


"Internet Auction Features as Quality Signals," Shibo Li, Kannan Srinivasan and Baohong Sun, 2009,Journal of Marketing, 73(1), 75-92.


"A Dynamic Model of Brand Choice When Price and Advertising Signal Product Quality." Erdem, Tulin, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 2008,Marketing Science, 27(6), 1111-1129. (Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, INFORMS)


"The impact of advertising on consumer price sensitivity in experience goods markets," Erdem, Tulin, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 2008,Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 6 (2), p139-176.


"Promotion Effect on Endogenous Consumption," Baohong Sun, 2005,Marketing Science, 24(3), 430-443.


"Cross-selling Sequentially Ordered Products: An Application to Consumer Banking Services," Shibo Li, Baohong Sun and Ronald Wilcox, 2004,Journal of Marketing Research, 42 (2), 233-240.(2005-2007 Journal of Marketing Research Most-Cited Articles)


"Product Strategy for Innovators in Markets with Network Effects," Baohong Sun, Jinhong Xie and H. Henry Cao, 2004,Marketing Science, 23 (2), 243-254.


"Measuring The Impact of Promotions on Brand Switching Under Rational Consumer Behavior," Baohong Sun, Scott Neslin, Kannan Srinivasan, 2003,Journal of Marketing Research, 40, 4, 389-405.


"An Empirical Investigation of Spillover Effects of Marketing Mix Strategy in Umbrella Branding," Tulin Erdem and Baohong Sun, 2002,Journal of Marketing Research, 39, 4, 408-420.


"Understanding the Reference Price Shopper: A Within and Cross-Category Analysis," Tulin Erdem, Glenn Mayhew and Baohong Sun, 2001,Journal of Marketing Research, 38, 4, 445-457.


"Missing Price and Coupon Availability Data in Scanner Panels: Correcting for the Self-Selection Bias in the Choice Model Parameters," Tulin Erdem, Michael Keane and Baohong Sun, 1999,Journal of Econometrics, 89, 1-2, 177-196.


"Modeling Survey Response Bias - with An Application to the Demand for An Advanced Electronic Device Service," Cheng Hsiao and Baohong Sun, Journal of Econometrics, 1999, 89, 1-2, 15-39, (lead article).

孫寶紅 孫寶紅



