

周常勇,男,研究員,悉尼大學博士,博士生導師。重慶市人大代表,重慶市青聯常委,入選國家“萬人計畫”百千萬工程領軍人才、教育部新世紀優秀人才,中國農業科學院二級崗位傑出人才,重慶市“322人才工程”第二層次人選、重慶市兩江學者等。兼任國際柑桔病毒學家組織主席、國際柑桔學會執委、中國柑桔學會理事長、中國植物保護學會副理事長、教育部科技委農林學部委員、西南大學學術委員會副主任兼秘書長等職務。 主要從事分子植物病理學研究,帶領的團隊先後入選教育部創新團隊和農業部創新團隊。近十年來,主持國家級項目10餘項,培養碩博研究生70餘名,發表論文170餘篇,編著和參編書籍5部,獲得國家科技進步獎二等獎,另獲省部級科技成果獎7項 。 曾任西南大學黨委常委、副校長。




1986年畢業於西南農業大學植保系,1990-1997年業務考評連續8年優秀;1997年獲澳大利亞國際農業研究中心(ACIAR)的John Allwright獎學金赴澳大利亞悉尼大學攻讀分子病理學博士學位,畢業時獲澳大利亞農業研究所有突出貢獻獎,於2001年4月學成回所擔任植保室主任和主持籌建"國家柑桔苗木脫毒中心"工作,從事柑桔病毒類病害研究和無病毒繁育體系建設;2007年主持籌建國家柑桔工程技術研究中心,任中心主任。











2001年獲澳大利亞Elizabeth Macarthur農業研究所有突出貢獻獎和重慶市優秀共產黨員榮譽稱號,2002年獲中國農學會青年科技獎,2004年獲重慶市引進高級技術人才作出顯著貢獻政府資助獎勵,2005年獲澳大利亞外交部長頒發的約翰.狄龍紀念獎、重慶市青年科技創新傑出獎以及重慶市第二屆先進工作者、全國優秀農業科技工作者和重慶市中青年骨幹教師等榮譽稱號,2006年獲重慶市高校十佳科技創新人才獎和國家特貢津貼。








7. 四川省柑桔無病毒良種苗木繁殖技術及體系研究,1994年四川省科學技術進步二等獎,第6完成人。


1. Yunqi Yu, Qiong Wu, Huanan Su, Xuefeng Wang, Mengji Cao *, Changyong Zhou *. Small RNA deep sequencing reveals full-length genome of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus in Chongqing, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(2): 503-508.

2. Sagheer Atta, Mengji Cao, Ummad ud din Umar, Yan Zhou, Fangyun Yang, Changyong Zhou*. Biological indexing and genetic analysis of Citrus tristeza virus in Pakistan. Journal of General Phtology, 2017, 83:382-389.

3. Mengji Cao, Yunqi Yu, Xin. Tian, Fangyun Yang, Ruihui Li, Changyong Zhou*.First Report of Citrus leaf blotch virus in Lemon in China. Plant disease, 2017,101(8):1561

4. Shimin Fu, Jonathan Shao, Cristina Paul, Changyong Zhou* and John S. Hartung*. Transcriptional analysis of sweet orange trees co-infected with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ and mild or severe strains of Citrus tristeza virus. BMC Genomics, 2017, 18: 837.

5. Shimin Fu , Jonathan Shao , Changyong Zhou* and John S. Hartung *. Co-infection of Sweet Orange with Severe and Mild Strains of Citrus tristeza virus Is Overwhelmingly Dominated by the Severe Strain on Both the Transcriptional and Biological Levels. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8, 1419.

6. Yan Zhou, Hongming Chen, Mengji Cao, Xuefeng Wang, Xin Jin, Kehong Liu, Changyong Zhou*. Occurrence, distribution, and molecular characterization of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus in China. Plant disease, 2017,101:137-143.

7. Yan Zhou, Yanhui Zhang, Yingjie Liu, Hongming Chen, Taisheng Li, Changyong Zhou*. Distribution and molecular characterization of citrus chlorotic dwarf-associated virus in China. Australasian Plant Pathology. 2017, 46:227–229.

8. Yan Zhou, Yinjie Liu, Kehong Liu, Fangyun Yang, Changyong Zhou*. Distribution and population structure of Citrus tristeza virus in Poncirus trifoliate. Australasian Plant Pathology, 2017, 46(4): 351-355.

9. Mengji Cao, Qiong Wu, Sagheer Atta, Huanan Su, Yunqi Yu, Hongming Chen, Changyong Zhou*. First molecular evidence of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus from Citrus in Punjab, Pakistan. Plant disease, 2016, 100(2):540.

10. Yan Zhou, Dandan Ma, Hongming Chen, Xuefeng Wang, Shaoguo He, Changyong Zhou*. A rapid and efficient purification of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus by sucrose cushion ultracentrifugation. Journal of Plant pathology, 2016, 98(1):159-161.

11. Zhen Song, Kehong Liu, Zhongan Li, Changyong Zhou*. RT-PCR-RFLP for genetic diversity analysis of the citrus tatter leaf virus strain of Apple stem grooving virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016, 144: 687-692.

12. Huang aijun, Song zhen, Cao mengji, Chen hongming, Li Zhongan, Zhou changyong*. The complete genome sequence of Citrus vein enation virus from China. Journal of Integrative Agricultrue. 2015, 14(3):598-601.

13. Shimin Fu, Zhongan Li, Huanan Su, Jin Tan, John S. Hartung*, Changyong Zhou*. Ultrastructural Changes and Putative Phage Particles Observed in Sweet Orange Leaves Infected with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’. Plant disease, 2015, 99(3):320-324.

14. Song Zhen, Elizabeth G. Kurth, Valera V. Peremyslov, Zhou Changyong*, Valerian V. Dolja. Molecular characterization of a citrus yellow vein clearing virus strain from China. Archives of Virology. 2015, 160(7): 1811-1813.

15.Song Zhen, Li Zhong an, Liu kehong, Zhou chang yong*. Complete genome sequence analysis of two Citrus tatter leaf virus (CTLV) isolates from China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 14(5): 984-987.

16. Xuefeng Wang, Jiaoyue Chen, Jin Tan, Shuo Duan, Xiaoling Deng, Jianchi Chen, Changyong Zhou*. High genetic variation and recombination events in the vicinity of non-autonomous transposable elements from “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2015,14 (10): 2002-2010.

17. Qiong Wu, Mengji Cao, Huanan Su, Sagheer Atta, Fangyun Yang, Xuefeng Wang*, Changyong Zhou*. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Citrus viroid I-LSS variants from citrus in Pakistan and China reveals their possible geographic origin . European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2014, 139:13-17.

18. Mengji Cao, Peng Du, Xianbing Wang, Yun-Qi Yu, Yan-Hong Qiu,Wanxiang Li, Amit Gal-Onc, Changyong Zhou, YiLi*, and ShouWei Ding*. Virus infection triggers widespread silencing of host genes by a distinct class of endogenous siRNAs in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111(40):14613-14618.

19. Wanxia Shen, Smith Neil, Changyong Zhou*, MingBo Wang*. High-Level Accumulation of Exogenous Small RNAs does not Affect Endogenous small RNA Biogenesis and Function in Plants. Journal of integrative agriculture, 2014, 13(5):1017-1023.

20. Long Yi, Changyong Zhou*. Phylogenetic Analysis of Citrus tristeza virus Isolates of Wild Type Citrus in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, 13(12): 2669-2677

21. Mengji Cao, Huanan Su, Sagheer Atta, Xuefeng Wang, QiongWu, Zhongan Li*, Changyong Zhou*. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Citrus viroid V isolates from Pakistan. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2013, 135:11-21.

22. Xuefeng Wang, Jin Tan, Ziqin Bai, Huanan Su, Xiaoling Deng, Zhognan Li, Changyong Zhou*, Jianchi Chen*. Detection and Characterization of Miniature Inverted-Repeat Transposable Elements in “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”. Journal of Bacteriology, 2013, 195(17): 3979-3986.

23. Yan Zhou, Zhongan Li, Xuefeng Wang, Kehong Liu, Taisheng Li, Changyong Zhou*. Variations of Pathogenicity and Composition of Two Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates Induced by Host Passage. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2013, 95(2): 265-273.


1. 周常勇,王永江,李中安,蘇華南,唐科志,周彥,黃愛軍. 柑桔衰退病毒的RT-LAMP快速檢測方法: ZL201110300775.7. 2013-03-20.

2. 周常勇,王雪峰,李中安,楊方雲,宋震,周彥,唐科志,劉金香,劉科宏. 檢測十種主要柑桔病害病原的基因晶片: ZL2010102822983.4. 2012-10-31.







