




生動物保護協會、中國綠化基金會聯合主辦的綠色生態環保類、高品位、 高規格、國內外發行的大型月刊。他以倡導綠色生活,傳播綠色文明,推動綠色經濟為辦刊宗旨,遵循以人為本,在人與自然,人與社會之間建立和諧、依存、互動、和平共處的關係,促進物質與精神、自然與社會、歷史與現實、中國與世界文明的可持續發展,為中華民族的偉大復興、山川秀美和世代偉業恪盡天職,為世界和平、友誼與可持續發展做出貢獻。
刊名變遷: 《竹類文摘》(原) 《中國綠色畫報》(現)


Positioning of the Pictorial
China Green Pictorial is a national-wide monthly authorized by National News and Publication Office, the aim of this pictorial is to call for green life, spread out green culture and promote green economics, it follows the principle of basing on human beings and advancing the sustainable development between material and spirit, human beings and natrue, it also dedicates to China and World Peace and the sustainable development.


Column Design
This pictorial is divided into four main classic sections: Green Spaces column is dedicated to release and transport authoritative, theoretical, up-to-date and specialized content from various industries; Green Culture column is designed to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture of human and nature and also culture from out of our territory; Green Economics is enagaged in advocating, discussing and promoting green enterprises, products and Green operating methods; and the last main column Green Life is dealt with being in harmony with natural ways of life and experiencing natural ways of recreation.


Publication Coverage
China Green Pictorial has covered all the provinces, cities and districts all over the country, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, it has also build up a strategic partnership with Nouvelles O’Europe, which is the biggest European newspaper for oversea Chinese, Oversea Chinese News of America and International Daily News which has covered the cities of South America and East-south Asia, which are most occupied by oversea Chinese. Through them, the content and publication of China Green Pictorial will cover the whole Europe. South America and East-south Asian Area.


Active Space
China Green Pictorial can use the brainpower that is constituted by its own academicians and scientists to provide strategic planning and implement the afterward increment service for research topics, it can cooperate with the principal newspapers and periodicals, televisions and websites domestic and abroad to carry out the planning, interviews and promotions of large-scale activities, it can also carry through a comprehensive cooperated propaganda and report for different cities all over the country, and take part in various activities held by oversea Chinese group. China Green Pictorial has built up a close relationship with the United Nations Environment Program(UNEP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Center for Human Settlement of the United Nations, World Tourism Organization. Green Peace, European Travel Commission (EPC), BOAO Forum For Asia, International Consumption Organization, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Friend of the Earth, Chinese Academy of Forestry,China Green Making Foundation and China Wildlife Conservation Association. China Green Pictorial will start from place of interest and traditional cultural heritage.


Format of the Pictorial
The pictorial is characterized by its unique vision and impresses readers with unforgettable vision impulsion, it is accompanied by words and intermingled with profound cultural connotation, it also has exquisite printing quality and thus improves its rank in Chinese pictorials.




Advertising Effects
Green is kind of fashion and value. We will use an original green angle to design the images of the enterprises and products with a comprehesive view for our customers. China Green Pictorial will follow the win-win Rule and start with a competitive price in the media industry, it will make its best endeavor to increase a huge amount of financial repay for our customers and also obtain a certain development space and stamina for itself.


三 類 城 市:地級城市及部分縣級市
其 他:中國圖書進出口總公司、國圖書刊服務有限公司、新華網、新浪、搜狐等網站,港澳台地區及歐美、東南亞相關國家。


傳 閱 率:平均每冊為5人次
Publication Quantity:
National Publication:80000 copies
Rate of passing around for persualL5 times for every copy
Publication Methods:Through Post 25 thousand
Through Headquarters:55 thousand
Distibuted for Free:20 thousand


自辦訂閱: 通過本刊發行部直接訂閱
行業訂閱: 利用林科院的網路在全國林業系統內進行推廣訂閱。
贈 閱:向政府分管領導及有關部門、科研機構、高校及海內外環保組織、華人社團、部分駐外大使館贈閱。


Adress:FL 6,Science and Technology Research Institute,ChineseAcademy of


