《Jane Eyre》

《Jane Eyre》

《簡·愛》(Jane eyre)是十九世紀英國著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,人們普遍認為《簡·愛》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“詩意的生平寫照”,是一部具有自傳色彩的作品。夏洛蒂·勃朗特、艾米莉·勃朗特、安妮·勃朗特和白朗寧夫人構成那個時代英國婦女最高榮譽的完美的三位一體。


 This Tor Classic is packaged with exciting, colorful cover art. penniless and orphaned, Jane must make her way in a world where single women have few choices. She becomes governess at Thornfield, but the dark and brooding Mr. Rochester has a secret that threatens to destroy them both.
《Jane Eyre》
Penniless, orphaned, locked away in a prison-like boarding school, eighteen-year-old Jane Eyre has one chance for happiness: in the great mansion of Thornfield, as governess to a little French girl, the adopted ward of an eccentric millionaire…… The Path to love. The road to heartbreak. Edward Rochester is troubled, cynical, moody- but funny, brilliant,giving and sensitive; little Adele is a delight; Thornfield has all the beauty Jane could ever want, life should be perfect…… But Jane Eyre and her decades-older employer are falling desperately in love--- And Thornfield holds a living horror that can, with no warning, destroy Edward, Jane, Adele…… A murderous secret ready to devour Jane Eyre's dreams, hopes-ever her life.


Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre is a classic romance novel by Charlotte Bront? which was published in 1847 by Smith, Elder & Company, London, and is one of the most famous British novels of all time. Jane Eyre serves as governess to the ward of the mysterious and moody Edward Rochester. He proposes to her, but Jane discovers that he is already married to an insane woman. Eventually Jane and Rochester are reunited and, in a famous line, “Reader, I married him.”


