
The The The

"Mars, The Legend of Love, The Lion King, The MBT shoes Little Prince, Superman, meteor ... ..." the man with a
smile in your voice down low, I turned to look into his eyes flash, his blue eyes in the darkness to bring
touch of deep twilight. Light a man laughed: "I wonder where your little melon head mounted in the end how
many amazing things ... ..."
Before I could answer, his face slowly leaned me he wanted to kiss me? I have some confusion, do not
know should not be refused, do not know want to refuse, in such a beautiful night and the gentle
atmosphere, some of my will is weak. Confusion in the mind the idea of turning thousands of instant
change, when suddenly covered his lips to my lips, suddenly like a little girl's first kiss like trembling when
up. "Shu ... ..." I Qinghu speak, his tongue took the opportunity to sneak into my mouth, teasing my tongue.
Trembling close your eyes, and let it gently, a strong man to occupy, enjoy, comfort me a lot of explaining
gradually actually some sidewalks, body as if being deprived of the bones, a Cuncun to melt down.
When he let my lips, I have felt powerless, leaning on his chest light breath, he said quietly, hugged me,
and no further action, scaled the chin gently with my head, I breathed, face there are some for burning.
How could so distracted how the hell could not help themselves? Tommy did not sing that song the original
wrong, "Blame the moon is, as the moon was so beautiful too soft." Comin have all the stars to blame, I
shook him: "Your honor, we came out a long time, and the back."
"Ah." He walked back turn the horse around, I am a little embarrassed, no longer speak, he does not say
anything. Return he did not put horse bolted, just let the horse walked slowly back, was actually no way to
return to the camp, then.
Afar off much of their fortune to safety in the camp, carrying a lantern outside waiting to see us come
back, he called on the tone and tension of looking for a song, then see me and senator to ride on one
horse, the house in his face. The man behind dismounted, the horse next to me, I stick feet, the rush to
cast his eyes looked at him, quietly said: "Thank you, Comin adults to take me to a place of beauty, Cao
Min returned to camp the first . "
Not wait for him to speak out, I Ganjin Wang camps away much of their fortune to keep up to safety,
poor tone, authentic:, "where are you?"
"The stars go." I casually told him, this man did not speak to me awkward day, which also ran sub-Why?
"You ... ..." He very happy tone, "how not to go out to say? How you will make adults go out with the
"An Zongguan, you need to over-right?"MBT discount shoes I turned to see him lose laughed, "I went out with what to do, like
do not need to report to you!"
He has been a while I dress down, the more ugly face: "You are a girl, how casually go on and the
strange man alone, do not care what his reputation."
"It seems all right with you, right?" I looked at him helplessly, nearest approach to authentic, "An
Zongguan, I am your boss, not your wife."
"You ... ..." his face was an embarrassed, exasperated stared at me, stormed back to his camp went. I
look to the sky overhead, softly laughing, this bookworm, so the stars do not appreciate the United States,
you know me vindictive. If they have been caught on camera like, and can get back to the red of jade
butterflies and show off their language and text ever describe how beautiful things, such as Starry Night
ordinary Unfortunately, there is no way this joy and happiness to share with them, which Happiness is only
seen it in us.
- 2006,10,25
Today, the chapter re-late to give you more out on the 27th and also outside the 25-trial, three days can
not be updated, I will try to find time to write to notify you soon as.
Volume II Chapter 75 Cang all articles Marseille
Bumps in the grasslands of the 5th, we finally arrived at the destination, Yao Royal on the country. This
is a huge Tucheng. Frankly speaking, it can not keep up days Zhao State Capital, the kind of soft and
delicate wall of brilliant gold, it even can not keep up Cang all, that "international metropolis" of publicity,
where the walls are built of stone and rammed earth mixture is made supposed to be ancient mottled
reddish brown and yellow walls, but because the brush a layer of white ash wall, and looks very rosy,
sweeping away the vicissitudes of age. Yao people advocating on white, that white symbolizes purity,
auspiciousness, good, honest, kind-hearted man they call "white soul man", so their herdsmen lived in a
white tent, white blanket shop, eat white oil cheese, drinking milk and fragrant white tea, blue and white is
white under the grazing sheep.
This color of a snow castle, standing on the green grassland, in blood-red sunset, the show with their
amazing beautiful. Sunset like a blood-red veil floating in the sky, setting sun, under the hill into a dark
purple, like an island among a sea of clouds. discount MBT shoesEagle hovering in the blood-red evening sky, from time to time
crisp and resonant Liao Li.



