
Hapa 是夏威夷語用來描述含有亞州血統的混血兒的通稱。在夏威夷語中,hapa的本意為部分,碎片,部分的,不完全的,較少的。後引申為混血兒,猶指歐州人和亞洲人的混血兒。今天,Hapa這個獨特的名詞在時尚界和演藝圈被廣泛套用,形容具有獨特的跨文化背景的個體或事物,是不同文化與語言間的橋樑,代表著一種混合的,多樣的文化特性。哈啪世界作為一個新型的3D網際網路傳媒平台,將現實世界和虛擬世界有機的結合起來,在哈啪世界中,有著與現實世界逼真的建築、場景和人物,用戶完全可以感受到猶如現實世界中真實的存在感。


Hapa 是夏威夷語用來描述含有亞州血統的混血兒的通稱。在夏威夷語中,hapa的本意為部分,碎片,部分的,不完全的,較少的。後引申為混血兒,猶指歐州人和亞洲人的混血兒。




Hapa is a Hawaiian term used to describe a person of mixed Asian or Pacific Islander racial/ethnic heritage.

In the Hawaiian language, hapa is defined as: portion, fragment, part, fraction, installment; to be partial, less. It is a loan from the English word half. However, in Hawaiian Pidgin (the creole spoken by many Hawai'i residents), hapa has an extended meaning of "half-caste" or "of mixed descent". Mary Pukui & Samuel Ebert's Hawaiian Dictionary define hapa as: "of mixed blood, person of mixed blood as in hapa hawai'i, part Hawaiian." [See: Pukui, Mary Kawena, and Samuel H. Ebert, Hawaiian Dictionary, Revised and enlarged edition, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu HI, 1986] The word hapa has moved into mainland English.

Used without qualification, hapa is often taken to mean "part White", and is short hand for hapa haole. The term can be used in conjunction with other Hawaiian racial and ethnic descriptors to specify a particular racial or ethnic mixture. Examples of this include


