Never Been Better[Olly Murs 演唱歌曲]

Never Been Better[Olly Murs 演唱歌曲]
Never Been Better[Olly Murs 演唱歌曲]
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Never Been Better是英國歌手Olly Murs 2014年專輯Never Been Better 中的一首單曲。


自英國The X Factor第六季脫穎而出,雖然僅屈居亞軍的Olly Murs,卻在全球銷售與走紅程度,壓倒性勝利,成為歷屆比賽之中,第一位攻上美國排行的男選手、至今唯一每張專輯都有英國金榜NO.1單曲的參賽者!抱回BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards的「最佳專輯《Olly Murs》」和「最佳英國獨唱藝人」大獎肯定,密集發行《Olly Murs》、《In Case You Didn`t Know》、《Right Place Right Time》等三張作品,加上9首英國金榜Top20的單曲銷量,交出全球大破千萬的傲人成績單。而在上張專輯《Right Place Right Time》更是生涯大突破,把美國嘻哈大隻佬Flo Rida幫腔的〈Troublemaker〉,順利送入告示牌熱門單曲榜NO.25之林中,全美狂破百萬銷售大關,榮耀提名全英音樂獎「年度英國單曲」。隨著專輯舉辦的《Right Place Right Time Tour》全球50場巡迴演唱會,累積99%的近乎完售,締造千萬美金的高票房!
睽違二年,找來共和世代主唱Ryan Tedder(碧昂絲、愛黛兒)+Claude Kelly(布蘭妮、凱莉克萊森)+入圍葛萊美獎製作人Steve Robson(接招合唱團、里歐娜)+英倫金曲製造團TMS(潔西J、莉莉艾倫)共同合作,交出第4張新碟《Never Been Better》,替流行音樂沾染更多時髦節拍。多元溷搭樂團Gym Class Heroes靈魂人物Travie McCoy站台〈Wrapped Up〉,跳出閃亮亮Disco Funk的律動,率先沖入澳洲前15名裡頭;與迪士尼天后黛咪洛瓦特對唱〈Up〉,透過強烈流行搖滾驅使,配置兩人精彩的互動,呈上一支絕對好歌;被譽為「賈斯汀接班人」的Mike Posner參與撰寫〈Nothing Without You〉,塗抹R&B的迷人頻率,弦樂和打擊樂器的雙重輔佐,增添節奏感;鋼琴穿繞的抒情小品〈Hope You Got What You Came For〉一再突顯Olly情感豐沛的實力演繹;電子加搖滾串聯出〈Stick With Me〉,過癮的不忍起舞!在復古與現代音場中取得完美平衡,Olly再添一筆正點樂章 !


Never Been Better - Olly Murs

Burning from the sky

There's no gravity

Hunger in my eyes

Ain't no stopping me

Can't bring me down

I guess it goes around

Hot over my head

Back against the wall

I'm 100% and not afraid to fall

I risk it all

When it comes to call

Tell me now did I get your attention?

Did you get the answer to your question?

Everybody cries

But not toady, not today

Cause I won't let ya

Everybody dies

But not today, not me

Cause I've never been better

I'm still on my feet

The world can't knock me down

Cause I won't take defeat

I'm still chasing the crowd

But I'm still around

Look who's winning now

Tell me now did I get your attention?

Did you get the answer to your question?

Everybody cries

But not toady, not today

Cause I won't let ya

Everybody dies

But not today, not me

Cause I've never been better

Or together

Never been never

Or together

I never been better

I'm never giving up

No such thing as enough

I keep on winning

Just beginning to get all that I want

Nothing can hold me back

Cause I'm not made for that

I'm always good but I've been better lately

Everybody cries

But not toady, not today

Cause I won't let ya

Everybody dies

But not today, not me

Cause I've never been better

Or together

Never been better

Come on

Or together

I never been better

Everybody cries

But not toady, not today

Cause I won't let ya

Everybody dies

But not today, not me

Cause I've never been better

Come on

Or together

Never been better

Come on

Or together

I never been better  



