
>n. [U] language of ancient Rome and the official language of its empire 拉丁語. >adj. 1.of or in Latin 拉丁語的; 用拉丁語的: Latin poetry 拉丁語詩歌。 2.of the countries or peoples using languages developed from Latin, eg France, Italy, Portugal, Spain 拉丁語系國家或民族的(如 義大利﹑ 葡萄牙﹑ 西班牙): the Latin temperament, landscape 拉丁人的氣質﹑ 拉丁地區的景色。 Cf 參看 Romance.



[U] language of ancient Rome and the official language of its empire 拉丁語.


1.of or in Latin 拉丁語的; 用拉丁語的: Latin poetry 拉丁語詩歌。


Latinist n scholar of Latin 拉丁語學者.

# , Latin A`merica parts of Central and South America in which Spanish or Portuguese is the official language 拉丁美洲. , Latin-A`merican n, adj (native) of these parts 拉丁美洲的; 拉丁美洲人.

the Latin `Church the Roman Catholic Church 拉丁教會(即天主教會).又指羅馬教會

Latin `cross plain cross with the lowest arm longer than the other three 拉丁式十字架. =>illus at cross 見cross插圖.

the `Latin Quarter area of Paris on the south bank of the Seine, traditionally frequented by students and artists 拉丁區(巴黎塞納河南岸, 傳統上為大學生及藝術家薈萃地).



