God's Reply

God's Reply - Don Francisco

Come gird up your loins like a man

Answer Me now if you can –

Where were you when I made all you see?

If you know, then come tell it to Me

Has the morning been at your command?

Have you made the dawn come when you planned?

Which way to the dwelling of light?

And just where is the home of the night?

Will you try to tell God what should be?

Speak up if you know more than Me!

Will the creature now rise to My height

And tell Me what I do is not right?

Now stand up in majestic array

In glory more bright than the day

And send all who have sinned to their graves

Then perhaps your own life you could save

So, come, gird up your loins like a man

And answer Me now if you can

Exalt yourself now in My sight

Condemn Me so you can be right

Exalt yourself now in My sight

Condemn Me so you can be right

Lord, behold, I am nothing but dust

In Your presence no man can be just

Proud words came before You were here

Now I tremble in terror and fear

As a fool I have raged on alone

But no more, as I kneel at Your throne

I had heard just a whisper, a trace

All is changed when we meet face to face

Such things I did not understand

They’re too great for the mind of a man

All my words have been foolish and rash

And I repent in the dust and the ash

All my words have been foolish and rash

And I repent in the dust and the ash


