
預定,讀[yù dìng],意為:在事前,提錯。宋 蘇洵《幾策·審勢》:“今者,天下幸方治安,子孫萬世帝王之計,不可不預定於此時。” 明 張居正《請冊立東宮疏》:“自昔聖帝明王,莫不早建元良,預定儲位,所以尊宗廟,重社稷也。’” 魏巍《東方》第五部第九章:“按預定計畫,由偵察排長花正芳和一個偵察員事先在無名山後選擇好 潛伏地點,然後在這個小村里等候他們。美國軍事顧問預定本月底結束他們目前在 菲律賓的任務,不過雅羅育已呼籲舉行更多以打擊恐怖主義為目標的聯合演習。



【詞目】 預定

【拼音】yù dìnɡ

【英譯】advance booking; book for ; subscribe for; advance booking; book; place an order; subscribe ; booking; reservation; subscription; to place an order (for); to subscribe for; to book (a seat, table, passage, etc.); to reserve ; (v) place an order; bespeak; booking; engage; reserve; subscribe for; subscribe to; make reservations; order; give a order for; give an order for

【基本解釋】預確定,將要 確定。


1. 預先決定或制定。

宋 蘇洵《幾策·審勢》:“今者,天下幸方治安,子孫萬世帝王之計,不可不預定於此時。” 明 張居正《請冊立東宮疏》:“自昔聖帝明王,莫不早建元良,預定儲位,所以尊宗廟,重社稷也。”《東周列國志》第一百四回:“甘羅對曰:‘察其喜懼,相機而進。言若波興,隨風而轉,不可以預定也。’” 魏巍《東方》第五部第九章:“按預定計畫,由偵察排長花正芳和一個偵察員事先在無名山後選擇好 潛伏地點,然後在這個小村里等候他們。”

2. 猶預訂。



1. They're due to arrive in Seattle (on) November 4th.

貨 預定11 月4 日抵達西雅圖。

2. I've booked you in at the Grand Hotel.

我已經在格蘭大飯店為你 預定了房間。

3. I think we've made reservations. Have you fixed them?

我想我們已 預定了房間,你們準備好了吧?

4. I'd like to reserve a single room for tomorrow night.

我要一間單人房, 預定明天晚上住進去。

5. I think I have a reservation for three nights.

我想我已經 預定了三個晚上。

6. Could you reserve a single room for me?

你能不能給我 預定一間單人房?

7. I don't like this schedule.


8. The play has been very popular, you have to book up well ahead

該劇很受歡迎,你可得提前 預定。

9. The US military advisors are scheduled to complete their current mission in the Philippines by the end of this month, but Arroyo has called for more joint military exercises aimed at fighting terrorism.

美國軍事顧問預定本月底結束他們目前在 菲律賓的任務,不過雅羅育已呼籲舉行更多以打擊恐怖主義為目標的聯合演習。

10. Tu Vei-yueh smiled sardonically, for he knew that this exchange had paved the way nicely for him and that he could now proceed, without any further delay, to give them the instructions he had already worked out in advance.




