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【導演】 Serena Davies / Rushmore DeNooyer / Sarah Holt / John Rubin【編劇】 Sean B. Carroll / John Rubin【主演】 Ellen Becker-Gray / Jerry Chu / Kandace Cummings / Olivia Judson / Lance Lewman / Neil Shubin / Karl Steudel【國家】美國【語言】英語【上映】 2009-12-29紀錄片講述1895年,當達爾文在物種起源中初次假設進化論的故事。進化論中-物競天擇,適者生存這一理論已經被科學以及公眾認可,但是在一次暴風驟雨般的激烈辯論中,這個理論被一些宗教人士所否認,大眾批評他們陳詞冗長且缺少證據,大家都相信達爾文是一個誠實的科學家.達爾文起初早就預料到,這個理論會有許多疑難漏洞,但是他把這一切交給了我們後一代人,讓我們來補充證明他的觀點是正確的,這也是150年來科學家們都在苦苦探索的...兩個小時的片長,從達爾文101到基因工程新發現,一般人需要了解的東西都包括到了。內容非常充實,提到的要點很多,基因怎么工作啦,魚怎么爬上岸啦,大腦怎么進化出來啦,其實很龐雜。因為影片的邏輯非常清晰,給人感覺乾淨利落,一點都不亂,看完舒服極了。拍到的動物也很可愛。前面50多分鐘是進化論常識,包括達爾文生平.Earth teems with a staggering variety of animals, including 9,000 kinds of birds, 28,000 types of fish, and more than 350,000 species of beetles alone. What explains this explosion of living creatures-1.4 million different species discovered so far, with perhaps another 50 million more to go? The source of life's endless forms was a profound mystery until Charles Darwin's revolutionary idea of natural selection, which he showed could help explain the gradual development of life on earth. But Darwin's radical insights raised as many questions as they answered. What actually drives evolution and turns one species into another? And how did we evolve? On Charles Darwin's 2009 bicentennial, and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, NOVA reveals answers to the riddles that Darwin couldn't explain. Stunning breakthroughs in a brand new science-nicknamed evo Devo -are linking the enigma of origins to another of nature's great mysteries, the development of an embryo. To explore this exciting new idea, NOVA takes viewers on a journey from the Galapagos Islands to the Arctic, and from the Cambrian explosion of animal forms half a billion years ago to the research labs of today. Here scientists are finally beginning to crack nature's biggest secrets at the genetic level. And, as NOVA shows in this absorbing detective story, the results are confirming the brilliance of Darwin's insights while exposing clues to life's breathtaking diversity in ways he could scarcely have imagined.


