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Bergen-Belsen was the name of an infamous Nazi concentration camp which has become a symbol of the Holocaust that claimed the lives of 6 million Jews sixty years ago. In 1943, Bergen-Belsen was initially set up as a detention camp (Aufenthaltslager) for prisoners who held foreign passports and were thus eligible to be traded for German citizens being held in Allied internment camps.
A section for sick prisoners, who could no longer work in the Nazi forced labor camps, was set aside in March 1944. In 1945, when World War II was drawing to a close, civilian prisoners were evacuated from other concentration camps as Russian troops advanced westward; thousands of these prisoners had been brought to the Bergen-Belsen camp which was not equipped to handle such a large number of people. Finally, Bergen-Belsen itself was right in the middle of the war zone where bombs were falling and Allied planes were strafing the Autobahn and the railroads. British and Germans troops were doing battle on the Lüneberg heath right outside the camp. In February 1945, the situation at Bergen-Belsen became catastrophic when a typhus epidemic broke out in the crowded camp where a typhoid epidemic was already claiming thousands of lives.
Emaciated corpses were thrown into mass graves at Bergen-Belsen
By April 1945, the war in Europe was very definitely over. All that was needed now was a formal surrender signed by Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a broken man: his dream of uniting the German folk into a Thousand Year Reich was gone, his health was ruined by Parkinson's disease and for the past several years, his mental capacity had been increasingly failing. He was holed up in an underground bunker beneath his chancellery in Berlin, still moving his armies around on a map and unwilling to admit defeat.
The Nazis has gotten their start in 1919, fighting against the Communists in the streets of Berlin; it was now 26 years later and Hitler was not ready to surrender his beloved fatherland to the Communist Soviet Union and its American and British Allies. He would rather see Germany completely annihilated, and in the last days of the war, he ordered his best friend, Albert Speer, the chief of Nazi war production, to destroy what was left of Germany after Allied bombs had reduced every major city to rubble. Speer ignored the order.
Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin determine the fate of Europe at yalta
Hitler's second in command, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, had been plotting behind Hitler's back in an attempt to negotiate a peace with America and Great Britain, with the aim of forming an alliance to fight against the Communists. He knew that half of Germany and all of Eastern Europe, with a population of 120 million people, had been promised to the Communists by American president Franklin D. Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference. As the leader who was in charge of all the concentration camps (his rank in the SS was equivalent to a 5-star General in the US Army), he planned to use the Jewish prisoners as bargaining chips in his negotiations with the non-Communist Allies.
Himmler was determined to do all he could to hamper the inevitable take-over of Europe by the Communists. To this end, beginning on April 5, 1945, he ordered the execution of Communist leaders being held at the three main concentration camps in Germany: Dachau, Sachsenhausen and Buchenwald.
Before surrendering Bergen-Belsen to the British on April 15, 1945, Himmler ordered about 7,000 people to be evacuated from the camp. The three train loads of prisoners, which left the camp between April 6 and April 11, were made up of prominent Dutch Jews, Hungarian Jews, Jewish prisoners from neutral countries and Jewish prisoners who held foreign passports. Himmler was hoping to use these prisoners to negotiate with the Allies. The rest of the prisoners at Bergen-Belsen were to be voluntarily turned over to the enemy.
Heinrich Himmler stands below Adolf Hitler at a parade
On April 4, 1945, American soldiers had seen their first Nazi horror camp in Germany, the abandoned forced labor camp at Ohrdruf, a sub-camp of Buchenwald. On April 11, American troops had discovered Buchenwald, which had already been taken over by the Communist political prisoners there. The next day, on April 12, 1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt died and Himmler had renewed hopes of negotiating a surrender to the Americans and the British, but not to the Communist Soviet Union. It was within this context that Himmler began negotiations to voluntarily turn the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp over to the British in early April 1945.


貝爾根-貝爾森貝爾根-貝爾森集中營是一個名字是一個臭名昭著的納粹集中營,它已成為一種象徵著大屠殺 奪走了600萬猶太人的生命, 60年前. 1943年, 貝爾根-貝爾森最初設立的一個拘留營( aufenthaltslager )囚犯持外國護照,並因此有資格 以交易為德國公民被關押在盟軍拘留營. 一段生病的犯人,他們可以不再工作,在納粹奴工營 被擱置,在1944年3月. 1945年,當第二次世界大戰接近尾聲 平民囚犯被疏散到其他集中營隨著俄軍向西挺進; 成千上萬這些囚犯被運到貝爾根-貝爾森集中營是不具備處理如此大 有多少人. 最後, 貝爾根-貝爾森本身正中戰區那裡炸彈墜落盟軍飛機掃射 該高速公路和鐵路. 英國德國部隊做戰對希思lüneberg權營外. 1945年2月 形勢在貝爾根-貝爾森成為災難時,傷寒爆發流行,在擁擠的難民營凡傷寒疫情 已經造成數千人的生命. 骨瘦如柴的屍體被扔進萬人坑在貝爾根-貝爾森集中營,由1945年4月,歐洲戰爭是非常肯定完了. 大家現在需要的是一份正式簽署投降希特勒. 希特勒是一個潦倒的人:他的夢想,團結德國民歌到1000年帝國消失了, 他的身體被摧毀,帕金森氏病,並在過去幾年中, 他的思維能力已經越來越失敗. 他據守在一個地下碉堡底下,施洛德柏林, 仍在朝著他的軍隊在一張地圖上,不願認輸. 納粹已步入其開始於1919年,抗擊中共在柏林的街道; 現在它26年後,希特勒沒有準備投降,他心愛的祖國,為共產主義蘇聯 歐盟及其盟國英國與美國. 他寧願看到德國完全殲滅,而在戰爭的最後幾天裡, 他下令他最好的朋友,艾伯特斯皮爾行政納粹戰爭生產 摧毀什麼離開德國後,曾遭盟軍飛機轟炸而減少了每一個主要城市廢墟. 斯皮爾漠視法令. 邱吉爾,羅斯福史達林決定歐洲的命運,在雅爾達希特勒的第二號指揮官,作鳥獸散--黨衛軍海因里希希姆萊, 一直策劃背後希特勒早在試圖談判一項和平與合眾國和大不列顛 以期形成一個聯盟,以對抗中共. 他知道,有一半的德國和所有東歐國家,總人口120萬人, 曾經答應給中共,美國總統羅斯福在雅爾達會議. 作為領導者,還負責所有集中營(他的排名在黨衛軍16077 5星上將,在美國陸軍) 他計畫用猶太囚犯作為籌碼,在談判中,他與非共產盟友. 希姆萊被確定,他將盡一切可能阻礙必然接管歐洲共產黨人. 為此,開始對1945年4月5日, 他下令處決共產黨領導人被關押在三大德國集中營:豪 1936年和1937年. 投降之前,貝爾根-貝爾森向英國對1945年4月15日, 希姆萊下令大約7000人被疏散到營地. 3列車荷載的犯人,而左營至4月6日和4月11日 已經作出了突出的荷蘭猶太人,匈牙利猶太人 猶太囚犯來自中立國家和猶太囚犯持外國護照. 希姆萊是希望利用這些犯人談判與盟國. 其餘被關押在貝爾根-貝爾森人可以自願交給敵人. 海因里希希姆萊身高低於希特勒在閱兵1945年4月4日, 美國士兵看到了自己的第一納粹恐怖營地設在德國,被迫放棄了勞改隊,在柏林, 一分營傳承下去. 4月11日以來,美軍已經發現了1937年,已經接管了由共產政治犯. 第二天,於1945年4月12日, 羅斯福死了希姆萊希望再度談判投降向美國人英國人 而不是共產主義的蘇聯. 正是在這種背景下, 1941年,希特勒開始談判,自願把貝爾根-貝爾森集中營交由英國 早在1945年4月.



