







Mercury Prize(水星獎)歷年獲獎名單




《Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not》-Arctic Monkeys

《The Eraser》-Thom Yoke

《Black Holes & Revelations》-Muse

《Balllad of the Broken Seas》 -Isobel Campbell &Mark Lenegan

06獲獎者Arctic Monkeys06獲獎者Arctic Monkeys

《The Back Room》 -Editors

《Through the Windowpane》-Guillemots

《Coles Corner》-Richard Hawly

《The Warning》-Hot Chip

《Melting Pot》-Zoe Rahman

《Beloved One》-Lou Rhodes

《White Bread Black Beer》-Scritti Politti

《This is My Meno》 -Sway

Antony and the Johnsons - I Am A Bird Now WINNER
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
Coldplay - X&Y
The Go! Team - Thunder, Lightning, Strike
Hard-Fi - Stars of CCTV
The Kaiser Chiefs - Employment
Seth Lakeman - Kitty Jay
The Magic Numbers - The Magic Numbers
MAXIMO PARK - A Certain Trigger
MIA - Arular
Polar Bear - Held on the Tips of Fingers
KT Tunstall - Eye to the Telescope

Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand WINNER
Basement Jaxx - Kish Kash
Belle And Sebastian - Dear Catastrophe Waitress
Jamelia - Thank You
Keane - Hopes And Fears
Snow Patrol - Final Straw
Joss Stone - The Soul Sessions
The Streets - A Grand Don't Come For Free
Ty - Upwards
Amy Winehouse - Frank
Robert Wyatt - Cuckooland
The Zutons - Who Killed the Zutons

Dizzee Rascal - Boy In Da Corner WINNER
Athlete - Vehicles and Animals
Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head
The Darkness - Permission to Land
Floetry - Floetic
Lemon Jelly - Lost Horizons
Radiohead - Hail To The Thief
The Thrills - So Much For The City
Martina Topley-Bird - quixotic
Terri Walker - Untitled

Ms. Dynamite - A Little Deeper WINNER
Guy Barker - Soundtrack
The Bees - Sunshine Hit Me
David Bowie - Heathen
The Coral - The Coral
Doves - The Last Broadcast
Electric Soft Parade - Holes In The Wall
Gemma Hayes - Night On My Side
Beverley Knight - Who I Am
Joanna MacGregor - Play
Roots Manuva - Run Come Save Me
The Streets - Original Pirate Material

PJ Harvey - Songs From The City, Stories From The Sea WINNER
Basement Jaxx - Rooty
Elbow - Asleep At The Back
Goldfrapp - Felt Mountain
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Ed Harcourt - Here Be Monsters
Tom Mcrae - Tom Mcrae
Radiohead - Amnesiac
Shusheela Ramen - Salt Rain
Super Furry Animals - Rings Around The World
Turin Brakes - The Optimist LP
zero 7 - Simple Things

Badly Drawn Boy - The Hour Of Bewilderbeast WINNER
RICHARD ASHCROFT - Alone With Everybody
Coldplay - Parachutes
M.J. Cole - Sincere
Death In Vegas - The Contino Sessions
The Delgados - The Great Eastern
Doves - Lost Souls
Helicopter Girl - How To Steal The World
Leftfield - Rhythm And Stealth
Nicholas Maw - Violin Concerto
Nitin Sawhney - Beyond Skin
Kathryn Williams - Little Black Numbers

Talvin Singh - OK WINNER
Thomas Ad鑣 - Asyla
Denys Baptiste - Be Where You Are
Blur - 13
Black Star Liner - Bengali Bantam Youth Experience
Chemical Brothers - Surrender
Faithless - Sunday 8pm
Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
Beth Orton - Central Reservation
Kate Rusby - Sleepless
Stereophonics - Performance and Cocktails
Underworld - Beacoup Fish

Gomez - Bring It On WINNER
Asian Dub Foundation - Rafi's Revenge
Eliza Carthy - Red Rice
Catatonia - International Velvet
Cornershop - When I Was Born For The 7th Time
4-Hero - Two Pages
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Propellerheads - Decksandrumsandrockandroll
Pulp - This Is Hardcore
John Surman - Proverbs & Songs
The Verve - Urban Hymns
Robbie Williams - Life Thru A Lens

Roni Size/Reprazent - New Forms WINNER
The Chemical Brothers - Dig Your Own Hole
Mark-Anthony - Turnage Your Rockaby
Beth Orton - Trailer Park
Primal Scream - Vanishing Point
The Prodigy - The Fat Of The Land
Radiohead - OK Computer
The Spice Girls - Spice
Suede - Coming Up
John Taverner - Svyati

Pulp - Different Class WINNER
Artists for War Child - Help
Black Grape - It's Great When You're Straight
Fire / Caroline - Mathilde
Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go
Peter Maxwell Davies/The BBC Philharmonic - The Beltane
Mark Morrison - Return of the Mack
Oasis - (What's The Story) Morning Glory?
Courtney Pine - Modern Day Jazz Stories
Norma Waterson - Norma Waterson
Underworld - Second Toughest In The Infants

Portishead - Dummy WINNER
Guy Barker - Into The Blue
Elastica - Elastica
PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love
Leftfield - leftism
James MacMillan - Seven Last Words From The Cross
Van Morrison - Days Like This
Oasis - Definitely Maybe
Supergrass - I Should Coco
Tricky - Maxinquaye

M People - Elegant Slumming WINNER
Blur - Parklife
Ian McNabb - Head Like A Rock
Shara Nelson - What Silence Knows
Michael Nyman - The Piano Concerto and MGV
The Prodigy - Music For The Jilted Generation
Pulp - His 'n' Hers
Take That - Everything Changes
Therapy? - Troublegum
Paul Weller - Wild Wood

Suede - Suede WINNER
Apache Indian - No Reservations
the Auteurs - New Wave
Gavin Bryars - Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet
Dina Carroll - So Close
P.J. Harvey - Rid Of Me
New Order - Republic
Stereo MC's - Connected
Sting - Ten Summoner's Tales
Stan Tracey - Portraits Plus

Primal Scream - Screamadelica WINNER
Barry Adamson - Soul Murder
Jesus & Mary Chain - Honey's Dead
Bheki Mseleku - Celebration
St Etienne - Foxbase Alpha
Simply Red - Stars
John Taverner & Steven Isserlis - The Protecting Veil
U2 - Achtung Baby
Jah Wobble - Rising Above Bedlam
The Young Disciples - Road To Freedom


作為英國地區最著名的兩大音樂獎項之一的水星獎(另一個是全英音樂大獎Brit Awards)自舉辦以來至今年已有17年之久,和那些久負盛名的古典音樂盛會相比,儘管憑它的資歷還談不上歷史悠久,但是作為一個流行音樂的獎項確不可不說是有不小的分量的。對於音樂相關行業的從業者來說,獎項意味著受肯定的程度;而對廣大的音樂文化的崇拜者,或者更直白的說是樂迷歌迷來說,幾乎就是他們的流行風向標,省去了逐一關注大小報刊雜誌的各種排行,完全可以當作一個視聽參考,尤其是水星獎的涵蓋地區。在大不列顛,水星獎幾乎是一個家喻戶曉的名詞。


翻看水星獎的歷史,差不多每年的最後勝出者都是當年當之無愧的狠角色。當然,沒有十全十美的事,花落誰家都難說高下。最讓樂迷不可理解的恐怕就是1997年那一屆,無論是當年還是現在看來都具有革命性的專輯,Radiohead的轉型之作《Ok Computer》最終抱憾而歸,而組委會卻把獎項頒給了並不為人熟知的Drum&Bass樂隊Roni Size/Reprazent的一張專輯,Thom York大打實驗牌的開篇之作可能當時並沒有籠絡到當時多少評審的心,不過Roni Size/Repraze的《New Form》在當時賣出了5倍白金的銷量,我們只能說當時的Thom York有些倒霉,遇到了如此巨大銷量的對手,今年Radiohead憑藉出眾的才華和詭異的《In Rainbows》擠進了年度提名,也是樂隊第四次入選水星大獎(前三次分別是1997,2001和2003年)。

近幾年的獲獎唱片幾乎都無可厚非,07年的倫敦新軍Klaxons去年的勢頭十分猛烈,首張專輯《Myths of the Near Future》的神秘色彩和近幾年十分走俏的復古new-wave結合得堪稱完美;06的搖滾樂壇幾乎就是“猴子們”Arctic Monkeys的天下,在沒有唱片公司運作的情況下,完全是通過Myspace的口口相傳,北極猴子硬是蹦到了最高的領獎台上,也無形中成就了MySpace模式下最成功的案例;1997年之後最讓人感到差強人意的應數05年的水星大獎,Bloc Party,Coldplay還有Kaiser Chief,Maximo Park等一線大牌的專輯雖說都得到了提名,但並沒有最後突出重圍,讓一直處事低調的Antony and the Johnsons打了個反圍剿,其實如果細聽下來Antony and the Johnsons那張《I Am A Bird Now》還是很有說服力的,低調唯美,身為鋼琴手的Antony在音樂上確實很有天賦;來自蘇格蘭,靦腆的Franz Ferdinand在2004年的紅火程度絕對不亞於他們的晚輩Arctic Monkeys;有著二分之一牙買加血統的Ms. Dynamite 把hip-hop雜糅了Reggae特有的節奏,讓Hip-Hop變得更加風趣,雖然專輯《Lil Deeper》的可圈可點之處並不太多,但是2002年的12個提名里,這個應該是最有特色的; 2003年的水星獎讓Dizzee Rascal成為了該獎項歷史上第一個獲此殊榮的說唱藝人,一張說唱唱片在世界範圍內就賣出了25萬份之多,當年的說唱界,Dizzee Rascal大有捨我其誰的霸氣;在朋克圈裡,男有Iggy Pop,女有PJ Harvey,PJ Harvey 2002年的專輯《Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea》獲得了包括《滾石》,《NME》在內的多家權威媒體的首肯,可以說它的勝出也是眾望所歸,也是在這一屆里,Radiohead和Elbow第一次同時入選,08年的他們再一次同時成為了奪標熱門;新世紀的2000年,Coldplay的首張專輯在結果公布之前被認為最有可能拔得頭籌,可偏偏陰差陽錯的讓Badly Drawn Boy的《The Hour Of Bewilderbeast》趕了個早,從這開始音樂界裡出現了一個新名詞future folk。





