
李永平, 教授(博士生導師)。1945年12月生, 1967年畢業於中國科技大學物理系。1977年始於中國科技大學物理系任教至今。



1981 - 1984年在美國密蘇里大學進修,1989 - 1992年在歐共體當訪問教授。現任中國科技大學物理系副主任,省光學學會光信息委員會副主任。

長期從事計算物理在凝聚態材料和衍射光學器件中的套用研究。 承擔過863和國家基金等科研項目。在包括Phys. Rev. Lett., Phy. Rev. B., J. Phys., Opt. Lett., Opt. Commum和國內物理學報,光學學報等著名雜誌發表論文近



1. Wang JD, Ye FW, Dong LW, et al.

Lattice solitons supported by competing cubic-quintic nonlinearity

PHYSICS LETTERS A 339 (1-2): 74-82 MAY 16 2005

2. Wen XW, Li GJ, Qiu GX, et al.

The working stability of the reflection-mode magneto-optical multilayer film isolators

ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 54 (4): 1847-1853 APR 2005

3. Zhao YQ, Zhan QW, Zhang YL, et al.

Creation of a three-dimensional optical chain for controllable particle delivery

OPTICS LETTERS 30 (8): 848-850 APR 15 2005

4. Dong LW, Ye FW, Wang JD, et al.

Interaction between optical vortices carrying opposite topological charges

ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 53 (10): 3353-3357 OCT 2004

5. Dong LW, Ye FW, Wang JD, et al.

Internal modes of localized optical vortex soliton in a cubic-quintic nonlinear medium

PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA 194 (3-4): 219-226 JUL 15 2004

6. Zhao YQ, Li YP, Zhou QG

Vector iterative algorithm for the design of diffractive optical elements applied to uniform illumination

OPTICS LETTERS 29 (7): 664-666 APR 1 2004

7. Ye FW, Wang JD, Dong LW, et al.

Suppression of modulational instability of ring vector solitons

OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 230 (1-3): 219-223 JAN 15 2004

8.Zhao YQ, Li YP

Vector iterative algorithms for beam shaping

OPTICAL ENGINEERING 42 (11): 3080-3081 NOV 2003

9. Qiu GX, Lin FL, Li YP



