

曾慶樂,男,博士,教授,四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選,成都理工大學催化合成創新團隊帶頭人,四川省科技廳、成都市科技局生物醫藥項目和綜合項目評審專家,重慶市科技項目、浙江省自然科學基金項目評審專家,Adv. Synth. Catal.、Tetrahedron Lett.、Synth. Commun.、化學學報、有機化學等期刊的編輯團隊成員和審稿人。


曾慶樂,男,博士,教授,四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選,成都理工大學催化合成創新團隊帶頭人,四川省科技廳、成都市科技局生物醫藥項目和綜合項目評審專家,重慶市科技項目、浙江省自然科學基金項目評審專家,Adv. Synth. Catal.、Tetrahedron Lett.、Synth. Commun.、化學學報、有機化學等期刊的編輯團隊成員和審稿人。


1990.9-1994.7 就讀於福建師範大學並取得化學教育專業學士學位
1994.9-1997.7 就讀於中國科學院蘭州化學物理研究所並獲得物理化學專業理學碩士學位
1997.8-1999.8 在漳州師範學院任教兩年
1999.9-2002.7 在中國科學院成都有機化學所攻讀博士學位,指導老師為蔣耀忠(研究員),並於2002年獲得有機化學專業理學博士學位
2002.8-2004.6 在成都地奧集團四川大學華西藥學院做企業博士後,藥學專業藥物化學方向,合作導師為王鋒鵬(教授)、李伯剛(地奧總裁、研究員)、張國林(研究員)、劉忠榮(研究員)
2006年5月-今 在成都理工大學在材料與化學化工學院化工與製藥系任教
2008.10-2009.10 在中國留學基金委全額資助下,受著名化學家Stephen L. Buchwald教授邀請,在美國麻省理工學院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT) 做訪問學者




1. Qingle Zeng , Hui Liu, Xin Cui, Aiqiao Mi, Yaozhong Jiang, Xingshu Li, Michael C. K. Choi, Albert S. C. Chan. Highly enantioselective hydrogenation of a-dehydroamino acids by rhodium complex with H8-MonoPhos. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2002, 13(2), 115-117. (SCI IF 2.796,被引56次)
2. Qingle Zeng, Hui Liu, Aiqiao Mi, Yaozhong Jiang, Xingshu Li, Michael C. K. Choi, Albert S. C. Chan. H8-MonoPhos and its application in catalytic enantioselective hydrogenation of a-dehydroamino acids. Tetrahedron 2002, 58, 8799-8803. (SCI IF 2.897,被引38次)
3. Q. Zeng,* Z. Liu, B. Li, F. Wang. Mild and effective N-phthaloylation of amino acids. Amino Acids 2004, 27, 183-186. (SCI IF 4.132)
4. Qingle Zeng,* Heqing Wang, Tongjian Wang, Yimin Cai, Wen Weng and Yufen Zhao. Vanadium-catalyzed enantioselective sulfoxidation and concomitant, highly efficient kinetic resolution provide high enantioselectivity and acceptable yields of sulfoxides. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2005, 347(15), 1933-1936. (SCI IF 6.048,被引44次)
5. Qingle Zeng,* Heqing Wang, Wen Weng, Wenshi Lin, Yuxing Gao, Xiantong Huang, Yufen Zhao. Substituent effects and mechanism elucidation of enantioselective sulfoxidation catalyzed by vanadium Schiff base complexes. New J. Chem. 2005, 29(9), 1125-1127. (SCI IF 2.942,被引25次)
6. Q. L. Zeng,* H. Q. Wang, Z. R. Liu, B. G. Li, Y. F. Zhao. Facile synthesis of (S)-4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid derivatives. Amino Acids 2007, 33(3), 537-541. (SCI IF 4.132)
7. Qing-Le Zeng,* Wei-Zhu Chen, Yu-Fen Zhao. Electrospray ionization mass spectral fragmentation study of amino acids derived oxovanadium Schiff base complexes and (oxo)-peroxovanadium Schiff base complexes. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 2007, 262 (1-2), 161–167. (SCI IF 2.445)
8. Qing-Le Zeng,* Hong-Yan Tang, Song Zhang and Jian-Chuan Liu. Enantioselective Sulfide Oxidation Catalyzed by 2,10-Camphanediol Derived Titanium Complex and Its Mechanism. Chinese J. Chem. 2008, 26(8), 1435-1439.
9. Brett P. Fors, Karin Dooleweerdt, Qingle Zeng, Stephen L. Buchwald. An efficient protocol for Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of aryl chloride and amides. Tetrahedron 2009, 65(33), 6576-6583. (SCI IF 2.897, 36次)
10. Chuan Dai, Xiaofei Sun, Xingzhao Tu, Li Wu, Dan Zhan, Qingle Zeng.* Synthesis of phenothiazine by copper-catalyzed domino C-N cross coupling. ChemComm 2012, 48, 5367-5369. (SCI 影響因子6.169)
11. Xiaofei Sun, Xingzhao Tu, Chuan Dai, Xiaoping Zhang, Binbin Zhang, Qingle Zeng.* Palladium-catalyzed C–N cross coupling of sulfinamides and aryl halides. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77 (9), 4454–4459. (SCI 影響因子4.45)
12. Junyu Dong, Yan Wang, Qinjie Xiang, Xirui Lv, Wen Weng, Qingle Zeng. Synthesis of Chiral Amino Acid Anilides by Ligand-Free Copper-Catalyzed Selective N-Arylation of Amino Acid Amides. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2012, accepted (SCI影響因子6.048).





