


1985年9月-1987年7月曾就讀四川大學基礎數學研究生班, 學習拓撲學。1987年8月來中國海洋大學任教,1998年始被破格聘為數學系教授,至今已有30年多年的教學經歷。曾任青島海洋大學數學系副主任,中國海洋大學數學科學學院副院長。在科學研究方面,他長期從事格上拓撲學的研究工作,主要研究興趣是用多值推理、模糊集理論和範疇論方法來探索拓撲問題,曾在科學出版社出版著作1本、發表多項有國際影響的研究成果。現已指導碩士研究生計23人,其中有8人攻讀博士學位。

此外,方進明教授現任核心雜誌《模糊系統與數學》的編委,中國模糊數學與模糊系統委員會常務理事。美國《數學評論》評論員。雜誌《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》,《Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics》, 《Information Sciences》, 《數學年刊》, 《數學進展》, 《數學研究與評論》, 《模糊系統與數學》等的審稿人。


多年來,方進明老師為本科生講授的主要課程有:高等數學、 線性代數、拓撲學、數理統計講義等。為研究生開設的主要課程有:一般拓撲學、L-拓撲學、模糊數學基礎、Frame與連續格、 格值拓撲學的現代理論、Fuzzifying拓撲學和拓撲分子格理論等。















[01]Fang Jinming(方進明), Fuzzy less strongly semiopen sets and fuzzy less

strong semicontinuity, Fuzzy sets and systems,1995,73: 279-290.(被SCI, EI收錄)
[02]方進明,誘導空間中導運算元的分析式與層次刻畫,科學通報, 1996, 42(1): 1-2.
[03] Fang Jinming(方進明), Semi-closed elements and semi-interior operations on completely

distributive lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1996, 82: 111-119. (被SCI, EI收錄)
[04] Fang Jinming(方進明), Latticed valued completely topological generated spaces,

Fuzzy Sets and Systems,1997, 87: 227-234. (被SCI, EI收錄)
[05]方進明, Fuzzy S-regular space ang S-almost regular spaces,模糊系統與數學, 1997, 2:

[06] Fang Jinming(方進明), Further characterizations of L-fuzzy H-sets, Fuzzy Sets and

Systems, 1998, 91: 355-359. (被SCI, EI收錄)
[07] Fang Jinming(方進明), Minimal regular topological molecular lattices, The Journal of

Fuzzy Mathematics (USA),1999, 6(4): 983-991.
[08]方進明,極小正則LF拓撲空間,數學年刊, 2000, 21A(5): 585-590.
[09] Fang Jinming(方進明), Derived Operator in L-fuzzy Topological Spaces, The Journal

of Fuzzy Mathematics, 2002, Vol. 10, No. 3, 735-746.
[11] 方進明,導運算元與上(下)半連續函式,數學研究與評論, 2003,23(1):133--136.
[12方進明,岳躍利, I(L)值弱誘導空間, 模糊系統與數學,2002, 16(3):40--43.
[13]方進明,岳躍利,完全誘導雙拓撲空間,模糊系統與數學, 2002, 16(3):6--8.
[14]方進明,半正則TML的性質,模糊系統與數學, 2002, 16(3):49--51.
[15]方進明, 劉剛,拓撲分子格上最細伴隨余拓撲的刻畫,青島海洋大學學報, 2002, 32(1):

[16] Fang Jinming(方進明), H(lambda)-completely Hausdorff axiom on L-topological spaces,

Fuzzy Sets and Systems , 140(2003) 457—469.(被SCI, EI收錄)
[17] Fang Jinming(方進明), Feng Yan, Urysohnness on Completely Distributive Lattice, Fuzzy

Systems and Mathematics , 2003: 17(2)24—28.
[18] Fang Jinming (方進明), I-FTOP is isomorphic to I-FQN and I-AITOP, Fuzzy Sets and

Systems, 147(2004)317-325. (被SCI, EI收錄)
[19] Fang Jinming (方進明),K. Fan’s theorem in fuzzifying topology, Information Science,

162(2004) 139--146 (被SCI, EI收錄)
[20] Fang Jinming (方進明), Urysohn closedness on completely distributive lattices, Fuzzy Sets

and Systems, 144(2004) 367—381. (被SCI, EI收錄)
[21]Fang Jinming(方進明),L-Nice Urysohnness on Completely Distributive Lattices,數學進展,

[22]Yue Yueli, Fang Jinming(方進明), The Moore—Smith Convergence Theory in I-ts, Fuzzy

Systems and Mathematics,2004, 18 (4):18--24
[23]左玥, 方進明,一種新的Fuzzifying拓撲空間中的半開集,模糊系統與數學,2004, 18:

[24]安豐波,方進明, 模糊化導空間,模糊系統與數學,2004, 18:59--62
[25]李清華,方進明, I-fuzzy拓撲空間的可數性,模糊系統與數學,2005, 19(3): 71—75
[26]Fang Jinming(方進明), Minimal Nice-Urysohnness on Completely Distributive

Lattice,Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics (美國), 2005, 13(2), 453--465
[27]Fang Jinming(方進明), Yue Yueli, Li Qinghua, L-Ftop as reflective and coreflective full

subcategory,292—294, in: Liu Yingming etc., Fuzzy Logic, Soft Computing and

Computational Intelligence, Eds., 11th Intternational Fuzzy Systems Association World

Congress,Tsinghua Uni. Press and Springer, July 28-31, 2005, Beijing, China

[28]FANG Jinming(方進明), YUE Yueli, Base and Subbase in I-fuzzy Topological Spaces,數

學研究與評論。, 2006,26(1):89--95
[29]FANG Jinming(方進明), Categories isomorphic to L-FTOP, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,

2006, 157(6) 820--831 (被SCI,EI收錄)
[30] FANG Jinming(方進明), Sums of L-fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and

Systems,2006, 157(6) 739—756 (被SCI, EI收錄)
[31] FANG Jinming(方進明), Countability axioms in I-fuzzy topological spaces,Fuzzy Sets and

Systems, 2006, 157(6) 767-779 (被SCI, EI收錄)
[32] Yue Yueli(岳躍利), Fang Jinming(方進明), On separation axioms in I-fuzzy

topological spaces,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.157, No.6, 2006, 780-793 (被SCI收錄)
[33] Yue Yueli(岳躍利), Fang Jinming(方進明),Categories isomorphic to the Kubiak–?ostak

extension of TML,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.157, No. 6 , 2006, 832—842(被SCI,收錄)
[34] Yue Yueli, Fang Jinming(方進明), Generated I-fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and

Systems, 154(2005) 103—117 (被SCII收錄)
[35]Yue Yueli, Fang Jinming(方進明), Extension of Shi’s quasi-uniformities in

a Kubiak—Sostak sense, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157(2006) 1956—1969 (被SCI收錄)
[36] FANG Jinming(方進明), Chen Piwei, One-to-one correspondence between fuzzifying

topologies and fuzzy preorders,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 158(2007) 1814-1822(被SCI收


[37] FANG Jinming(方進明), I-fuzzy Alexandrov topologies and specialization orders, Fuzzy

Sets and Systems, 158(2007) 2359-2374. (被SCI收錄)
[38]方進明,姜翠美, I-拓撲中的次分離性公理,模糊系統與數學,21(1)(2007),22-28
[39] Fang Jinming(方進明), Qiu Yue, Fuzzy orders and fuzzifying topologies, International

Journal of Approximate Reasoning,48 (2008) 98–109 (SCI收錄)
[40]Yue Yueli,Fang Jinming(方進明), Fuzzy ideals and fuzzy limit structures, Iranian Journal of

Fuzzy Systems, 5(1)(2008), 55--64 (ESCI收錄)
[41]方進明,羅曉麗,Fuzzifying閉包系統的研究,模糊系統與數學,23(2)(2009) 64-67

[42] Fang Jinming (方進明) and Yue Yue li, L-fuzzy closure systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,

161(2010) 1242-1252

[43]Fang Jinming (方進明), Stratified L-ordered convergence structures, Fuzzy Sets and

Systems, 161(2010) 2130-2149(SCI收錄,數學,二區)

[44] Fang Jinming (方進明), Relationships between L-ordered convergence structures and strong

L-topologies, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 161(2010) 2923-2944(SCI收錄,數學,二區)

[45]Pang Bin, Fang Jinming(方進明), L-fuzzy Q-convergence structures, Fuzzy Sets

and Systems,182(2011)53–65 (SCI 收錄 )

[46]Fang Jinming(方進明),Luo Xiaoli,Fuzzfying closure systems and closure

operators, Iranian Journal of FuzzySystems,8(1)(2011) pp. 77-94( SCI 收錄

[47]方進明,韓慧,完備剩餘冪集格的同構對象,中國 海洋大學學報(自),41(2011), 193-196

[48]FANG Jinming (方進明), Lattice-valued sem-iuniform convergencesspaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 195(2012)33–57. (SCI 收錄 , 數學 , 一區 )

[49]Jinming Fang(方進明), Yuanmei Guo,Quasi-coincident neighborhood structure of relative I-fuzzy topology and its applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 190(2012)105–117. (SCI 收錄 , 數學 , 一區 )

[50] Wu Wenchao(吳文超), FANG Jinming(方進明),L-ordered fuzzifying convergence spaces, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2(9), 147-161, 2012. ( 吳文超是方進明的研究生, SCI 收錄 , 數學 , 三區 )



[52]Jining Fang(方進明),Stratified L-ordered quasi-uniformlimit spaces, Fuzzy Sets and

Systems 227 (2013) 51–73 . ( SCI 收錄,小類一區 )

[54] Hui Han (韓慧,研究生) , Jinming Fang(方進明,導師),Representation theorems of

L-subsets and L-families on complete residuated lattice, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems

10 3 , 125-136, 2013 . ( SCI 收錄,小類三區 )

[55]方進明,張虎,禇曉清,多值置信的格值閉包運算元和Galois聯絡, 中國海洋大學學報,


[56]Jinming Fang(方進明),Lattice-valued preuniform convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and

Systems, Fuzzy Setsand Systems ,251 (2014)52-70(SCI,數學二區)





[59]Yueli Yue(岳躍利),Jinming Fang(方進明),Uniformities in fuzzy metric spaces, Iranian

Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1, (2015)43-57(SCI三區)

[60]Fang(方進明,通訊作者)K ai Wang ( 王凱 ),Note on stratified L-ordered convergence

structures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 300(2016), pp. 147-151.(SCI二區) .

[61]Fang Jinming(方進明), Yue Yueli(岳躍利),T-diagonal conditions and Continuous

extension theorem, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 321(2017) 73–89

[62] Yu Qian(於倩,研究生),Fang Jinming(方進明), The category of T-convergence spaces and its Cartesian-closedness, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems ,Vol. 14, No. 3, (2017) pp. 121-138

[63] Fang Jinming(方進明),Li Youyan(李友燕,研究生),Oo the system oflevel-elements

induced by an L-subset,Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems ,Vol. 14, No. 3, (2017) pp.












