
Patien Date Patien


出版社: 中國出版集團,中國對外翻譯出版公司; 第1版 (2009年2月1日)
平裝: 351頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787500121169
條形碼: 9787500121169
尺寸: 23.6 x 16 x 2.2 cm
重量: 458 g




ay 1 The Power of Positive Thinking
Day 2 Will Power
Day 3 The Farmer and His Donkey
Day 4 On Being Content
Day 5 Commitment
Day 6 Uncle Earl
Day 7 Building Your House
Day 8 Six Months to Live and Laugh
Day 9 Patience to Learn
Day 10 The Villager and the Happy Man
Day 11 The Painting of the Last Supper
Day 12 Is Packaging Important to You?
Day 13 The Touchstone
Day 14 Give It a Second Thought
Day 15 The Starfish
Day 16 Getting What You Deserve
Day 17 The Cracked Pot
Day 18 "No Depression" Cake
Day 19 Just do it
Day 20 Performance Check
Day 21 Taking Me Home
Day 22 The Man Who Willed Himself to Die
Day 23 The Cricket
Day 24 The Elephant and the Fly
Day 25 Know When to Change Course
Day 26 A Small Piece of Carpet
Day 27 Laughter
Day 28 Afterthoughts of adrift
Day 29 Great Expectations
Day 30 Finish Line
Day 31 Saying Your Thank-Yous
Day 32 Blind Ambition
Day 33 Lesson from a RainyDay
Day 34 My Biggest Hero Was Nine Years Old
Day 35 A Place to Stand
Day 36 Never Give Up
Day 37 Are You the One? —— Inspiration from George Washington
Day 38 Training for the Presidency
Day 39 Honest Abe
Day 40 Happiness Is an Attitude
Day 41 Don't Rest on Laurels
Day 42 A Different Kind of Athlete
Day 43 The Window
Day 44 Plant Yourselfa Trouble Tree
Day 45 The "I Can't" Funeral
Day 46 A Pair of Socks
Day 47 Two Frogs
Day 48 Earn Respect with the Truth
Day 49 Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Day 50 A Clever Dog
Day 51 Breaking the Silence
Day 52 The King's sandal
Day 53 Cut the Rope
Day 54 Mark's Choice
Day 55 The Wolves Within
Day 56 Three Trees
Day 57 The Power of Love
Day 58 A Legacy of Love
Day 59 On True Love
Day 60 He Never Missed a Game
Day 61 The Legacy
Day 62 A Living Message
Day 63 A Brother Like That
Day 64 The Praying Hands
Day 65 Two Brothers
Day 66 A Special Teacher
Day 67 Teddy and His Favorite Teacher
Day 68 The Only Memory That Lingers
Day 69 A Gift of Love
Day 70 The Red Rose
Day 71 The Best Medicine
Day 72 The Powerful Gift of Love
Day 73 Mother's Hands
Day 74 It Wasn't Your Baby
Day 75 A Cry for Help
Day 76 A Box Full of Kisses
Day 77 The Flower
Day 78 The Apple
Day 79 Puppy Sighs
Day 80 Jonathan's Smile
Day 81 SHMILY: A Love Story You Will Never Forget
Day 82 Salty Coffee
Day 83 A Great Life
Day 84 A Lesson in Love
Day 85 Passing on Love
Day 86 The Dark Candle
Day 87 Love and the Salvation of Man
Day 88 Not "Just a Morn"
Day 89 Defeating Violent Memories
Day 90 Between a Rock and Love
Day 91 The Soccer goalie and His Dad
Day 92 Love Is Action
Day 93 What Animals and Apples Can Teach Us about Love
Day 94 Love Is Action, Not Feeling
Day 95 Yellow Paper Clips
Day 96 Parents
Day 97 Love Is Understanding
Day 98 Making pancakes
Day 99 A Date
Day 100 The Rib Story
Day 101 Letting Go
Day 102 White Ribbons
Day 103 Embassy of Hope
Day 104 My Busy Day
Day 105 The Caged Bird's Escape
Day 106 Just Five More Minutes
Day 107 Love and a Broken Ann
Day 108 What Goes Around, Comes Around
Day 109 Who Packed Your Parachute?
Day 110 Carrots, Eggs and Coffee Beans
Day 111 Climb Every Mountain in Life
Day I 12 Gift of Insults
Day 113 Two Brothers
Day 114 Celebration of Life
Day 115 It's All Good
Day 116 One Finger
Day 117 A Good Lesson
Day 118 God Has Been Good to Me
Day 119 Pray for Others
Day 120 The Real Meaning of Peace
Day 121 Thanks for Your Time
Day 122 Giving and Receiving
Day 123 The Rose
Day 124 Life Is Like a Cafeteria
Day 125 The Moth
Day 126 How Poor We Really Are
Day 127 The Cobbler and the Banker
Day 128 Pick More Daisies
Day 129 The Donkey
Day 130 The Fisherman and the Investment Banker
Day 131 A Little Piece of Me
Day 132 The Importance of Being Honest
Day 133 The Richest Man
Day 134 May the budgie of Happiness Sit on Your Head
Day 135 Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Day 136 The Big Rocks in Life
Day 137 Your Actions Mean More Than You Know
Day 138 The Old Man and the Durian Tree
Day 139 Remember the Duck
Day 140 Bonny's Bunny
Day 141 The Rewards and Risks of Personal Freedom
Day 142 Raising My Sights
Day 143 Remember the Small Things
Day 144 Genghis Khan and His Hawk
Day 145 The Necklace
Day 146 Role Model
Day 147 The communal Wine
Day 148 Beating Yourself Up
Day 149 Cat Up a Tree
Day 150 A Thousand Marbles
Day 151 The Bird Feeder
Day 152 The Master
Day 153 Be a Lake
Day 154 Life Style
Day 155 A Mouse Fable
Day 156 Potatoes and Hatred
Day 157 The Three Men
Day 158 The Brick
Day 159 When the Wind Blows
Day 160 Let There Be Peace
Day 161 Catch of a Lifetime
Day 162 The Spider's Web
Day 163 The Story of Two Pebbles
Day 164 A Speech by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple
Day 165 Looks Are Deceptive
Day 166 The Horse's Reflection
Day 167 Be Patient
Day 168 Pack of Biscuits
Day 169 Never Judge a Book by Its Cover
Day 170 The Wooden Bowl
Day 171 The Ripple Effect:
Day 172 It's Not the Clothes
Day 173 Nothing Is More Important
Day 174 The Beggar King
Day 175 Small Unseen Miracle
Day 176 Change the Heart
Day 177 A Jar of Blackberries
Day 178 A Wealthy Man and His Son
Day 179 parable of the Turtle Picnic
Day 180 Asking the Right Question
Day 181 The Red and Blue Coat
Day 182 Whom to Blame
Day 183 The Homeless Man


