

弗里茲·費爾德(Fritz Feld,1900年10月15日-1993年11月-18日)1900年10月15日出生於德國柏林,職業是演員。主要作品有《怪誕星期五》。



《 Get Smart, Again! 》(1989) ...Waiter
《超級拍檔 Homer & Eddie》 (1989) ...mortician
《夜夜買醉的男人Barfly 》 (1987) ...Bum
《帝國時代 History of the World: Part I 》 (1981) ...Maitre d'
《 Herbie Goes Bananas 》 (1980) ...Chief steward
《 World's Greatest Lover, The 》 (1977) ...Hotel Manager
《 Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood 》 (1976) ...Rudy's butler
《怪誕星期五 Freaky Friday 》(1976) ...Mr. Jackman
《無聲電影 Silent Movie 》 (1976) ...Maitre d'
《陽光小子 Sunshine Boys, The 》 (1975) ...Mr. Gilbert, Man at Audition
《 Strongest Man in the World, The 》 (1975) ...Mr. Frederick
《金龜車大鬧舊金山Herbie Rides Again 》 (1974) ...Ma?tre d' (uncredited)
《 Which Way to the Front? 》 (1970) ...Von Runstadt (uncredited)
《 Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, The 》 (1969) ...Sigmund Van Dyke
《 Comic, The 》 (1969) ...Armand
《俏紅娘 Hello, Dolly! 》(1969) ...Fritz, German waiter
《 "Love, American Style" 》 (1969) ...(segment "Love and the Boss") / ... (2 episodes, 1971)
《極奔自由 Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz, The 》 (1968) ...Kessel
《赤足在停車場 Barefoot in the Park 》 (1967) ...Restaurant Owner
《雌雄雙諜 Caprice 》(1967) ...Swiss Innkeeper (uncredited)
《賊美人 Penelope 》 (1966) ...Penelope's Dance Partner (uncredited)
《模特兒特派員 Made in Paris 》 (1966) ...Josef (uncredited)
《 Three on a Couch 》 (1966) ...The Attache
《 Harlow 》 (1965) ...Window washer in movie (uncredited)
《 Patsy, The 》 (1964) ...Maitre D' (uncredited)
《乘龍快婿 Who's Minding the Store? 》(1963) ...Irving Cahastrophe, the Gourmet Manager
《德州四傑 4 for Texas 》 (1963) ...Fritz (maitre d' at Orlando's)
《 Ladies' Man, The 》 (1961) ...Mrs. Wellenmellon's Hairdresser (uncredited)
《 Errand Boy, The 》 (1961) ...Roaring 20's Director
《錦囊妙計pocketfulof Miracles 》 (1961) ...Pierre
《縱情快感 Living It Up 》 (1954) ...The Barber (uncredited)
《 Casanova's Big Night 》 (1954) ...Diplomat (uncredited)
《警網重重 Crime Wave 》 (1954) ...Man with bandaged head (uncredited)
《萬事如意 French Line, The 》 (1954) ...Last cab driver (uncredited)
《風流貴婦 Call Me Madam 》 (1953) ...Hat clerk
《綿繡人生 O. Henry's Full House 》(1952) ...Maurice (The Gift of the Magi) (uncredited)
《懷春乳燕 Has Anybody Seen My Gal? 》 (1952) ...Alvarez
《銷魂花月夜 Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick 》(1952) ...Headwaiter
《埃及香妃 Little Egypt 》 (1951) ...Professor
《 My Favorite Spy 》 (1951) ...Dress designer (uncredited)
《 Jackpot, The 》 (1950) ...Long-Haired Pianist (uncredited)
《 Great Lover, The 》(1949) ...Waiter (uncredited)
《 Mexican Hayride 》 (1948) ...Professor Ganzmeyer
《 You Gotta Stay Happy 》 (1948) ...Pierre
《玉女傾城 Julia Misbehaves 》 (1948) ...Pepito
《華絲緣 Carnival in Costa Rica 》 (1947) ...Hotel Clerk
《夢裡乾坤 Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The 》 (1947) ...Anatole
《愛你在心頭 I've Always Loved You 》 (1946) ...Nicholas
《荷蘭人的假期 Knickerbocker Holiday 》 (1944) ...Poffenburgh
《環球經典鬼怪系列:歌劇魅影 Phantom of the Opera 》(1943) ...Lecours
《真情流露 Come Live with Me 》 (1941) ...Mac, the Headwaiter (uncredited)
《 Idiot's Delight 》 (1939) ...Pittatek
《 At the Circus 》 (1939) ...Jardinet (orchestra leader)
《假如明天來臨 When Tomorrow Comes 》 (1939) ...Nicholas, the Butler
《育嬰奇譚/魔胎/管教貝貝 Bringing Up Baby 》(1938) ...Dr. Fritz Lehman
《巴黎的淘金者 Gold Diggers in Paris 》 (1938) ...Luis Leoni
《安娜貝兒韻事 Affairs of Annabel, The 》 (1938) ...Vladimir
《 Tovarich 》(1937) ...Martelleau
《好萊塢旅館Hollywood Hotel 》 (1937) ...The Russian
《百老匯之歌 Broadway 》 (1929) ...Mose Levett
《最後命令 Last Command, The 》(1928) ...A revolutionist
《 Golem, wie er in die Welt kam, Der 》 (1920) ...Jester



