
巴斯利卡塔是義大利南部的一個大區,政區面積為9,992 km²,2001年擁有人口597,768 (人口密度60)。政區首府為波坦察。這個政區被分為兩個省:波坦察和馬特拉。巴斯利卡塔是義大利最不發達的地區之一。


巴斯利卡塔義大利南部的一個大區,西邊是坎帕尼亞,東邊是普利亞, 南邊是卡拉布里亞,它在伊特魯里亞海上有一條短的海岸線,在東南部的愛奧尼亞海上的塔蘭托灣中還有另一條海岸線。政區面積為9,992 km²,2001年擁有人口597,768 (人口密度60)。政區首府為波坦察。這個政區被分為兩個省:波坦察和馬特拉。
這個政區多為山地,亞平寧山脈南端的最高點為Monte Pollino(7325英尺)。西北角的Monte Vulture(4365英尺)是一座死火山。 由於山地過多這個政區的通訊直到現在仍十分落後,巴斯利卡塔是義大利最不發達的地區之一。


羅馬時代這個地方叫盧查尼爾(Lucania)並且與南方的Bruttii政區一起管理。這個政區之所以稱為盧查尼爾,是因為公元前5世紀中葉的時候,''盧查尼爾人''(Lucani、Lucanians)曾侵入這個地區,控制當地部落,希臘的Oenotrians和Choni進入這個多山的區域。兩側的海岸線都被強大的希臘殖民地所擁有,成為Magna Graecia的一部分。
此後他們開始與塔朗多/塔侖它木的希臘殖民地對抗, 反抗前326年被塔仁坦人叫來幫忙的伊庇魯斯國王亞歷山大, 這樣伊庇魯斯人就開始干涉Magna Graecia的事務。
In 298, Livy records, they made alliance with Rome, and Roman influence was extended by the colonies of Venusia (291), Paestum (Greek Posidonia, refounded in 273), and above all Roman Tarentum (refounded in 272). Subsequently, however, the Lucanians suffered by choosing the losing side in the various wars on the peninsula in which Rome took part. They were sometimes in alliance with Rome, but more frequently engaged in hostilities, during the Samnite wars. When Pyrrhus of Epirus landed in Italy, 281 they were among the first to declare in his favor, and after his abrupt departure they were reduced to subjection, in a ten year campaign (272). Enmity continued to run deep; they espoused the cause of Hannibal during the Second Punic War (216), and Lucania was ravaged by both armies during several campaigns. The country never recovered from these disasters, and under the Roman government fell into decay, to which the Social War, in which the Lucanians took part with the Samnites against Rome (90 - 88 BC), gave the finishing stroke. In the time of Strabo the Greek cities on the coast had fallen into insignificance, and owing to the decrease of population and cultivation malaria began to obtain the upper hand. The few towns of the interior were of no importance. A large part of the province was given up to pasture, and the mountains were covered with forests, which abounded in wild boars, bears and wolves.



