
gin tin gin


出版社: 中國宇航出版社; 第1版 (2009年6月1日)
平裝: 409頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787802185722
條形碼: 9787802185722
尺寸: 20.2 x 17.6 x 4 cm
重量: 522 g




part 1 商務招待 Business Reception
Unit 1 歡迎客人Welcoming the Guest
Unit 2 外商到達arrival of Foreign Businessmen
Unit 3 自我介紹Self-introduction
Unit 4 介紹同事Introducing Colleagues
Unit 5 幫取行李Let’S Go and Claim the luggage
Unit 6 打聽酒店Finding Out About Hotels
Unit 7 去賓館On the Way to the Hotel
Unit 8 路上寒暄Talking on the Way to the Hotel
Unit 9 抵達酒店Arriving at the Hotel
Unit 10 登記入住Check in
Unit 11 邀請客人Inviting the Guest
Unit 12 在前台At the Reception
Unit 13 在會客廳In the Reception Room
Unit 14 接待客人Receiving Visitors
Unit 15 招待客人Hosting
Unit 16 商務午餐Business Lunch
Unit 17 西餐Western Food
Unit 18 中餐Chinese Food
Unit 19 陪同購物Companying Guests for Shopping
Unit 20 陪同旅遊Companying Guests for Travelling
Unit 21 約定晚宴Dinner Invitation
Unit 22 宴會致辭Banquet Address
Unit 23 雞尾酒會A Cocktail Party
Unit 24 祝酒Toast
Unit 25 感謝邀請Thanks for Being Invited
Unit 26 餞行晚宴Farewell Banquet
Unit 27 退房I Check out I
Unit 28 退房II Check out 11
Unit 29 訂計程車Calling for a Taxi
Unit 30 查詢機票Asking About Plane Tickets
Unit 31 預訂機票Resewing a Plane Ticket
Unit 32 改換機票Changing Plane Tickets
Unit 33 乘坐飛機Travelling by Air
Unit 34 登機boarding the Plane
Unit 35 轉機航班Collecting Flight
Unit 36 在機場At the Airport
Unit 37 在海關At the Customs
Unit 38 道別Saying Goodbye
part 2 商務參觀 Business Visit
Unit 39 參觀日程Visiting Schedule
Unit 40 參觀車間Visiting Workshop
Unit 41 樣品展室Sample Room
Unit 42 辦公大樓Office Block
Unit 43 簡要介紹l Brief Introduction I
Unit 44 簡要介紹II Brief Introduction ll
Unit 45 介紹生產Introducing Production
Unit 46 進入主題Getting Down to Business
Unit 47 結束訪問Finishing Visiting
part 3 商務往來 Business Exchange
Unit 48 建立業務關係Establishing Business Relations
Unit 49 問候Greeting
Unit 50 提醒Reminders
Unit 51 慰問Expressing Sympathy
Unit 52 邀請Inviting
Unit 53 娛樂活動Entertainment Activity
Unit 54 參加舞會Attending the Dance Party
Unit 55 邀請共舞Inviting Someone for Dancing
Unit 56 拒絕邀請Refusing the Invitation
Unit 57 誇獎對方Complimenting
Unit 58 約會Making an Appointment
Unit 59 拜訪客戶Calling on a Customer
Unit 60 正式場合著裝At Formal Situations
Unit 61 半正式場合著裝At Semi-formal Situations
Unit 62 非正式場合著裝At Informal Situations
Unit 63 談判技巧Negotiation Skills
Unit 64 詢價答覆Enquiries and Replies
Unit 65 報價還價Offers and Counter-offers
Unit 66 開始談判Opening the Discuss
Unit 67 進行談判During the Negotiation
Unit 68 結束談判Finishing the Discussion
Unit 69 契約簽訂Signing Contract
Unit 70 改變計畫Changing Plans
Unit 71 安排日程Working Out Schedules for Activities
Unit 72 處理檔案Handing Business Documents
Unit 73 處理緊急事件Dealing with Emergency
Unit 74 與客戶進餐Dining with Clients
Unit 75 道歉與應答Apologies and Replies
Unit 76 感謝與應答Thanks and Replies
Unit 77 請求與應答Requests and Replies
Unit 78 商務電話Business Phone Calls
Unit 79 處理緊急電話Dealing with Urgent Calls
Unit 80 處理投訴電話Dealing with Complaining Calls
part 4 商務信息處理 Dealing with Business Information
part 5 商務會議 Business Meeting
part 6 行銷策劃 Marketing and planning
part 7 商務宣傳 Business Publicity


