Photograph[Def Leppard(威豹樂隊)演唱歌曲]


英國硬搖滾樂隊Def Leppard(威豹樂隊)演唱歌曲,收錄於專輯《Pyromania》。在最偉大的100首英文歌曲中位居第96位。


Def Leppard(威豹樂隊)是一支1977年在英國謝菲爾德成立的硬搖滾樂隊,現有貝斯手薩維奇、主音歌手埃利奧特、鼓手阿倫、主音吉他手科倫和吉他手坎貝爾五名成員。該樂隊是英國重金屬新浪潮的代表性樂隊之一,也是1980年代歐洲最成功的重金屬樂隊之一,其在全球銷售專輯超過6500萬張。



Def Leppard宣傳照 Def Leppard宣傳照

I'm outa luck, outa love

Gotta photograph, picture of

Passion killer, you're too much

You're the only one I wanna touch

I see your face every time I dream

On every page, every magazine

So wild and free so far from me

You're all I want, my fantasy

Oh, look what you've done to this rock n roll clown

Oh oh, look what you've done

Photograph - I don't want your

Photograph - I don't need your

Photograph - All I've got is a photograph

But it's not enough

I'd be your lover, if you were there

Put your hurt on me, if you dare

Such a woman, you got style

You make every man feel like a child, oh

You got some kinda hold on me

You're all wrapped up in mystery

So wild so free and far from me

You're all I want, my fantasy

Oh, look what you've done to this rock n roll clown

Oh oh, look what you've done

Photograph - I don't want your

Photograph - I don't need your

Photograph - All I've got is a photograph

You've gone straight to my head

Oh, look what you've done to this rock n roll clown

Oh Oh, look what you've done

I gotta have you

Photograph - I don't want your

Photograph - I don't need your

Photograph - All I've got is a photograph

I wanna touch you


Photograph - Your photograph

Photograph -

Photograph - I need only your

Photograph - I'm outa love

Photograph - I'm outa love

Photograph - You're the only one

Photograph - I wanna touch you


