nothing on you

nothing on you

《Nothing on you》是B.O.B與Bruno Mars的合作歌曲,擠下了連續5個星期排名第一的Rihanna蕾哈娜的單曲,在美國Billboard順利拿下冠軍。 B.O.B的首張專輯《B.O.B Presents:The Adventures of Bobby Ray》本來預計在2010年5月25日發布,但是由於《Nothing on You》一曲的大獲成功,被提前到了4月27日。專輯一經面世便好評不斷,首周便售出84000份拷貝,並登上公告牌二百強專輯榜頭名。他也因此成為第13個出道專輯在首周便登上專輯榜榜首的藝人。該專輯由T.I.的音樂廠牌Grand Hustle唱片公司出品,收錄了B.O.B同T.I.、盧普·菲亞斯科、埃米納姆等人合作的曲目。 《Nothing on You》已經出了MV,其以獨特的畫面形式充分表現了歌曲的內涵和歌手的內心。該MV獲得2010美國黑人娛樂電視獎(BET Awards)的年度MV(Video of the Year),2010薩克福瑞峰會(Suckerfree Summit)的時下經典(Instant Classic),以及2010MTV音樂錄影帶獎(Video Music Awards)的最佳流行錄影帶(Best Pop Video)等多項大獎,使兩位歌手風光無限。




B.O.B原名Bobby Ray Simmons(小鮑比·雷·西蒙斯),生於1988年11月15日美國喬治亞州,更為人所知的他的藝名B.O.B。美國說唱歌手、創作歌手及音樂製作人。音樂類型是嘻哈、另類嘻哈。演奏樂器吉他。出地道點是美國喬治亞州迪凱特(Decatur)。他目前是GrandHustle唱片公司、大西洋唱片公司和Rebel Rock旗下的簽約藝人。他的藝名最初來自OutKast組合的歌曲《B.O.B.》(“Bombs over Baghdad”的縮寫,意為巴格達上空的炸彈)。B.O.B已經在國際上獲得了巨大成功,最初的兩支單曲《Nothing on You》和《Airplanes》都登上了英國排行榜頭名,同時《Nothing on You》也在美國摘得桂冠。兩支單曲均收錄於他的首張專輯《B.O.B Presents:The Adventures of Bobby Ray》,該專輯目前位列2010年最暢銷的六張嘻哈專輯之一。成名曲:《I'll Be In The Sky》。

Bruno Mars

【原名】Peter Gene Hernandez Jr.

【藝名】Bruno Mars












【唱片公司】Elektra Records


【家人】爸爸Peter Hernandez,媽媽Bernadette Hernandez,哥哥 Eric Hernandez(他樂隊的鼓手),姐妹共四個(分別是Jaime,Tiara,Tahiti,Presley)和舅舅Johnny Valentine

【生活和事業】 Peter Hernandez Jr.於1985年生於美國夏威夷,他的藝名Bruno Mars為人們熟知。

Bruno Mars在美國夏威夷的威基基(Waikiki)島上出生並長大,是父母的六個孩子中的一個,而父母分別是波多黎各和菲律賓人。他出生在一個音樂家庭,給了他多元化的Reggae,搖滾,嘻哈和R&B等多種風格。在很小的時候,Bruno Mars就開始模仿和表演例如貓王、麥可傑克遜等很具影響力的藝術家的歌曲。1990年他四歲的時候被MidWeek雜誌精選為“小貓王”,之後在1992年於拉斯維加斯的蜜月影片中扮演小貓王。2003年,17歲的他於President Theodore Roosevelt高中畢業,之後搬到洛杉磯追求他自己的音樂生涯。


Bruno Mars:If I told you I was perfect I'd be lying,若是跟你說我很完美 ,我肯定是在撒謊

If there's somethin I'm not doin girl I'm tryin'.要是有些事我沒能做到,請相信我,我正在努力

I know I'm no angel.我知道自己不是天使

But I'm not so bad...但我也不會很差勁

No No No.If you see me at the party conversating要是你看到我在派對里與人聊得正甜

That doesn't mean telephone numbers are exchangin'.那並不代表我們在互換電話號碼

I know I'm no angel.我知道自己不是天使

But I'm not so bad...但我也不會很差勁

No No No !You should know these Beautiful girls all over the world你要知道啊 那些漂亮美眉遍布全球

I could be chasing But my time would be wasted,我沒必要一一追求,那是在浪費時間

they got nothing on you, baby寶貝,他們哪裡及得上你

Nothing on you, baby如何比得過你They might say hi, and I might say hey她們也許會朝我打招呼,我也會禮貌回應

But you shouldn't worry, about what they say但你根本不必在意她們說什麼

'Cause they got nothing on you, baby因為甜心她們哪及得上你

Nothing on you, baby怎么都比不上你,寶貝

------------------以上為Nothing On You LIVE版中開場一段唱詞-----------------

Bruno Mars:beautiful girls all over the world世界上有那么多的漂亮女孩

i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追她們 不過那只會浪費我的時間

they got nothing on you baby她們都比不上你,寶貝

nothing on you baby沒人比得上你,寶貝

they might say hi她們會說嗨

and i might say hey我也會說嘿

but you should't worried about what they say但是你不用擔心她們說的

cause they got nothing on you,baby因為她們哪兒及得上你,寶貝

nothing on you,baby及不上你,寶貝

B.O.B:i know you feel where I'm coming from我知道你能看得出 我是什麼樣的人

regardless of the things in my past that I've done不管過去我做過什麼荒唐事

most of it really was for the hell of the fun大多數都是玩玩罷了

on the carousel so around i spun就像鏇轉木馬般,我已暈頭轉向

with no directions just tryna get some沒有任何方向,只是試圖追求什麼

tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun想要追逐夏日陽光里的那些短裙妹紙

And so i lost more than i had ever won所以我滿盤皆輸,全部泡湯

and honestly i ended up with none說實話 我以杯具收場

there's no much nonsense, it's on my conscience做過太多愚蠢的事 我捫心自問

I'm thinking baby i should get it out我在想寶貝,我應該將它拋開

and i don't wanna sound redundant, but i was wondering 我不想讓它聽起來像是一句廢話 不過我曾想過

if there was something that you wanna know有沒有哪些事是你想知道的

but never mind that we should let it go不過那都不重要 把它給忘了吧

cuz we don't wanna be a t.v episode因為我們不想搞得像在演連續劇

and all the bad thoughts just let them go所有的煩惱,就讓它們全部溜走

Bruno Mars:beautiful girls all over the world世界上有那么多的漂亮女孩

i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追她們 不過那只會浪費我的時間

they got nothing on you baby她們都比不上你,寶貝

nothing on you baby沒人比得上你,寶貝

they might say hi and i might say hey她們可能跟我打個招呼 我也會回應一聲

but you shouldn't worry about what they say你實在不必擔心 她們跟我說了些什麼

cuz they got nothing on you baby因為她們都比不上你,寶貝

nothing on you baby沒人比得上你,寶貝

B.O.B:hands down, there will never be another one毫無疑問 再也不會有另一個你

i been around and i never seen another one我已尋覓多時 從沒看到過另一個你

look at your style I ain't really got nothing on因為你的格調,完全無人可以相比

and you wild when you ain't got nothing on而且你啥都不穿時是如此狂野

baby you the whole package plus you pay your taxes寶貝你已完美無缺 而且會自己掏腰包

and you keep it real while them other stay plastic別的女孩都如此拜金 你做你自己

you're my wonder women call me Mr. Fantastic你是我的神奇女俠 我是你的神奇先生

stop.. now think about it停下 快想想

Bruno Mars:I've been to London, I've been to paris我去過倫敦 我去過巴黎

even way out there in Tokyo甚至連東京都不放過

back home down in Georgia to new orleans回到家鄉喬治亞州,來到紐奧良

but you always steal the show但你總能搶走風頭

and just like that girl you got me froze 就像那樣 你讓我來回往復

like a Nintendo 64 就像任天堂64遊戲機

if you never knew well now you know 如果你以前不知道 現在你應該知道了

Bruno Mars:beautiful girls all over the world世界上有那么多的漂亮女孩

i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追她們 不過那只會浪費我的時間

they got nothing on you baby她們都比不上你,寶貝

nothing on you baby沒人比得上你,寶貝

they might say hi and i might say hey她們可能跟我打個招呼 我也會回應一聲

but you shouldn't worry about what they say你實在不必擔心 她們跟我說了些什麼

cuz they got nothing on you baby因為她們都比不上你,寶貝

nothing on you baby沒人比得上你,寶貝

B.O.B:everywhere i go, I'm always hearing your name不管我走到哪裡 腦中只有你的名字

and no matter where I'm at, girl you make me wanna sang不管我身在何方 女孩你總是讓我想高唱

whether a bus or a plane, or a car, or a train不管是坐巴士還是飛機 坐汽車或是火車

no other girl's on my brain, and you the one to blame我的腦海中再無其他女孩 這都要怪你

Bruno Mars:beautiful girls all over the world世界上有那么多的漂亮女孩

i could be chasing but my time would be wasted我可以去追她們 不過那只會浪費我的時間

they got nothing on you baby她們都比不上你,寶貝

nothing on you baby沒人比得上你,寶貝

they might say hi and i might say hey她們可能跟我打個招呼 我也會回應一聲

but you shouldn't worry about what they say你實在不必擔心 她們跟我說了些什麼

cuz they got nothing on you baby因為她們都比不上你,寶貝

nothing on you baby沒人比得上你,寶貝

B.O.B:yeah and that's just how we do it Yeah這就是我們的方式

and i'ma let this ride就讓它這樣吧



鄧福如,又名:阿福,因翻唱美國歌手B.O.B的《Nothing on You》為人所知,並創下一周突破百萬點閱率。 有歌迷將阿福翻唱的歌曲放置網路平台上供人下載,並自行成立網站,短短八個月內竟有逾九億人次下載。原本只是想單純分享歌聲,沒想到短短時間引起廣大網友熱烈迴響,也推動唱片公司把這個獨特的聲音,讓更多人一飽耳福的想法,於在2011年正式發行了首張個人專輯《原來如此》,其中就收入了這首《Nothing on You》。


beautiful girls~ all over the world

i could be chasing but my time would be wasted
they got nothing on you~ baby
nothing on you ~baby
they might say hi~ and i might say hey
but you shouldn't worry about what they say
cos they got nothing on you~ baby
nothing on you~ baby
i know you feel where i'm coming from
so baby regardless of the things in my past that i've think then done
could we konw the things for fun...
i was on the gamso let to fun around
oh no directions no rindetion the all lentdi
there's no much nonsense
it's on my conscience
thinking baby i should get it out
and i don't wanna sound redundant
but i was wondering
there was something that you wanna know
but never mind that we should let it go
cos we don't wanna be a t.v episode
and all the bad thoughts just let them go (go, go, go)~oh~~
beautiful girls~ all over the world
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted
they got nothing on you~ baby
oh~ nothing on you~ baby
oh they might say hi~ and i might say hey~
but you shouldn't worry about what they say
cos they got nothing on you~ baby
nothing on you~ baby hey
beautiful girls
i could be chasing
they got nothing on you
they got nothing on you
nothing on you ~
beautiful girls~ all over the world
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted
they got nothing on you~ baby
oh~ nothing on you~ baby
oh they might say hi~ and i might say hey~
but you shouldn't worry about what they say
cos they got nothing on you~ baby
nothing on you~ baby hey



