iFlytek Input


iFlytek Voice Input,as a smart input method for mobile phone,is launched by iFlytek based on iFLY voice cloud。It has won 1st place prize in AppSpace competition companion with Global Mobile Internet Conference 2011.The software integrates speech recognition,handwriting recognition and keyboard entry。With patented algorithm design,iFLY Voice Input ingeniously realizes seamless integration of handwriting and keyboard entry in the same interface,thereby effectively expands the applicable population of the software and significantly improves the text input speed in mobile phone。訊飛語音輸入法Pad HD高清版,免切換的Android平板電腦輸入法,集智慧型語音輸入、鍵盤區連續手寫、傳統鍵盤輸入於一體,無需切換即可在拼音輸入界面進行連續手寫和語音輸入,文字輸入隨心所欲,大大提升發簡訊、寫微博、聊QQ、輸網址的速度。Pad輸入用訊飛,訊飛輸入法是Android平板電腦輸入法的最佳選擇。註:訊飛語音輸入法Pad版適合1280x800解析度、Android2.0以上的平板電腦使用。Android手機用戶請下載訊飛輸入法手機版本以獲得更好的使用體驗。


