



解放:火星殖民地是一個快節奏的遊戲和一個獨特的控制系統。引導就像一個真正的坦克通過提供正向和反向功率到每個跟蹤。 經過300年的地球化這顆紅色星球,火星殖民地已經成為自我維持的。人類定居點擴張和物資從地球是最小的。然而,外來入侵者的一個未知的起源已經開始系統地摧毀的基礎設施,殺死或捕獲的人口。沒有軍事防禦可言,平民轉換一個“火星Trax的採礦車到進攻武器。你是指揮官的車輛。你必須擊退侵略者而節省儘可能多的儘可能的殖民者。火星殖民地的未來就在你的手中.... 50具有挑戰性的水平。 多種類型的外星人。 結束的部門老闆。 輸入你的高分進入遊戲中心排行榜。 獨特的和直觀的控制系統。 Liberation: Mars Colony is a fast paced arcade game with a unique control system. Steer just like a real tank by providing forward and reverse power to each track. After 300 years of terraforming the red planet, Mars Colony has become self-sustaining. The human settlement is expanding and supplies from Earth are minimal. However, alien invaders of an unknown origin have begun to systematically destroy the infrastructure, killing or capturing the population. With no military defence to speak of, the civilians have converted a ‘Mars Trax’ mining vehicle into an offensive weapon. You are the commander of this vehicle. You must repel the invaders while saving as many colonists as possible. The future of Mars Colony is in your hands.... 50 challenging levels. Multiple types of aliens. End of sector bosses. Enter you high score into the Game Center Leaderboard. Unique and intuitive control system.


