
聯邦星艦進取號 (NCC-1701-A)於2286年服役,是一艘憲法級星艦,出現在《星際旅行》的虛擬宇宙中;於電影《搶救未來》最末後交由剛降級為上校的詹姆斯·柯克領導,用以取代已毀的原型進取號 (NCC-1701),外觀上和原型進取號一樣,而用以保留同一番號。


影迷們推敲這艘船艦原先是聯邦星艦約克鎮號(NCC-1717),而後改名為進取號-A。然而這推論的基礎僅僅是系列創作者吉恩·羅登伯里的一項意見而已,在電影內容之前並無任合堅實的證據說明該船的歷史。更甚者,約克鎮號還出現在Michael Jan Friedman所寫的《下一代》小說《Crossover》 ,是一艘未改裝的憲法級星艦,在《搶救未來》後某個時間點還列入後備隊。


The technical guidebook Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise states that the starship re-christened was the USS Ti-Ho (NCC-1798), and was equipped with a transwarp drive, but this may be subject to change or speculation. Another account better in line with the filmic continuity comes from the Star Trek IV Sourcebook (published by FASA Corporation), which establishes the NCC-1701-A's former identity as the USS Atlantis, in spacedock at the time of the Whalesong crisis, and later redesignated as the new USS Enterprise.
Between the fourth and fifth films, the Enterprise returned to spacedock for refitting. The existing Enterprise sets from the first through fourth films were redressed for use on Star Trek: The Next Generation, so some new sets were constructed for the fifth film. The producers explained that the reason the bridge appeared so different was that the bridge module was replaced during this refitting. Although never confirmed on screen, additional extensive refits must have occurred to the rest of the vessel, since it is shown to be on a shakedown cruise in the fifth film (which otherwise would contradict the view that the 1701-A was simply a previously-existing starship, renamed, unless a newly built one).
In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier the ship was dispatched on a mission to rescue hostages, despite being not operational. It was then hijacked by the Vulcan renegade Sybok, who took the ship to a mysterious planet, where a powerful alien being masquerading as God was encountered. After a short while there, the crew were caught off-guard by some Klingons, and they caused minor damage before being called off.
In the next film, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, the ship encountered a Klingon ship that could fire while cloaked (this had been previously impossible). It suffered major structural damage before being able to track and destroy the Klingons, with the help of the USS Excelsior (NCC-2000). At the end of the film, the Enterprise-A was decommissioned. Although the exact number of years elapsing between the fifth and sixth films has never been confirmed, it is unlikely that Starfleet would want to decommission a relatively new vessel, adding more credence to the suggestion that the Enterprise-A was a renamed, older (but refitted) vessel. However, the decommissioning order appears to come as a surprise to Kirk, so the reason for the vessel being Taken Out of service (especially within moments of the end of a very successful mission) remains a puzzle.
The fate of the vessel after this point has never been established in canon. Many fans assume that the ship was put in the Starfleet Museum (because in part of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Relics", although if it was the Enterprise Picard probably should have said so, most likely in the holodeck scene, stating that a Constitution class vessel was housed in said museum, although Picard never says which vessel was so preserved). Kirk's speech about passing control of the ship on to others at the end of the film suggests that a new crew took over command of the vessel (although this contradicts the earlier reference to decommissioning).
The command structure of the NCC-1701-A is unlike anything ever encountered in Star Trek in that the senior crew of the vessel consisted of no less than three officers of Captain rank: Kirk, Spock and Montgomery Scott.
According to the (non-canonical) Star Trek novel The Ashes of Eden, written by William Shatner, the Enterprise-A was decommissioned at the behest of the new Starfleet Commander-in-Chief Admiral Androvar Drake, a rival of Kirk's since their early careers. The Enterprise-A was to be used in war games and weapons testing and thus committed to her destruction, but intervention on behalf of the Chal government saved her. She was later subsequently destroyed to prevent Drake's completion of a disastrous personal agenda.



