


美國斯坦福德大學大學 (Stratford University)
美國斯坦福德大學( Stratford University )總校位於具有悠久歷史的維吉尼亞州,緊鄰美國首都華盛頓,與白宮、國會山只有幾分鐘的車程,擁有首都的所有文化底蘊,歷史沉澱和知名度。校園占地一百多英畝,並在維吉尼亞、懷俄明州、英國倫敦設有分校。學校優越的地理位置使廣大的畢業生獲得眾多行業領域的就業機會。美國斯坦福德大學提供大學學士以及研究生碩士學位,主要培養計算機信息技術、旅遊及飯店管理、工商管理( MBA 、 EMBA )等高級管理人才。已為美國和全球培養了大批優秀人才,學員分別在美國政府及惠普、休斯、杜邦、英國殼牌、飛利浦、吉列等全球知名企業供職。
美國斯坦福德大學( Stratford University )的學士及研究生碩士學位獲得了美國聯邦教育部、美國高等教育委員會指定的專業權威認證機構美國獨立院校教育認證委員會( ACICS )的認證以及維吉尼亞州高等教育委員會的認證和許可,法定擁有招收外籍移民學生權和成人高等教育的權利。 美國斯坦福德大學大學系維吉尼亞州職業學院聯盟委員會成員、北維吉尼亞技術委員會成員,是中華人民共和國駐美大使館及中華人民共和國教育部認證的國外院校。 2003 年 10 月中華人民共和國教育部通過教育涉外監管信息網、中國留學網發布了經認證的國外院校名單,美國斯坦福德大學榜上有名 , 請查詢相關網站 。同時更是中國教育部主辦的 “ 中國留學網 ” 推薦的美國知名大學之一!
Face Your Future With Knowledge
Become a Professional at Stratford
Stratford University is a private educational institution dedicated to preparing students for challenging and rewarding careers in high demand fields, such as information technology, hospitality, culinary arts, and business administration. The University is located just outside of Washington, DC, in the Virginia suburbs.
Stratford University offers Associate, Bachelor, and Master's Degrees. Stratford's curriculum combines advanced technology and hands-on labs with traditional educational methods. The competencies and industry certifications embraced by its demanding curriculum are employer-centric, while the teaching methods and delivery style are student-centric. Stratford University has excellent graduation and placement rates.
In addition to its demanding courses, Stratford offers many non-credit workshops and courses in business, technology, and culinary arts. The Chef's Table at Stratford University offers fine dining to the public.
Stratford University is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) to award associate, bachelor, and master's degrees. The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools is listed as a nationally recognized accrediting agency by the United States Department of Education. Its accreditation of degree-granting institutions also is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). In addition, the Culinary Arts Degree and Diploma Programs are accredited by the American Culinary Federation (ACF), which also is recognized by CHEA. All degree and diploma programs have been approved by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).


申請截止日: 滾動招生
需要的語言成績:toefl or ielts



