

男,電影監製,監製過的電影有1)Screen Snapshots Series 19, No. 9: Sports in Hollywood ------- (1940)



英文:Walter Wanger






作為演員的電影作品(數量:1)Screen Snapshots Series 19, No. 9: Sports in Hollywood ------- (1940)

作為製片人的電影作品(數量:68)埃及豔后/埃及妖后 Cleopatra ------- (1963)

我要活下去 I Want to Live! ------- (1958)

Navy Wife ------- (1956)

沙漠歷險記 The Adventures of Hajji Baba ------- (1954)

Riot in Cell Block 11 ------- (1954)

Fort Vengeance ------- (1953)

Kansas Pacific ------- (1953)

阿拉丁神燈 Aladdin and His Lamp ------- (1952)

Battle Zone ------- (1952)

Lady in the Iron Mask ------- (1952)

魯莽時刻 The Reckless Moment ------- (1949)

暴政末日記 Reign of Terror ------- (1949)

Tulsa ------- (1949)

聖女貞德 Joan of Arc ------- (1948)

Secret Beyond the Door... ------- (1948)

血戰山河 Tap Roots ------- (1948)

香箋艷異 The Lost Moment ------- (1947)

毀滅/一敗塗地/破碎的心 Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman ------- (1947)

Canyon Passage ------- (1946)

A Night in Paradise ------- (1946)

血紅街道 Scarlet Street ------- (1945)

Salome Where She Danced ------- (1945)

Ladies Courageous ------- (1944)

'Gung Ho!': The Story of Carlson's Makin Island Raiders ------- (1943)

We've Never Been Licked ------- (1943)

阿拉伯之夜 Arabian Nights ------- (1942)

神鷹突擊隊 Eagle Squadron ------- (1942)

落日浴血記 Sundown ------- (1941)

海外特派員 Foreign Correspondent ------- (1940)

天涯路 The Long Voyage Home ------- (1940)

The House Across the Bay ------- (1940)

永遠的愛人 Eternally Yours ------- (1939)

Winter Carnival ------- (1939)

海角遊魂 Algiers ------- (1938)

Blockade ------- (1938)

Trade Winds ------- (1938)

I Met My Love Again ------- (1938)

History Is Made at Night ------- (1937)

Stand-In ------- (1937)

霹靂行動隊 You Only Live Once ------- (1937)

52nd Street ------- (1937)

The Trail of the Lonesome Pine ------- (1936)

Spendthrift ------- (1936)

The Moon's Our Home ------- (1936)

Big Brown Eyes ------- (1936)

Palm Springs ------- (1936)

Fatal Lady ------- (1936)

The Case Against Mrs. Ames ------- (1936)

Her Master's Voice ------- (1936)

Shanghai ------- (1935)

Smart Girl ------- (1935)

Private Worlds ------- (1935)

Mary Burns, Fugitive ------- (1935)

Every Night at Eight ------- (1935)

The President Vanishes ------- (1934)

顏將軍的傷心茶 The Bitter Tea of General Yen ------- (1933)

Gabriel Over the White House ------- (1933)

前往好萊塢 Going Hollywood ------- (1933)

瓊宮恨史/瑞典女王/克麗絲汀女王 Queen Christina ------- (1933)

Another Language ------- (1933)

Washington Merry-Go-Round ------- (1932)

Tarnished Lady ------- (1931)

Roadhouse Nights ------- (1930)

歡呼 Applause ------- (1929)

椰子果 The Cocoanuts ------- (1929)

The Lady Lies ------- (1929)

作為其他職員的電影作品(數量:15)Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood ------- (2001)

Secret Beyond the Door... ------- (1948)

毀滅/一敗塗地/破碎的心 Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman ------- (1947)

Canyon Passage ------- (1946)

Ladies Courageous ------- (1944)

'Gung Ho!': The Story of Carlson's Makin Island Raiders ------- (1943)

海外特派員 Foreign Correspondent ------- (1940)

天涯路 The Long Voyage Home ------- (1940)

Slightly Honorable ------- (1940)

關山飛渡/驛馬車 Stagecoach ------- (1939)

永遠的愛人 Eternally Yours ------- (1939)

海角遊魂 Algiers ------- (1938)

History Is Made at Night ------- (1937)

Stand-In ------- (1937)

霹靂行動隊 You Only Live Once ------- (1937)



