
所在城市: 湖北 武漢 所在院系: 植物科學技術學院


林忠旭 出生年月: 1978.2 碩 博導:博導 開設課程: 植物生物技術 職稱: 教授 研究方向: 棉花分子遺傳與育種 學位: 農學博士 ,1996-2000年在華中農業大學植物科學技術學院作物遺傳育種專業學習,獲農學學士學位。2000-2005年在植物科學技術學院攻讀作物遺傳育種博士學位(碩博連讀),於2005年畢業,獲得農學博士學位。2005年畢業後留校執教,在作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室棉花課題組進行研究工作,主要從事棉花分子標記的開發、遺傳圖譜構建、數量性狀定位和棉花導入系的構建。







《植物生物技術》精品課程建設省級教改項目:植物科學技術專業實驗課教學模式改革與創新,2006-2008,主持國家自然科學基金:分子標記輔助選擇構建棉花種間單片段代換系及其遺傳評價,2007-2009,主持 973計畫課題“棉纖維基因資源創製及品質性狀遺傳基礎研究”,2005-2009,參加 863計畫課題“棉花纖維性狀功能基因的分子標記及功能基因的篩選鑑定”,2006-2010,參加 863子項目"轉基因新技術開發及新品種選育",2007.01-2009.12,主持國家自然科學基金:海島棉重要經濟性狀遺傳基礎的分子解析及其套用,2009-2011,主持




(2)林忠旭,《Linkage map construction and mapping QTL for cotton fiber quality using SRAP, SSR and RAPD》獲湖北省第十一屆自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎,2006年12月。






1.Xinhui Nie, Cong Huang, Chunyuan You, Wu Li, Wenxia Zhao, Chao Shen, Beibei Zhang, Hantao Wang, Zhenhua Yan, Baoshen Dai, Maojun Wang, Xianlong Zhang and Zhongxu Lin*. Genome-wide SSR-based association mapping for fiber quality in nation-wide upland cotton inbreed cultivars in China. Nie et al. BMC Genomics (2016) 17:352
2.Yuling Liu, Renhai Peng, Fang Liu, Xingxing Wang, Xinglei Cui, Zhongli Zhou, Chunying Wang, Xiaoyan Cai, Yuhong Wang, Zhongxu Lin* and Kunbo Wang*. A Gossypium BAC clone contains key repeat components distinguishing sub-genome of allotetraploidy cottons. Molecular Cytogenetics (2016) 9:27
3.Baosheng Dai, Huanle Guo, Cong Huang, Xianlong Zhang and Zhongxu Lin*. Genomic heterozygosity and hybrid breakdown in cotton (Gossypium): different traits, different effects. BMC Genetics (2016) 17:58
4. Ximei Li, Xin Jin, Hantao Wang, Xianlong Zhang, and Zhongxu Lin*.Structure, evolution, and comparative genomics of tetraploid cotton based on a high-density genetic linkage map. DNA Res (2016) 23 (3): 283-293
1. Hantao Wang, Xin Jin, Beibei Zhang, Chao Shen and Zhongxu Lin*. Enrichment of an intraspecific genetic map of upland cotton by developing markers using parental RAD sequencing. DNA Research, 2015, 22(2), 147–160
2. Chen X, Jin X, Li X, Lin Z*. Genetic Mapping and Comparative Expression Analysis of Transcription Factors in Cotton. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(5): e0126150. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126150
3. Hantao Wang, Cong Huang, Huanle Guo, Ximei Li, Wenxia Zhao, Baosheng Dai, Zhenhua Yan, Zhongxu Lin*. QTL Mapping for Fiber and Yield Traits in Upland Cotton under Multiple Environments. PLoS One. 2015, 10(6): e0130742. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130742
4. Said JI, Song M, Wang H, Lin Z, Zhang X, Fang DD, Zhang J. A comparative meta-analysis of QTL between intraspecific Gossypium hirsutum and interspecific G. hirsutum × G. barbadense populations. Mol Genet Genomics, 2015, 290:1003–1025
5. 聶新輝,尤春源,鮑健,李曉方,惠慧,劉洪亮,秦江鴻,林忠旭*。基於關聯分析的新陸早棉花品種農藝和纖維品質性狀優異等位基因挖掘。中國農業科學 2015, 48(15): 2891-2910
6. Nie X, Tu J, Wang B, Zhou X*, Lin Z*. A BIL Population Derived from G. hirsutum and G. barbadense Provides a Resource for Cotton Genetics and Breeding. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 30;10(10):e0141064.
1.Hantao Wang, Ximei Li, Wenhui Gao, Xin Jin, Xianlong Zhang, Zhongxu Lin*. Comparison and development of EST–SSRs from two 454 sequencing libraries of Gossypium barbadense. Euphytica, 2014, 198:277–288.
2.J.L. Tu, M.J. Zhang, X.Q. Wang, X.L. Zhang and Z.X. Lin*. Genetic dissection of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cultivars developed in Hubei Province by mapped SSRs. Genet. Mol. Res. 2014, 13 (1): 782-790
4. Gaofeng Ren, Ximei Li, Zhongxu Lin*. Mining, genetic mapping and expression analysis of EST-derived resistance gene homologs (RGHs) in cotton. BMC Plant Biology 2014, 14:203
5.聶新輝,尤春源,李曉方,秦江鴻,黃聰,郭歡樂,王夏青,趙文霞,林忠旭*。新陸早棉花品種DNA指紋圖譜的構建及遺傳多樣性分析。作物學報,2014,40 (12): 2104-2117
6.Ximei Li, Wenhui Gao, Huanle Guo, Xianlong Zhang, David D Fang and Zhongxu Lin*. Development of EST-based SNP and InDel markers and their utilization in tetraploid cotton genetic mapping. BMC Genomics 2014, 15: 1046
7.CHUANXIANG LIU, DAOJUN YUAN, ZHONGXU LIN*. Construction of an EST-SSR-based interspecific transcriptome linkage map of fibre development in cotton. Journal of Genetics, 2014, 93, 3, 689-697
1.Muhammad Mahmood Ahmed, Huanle Guo, Cong Huang, Xianlong Zhang and Zhongxu Lin*. Selection of core SSR markers for fingerprinting upland cotton cultivars and hybrids. AJCS, 2013, 7(12):1912-1920.
2.Xuemei Chen, Wenhui Gao, Jinfa Zhang, Xianlong Zhang and Zhongxu Lin*. Linkage mapping and expression analysis of miRNAs and their target genes during fiber development in cotton. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:706.
3.X.Q. Wang, Y. Yu, W. Li, H.L. Guo, Z.X. Lin*, X.L. Zhang. Association analysis of yield and fiber quality traits in Gossypium barbadense with SSRs and SRAPs. Genet Mol Res, 2013, 12 (3): 3353 – 3362.
4.Liu C., Yuan D., Zhang X. and Lin Z*. Isolation, characterization and mapping of genes differentially expressed during fibre development between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense by cDNA-SRAP. J Genet, 2013, 92, 175–181.
5.Xiaqing Wang, Yu Yu, Jian Sang, Qingzhang Wu, Xianlong Zhang, Zhongxu Lin*. Intraspecific linkage map construction and QTL mapping of yield and fiber quality of Gossypium babardense. AJCS, 2013, 7(9):1252-1261.
6.Li X, Yuan D, Zhang J, Lin Z*, Zhang X. Genetic Mapping and Characteristics of Genes Specifically or Preferentially Expressed during Fiber Development in Cotton. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(1): e54444.
1.Bin Wang, Yichun Nie, Zhongxu Lin*, Xianlong Zhang, Junjie Liu and Jing Bai. Molecular diversity, genomic constitution, and QTL mapping of fiber quality by mapped SSRs in introgression lines derived from Gossypium hirsutum × G. darwinii Watt. TAG, 2012, 125:1263-1274.
2.Zhongxu Lin, Ying Wang, Xianlong Zhang & Jinfa Zhang. Functional Markers for Cellulose Synthase and Their Comparison to SSRs in Cotton. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 30:1270–1275.
3.Ximei Li, Daojun Yuan, Hantao Wang, Xuemei Chen, Bin Wang, Zhongxu Lin*, Xianlong Zhang. Increasing cotton genome coverage with polymorphic SSRs as revealed by SSCP. Genome, 2012, 55(6): 459-470.
4.Xiaqing Wang, Gaofeng Ren, Ximei Li, Jianli Tu, Zhongxu Lin* and Xianlong Zhang. Development and Evaluation of Intron and Insertion–Deletion Markers for Gossypium barbadense. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 30 (3), 605-613.
5.Yu Yu, Zhongxu Lin* and Xianlong Zhang. Genome-wide identification of recombination rates of male versus female gametes in inter-specific population of cotton. Pak J Bot, 2012, 44(2): 521-529. (IF=0.872)
6.Chuanxiang Liu, Zhongxu Lin* and Xianlong Zhang. Unbiased genomic distribution of genes related to cell morphogenesis in cotton by chromosome mapping. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2012, 108 (3), 529-534.

1.X.Q. Wang, C.H. Feng, Z.X. Lin* and X.L. Zhang. Genetic diversity of sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense) revealed by mapped SSRs. Genet Mol Res, 2011, 10 (4): 3620-3631
2.Yu Y, Yuan DJ, Liang SG, Li XM, Wang XQ, Lin ZX*, Zhang XL. Genome structure of cotton revealed by a genome-wide SSR genetic map constructed from a BC1 population between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense. BMC Genomics, 2011, 12:15
1.余渝,張艷欣,林忠旭*,張獻龍。棉花種間BC1群體偏分離的遺傳剖析。作物學報,2010,36 (10): 1657-1665
2.Zhongxu LIN, Daojun YUAN, Xianlong ZHANG. Mapped SSR markers unevenly distributed on the cotton chromosomes. Front. Agric. China, 2010, 4(3): 257–264
2.余 渝,王夏青,馮常輝,林忠旭*,張獻龍。棉花纖維特異/優勢表達基因的染色體定位。棉花學報,2009,20(6):435-441.
4.Zhongxu Lin, Yanxin Zhang, Xianlong Zhang and Xiaoping Guo. A high-density integrative linkage map for Gossypium hirsutum. Euphytica, 2009, 166:35–45
1.LIN Zhong-xu, WANG Jin-feng(王錦峰,2006屆畢業生), ZHANG Xian-long. Characteristics of Gossypium thurberi and G. anomalum introgression lines of G. hirsutum revealed by EST-SSR and gSSR. Cotton science, 2008, 20(4):243-248
2.余 渝,王志偉,馮常輝,張艷欣,林忠旭*,張獻龍。草棉EST-SSRs的遺傳評價。作物學報,2008,34 (12): 2085-2091。
3.李武,倪薇(2007屆畢業生),林忠旭*, 張獻龍。海島棉遺傳多樣性的SRAP標記分析。作物學報,2008,34(5):893-898
1.ZHANG Yanxin, LIN Zhongxu*, LI Wu, TU Lili, NIE Yichun, ZHANG Xianlong. Studies of new EST-SSRs derived from Gossypium barbadense. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52 (18): 2522-2531.
1.Z. Lin, D. He, X. Zhang, Y. Nie, X. Guo, C. Feng, and J. McD. Stewart. Linkage map construction and mapping QTL for cotton fiber quality using SRAP, SSR and RAPD. Plant Breeding, 2005, 124 (2): 180-187.
1.LIN Zhongxu, ZHANG Xianlong, NIE Yichun, HE Daohua & WU Maoqing. Construction of a genetic linkage map for cotton based on SRAP. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48 (19): 2063-2067.


