




1991.09-1995.06 北京大學,技術物理學系,核物理專業,學士

李菂 李菂

1995.07-2000.05 美國康奈爾大學,天文系,天體物理專業,碩士

2000.06-2002.05 美國康奈爾大學,天文系,天體物理及射電天文專業,博士




2012.01~2016.8: 973計畫項目--射電波段的前沿天體物理課題及FAST早期科學研究,主持








Astrophysical Journal論文評閱人; JCMT和CSO觀測申請評審; JPL Diversity and Inclusion 監督委員會成員; 康奈爾大學工程和物理科學圖書館諮詢委員會成員; 美國天文學會成員;美國物理學會成員


2010年,以對世界最大空間望遠鏡(Herschel Space Observatory)的遠紅外外差接收機(HIFI)的傑出貢獻,獲得美國宇航局優秀團隊獎,為該團隊獎的唯一中國籍科學家;






o Nan, R, Li, D., Jin, C., Wang, Q., Zhu, L., Zhu, W., Zhang, H., Yue, Y. & Qian, L. 2011, “THE FIVE-HUNDRED-METER APERTURE SPHERICAL RADIO TELESCOPE (FAST) PROJECT”,International Journal of Modern Physics D, 20(6),989

o Goldsmith et al. 2011, “Herschel Measurements of Molecular Oxygen in Orion”, ApJ, 737, 96

o Chapman, N.L., Goldsmith, P.F., Pineda, J.L., Clemens, D.P., Li, D., & Krco, M. 2011, “The Magnetic Field in Taurus Probed by Infrared Polarization”, Accepted into ApJ

o Melnick, G. J.; Tolls, V.; Snell, R.; Bergin, E.; Hollenbach, D.; Kaufman, M.; Li, D.; Neufeld, D. 2011, “Distribution of Water Vapor in Molecular Clouds”, ApJ, 727, 13

o Pineda, J.L., Velusamy, T., Langer, W.D., Goldsmith, P.F., Li., D., Yorke, H.W., 2010, “A sample of [C II] clouds tracing dense clouds in weak FUV fields observed by Herschel”, A&A 521, 19

o Velusamy, T., Langer, W.D., Pineda, J.L., Goldsmith, P.~F., Li., D., & Yorke, H.W. 2010, “[CII] observations of H2 molecular layers in transition clouds” A&A 521, 18

o Langer, W.D., Velusamy, T., Pineda, J.L., Goldsmith, P.F., Li, D., & Yorke, H.W. 2010, “C+ detection of warm dark gas in diffuse clouds”, A&A 521, 17

o Lis, D.C., et al. 2010, “Herschel/HIFI discovery of interstellar chloronium (H2Cl+)”, A&A 521, 9

o Tian, W., Leahy, D.A., Li, D., 2010, “The Distance to the SNR CTB 109/AXP 1E 2259+586 System”, MNRAS, 404, K1

o Qin, S.L., Wu, Y., Huang, M., Zhao, G., Li, D., Wang, J.J., & Chen, S. 2010, High-Resolution Submillimeter Multiline Observations of G19.61 - 0.23: Small-Scale Chemistry, ApJ, 711, 399

o Goldsmith, P.F., Velusamy, T., Li, D., & Langer, W.D. 2010, Molecular Hydrogen Emission from the Boundaries of the Taurus Molecular Cloud, ApJ, 715, 1370

o Pineda, J.L., Goldsmith, P.F., Chapman, N., Snell, R.L., Li, D., Cambresy, L., & Brunt, C. 2010, The Relation Between Gas and Dust in the Taurus Molecular Cloud , ApJ, 721, 686

o Smits, R., Lorimer, D.R., Kramer, M., Manchester, R., Stappers, B., Jin, C.J., Nan, R.D., & Li, D. 2009, Pulsar science with the Five hundred metre Aperture Spherical Telescope, A&A, 505, 919

o Krco, M., Goldsmith, P.F., Brown, R.L., & Li, D. 2008, “An Improved Technique for Measurement of Cold H I in Molecular Cloud Cores”, ApJ ,689, 276

o Velusamy, T., Peng, R., Li, D., Goldsmith, P.F., & Langer, W.D. 2008, “Dichotomy in the Dynamical Status of Massive Cores in Orion”, ApJL, 688, L87

o Goldsmith, P., Heyer, M., Narayanan, G., Snell, R., Li, D. & Brunt, C., 2008, “Large--Scale Structure of the Molecular Gas in Taurus Revealed by High Spatial Dynamic Range Spectral Line Mapping”, ApJ, 680,428

o Narayanan, G., Heyer, M., Brunt, C., Goldsmith, P., Snell, R. & Li, D. 2008, “The Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory CO Mapping Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud”, ApJS, 177, 341

o Li, D., Velusamy, T., Goldsmith, P.F. & Langer, W., 2007, “Massive Quiescent Cores in Orion part II – Core Mass Function”, ApJ, 655, 351

o Goldsmith, P.F., Li, D. & Krco, M. , 2007, “The transition from Atomic to Molecular Hydrogen in Interstellar Clouds: the 21cm Signature of the Evolution of Cold Atomic Hydrogen in Dense Cluods”, ApJ, 654, 273

o Ridge, N., Di Francesco, J., Kirk, H., Li, D., Goodman, A., Alves, J., Arce, H., Borkin, M., Caselli, P., Foster, J., Heyer, M., D. Johnstone, D. Kosslyn, M. Lombardi, J. Pineda, S. Schnee, M. Tafalla , 2006, “The COMPLETE Survey of Star-Forming Regions: Phase I Data”, AJ, 131, 2921

o Goldsmith, P.F & Li, D. 2005, HI Narrow Self--Absorption in Dark Clouds: Correlations with Molecular Gas and Implications for Cloud Evolution and Star Formation, ApJ, 622, 938

o Zubko, V., Li, D., Lim, T., Feuchtgruber, H. & Harwit, M. 2004, Observations of Water Vapor Outflow from NML Cygnus, ApJ, 610, 427

o Li, D. & Goldsmith, P. F. 2003, HI Narrow Self Absorption in Dark Clouds, ApJ, 585, 823

o Li, D., Goldsmith, P.F. & Menten, K. 2003, Massive Quiescent Cores in Orion I. Temperature Structure, ApJ, 587, 262

o Darling, J., Goldsmith, P. F., Li, D. & Giovanelli, R. 2003, A Search for 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers in OH Megamaser Galaxies at 0.11 < z < 0.27, AJ, 125, 1177

o Goldsmith, P. F., Li, D., Bergin, E. A., Melnick, G. J., Tolls, V., Howe, J. E., Snell, R. L., & Neufeld, D. A. 2002, Tentative Detection of Molecular Oxygen in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud, ApJ, 576, 814

o Li, D., Goldsmith, P.F. & Xie, T. 1999, A New Method For Determining the Dust Temperature Distribution, ApJ, 522, 897


Goldsmith, P.F., Velusamy, T., Li, D., & Langer, W. 2010, “H2 Emission Across Cloud Edges”, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Series, 417, 177

Li, D. 2009, “Exoplanet Study with Large Single Dish Radio Telescope”, European Geoscience Union Annual Assembly

Li, D., Chapman, N., Velusamy, T.,“Resolving Super Critical Cores”, 2009, American Astronomical Society Meeting 213, Longbeach, CA

Li, D., Guan, X., Dai, Y., T., “What is the True Slope of the Core Mass Function”, 2007, American Astronomical Society Meeting 209, Seattle, WA

Li, D., Goldsmith, P. F., Velusamy, T., Langer, W. D.,“Submillimeter Observation of Massive Quiscent Cores”, 2006, American Astronomical Society Meeting 207, #184.14, Denver, CO

Li, D., Goldsmith, P.F.,“HI Narrow Self-Absorption and the Formation Time Scale of Molecular Clouds”, in the Protostar and Planets V meeting, 2005, Kona

Melnick, G., Bergin, E., Hollenbach, D., Kaufman, M.; Li, D., Snell, R.,“Water Vapor in Molecular Clouds”, IAU Symposium No., 231,Astrochemistry Throughout the Universe, 2005, Asilomar, CA

Li, D. 2004, TheClump-Interclump Structure as Traced by CI,“Observation Confront Theory” Conference, Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Velusamy, T. Li, D., Goldsmith, P.F. & Langer, W.D. 2004, Submillimeter Observations of Quiescent Pre-stellar Cores in Orion, “Cores, Disks, Jets & Outflows in Low & High Mass Star Forming Enviroments: Observations, Theory and Simulations” Conference in Banff, Canada

Li, D., E. González –Alfonso & G. Melnick 2004, The Inverse P-Cygni Water Profile of G333.1: Parsec-Scale Infalling Envelope, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 204, 9903

Li, D., Melnick, G. & Goldsmith, P. F. 2002, Large Scale Mapping of Rho Ophiuchi Cloud,

Conference Proceeding of the Astrochemistry and Star Formation Meeting in Waterloo, Canada

Li, D. & Melnick, G. 2002, Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite and Star Formation, Conference Proceeding of the 6th Pacific Rim Stellar Physics Meeting in 西安

Li, D. & Goldsmith, P.F. 2000, HI Self-absorption and OH Observations of Dark Clouds, NAIC Arecibo Newsletter, No. 29



