

李爭起,哈爾濱工業大學,能源科學與工程學院,二級教授,博士生導師,工學博士 。《高性能中心給粉鏇流煤粉燃燒技術》獲2015年度國家技術發明二等獎(排序第一),指導的博士生2人次獲全國百博提名獎 。出版英文著作2部 。錄用及發表國際刊物論文111篇(SCI、EI雙檢99篇),美國專利授權1項,中國發明專利授權49項 。2008年至2015年,在《SCI網路版》資料庫煤燃燒領域中,發表的SCI論文篇數,排名第一 。



1986年從河北辛集中學來到哈爾濱工業大學學習,完成了學士、碩士、博士階段的學習 。

1993年 留校任教

1998年 破格晉升為副教授

2002年 破格晉升為教授

2003年 增選為博士生指導教師

2016年 晉升為二級教授


1、高性能中心給粉鏇流煤粉燃燒技術,獲2015年度 國家技術發明二等獎(本人排序第1)

2、多次分級中心給粉鏇流煤粉高效低氮氧化物燃燒技術,獲2014年度黑龍江省技術發明一等獎(本人排序第1) ;

3、風控濃淡煤粉燃燒技術,獲2000年度國家發明二等獎(本人排序第4) ;

4、中心給粉鏇流煤粉燃燒技術在然用貧煤1025t/h鍋爐上的套用及開發,2005年獲河北省科技進步三等獎(本人排序第3) ;

5、立體分級低氮燃燒技術,2011年獲黑龍江省科技進步一等獎(本人排序第6) ;

6、本人的博士論文被評為校首屆優秀博士學位論文,獲第八屆(2002年度)霍英東教育基金會高校青年教師(研究類)獎,2004年入圍教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫,2007年獲第八屆黑龍江省青年科技獎 ;

7、培養的博士研究生2人次獲全國百篇優秀博士學位論文提名獎,1人次獲吳仲華優秀學生獎,4人次獲哈爾濱工業大學優秀博士學位論文 。


1、Energy and Power Engineering and Advances in Energy and Frontiers in Energy and Energy Science and Technolog期刊的編委 。

2、Energy & Fuels、Combustion Science and Technology、Journal of Environmental Mangement、Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering、International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control、Environmental Science & Technology、Applied Energy等SCI期刊的特邀審稿人 。

3、中國電機工程學報、熱能動力工程、燃燒科學與技術等刊物審稿專家;中國動力工程學會鍋爐專業委員會委員;教育部博士點基金網評專家,國家863課題能源領域網評專家 。


李爭起早期從師於孫恩召教授,後又從師於秦裕琨教授 。從1990年起主要從事於濃淡煤粉燃燒技術的機理及工程套用的研究,與同事們一起努力研究出擁有自主智慧財產權的高效、穩燃、低污染、防結渣、防高溫腐蝕的煤粉燃燒技術,提出了風包粉煤粉燃燒原理 。從2000年起開始獨立主持科研工作,先後開闢了W火焰鍋爐高效低氮氧化物燃燒技術、中心給粉鏇流煤粉燃燒技術兩個科研方向。做國際會議特邀報告一次。曾負責國家十一五863課題二項、國家支撐計畫課題一項 。



針對我國燃煤的特點,提出了中心給粉鏇流煤粉燃燒器 。將中心濃粉鏇流燃燒技術與OFA等技術相結合實現採用鏇流煤粉燃燒方式鍋爐的低NOx燃燒 。該技術已在33台引進國外技術的300、600MW機組上獲得了套用 。上海鍋爐廠開始推廣這一技術。在國家技術發明二等獎成果的基礎上,開展鏇流燃燒技術氮氧化物超低排放的研究 。

鏇流煤粉燃燒器 鏇流煤粉燃燒器
鏇流煤粉燃燒技術原理 鏇流煤粉燃燒技術原理


開展W型火焰鍋爐爐內單相、氣固兩相流動、燃燒及NOx生成特性研究,探索適於W型火焰鍋爐的低NOx燃燒技術,形成了W火焰鍋爐風包粉高效高效低氮氧化物燃燒技術 。該技術已在4台引進國外技術的300MW、660MW機組上獲得了套用 。提出了W火焰鍋爐多次引射分級組織原理及技術,已被哈爾濱鍋爐廠用於2台600MW、世界首台350MW超臨界機組鍋爐設計,其中2台600MW超臨界機組鍋爐已投運,取得較好的運行性能 。

W火焰鍋爐多次引射分級燃燒原理 W火焰鍋爐多次引射分級燃燒原理
W火焰鍋爐單相、兩相、熱態試驗 W火焰鍋爐單相、兩相、熱態試驗


鏇流燃燒器出口區域,不同粒徑的煤粉及空氣的軸向、切向、徑向速度分布、中心回流區尺寸及位置、顆粒濃度分布、相間速度滑移等流動特性直接決定了燃燒器的性能,同時,這樣複雜兩相流中氣體及顆粒湍流特性有待於探索 。直流氣固流動特性也是研究煤粉燃燒的基本方面 。主要採用PDA測量及數值模擬展開研究 。

鏇流燃燒器PDA試驗台 鏇流燃燒器PDA試驗台
鏇流煤粉燃燒器出口顆粒體積流量分布 鏇流煤粉燃燒器出口顆粒體積流量分布


開展液態排渣煤氣化原理及技術研究 。

氣化劑強鏇轉液態排渣氣化爐 氣化劑強鏇轉液態排渣氣化爐


團隊成員合影 團隊成員合影



•為本科生開設了《熱力系統及設備》、《燃燒學》及《燃燒設備》 。

•為研究生開設了《燃燒理論》 。


培養的博士研究生2人次獲全國百篇優秀博士學位論文提名獎,1人次獲吳仲華優秀學生獎,4人次獲哈爾濱工業大學優秀博士學位論文 。


序號 姓名 日期 課題方向 畢業去向 期間所獲榮譽 SCI數量
1 陳智超 2003.09-2007.06 中心給粉鏇流燃燒器氣固流動及套用的研究 哈爾濱工業大學能源學院 2008年度哈爾濱工業大學優博獎 58
2 任楓 2006.03-2010.08 燃用無煙煤W型火焰鍋爐高效低NOx燃燒技術 中國航天科技集團公司 2013年度全國百篇優博提名獎 16
3 靖劍平 2007.03-2010.06 燃用煙煤中心給粉鏇流燃燒器流動及燃燒特性研究_靖劍平 環境保護部與輻射安全中心 2012年度國家百博提名獎 12
4 劉光奎 2007.03-2013.10 660MWe機組FW型W火焰鍋爐低氮氧化物燃燒技術研究 中國特種設備檢測研究院 哈工大2012年度“三好學生”;2012年度“上海鍋爐廠有限公司”獎學金;2010年度:“上海鍋爐廠有限公司”獎學金 6
5 曾令艷 2007.09-2012.01 採用斗巴鏇流燃燒器鍋爐煤粉燃燒和NOx排放特性研究 哈爾濱工業大學能源學院 “上海鍋爐廠有限公司”獎學金; “三好學生” 13
6 范夙博 2007.09-2011.12 採用鏇流燃燒器W火焰鍋爐流動、燃燒及 NOx生成研究 哈工大市政學院 5
7 況敏 2008.03-2012.12 英巴W火焰鍋爐及多次引射分級燃燒技術研究 寧波大學 2014年度哈爾濱工業大學優博獎;2012年度黑龍江省優秀畢業生 31
8 劉春龍 2009.09-2013.10 微油量中心點燃煤粉中試實驗研究_劉春龍 中國科學院長春光學精密機械與物理研究所 國家一等獎學金 11
9 遆曙光 2010.09-2015.05 深度分級條件下燃用煙煤中心給粉燃燒器流動及燃燒特性 鄭州輕工業學院 4


序號 姓名 日期 課題方向 畢業去向
1 王富強 2005.08~2007.07 一次風擴口對中心給粉燃燒器氣固流動影響的試驗研究 哈爾濱工業大學(威海)
2 張福成 2008.07~2010.07 圓周濃淡燃燒器氣固兩相流動特性試驗及數值模擬研究 中國廣核集團
3 徐善田 2009.06~2011.06 英巴W火焰鍋爐高效低氮氧化物燃燒技術數值模擬研究 航天科技集團一院十五所
4 申珊平 2009.06~2011.06` 運行參對350MWW火焰鍋爐燃燒影的數值模擬 中航商用航空發動機有限責任公司
5 朱興營 2010.07~2012.07 拱上OFA對W火焰爐燃燒及NOx生成特性影響數值模擬研究 航天科技集團第十一研究院
6 周航 2010.07~2012.07 350MW超臨界W火焰鍋爐氣固兩相流動試驗研究 上海電氣集團股份有限公司
7 陳夏超 2011.08~2013.07 燃用低揮發分煤多次分級中心給粉鏇流燃燒技術研究 中國航天科技集團公司第六研究院第八〇一研究所
8 王陽 2011.08~2013.07 風溫對0.5MW中心給粉燃燒器燃燒影響的中試試驗研究 中國航天科技集團公司第五研究院第五〇八研究所
9 張錫乾 2013.08~2015.07 恩德粉煤氣化爐氣固噴射器的流動特性研究 中國華電科工集團有限公司


序號 姓名 日期 課題方向 畢業去向
1 郭江 2009.08~2013.07 220t/h煤粉爐設計及W火焰爐三次風傾角對爐內流動影響實驗 本校保研
2 邵運璘 2010.08~2014.07 220t/h煤粉爐設計及鏇流燃燒器阻力特性的研究 本校保研
3 宋功發 2010.08~2014.07 220t/h煤粉爐設計及數值模擬燃盡風出口流場 本校保研
4 嚴蓉 2012.08~2016.07 一台300MWW火焰鍋爐鏇流燃燒器結構最佳化/本科畢業設計(論文)重點支持項目 本校保研



李爭起博士受美國Nova Science Publishers,Inc社長兼主編Frank Columbus的邀請,編寫了英文專著2部 。

English Book

1. Zhengqi Li. Radial-Bias-Combustion and Central-Fuel Rich Swirl Pulverized Coal Burners for Wall-Fired Boilers. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2009

2. Zhengqi Li. Corn Straw and Biomass Blends: Combustion Characteristics and NO Formation. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2009


Papers Published in International Journals

Part Ⅰ: biomass combustion

1. Wei Zhao, Zhengqi Li, Dawei Wang, Qunyi Zhu, Rui Sun, Baihong Meng and Guangbo Zhao. Combustion characteristics of different parts of corn straw and NO formation in a fixed bed. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(8): 2956-2963

2. Zhengqi Li, Wei Zhao, Baihong Meng, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Guangbo Zhao. Kinetic study of corn straw pyrolysis: comparison of two different three-pseudocomponent models. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(16): 7616-7622

3. Zhengqi Li, Wei Zhao, Guangbo Zhao, Fangshi Zhang, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of corn stalk length on combustion characteristics in a fixed bed. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22: 2009-2014

4. Wei Zhao, Zhengqi Li, Guangbo Zhao, Fangshi Zhang, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of air preheating and fuel moisture on combustion characteristics of corn straw in a fixed bed. Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49: 3560-3565

5. Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Zhichao Chen, Juan Qian, Wei Zhao, Qunyi Zhu. Analysis of coals and biomass pyrolysis using the distributed activation energy model. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100: 948-952

6. Zhengqi Li, Wei Zhao, Ruiyang Li, Zhenwang Wang, Yuan Li, Guangbo Zhao. Combustion characteristics and NO formation for biomass blends in a 35-ton-per-hour travelling grate utility boiler. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(7). 2278-2283

7. Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Chunlong Liu, Zhiyong Hu,Wei Zhao, Guangbo Zhao. Study on pyrolysis characteristics of corn straw. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2011, Vol. 19, Article A46: http://www.bepress.com/ijcre/vol9/A46

Part Ⅱ: tangential fired boiler

8. Zhengqi Li, Longbin Yang, Penghua Qiu, Rui Sun, Lizhe Chen and Shaozeng Sun. Experimental study of the combustion efficiency and formation of NOx in an industrial pulverized coal combustion. Int. J. Energy Res. 2004, 28(5): 511 – 520

9. R Sun, Y Wu, J Swithenbank and Zhengqi Li. Horizontal split combustion burner in a 200-MW tangential fired boiler. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2004, 77:97-107

Part Ⅲ: swirl burner

10. Zhengqi Li, Rui Sun, Lizhe Chen, Zhixin Wan, Shaohua Wu, Yukun Qin. Effect of primary air flow types on particle distributions in the near swirl burner region. Fuel, 2002, 81(6): 829-835

11. Zhengqi Li, Zhixin Wan, Shaozeng Sun, Lizhe Chen, Shaohua Wu, Yukun Qin. Influence of division cone angles between the fuel-rich and the fuel-lean ducts on gas-particle flow and combustion near swirl burners. Energy, 2002, 27: 1119-1130

12. Zhengqi Li, Rui Sun, Zhixin Wan, Shaozeng Sun, Shaohua Wu, Lizhe Chen. Gas-particle flow and combustionin the near-burner zone of the swirl-stabilized pulverized coal burner. Combustion Science and Technology, 2003, 175(11): 1979 – 2014

13. Likun Huang, Zhengqi Li, Rui Sun and Jue Zhou. Numerical study on the effect of the Over-Fire-Air to the air flow and coal combustion in a 670 t/h wall-fired boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2006, 87(4): 363-371

14. Z. Q. Li, Z. C. Chen, R. Sun and S. H. Wu. New low NOx, low grade coal fired swirl stabilised technology. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2007, 80(3): 123-130

15. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Fuqiang Wang, Jianping Jing, Lizhe Chen and Shaohua Wu. Gas/particle flow characteristics of a centrally fuel rich swirl coal combustion burner. Fuel, 2008, 87: 2102-2110

16. Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Zhichao Chen, Feng Ren, Bin Xu, Hongda Wei, and Zhihong Ge. Combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of two kinds of swirl burners in a 300-MWe wall-fired pulverized-coal utility boiler. Combustion Science and Technology, 2008, 180: 1370-1394

17. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Hongda Wei, Lizhe Chen, Shaohua Wu, Yang Yao. Experiment Investigations on the Performance of Centrally Fuel Rich Swirl Coal Combustion Burner: Influence of Primary Air Ratio. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2008, Vol. 6, Article A39: http://www.bepress.com/ijcre/vol6/A39

18. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Fuqiang Wang, Lizhe Chen and Shaohua Wu. The influence of fuel bias in the primary air duct on the gas/particle flow characteristics near the swirl burner region. Fuel Processing Technology, 2008, 89: 958-965

19. Zhichao Chena, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Lizhe Chen , Shaohua Wu, Yang Yao. Gas/particle flow characteristics of two swirl burners. Energy Conversion and Management, 2009, 50: 1180-1191

20. Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Zhihong Ge, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, Feng Ren. Numerical simulation of low NOx combustion technology in a 100 MWe bituminous coal-fired wall boiler. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2009, 55(6): 574-593

21. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Lizhe Chen , Shaohua Wu, Yang Yao. Study on flow fields of centrally fuel rich swirl burner and its applications. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009, 26(5): 1186-1193

22. Lingyan Zeng, Zhengqi Li, Hong Cui, Fucheng Zhang, Zhichao Chen and Guangbo Zhao. Effect of the fuel bias distribution in the primary air nozzle on the slagging near a swirl coal burner throat. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(10): 4893-4899

23. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, Chunlong Liu. Measurement of Gas Species, Temperatures, Coal Burnout, and Wall Heat Fluxes in a 200 MWe Lignite-fired Boiler with Different Over-fire Air Damper Openings. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23: 3573-3585

24. Chunlong Liu, Zhengqi Li, Yang Zhao, Zhichao Chen. Influence of Coal-feed Rates on Bituminous Coal Ignition in a Full-scale Tiny-oil Ignition Burner. Fuel, 2010, 89: 1690-1694

25. Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, Chunlong Liu. Measurement of gas species, temperatures, char burnout, and wall heat fluxes in a 200-MWe lignite-fired boiler at different loads. Applied Energy, 2010, 87: 1217-1230

26. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, and Feng Ren. Influence of different outer secondary air vane angles on flow and combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of a new swirl coal burner. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(1): 346–354

27. Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Guangkui Liu and Zhichao Chen. Fractal and turbulence characteristics of aerodynamic fields of swirl burners. Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65(3): 1253-1260

28. Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Yang Zhao, Zhichao Chen. Influence of the Coal-feed Rate on Lean Coal Ignition in a Full-scale Tiny-oil Ignition Burner. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(1): 375–378

29. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Guangkui Liu and Chunlong Liu. Study of the influence of vane angle on flow, gas species, temperature, and char burnout in a 200 MWe lignite-fired boiler. Fuel, 2010, 89: 1973–1984

30. Lingyan Zeng, Zhengqi Li, Guangbo Zhao, Shanping Shen and Fucheng Zhang. Effect of the vane angle for outer secondary air on flow and combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of the low-NOx axial-swirl coal burner. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2011, 59: 43–57

31. Zhengqi Li, Lingyan Zeng, Guangbo Zhao, Shanping Shen, Fucheng Zhang. Particle sticking behavior near the throat of a low- NOx axial-swirl coal burner. Applied Energy, 2011, 88: 650-658

32. Lingyan Zeng, Zhengqi Li, Guangbo Zhao, Shanping Shen, Fucheng Zhang. Numerical Simulation of Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions in a 300 MWe Utility Boiler with Different Outer Secondary-Air Vane Angles. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24: 5349–5358

33. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Zhichao Chen, Lin Wang, Lizhe Chen. Influence of the outer secondary air vane angle on the gas/particle flow characteristics near the double swirl flow burner region. Energy, 2011, 36: 258–267

34. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Zhichao Chen, and Feng Ren. Influence of primary air ratio on flow and combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of a new swirl coal burner. Energy, 2011, 36(2): 1206–1213

35. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Jianping Jing. Gas/particle flow and combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of a new swirl coal burner. Energy, 2011, 36(2): 709–723

36. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Zhenwang Wang, Chunlong Liu, Lizhe Chen, Qunyi Zhu, Yuan Li. The Influence of Distance between Adjacent Rings on the Gas/particle Flow Characteristics of Conical Rings Concentrator. Energy, 2011, 36(5): 2557-2564

37. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Lin Wang, Zhichao Chen, Lizhe Chen, Fucheng Zhang. Influence of the mass flow rate of secondary air on the gas/particle flow characteristics in the near-burner region of a double swirl flow burner. Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66: 2864–2871

38. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Lin Wang, Lizhe Chen, Guohua Yang. Influence of secondary-air mass flow rates on gas/particle flow characteristics near the swirl burner region. Energy, 2011, 36(5): 3599-3605

39. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Lianjie Yang, Lizhe Chen. Concentrator Performance within a Centrally Fuel-Rich Primary Air Burner: Influence of Multiple Levels. Energy, 2011, 36(7): 4041-4047

40. Zhengqi Li, Lingyan Zeng, Guangbo Zhao, Shanping Shen, and Fucheng Zhang. Numerical simulations of combustion characteristics and NOx emissions for two configurations of swirl coal burners in a 300 MWe wall-fired boiler. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2011, 60: 441-460

41. Lingyan Zeng, Zhengqi Li, Guangbo Zhao, Jing Li, Fucheng Zhang, Shanping Shen and Lizhe Chen. The Influence of Swirl Burner Structure on the Gas/particle Flow Characteristics. Energy, 2011, 36(10): 6184-6194

42. Zhengqi Li, Lingyan Zeng, Guangbo Zhao, Jing Li, Shanping Shen, Lizhe Chen and Fucheng Zhang. Cold Experimental Investigations into Gas/particle flow characteristics of a Low-NOx axial swirl burner in a 600-MWe wall-fired pulverized-coal utility boiler. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2012, 37: 104–112

43. Zhengqi Li, Yong Liu, Zhichao Chen, Qunyi Zhu, Jinzhao Jia, Jing Li, Zhenwang Wang, Yukun Qin. Effect of air temperature on combustion characteristics and NOx emissions from a 0.5 MW pulverized coal-fired furnace with deep air staging. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26: 2068–2074

44. Jing Jian-Ping,Zhang Chun-Ming,Sun Wei,An Jieruo,Bi Jin-Sheng,Li Zheng-Qi. Influence of mass-flow ratio of inner to outer secondary air on gas-particle flow near a swirl burner. Particuology,2013,11:540-548

45. Zhichao Chen; Zhenwang Wang; Zhengqi Li; Yiquan Xie; Shuguang Ti; Qunyi Zhu. Experimental investigation into pulverized-coal combustion performance and NO formation using sub-stoichiometric ratios. To be published in Energy

46. Shuguang Ti, Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Yiquan Xie, Yunlin Shao, Qiudong Zong, Qinghua Zhang, Hao Zhang, Lingyan Zeng, Qunyi Zhu. Influence of Different Swirl Vane Angles of Over Fire Air on Flow and Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions in a 600 MWe Utility Boiler. Energy,2014,74:775-787

47. Zhengqi Li, Song Li, Qunyi Zhu, Xiqian Zhang, Guipeng Li, Yong Liu, Zhichao Chen, Jiangquan Wu. Effects of particle concentration variation in the primary air duct on combustion characteristics and NOx emissions in a 0.5-MW test facility with pulverized coal swirl burners. To be published in Applied Thermal Engineering

48. Shuguang Ti, Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Xiqian Zhang, Hao Zhang, Gaopeng Zou, Lingyan Zeng, Qunyi Zhu. Effects of the outer secondary air cone length on the combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of the swirl burner in a 0.5 MW pilot-scale facility during air-staged combustion. Applied Thermal Engineering,2015,86:318-325

49. Shuguang Ti, Zhichao Chen,* Zhengqi Li, Guipeng Li, Hao Zhang, Lingyan Zeng and Qunyi Zhu. Effect of inner secondary air cone length of a centrally fuel-rich swirl burner on combustion characteristics and NOx emissions in a 0.5MW pulverized coal-fired furnace with air-staging. To be published in Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering

Part Ⅳ: down-fired pulverized-coal boiler

1. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Yubin Zhang, Shaozeng Sun, Xiaohui Zhang, and Zhichao Chen. Influence of the Secondary Air-Box Damper Opening on Airflow and Combustion Characteristics of a Down-Fired 300-MWe Utility Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(2): 668-676

2. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Jie Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, Zhichao Chen and Lizhe Chen. Influence of vent air valve opening on combustion characteristics of a down-fired pulverized-coal 300 MWe utility boiler. Fuel, 2007, 86(15): 2457-2462

3. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Xiaohui Zhang, Zhichao Chen and Juwei Zhang. Influence of the adjustable vane position on the flow and combustion characteristics of a down-fired pulverized-coal 300 MWe utility boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2008, 89(12): 1297-1305

4. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Jingjie Wang and Zhao Chen. Influence of the down-draft secondary air on the furnace aerodynamic characteristics of a down-fired boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(5):2437-2443

5. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Zhichao Chen, Guangkui Liu and Zhenxing Xu. Experimental investigations into gas/particle flows in a down-fired boiler: influence of down-draft secondary air. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(12): 5846–5854

6. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Zhichao Chen, Zhao Chen and Jingjie Wang. Influence of declivitous secondary air on combustion characteristics of a down-fired 300-MWe utility boiler. Fuel, 2010, 89: 410-416

7. Subo Fan, Zhengqi Li, Xuehai Yang, Guangkui Liu and Zhichao Chen. Influence of Outer Secondary Air Vane Angle on Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a Down-Fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler. Fuel, 2010, 89: 1525-1533

8. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Zhichao Chen, Jingjie Wang, Zhao Chen, Juwei Zhang. Influence of oil atomized air on flow and combustion characteristics in a 300 MWe down-fired boiler. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, 5: 488-496

9. Zhengqi Li, Subo Fan, Guangkui Liu, Xuehai Yang, Zhichao Chen, Wei Su, Lin Wang. Influence of Staged-Air on Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a 300 MWe Down-Fired Boiler with Swirl Burners. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(1): 38–45

10. Zhengqi Li, Min Kuang, Jia Zhang, Yunfeng Han, Qunyi Zhu, Lianjie Yang and Weiguang Kong. Influence of Staged-air on Airflow, Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a Down-fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler with Direct Flow Split Burners. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44(3): 1130-1136

11. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Zhenxing Xu and Guohua Yang. Experimental investigations into gas/particle flows in a down-fired boiler: influence of the vent air ratio. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(3): 1592–1602

12. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Yunfeng Han, Lianjie Yang, Qunyi Zhu, Jia Zhang and Shanping Shen. Influence of Staged-air Declination Angle on Flow Field Deflection in a Down-fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler with Direct Flow Split Burners. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(3): 1603–1610

13. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Zhichao Chen, Guangkui Liu, Zhenxing Xu. Improved NOx emissions and combustion characteristics for a retrofitted down-fired 300-MWe utility boiler. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44(10): 3926–3931

14. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Zhenxing Xu, Qunyi Zhu and Guahua Yang. Experimental Investigations into Gas/Particle Flows in a Down-Fired Boiler: Influence of Secondary Air Momentum. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24: 3498–3509

15. Zhengqi Li, Subo Fan, Wei Su, Zhichao Chen. Influence of Outer Secondary Air Vane Angle on Flow Field of a Down-Fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler with Swirl Burners. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(7): 3884–3889

16. Chunlong Liu, Zhengqi Li, Weiguang Kong, Yang Zhao, Zhichao Chen. Bituminous Coal Combustion in a Full-scale Start-up Ignition Burner: Influence of the Excess Air Ratio. Energy, 2010, 35: 4102–4106

17. Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Weiguang Kong, Yang Zhao, Zhichao Chen. Experimental Studies on the Effect of the Pulverized Coal Concentration on Lean-Coal Combustion in a Lateral-Ignition Tiny-oil Burner. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24: 4161–4165

18. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Subo Fan, Guangkui Liu. Influence of the overfire air ratio on the NOx emission and combustion characteristics of a down-fired 300-MWe utility boiler. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44: 6510–6516

19. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Guangkui Liu, Shanping Shen and Zhichao Chen. Influence of angled secondary air on combustion characteristics of a 660 MWe down-fired utility boiler. Combustion Science and Technology, 2011, 183(3): 238–251

20. Zhengqi Li, Min Kuang, Qunyi Zhu, Pengfei Yang, Yuangang Wu, and Shantian Xu. Staged-Air Ratio Optimization within a Cold Small-Scale Model for a MBEL Down-Fired Pulverized-Coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24: 4883–4892

21. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Zhenxing Xu and Guohua Yang. Influence of the over-fire air angle on the flow field in a down-fired furnace determined by a cold-flow experiment. Fuel, 2011, 90: 997–1003

22. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, and Qunyi Zhu. Combustion and NOx Emissions Characteristics of a Down-Fired 660-MWe Utility Boiler Retro-fitted with Air-surrounding-fuel Concept. Energy, 2011, 36: 70–77

23. Zhengqi Li, Min Kuang, Qunyi Zhu, Pengfei Yang. Flow-Field Deflection within a Cold Small-Scale Model for a Down-Fired 300 MWe Utility Boiler at Asymmetric Staged-Air Distribution. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(1): 86–96

24. Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Zhichao Chen, Feng Ren. Combustion and NOx emission characteristics of a retrofitted down-fired 660 MWe utility boiler at different loads. Applied Energy, 2011, 88: 2400–2406

25. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Pengfei Yang, Jinzhao Jia and Qunyi Zhu. Flow-field deflection characteristics within a cold small-scale model for a down-fired 300 MWe utility boiler at different secondary-air angles. Fuel Processing Technology, 2011, 92: 1261–1271

26. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Pengfei Yang, Jinzhao Jia and Qunyi Zhu. Staged-Air Ratio Optimization for a New Down-Fired Technology within a Cold Small-Scale Model of a 350 MWe Utility Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25: 1485–1496

27. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Shantian Xu, and Qunyi Zhu. Improving Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a Down-Fired 350 MWe Utility Boiler with Multiple Injection and Multiple Staging. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45: 3803–3811

28. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, and Qunyi Zhu. Numerical Simulation of Flow and Combustion Characteristics in a 300 MWe Down-Fired Boiler with Different OFA angles. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25: 1457–1464

29. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Shantian Xu, Xingying Zhu, Yan Zhang, Qunyi Zhu. Impact of overfire location on combustion improvement and NOx abatement of a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler with multiple injection and multiple staging. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(10): 4322-4332

30. Zhengqi Li, Subo Fan, Qunyi Zhu, Wei Su, Zhichao Chen, Yukun Qin. Influence of Staged-air Flow on Flow Characteristics in a Scale Model of a Down-fired Utility Boiler with Swirl Burners: An Experimental Study. Fuel, 2012, 93: 160–166

31. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Yan Zhang, Jinzhao Jia, Qunyi Zhu. Asymmetric Combustion Characteristics and NOx emissions of a Down-Fired 300 MWe Utility Boiler at Different Boiler Loads. Energy, 2012, 37: 580–590

32. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Hongyu Zhang, Xingying Zhu, Yan Zhang. Inner- and Outer-Secondary Air Distance-Effect Study within a Cold Small-Scale Model of a New Down-Fired 600 MWe Supercritical Utility Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26: 417–424

33. Zhengqi Li, Min Kuang, Qunyi Zhu, Jinping Lai, Yan Zhang. Aerodynamic characteristics within a cold small-scale model for a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler applying a multiple-injection and multiple-staging technology: Effect of the staged-air declination angle. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2012, 38: 184–194

34. Guangkui Liu, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Xingying Zhu, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of the anthracite ratio of blended coals on the combustion and NOx emission characteristics of a retrofitted down-fired 660-MWe utility boiler. Applied Energy, 2012, 95: 196–201

35. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Yang Wang, Lizhe Chen, Yan Zhang. Experimental gas/particle flow characteristics of a down-fired 600 MWe supercritical utility boiler at different staged-air ratios. Energy, 2012, 42: 411–423

36. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Lingyan Zeng, Zhichao Chen and Qunyi Zhu. Numerical Simulation of Flow, Combustion, and NOx Emission Characteristics in a 300 MWe Down-Fired Boiler with Different OFA ratios. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2012, 62: 231–249

37. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Yan Zhang, Yang Wang. Evaluation of overfire air behavior for a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler with multiple injection and multiple staging. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 48: 164–175

38. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Lizhe Chen, Yan Zhang, Jinping Lai. Gas/particle flow characteristics, combustion and NOx emissions of down-fired 600 MWe supercritical utility boilers with respect to two configurations of combustion systems. Energy & Fuels,2012,26: 3316–3328

39. Guangkui Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Zhengqi Li, Xingying Zhu, Zhichao Chen. New over-fire air arrangement and its air ratio optimization determined by aerodynamic characteristics in a cold small-scale model for a down-fired 660-MWe utility boiler. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013,44:475–482

40. Min Kuang, Qunyi Zhu, Zhengqi Li, Xiang Zhang. Numerical investigation on combustion and NOx emissions of a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler with multiple injection and multiple staging: Effect of the air stoichiometric ratio in the primary combustion zone. Fuel Processing Technology, 2013, 109: 32-42

41. Chunlong Liu, Zhengqi Li, Xiang Zhang, Xinjing Jing, Wenzhen Zhang, Zhichao Chen, Qunyi Zhu. Aerodynamic Characteristics within a Cold Small-scale Model for a Down-fired 350 MWe Supercritical Utility Boiler at Various Primary Air to Vent Air Ratios. Energy, 2012, 47: 294–301

42. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu. Evaluation on cold modeling flow field for a down-fired 600 MWe supercritical boiler with multi-injection and multi-staging: A burner location experimental optimization and its validation by real-furnace measurements. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013,45:213–220

43. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Yan Zhang. Performance assessment of staged-air declination in improving asymmetric gas/particle flow characteristics within a down-fired 600 MWe supercritical utility boiler. Energy, 2013,49:423–433

44. Kuang Min,Li Zheng-Qi,Zhu Qun-Yi,Zhang Hong-Yu. Cold-modeling flow characteristics for a 300-MWe down-fired furnace at different secondary-air distributions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013,68:148–157

45. Li Zheng-Qi,Liu Chun-Long,Yang Peng-Fei,Jing XinJing,Zhang Hong-Yu,Wang Yang,Zhang Xiang,Chen Xia-Chao,Zhu Qun-Yi.Effect of declination angle of vent air on flow characteristics of a scale model of a down-fired utility boiler with swirl burners. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013, 139(4): 322-328

46. Liu Chun-Long,Li Zheng-Qi,Jing XinJing,Zong Qiu-Dong,Zhang Xiang,Chen Xia-Chao,Zhu Qun-Yi. Investigations on Lean Coal Combustion for Different Primary Air Velocities in a Lateral-Ignition Tiny-Oil Burner. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013, 139(4): 316-321

47. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Hongyu Zhang. Characterization of gas/particle flows with respect to staged-air ratio for a down-fired 600 MWe supercritical utility boiler with multiple injection and multiple staging: a lab-scale study. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013,70:154–165

48. Subo Fan, Zhengqi Li, and Qunyi Zhu. Influence of Inner Secondary Air Vane Angle on Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a Down-fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler. Combustion Science and Technology, 2013, 185(6): 975-989

49. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu. Experimental study on combustion and NOx emissions for a down-fired supercritical boiler with multiple-injection multiple-staging technology without overfire air. Applied Energy. 2013,106:254–261

50. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Chunlong Liu. Arch- and wall-air distribution optimization for a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler: A cold-modeling experimental study accompanied by real-furnace measurements. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 54: 226–236.

51. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu. Overall evaluation of combustion and NOx emissions for a down-fired 600 MWe supercritical boiler with multiple injection and multiple staging. Environmental science & technology, 2013, 47(9): 4850-4858.

52. Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, Lingyan Zeng, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of angle of arch-supplied overfire air on flow, combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of a down-fired utility boiler. Energy, 2013, 59: 377-386

53. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Xinjing Jing, Xianyang Zeng, Loufeng Zhao, Zhongqian Ling. Characterization of combustion and NOx emissions with respect to over-fire air damper opening in a down-fired pulverized-coal furnace. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(9): 5518-5526

54. Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Pengfei Yang, Xinjing Jing, Hongyu, Zhang, Yang Wang, Xiang Zhang, Xiachao Chen, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of declination angle of vent air on flow characteristics of a scale model of a down-fired utility boiler with swirl burners. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013, 139(4): 322-328

55. Chunlong Liu, Zhengqi Li, Xinjing Jing,Yiquan Xie, Qinghua Zhang, Qiudong Zong. Experimental investigation into gas/particle flow in a down-fired 350 MWe supercritical utility boiler at different over-fire air ratios. Energy, 2014, 64: 771-778

56. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhihua Wang, Xinjing Jing, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Zhongqian Ling. Combustion and NOx emission characteristics with respect to staged-air damper opening in a 600-MWe down-fired pulverized-coal furnace under deep-air-staging conditions. Environmental science & technology, 2014, 48(1): 837-844.

57. Chunlong Liu, Zhengqi Li, Qiudong Zong, Yiquan Xie, Qinghua Zhang, Xinjing Jing, Hao Zhang. Effects of Over-fire Air Ratio on the Aerodynamic Flow Fields of a 350 MW Supercritical Boiler Incorporating Multi-injection and Multi-stage Combustion Technology. To be published in Journal of Energy Engineering

58. Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Qiudong Zong, Hao Zhang. Effect of the arch-supplied OFA ratio on gas/solid flow characteristics of a down-fired boiler. Energy, 2014, 70: 95-109.

59. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhongqian Ling, Xianyang Zeng. Improving flow and combustion performance of a large-scale down-fired furnace by shortening secondary-air port area. Fuel, 2014, 121: 232-239.

60. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhongqian Ling, Xinjing Jing, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of overfire air angle on flow characteristics within a small-scale model for a deep-air-staging down-fired furnace. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 79: 367-376.

61. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhongqian Ling, Xianyang Zeng. Evaluation of staged air and overfire air in regulating air-staging conditions within a large-scale down-fired furnace. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 67: 97-105.

62. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li. Review of gas/particle flow, coal combustion, and NOx emission characteristics within down-fired boilers. Energy, 2014, 69: 144-178.

63. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhongqian Ling, Zhuofu Chen, Danyan Yuan. Characterization of coal combustion and steam temperature with respect to staged-air angle in a 600 MWe down-fired boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(6): 4199-4205.

64. Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Guipeng Li, Qiudong Zong. Numerical simulations of flow, combustion characteristics, and NOx emission for down-fired boiler with different arch-supplied over-fire air ratios. To be published in Applied Thermal Engineering.



1、 李爭起,孫銳,陳智超,孫紹增,吳少華,秦裕琨. 一種中心給粉鏇流煤粉燃燒器,專利號:ZL 03 1 11101.7

2、 李爭起,陳智超,孫銳. 防止水冷壁高溫腐蝕和結渣的燃燒器牆式布置的鍋爐裝置,專利號:ZL 2005 1 0009772.2

3、 李爭起,朱群益,賽俊聰,孫紹增,吳少華. 一種生物質與煤粉複合燃燒及生物質再燃脫硝的燃燒裝置,專利號:ZL 2005 1 0009881.4

4、 李爭起,任楓,高繼慧,邱朋華,秦裕琨. 一種帶濃淡煤粉燃燒裝置的W形火焰爐,專利號:ZL 2005 1 0010015.7(W)


5、 李爭起,任楓,秦裕琨,夏廣龍. 一種具有二次風分風室傾斜裝置的W形火焰爐,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0071703.3(W)


6、 李爭起,靖劍平,陳智超,秦裕琨. 一種防止高溫腐蝕的低NOx鏇流燃燒裝置,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0071815.9

7、 李爭起,任楓,秦裕琨. 一種拱下二次風向下偏置的W型火焰爐,專利號:ZL 2006 1 0010089.5(W)

8、 李爭起,陳智超,果志明,秦裕琨. 一種小油量氣化燃燒、側向點燃中心給粉的鏇流燃燒器,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0072577.3

9、 李爭起,任楓,陳智超,王靜傑,徐振興. 一種W型火焰爐局部通風防側牆及翼牆水冷壁結渣裝置,專利號:ZL 2008 1 0137054.7(W)


10、李爭起,靖劍平,陳智超,劉光奎,劉春龍,秦裕琨,趙洋. 一種大速比中心給粉鏇流煤粉燃燒器,專利號:ZL 2008 1 0137200.6

11、李爭起,任楓,況敏,陳智超,阮成武,蘇偉. 具有布置於上下爐膛交匯處的W型火焰鍋爐燃盡風裝置的鍋爐,專利號:ZL 2008 1 0137177.0(W)

12、李爭起,任楓,陳智超,陳曌,劉輝,秦明,陳力哲,邱朋華,高繼慧,孫紹增,吳少華. 一種全混合W型火焰鍋爐燃盡風裝置,專利號:ZL 2008 1 0064934.6

13、李爭起,陳智超,劉春龍,果志明,孫紹增. 小油量氣化燃燒側向多級開放式點燃中心給粉鏇流燃燒器,專利號:ZL 200810064783.4

14、李爭起,任楓,陳智超,孫亮,劉輝. 防止側牆水冷壁結渣的W型火焰鍋爐,專利號:ZL ZL 2007 10072221.X(W)

15、李爭起,陳智超,趙洋,劉春龍. 一種防止一級燃燒室結渣的微油點火鏇流煤粉燃燒裝置,專利號:ZL 2008 1 0137506.1

16、秦裕琨,吳少華,高繼慧,高建民,李爭起. 內循環多級噴動流態化煙氣脫硫塔,專利號:ZL 2005 1 0010119.8

17、高繼慧,吳少華,秦裕琨,高建民,李爭起,陳力哲. 中心鈍體式流態化煙氣淨化裝置,專利號:ZL 2006 1 0010580.8

18、劉 輝,吳少華,孫紹增,邱朋華,孫 銳,秦 明,李爭起,秦裕琨. 用於垂直濃淡燃燒鍋爐防結渣防高溫腐蝕的煤粉燃燒裝置,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0071803.6

19、劉 輝,吳少華,杜 謙,李爭起,秦裕琨. 一種降低煤粉鍋爐氮氧化物排放的方法及其使用的鍋爐,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0071814.4

20、吳少華,劉 輝,孫紹增,邱朋華,孫 銳,秦 明,李爭起,秦裕琨. 一種用於燃煤鍋爐中低氮氧化物燃燒的方法,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0071816.3

21、吳少華,劉 輝,孫紹增,邱朋華,孫 銳,秦 明,李爭起,秦裕琨. 利用生物質直燃再燃與煙氣再循環工藝脫硝的方法及裝置,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0071882.0

22、陳力哲,孫 銳,孫紹增,李爭起,李瑞揚,吳少華,鞠胤宏,秦裕琨. 節能微量油、天然氣點燃煤粉燃燒裝置,專利號:ZL 2007 1 0072223.9

23、李爭起,況敏,陳智超,阮成武,張福成. 一種穩燃防結渣採用直流縫隙式燃燒器的W型火焰鍋爐裝置,專利號:ZL 2008 1 0137213.3(W)

24、陳智超,李爭起,范夙博,任楓,楊學海. 帶有兩級燃盡風的W型火焰鍋爐,專利號:ZL 2009 1 0071322.4(W)

25、李爭起,任楓,王靜傑,陳智超,蘇偉. 帶用於W型火焰爐上的濃淡煤粉氣流錯列布置的燃燒裝置,專利號:ZL 2009 1 0071320.5(W)

26、李爭起,劉春龍,陳智超,趙洋, 胡志勇. 一種多油槍微油量點燃煤粉燃燒裝置,專利號:ZL 2009 1 0304771.9(W)

27、李爭起,劉春龍,陳智超,趙洋, 韓雲峰. 二次濃縮雙噴口微油量點燃煤粉裝置,專利號:ZL 2009 1 0072137.7(W)

28、李爭起,任楓,王琳,陳智超,張福成. 通過改變油二次風量來調節W火焰爐燃燒的方法,ZL 2009 1 0071981.8(W)

29、李爭起,陳智超,況敏,朱群益,徐善田,張佳,楊連傑,吳遠剛,邢超. 一種帶有增程二次風噴口的W型火焰鍋爐,ZL 2009 1 0309100.1(W)

30、陳智超,李爭起,趙洋,劉春龍. 一種帶有漸擴段的低阻力、低Nox的鏇流煤粉燃燒器,ZL 2009 1 0071436.9(W)

31、李爭起,陳智超,況敏,朱群益,張佳,申珊平,孔維光. 在爐拱上布置有縫隙式燃盡風噴口的W型火焰鍋爐,ZL 2009 1 0309113.9(W)

32、李爭起,陳智超,孫 銳,孫紹增,吳紹華,秦 明,劉 輝,秦裕琨. 一種低氮氧化物鏇流煤粉燃燒器,ZL 2007 8 0017391.6


33、李爭起,劉春龍,陳智超,孔維光,曾令艷,趙洋,楊連傑. 一種可提高初始點火熱量的微油量點燃煤粉燃燒裝置,ZL 2010 10 136703.9

34、陳智超,李爭起,曾令艷,朱群益,邢超,胡志勇,徐振興,申珊平,孔維光. 一種適用於不同負荷煤粉型鍋爐的燃盡風裝置,ZL 2010 10 150814.5

35、李爭起,任楓,王靜傑,陳智超,王琳. 一種提高W型火焰鍋爐一次風煤粉氣流溫度的方法及裝置,ZL 2008 10 209692.5(W)


36、陳智超,李爭起,任楓,阮成武,劉春龍,孫紹增,孫銳. 用於W形火焰鍋爐上的低阻煤粉濃淡分離裝置,ZL 2009 1 0071683.9(W)

37、李爭起,劉光奎,朱群益等. 四角通風防止翼牆及側牆水冷壁結渣的W火焰鍋爐,ZL 2010 1 0512616.9(W)

38、李爭起,陳智超,況敏,朱群益,曾令艷,劉春龍,楊連傑,吳遠剛,胡志勇,張佳,徐善田,申珊平,楊志強. 拱上單級引射分級燃燒的方法及實現該方法的W火焰鍋爐,ZL 2010 1 0149622.2(W)

39、陳智超,李爭起,曾令艷,朱群益,邢超,胡志勇,徐振興. 一種布置於W火焰鍋爐中的濃淡分離裝置,ZL 2010 1 0145504.4(W)

40、陳智超,李爭起,申珊平,朱群益,楊連傑. 一種用於工業窯爐的採用煙氣再循環的鏇流煤粉燃燒器,ZL 2010 1 0213627.7


41、李爭起,陳智超,況敏,孫銳,朱群益,曾令艷,劉春龍,孫紹增,吳少華. 多次引射分級燃燒的方法,ZL 2010 1 0149634.5(W)

42、李爭起,況敏,張岩,陳智超. 濃、淡煤粉噴口交錯布置的多次引射分級燃燒W火焰鍋爐,ZL 2011 1 0231069.1(W)

43、李爭起,陳智超,況敏,吳遠剛,張佳,楊連傑,徐善田,曾令艷,申珊平,楊志強. 一種帶有邊界二次風噴口的W火焰鍋爐,ZL 2010 1 0156745.9(W)

44、李爭起,劉光奎,陳智超,朱群益,楊志強. 用於液態排渣W火焰鍋爐的低氮氧化物燃燒裝置,ZL 2011 1 0111706.1(W)


45、李爭起,陳智超,孫銳、孫紹增、吳少華、秦明、劉輝. Low NOx Swirl Coal Combustion Burner. US8479668B2. 美國專利

46、李爭起,況敏,張翔,劉春龍,陳夏超. 一種W火焰鍋爐燃燒裝置,ZL 2012 1 0215499.9(W)

47、陳智超,李爭起,王陽,張岩,賴金平,周航,朱群益,張宏宇,曾令艷. 一種鏇流煤粉燃燒器非等間距布置的鍋爐裝置,ZL 2012 1 0103218.0


48、陳智超,李爭起,李淵,朱群益,遆曙光,王振旺. 一種帶有中心風管道的中心給粉鏇流煤粉燃燒器,ZL 2011 1 0302031.9

49、李爭起,況敏,劉春龍,井新經,曾令艷,陳智超,朱群益. 布置於拱上翼牆上方的W型火焰鍋爐縫隙式燃盡風裝置,ZL 2013 1 0224328.7(W)

50、李爭起,況敏,井新經,等. 一種用於W型火焰鍋爐的拱上燃燒器,ZL 2013 1 0224238.4(W)


1、 李爭起,任楓,秦裕琨. 一種低NOx煤粉燃燒的W形火焰爐,ZL 2006 2 0020919.8

2、 曾令艷,陳智超,張錫乾,李爭起,朱群益,王海明. 一種帶有蒸汽升壓裝置的粉煤氣化爐,ZL 2014 2 0264984.X


