

李斌 ,天津大學教授,博士生導師,教育部智慧型電網重點實驗室副主任。國家自然科學基金委員會“優秀青年科學基金”獲得者、教育部新世紀優秀人才、天津市131人才等。獲省部級科學技術成果一等獎2項。


起止年月 工作單位 職務/職稱
2005.03-2006.12 天津大學 博士後
2006.09-2006.12 曼徹斯特大學 訪問學者
2008.09-2009.12 AREVA T&D 研究助理
2006.12-至今 天津大學 院長助理 / 教授、博導


2、 2013年入選天津市131人才(第二層次)



1. Bin Li, Fengrui Guo, Xuebin Li, and Zhiqian Bo, “Circulating Unbalanced Currents of EHV/UHV Untransposed Double-Circuit Lines and Their Influence on Pilot Protection”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 825-833, April 2014.(SCI收錄號:WOS:000333523000040;EI收錄號:20141517552753)

2. Bin Li, Zhitian Duan, Jianzhong Wu, “Short-circuit Analysis of Pumped Storage Unit during Back-to-Back Starting”, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 9, issue 2, pp. 99-108, March 2015. (SCI收錄號:WOS:000350212100002;EI收錄號:20150900581558)

3. Bin Li, Zhiqian Duan, Xin Wang and Jianzhong Wu, “Loss-of-Excitation Analysis and Protection for Pumped Storage Machines during Starting”, IET Renewable Power Generation, 2015, has been published online.

4. Bin Li, Chao Li, Jiali He, Zhiqian Bo and Tony Yip, “Novel principle and adaptive scheme of phase correlation line current differential protection”, International Trans. Electrical Energy Systems, 2013, 23(5): 733-750.(SCI收錄號:WOS:000321577100010;EI收錄號:20134116821752)

5. Bin Li, Fengrui Guo, Jingpeng Wang, and Chao Li, “Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron-Core Superconductor Fault Current Limiter”, IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 5600805, April 2015. (SCI收錄號:WOS:000349392800021;EI收錄號:20150900565133)

6. Bin Li, Chao Li, Fengrui Guo, et al, “Application Studies on the Active SISFCL in Electric Transmission System and Its Impact on Line Distance Protection”, IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 5600109, April 2015. (SCI收錄號:WOS: 000348457100004;EI收錄號:20152901046139)

7. Bin Li, Chao Li, Fengrui Guo, et al, “Coordination of Superconductive Fault Current limiters with Zero-sequence Current Protection of Transmission lines”, IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 5602105, October 2014.(SCI收錄號:WOS:000340817500010)

8. Bin Li, Chao Li, Fengrui Guo, Ying Xin, “Overcurrent Protection Coordination in a Power Distribution Network with the Active Superconductive Fault Current Limiter”, IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 5602204, October 2014.(SCI收錄號:WOS: 000340817500001)

9. Bin Li, Jingpeng Wang, Hailong Bao, and Huiying Zhang, “Islanding Detection for Microgrid Based on Frequency Tracking Using Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm,” Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2014, Article ID 186360, 11 pages, 2014.(SCI收錄號:WOS:000336602300001)

10. Bin Li, Jiawei He, Jie Tian, et al, “DC Fault Analysis for MMC-based DC System”, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Accepted.

11. 李斌 , 何佳偉. 柔性直流配電系統故障分析及限流方法. 中國電機工程學報, 2015, 35(12): 3026-3036. (EI收錄號:20153001050615)

12. 李斌 , 靳方超, 李仲青, 姚斌, 李永麗. 電壓迴路中性線斷線的隱性故障識別及其影響. 中國電機工程學報, 2013, 33(13): 179-186. (EI收錄號:20132116362911)

13. 李斌 , 范瑞卿, 於絢, 賀家李, 薛士敏. 相位相關電流差動保護新原理. 中國電機工程學報, 2011, 31(7): 96-101. (EI收錄號:20111513910705)

14. 李斌 , 范瑞卿, 於絢, 賀家李. 負荷電流對非故障相相間距離繼電器的影響. 中國電機工程學報, 2010, 30(28): 66-71. (EI收錄號:20104413343559)

15. 李斌 , 李永麗, 盛鵾, 等. 帶並聯電抗器的超高壓輸電線單相自適應重合閘的研究. 中國電機工程學報, 2004, 24(5): 52-56. (EI收錄號:04308283230)


1. 李斌 , 譯. 電力系統繼電保護. 北京: 機械工業出版社, 2010.

2. 賀家李, 李永麗, 李斌, 郭文利. 特高壓交直流輸電保護與控制技術. 北京: 中國電力出版社, 2014.(國家科學技術學術出版基金資助)

3. 賀家李, 李永麗, 董新洲, 李斌. 電力系統繼電保護原理. 北京: 中國電力出版社, 2010.(普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材)

4. 呂英, 李斌(副主編), 等. 繼電保護技術與套用. 北京:中國石化出版社,2014.


