

於廣利,男,1964年12月生,博士,中國海洋大學教授, 博士生導師。現任中國海洋大學醫藥學院院長、國家“十二五”863專家、國務院第七屆學科評議組(藥學)專家、中國藥學會高級會員、國家新藥評審專家、國家科技獎勵評審專家、教育部“長江學者與創新團隊”負責人、山東省有突出貢獻中青年專家、青島拔尖人才、享受國務院政府特殊津貼。



主要從事糖化學和糖藥物學研究。於1999-2000年在美國IOWA大學藥學院Robert J Linhardt教授實驗室從事肝素與類肝素寡糖的結構與活性關係研究。為美國ACS會員、中國藥學會高級會員、中國海洋藥物專業委員會委員,山東省藥學會生化與生物技術藥物專業委員會副主任委員。曾在美國IOWA大學藥學院RJ Linhardt教授實驗室(現RPI)從事肝素與類肝素研究,在倫敦帝國理工學院TenFeizi和Anne DELL教授實驗室從事糖晶片和糖組學研究,在法國布雷斯特大學從事海洋糖類結構與活性研究。


於廣利 於廣利






近年來, 先後承擔和參與完成和國家973課題,國家自然科學基金、國家海洋863等國家級課題7項。目前主持國家海洋“863”課題、科技部國際合作課題、國家自然科學基金各1項。

於廣利 於廣利


1. 海洋功能寡糖及其藥物工程技術開發(編號:201005024),國家海洋局公益專項,2010-2015年,926萬,項目負責人。

2. 糖生物晶片的建立及海洋糖類結構與功能的研究(編號:2007DFA30980),科技部,國際合作與交流專項,225萬元,2008-2010年,課題組長。

3. 新型抗II型糖尿病海洋藥物(HS203)臨床前研究,國家863項目(2007AA09Z445),392萬元,2007-2010年,課題組長。

4. 海洋類肝素寡糖與糖尿病腎纖維化靶分子CTGF相互作用研究(編號:31070724),國家自然科學基金,34萬元,2011-2013年,課題組長。

5. 海洋酸性寡糖與胰淀素的相互作用研究(編號:30870506),國家自然科學基金,32萬元,2009-2011年,課題副組長。

6. 腫瘤細胞膜特徵糖鏈結構研究(2003CB716401),國家973重點基礎研究,2003-2008,課題副組長,490萬。2008年科技部驗收為優秀。

7. 具有抗癌活性真菌糖肽鏈(GF6F2)細微結構研究(30370345),國家自然基金,18萬,2004-2006年,課題負責人。

在國內外核心刊物發表研究論文72篇,其中在 Anal Chem; JASMS; FEBS J等專業期刊發表SCI收錄論文32篇;申請國家發明專利27項,已獲得授權10項。


1. Bo Yang, Guangli Yu, Xia Zhao,Weina Ren, Guangling Jiao, Lianhua Fang, Yuehua Wang, Guanhua Du, Christa Tiller, Gabrielle Girouard, Colin J. Barrow, H. Stephen Ewart, and Junzeng Zhang,Structural Characterization and Bioactivities of Hybrid Carrageenan-like Sulfated Galactan from Red Alga Furcellaria lumbricalis , Food Chem,2011,124(1):50-57 ( SCI, 3.146)

2. Guangli Yu, Yibing Zhang, Zhenqing Zhang, Letian Song, Wang Peipei, Wengang Chai, “The Effect and Limitation of Excess Ammonium on the Release of O-Glycans in Reducing Forms from Glycoproteins under Mild Alkaline Conditions for Glycomic and Functional Analysis”, Anal. Chem . 2010,82: 9534-9542

3. Jiejie Hao, Weili Shen, Guangli Yu, Haiqun Jia, Xuesen Li, Zhihui Feng, Ying Wang, Peter Weber, Karin Wertz, Edward Sharman and Jiankang Liu,Hydroxytyrosol promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial function in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, J Nutr Biochem , 2010, 21(7):634-644 ( SCI, 4.35)

4. Bondu Stephanie, Deslandes Eric, Fabre Marie Sophie, Berthou Christian, Guangli Yu, Carrageenan from Solieria chordalis (Gigartinales): Structural analysis and immunological activities of the low molecular weight fractions, Carbohy Poly, 2010, 81(2):448-460 ( SCI, 3.167)

5. Wei Zhang, Ming Liu, Poul Erik Hansen,Guangli Yu, Bo Yang, Xia Zhao,Sequence and Structure Analysis of κ-Carrageenan-derived Oligosaccharides by 2D NMR, J Phycology, 2010,46:831-838 ( SCI,2.27)

6. Bo Yang, Guangli Yu, Xia Zhao, Guangling Jiao, Sumei Ren,Wengang Chai, Mechanism of mild acid hydrolysis of galactan polysaccharides with highly ordered disaccharide repeats leading to a complete series of exclusively odd-numbered oligosaccharides, FEBS J, 2009 ,276:2125-2137 (SCI, 3.14)

7. Shiguo Chen, Jie Xu, Changhu Xue, Ping Dong, Wenjing Sheng, Guangli Yu and Wengang Chai , Sequence determination of a non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan-like polysaccharide from melanin-free ink of the squid Ommastrephes bartrami by negative-ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy, Glycoconj J.2008,25(5):481-492 (SCI, 2.50]

8. Huizhong Lv, Guangli Yu*, Linlin Sun, Zheng Zhang, Xia Zhao, Wengang Chai, Elevated Level of Glycosaminoglycans and Altered Sulfation Pattern of Chondroitin Sulfate Are Associated with Differentiation Status and Histological Type of Human Primary Hepatic Carcinoma, Oncology, 2007, 72:347-356 (SCI, 2.44)

9. Zhao Xia, Yu Guangli, Guan Huashi, Yue Nan, Zhang Zhenqing Li Haihua, Preparation of low-molecular-weight polyguluronate sulfate and its anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory activities, Carbohy Poly, 2007,69:272-279 ( SCI,1.784

10. Lin Changzheng, Guan Huashi, Li Haihua, Yu Guangli, Gu caixia, Li guoqiang, The influence of molecular mass of sulfated propelene glycol ester of low-molecular-weight alginate on anticoagulant activities, Eur Poly J, 2007, 43(7): 3009-3015, ( SCI, 2.113

11. Guangli Yu, Xia Zhao, Bo Yang, Sumei Ren, Huashi Guan, Yibing Zhang, Alexander M. Lawson, and Wengang Chai. Sequence Determination of Sulfated Carrageenan-Derived Oligosaccharides by High-Sensitivity Negative-Ion Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Anal Chem, 2006, 78,8499-8505 (SCI, 5.646)

12. Zhenqing Zhang, Guangli Yu, Xia Zhao,Haiying Liu, Huashi Guan, Alexander M. Lawson, Wengang Chai, Sequence analysis of alginate-derived oligosaccharides by negative-ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, J Amer Soc Mass Spectrometry, 2006, 17,621-630(SCI,3.39)




