


通訊地址: 湖北省 武漢市 武昌 磨山 中國科學院武漢植物園


劉峰,博士。中國科學院武漢植物園全球變化生態學學科組首席研究員,博士生導師。2007年8月畢業於美國德州農工大學(Texas A&M University),獲博士學位。2007年9月至2011年6月,在美國威斯康星大學大學從事博士後研究工作。2011年底入選中國科學院引進海外傑出人才“百人計畫”。已發表SCI論文十餘篇。研究主要集中在全球變化生態學、景觀生態學、生態系統生態學及生態模擬等領域的研究。


2012年6月- , 中國科學院武漢植物園,研究員

2007年9月-2012年6月, 美國威斯康星大學,博士後

2001年8月-2007年8月, 美國德州農工大學,攻讀博士學位

1998年7月-2001年6月, 山東省農業環境保護總站,技術人員

1995年9月-1998年7月, 中國科學院北京植物所,碩士研究生

1991年9月-1995年7月, 山東大學生物系,學生









2007年 Outstanding Ph.D Student, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University

2005年 Tom Slick Graduate Fellowship, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University

2004年,Franklin F. Wasko Fellowship, Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management, Texas A&M University

2001年, Regents Graduate Fellowship, Texas A&M University


1. Bai E., T.W. Boutton, F. Liu, X.B. Wu, S.R. Archer. 2011. Spatial variation of soil δ13C and its relation to carbon input and soil texture in a subtropical lowland woodland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry.

2. Liu F, X.B. Wu, E Bai, T.W. Boutton, S.R. Archer. 2011. Impact of wood proliferation on soil carbon in subtropical savanna: Spatial distribution, uncertainty and sampling strategy. In: Han X, Wu Y (Eds) Ecological Vision: Challenge, Response and Strategy. Higher Education Press, Beijing.

3. Steen-Adams M.M., D.J. Mladenoff, N.E. Langston, F. Liu. Influence of biophysical factors and differences in Ojibwe reservation versus Euro-American social histories on forest landscape change in northern Wisconsin, USA. Landscape Ecology.

4. Bai E., T.W. Boutton, F. Liu, X.B. Wu, S.R. Archer. 2011. Grassland-to-woodland successional processes derived from spatial patterns of soil δ13C in a savanna landscape. Organic Geochemistry. (in press).

5. Liu, F., D. J. Mladenoff, L. A. Schulte Moore, and N. Keuler. 2011. Broadscale variability in tree data of the historical land survey and its consequences for ecological studies. Ecological Monographs

6. Liu, F., X. B. Wu, E. Bai, T. W. Boutton, and S. R. Archer. 2011. Quantifying soil organic carbon in complex landscapes: an example of grassland undergoing encroachment of woody plants. Global Change Biology.

7. Foster, J., J. Burton, J. Forrester, F. Liu, J. Muss, F. Sabatini, R. Sheller, D. Mladenoff. 2010. Evidence for a recent increase in forest growth is questionable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

8. Liu, F., X. B. Wu, E. Bai, T. W. Boutton, and S. R. Archer. 2010. Spatial scaling of ecosystem C and N in a subtropical savanna landscape. Global Change Biology

9. Bai, E., T. W. Boutton, X. B. Wu, F. Liu, and S. R. Archer. 2009. Landscape-scale vegetation dynamics inferred from spatial patterns of soil d13C in a subtropical savanna parkland. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences

10. Bai, E., T. W. Boutton, F. Liu, X. B. Wu, S. R. Archer, and C. T. Hallmark. 2009. Spatial variation of the stable nitrogen isotope ratio of woody plants along a topoedaphic gradient in a subtropical savanna. Oecologia

11. Bai, E., T. W. Boutton, F. Liu, X. Ben Wu, and S. R. Archer. 2008. Variation in woody plant delta C-13 along a topoedaphic gradient in a subtropical savanna parkland. Oecologia

12. Wu, X.B., F. Liu, S. Whisenant. 2007. Advances in Restoration Ecology – A North American Perspective. in Wu, J. et al. editors. “Lectures in Modern Ecology (III): Advances and Key Topics” Higher Education Press, Beijing (in Chinese)

13. Liu, F., W. Chen, and J. He. 2000 Population structure and regeneration of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata in Shennongjia. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica

14. Liu, F., J. He, and W. Chen. 1999 The ecosystem functions of biodiversity. Chinese Bulletin of Botany.

15. He, J., F. Liu, W. Chen, and L. Chen. 1999 History of disturbance and regeneration strategies of Fagus engleriana and Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forests in Shennongjia, Hubei Province. Acta Botanica Sinica (now Journal of Integrative Plant Biology)

16. He J., W. Chen, and F. Liu. 1998 Study on the sprouting process of Fagus engleriana in Shennongjia Mountains. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica (in Chinese)


