

任志剛,男,現任蘇州大學無機化學研究所教授。 主持一項國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,主要參與一項國家自然科學基金青年基金項目。在國內外核心化學期刊如Organometallics,Dalton Trans.等發表正式論文十餘篇。獲09年度中國石油和化學工業協會科學技術進步獎二等獎(排名第三)、10年江蘇省科學技術進步獎二等獎(排名第二)、11年教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術)自然科學二等獎(排名第四)及09年蘇州市科學技術進步獎二等獎(排名第三)。






1. W. –H. Zhang, Z. –G. Ren, J. –P. Lang*, Rational construction of functional molybdenum (tungsten)-copper-sulfur coordination oligomers and polymers from preformed cluster precursors, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2016, advanced article (DOI: 10.1039/C6CS00096G) (共同一作)。

2. J. –F. Wang, S. –Y. Liu, C. –Y. Liu, Z. –G. Ren*, J. –P. Lang, Silver(I) complexes with a P-N hybrid ligand and oxyanions: synthesis, structures, photocatalysis and photocurrent responses, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 9294-9306.

3. X. –Y. Wu, H. –X. Qi, J. –J. Ning, J. –F. Wang, Z. –G. Ren*, J. –P. Lang*, One silver(I)/tetraphosphine coordination polymer showing good catalytic performance in the photodegradation of nitroaromatics in aqueous solution, Appl. Catal. B Environ., 2015, 168, 98-104.

4. H. –X. Qi, J. –F. Wang, Z. –G. Ren*, J. –J. Ning, J. –P. Lang*, Syntheses and structures of two gold(I) coordination compounds derived from P-S hybrid ligands and their efficient catalytic performance in the photodegradation of nitroaromatics in water, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 5662-5671.

5. J. Gao, Z. –G. Ren*, J. –P. Lang*, Oxidation of benzyl alcohols to benzaldehydes in water catalyzed by a Cu(II) complex with a zwitterionic calix[4]arene ligand, J. Organomet. Chem., 2015, 792 , 88-92.

6. J. –J. Ning, J. –F. Wang, Z. –G Ren*, D. J. Young, J. –P. Lang*, Versatile palladium(II)-catalyzed SuzukieMiyaura coupling in ethanol with a novel, stabilizing ligand, Tetrahedron, 2015, 71, 4000-4006.

7. D. –X. Li, Z. –G. Ren*, D. J. Young, J. –P. Lang*, Synthesis of Two Coordination Polymer Photocatalysts and Significant Enhancement of Their Catalytic Photodegradation Activity by Doping with Co Ions, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 1981-1988.

8.L. –K. Zhou, Q. Liu, X. Zhao, F. –L. Hu, S. –C. Liu, Z. –G. Ren*, Z. –R. Sun, J. –P. Lang*, Six [Tp*WSCu]-based clusters derived from [EtN][Tp*WS], Cu(I) salts and phosphine ligands: syntheses, structures and enhanced third-order NLO properties, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 4734-4744.

9. X. –Y. Wu, Z. –G. Ren*, J. –P. Lang*, Ni(II) tetraphosphine complexes as catalysts/initiators in the ring opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 1716-1723.

10. M. Dai, X. –R. Su, X. Wang, B. Wu, Z. –G. Ren*, X. Zhou, J. –P. Lang, Three Zinc(II) Coordination Polymers Based on Tetrakis(4-pyridyl)cyclobutane and Naphthalenedicarboxylate Linkers:Solvothermal Syntheses, Structures, and Photocatalytic Properties, Cryst. Growth Des., 2014, 14, 240-248.

11. L. Li, H. –Y. Li, Z. –G. Ren, J. –P. Lang, Unique decanuclear and tetranuclear halocuprate(I) clusters of a quasi-rigid clamp-like ligand: Isolation, structure and luminescent property, Euro. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 824-830.

12. B. Wu, Z. –G. Ren*, J. –P. Lang, Three three-dimensional supramolecular networks formed by one-dimensional chains of Ag(I) and N,N’-di(3-pyridyl)succinamide via weak intermolecular interactions, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2014, 48, 81-85.

13. J. –H. Yang, X. –Y. Wu, R. –T. He, Z. –G. Ren*, H. –X. Li, H. –F. Wang, J. –P. Lang*, Degradation versus Expansion of the AgX Frameworks: Formation of Oligomeric and Polymeric Silver Complexes from Reactions of Bulk AgX with N-Bis(diphenylphosphanylmethyl)-2-aminopyridine, Cryst. Growth Des., 2013, 13, 2124-2134.

14. C. Xu, Z. –Y. Zhang, Z. –G. Ren*, L. –K. Zhou, H. –X. Li, H. –F. Wang, Z. –R. Sun*, J. –P. Lang*, Novel [Tp*WSCu]-Based Coordination Compounds: Assembly, Crystal Structures and Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties, Cryst. Growth Des., 2013, 13, 2530-2539.

15. Z. –Y. Zhang, W. –J. Gong, F. Wang, M. –M. Chen, L. –K. Zhou, Z. –G. Ren*, Z. –R. Sun, J. –P. Lang*, Assembly of new Mo/Cu/S clusters from [EtN][Tp*MoS(S)] and Cu(I) salts: syntheses, structures and third-order nonlinear optical properties, Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 9495-9504.

16. W. –Y. Yan, R. –T. He, M. Dai, Z. –G. Ren*, H. –X. Li, J. –P. Lang*, Assembly of 1D and 2D zinc(II) coordination polymers from flexible polyimidazolyl-based ligands, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2013, 35, 51-55.

17. Z. –G. Ren, H. –X. Li, W. –Y. Yan, J. –P. Lang*, Assembly of bicyclic or monocyclic clusters from [( η-CMe)Mo( μ-S)(CuMeCN)] with tetraphosphine or N,P mixed ligands: syntheses, structures and enhanced third-order NLO performances, Dalton Trans, 2011, 40, 8391-8398.

18. Z. –G. Ren, Y. –L. Song, L. –L. Li, H. –X. Li, Z. –H. Wei, Y. Zhang, J. –P. Lang*, From trans-[( η-CMe)MoS( μ-S)] to [( η-CMe)Mo( μ-S)(CuMeCN)] to [( η-CMe)Mo( μ-S)Cu]-Based Polymeric and Dimeric Clusters: Syntheses, Structures and Enhanced Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Performances, Dalton Trans, 2009, 2578-2587

19. S. Sun, Z. –G. Ren, J. –H. Yang, R. –T. He, F. Wang, X. –Y. Wu, W. –J. Gong, H. –X. Li, J. –P. Lang*, Formation of N-heterocyclic diphosphine ligands from Ag(I)-assisted Mannich condensation reactions between bdppeda and HCHO and their sandwich-like silver(I) complexes, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 8447-8454.

