

程鎔時,男,江蘇宜興人,1927年10月生。 高分子物理及物理化學家。1949年畢業於金陵大學化學系。1951年畢業於北京大學化學研究部。南京大學、華南理工大學教授。早年參加高分子分子表征的研究工作,其結果為順丁橡膠的工業化選型和最佳化提供了科學依據。



程鎔時 程鎔時




程鎔時院士學術報告會 程鎔時院士學術報告會

程鎔時的另一項重要研究領域是凝膠色譜,他闡明了多孔填料的成孔機理,給出了控制孔度的理論關係。他提出的分離與擴展效應的統一理論,是當時該領域最簡單的對加寬效應作改正的方法,論文提交1983年美國化學會年會時,該會將其作為當年的重要成果發布新聞,得到國外同行的關注和重視。他還創立了凝膠色譜絕對定量化的基本原則,開創了一種研究分子水平上的吸附作用以及分子間配合作用的有效而直接的定量方法,拓展了凝膠色譜的套用範圍。程教授主持的“凝膠色譜的擴展和分離效應的統一理論” 獲1988年國家教委科技進步二等獎,參與指導的“系列窄分布聚苯乙烯樣品的研製”獲1993年國家教委科技進步三等獎。




1945-1949 金陵大學化學系

1949-1951 北京大學化學研究部

1952-1962 中國科學院上海物理化學研究所、 長春套用化學研究所助理研究員

1962-1982 中國科學院長春套用化學研究所副研究員

1982-1983 中國科學院長春套用化學研究所研究員

1983- 南京大學教授

1995- 華南理工大學高分子研究所所長、教授





















1. 程鎔時,薄淑琴,蔡佳利,秦汶;新型毛細管粘度計的製作方法 CN 1328253 (2001)

2. 楊琥,王治流,程鎔時,周健民,彭光浩;包膜緩釋肥料及其製備方法;CN 1465552(2004)

3. 殷以華,王治流,楊琥,程鎔時,周建民;包膜型緩釋尿素及其製備方法;CN 1556075 (2004)

4. 殷以華,王治流,程鎔時;一種包膜型耐熱緩釋碳銨及其製備方法;專利申請號:200310112824.X

5. 王治流,陳正年,謝鴻峰,程鎔時;高性能環氧瀝青路面材料及其製備方法和套用;專利申請號:200510094633.4





4.“凝膠色 譜的擴展和分離效應的統一理論”獲1988年國家教委科技進步二等獎。


6.“系列窄分布聚苯乙烯樣品的研製”獲1992年國家教委科技進步 三等獎。

7.“高分子凝聚態基本物理問題研究”獲1999 年國家自然科學獎二等獎。



1 程鎔時,秦汶 避免電動攪拌器馬達溫度升高的簡便方法 化學通報 (9), 568, 1953

2 秦汶 李素清 許觀藩 程鎔時 添加劑對高聚物溶液溶劑能力影響的簡便判別法 長春應化所集刊 11 65

3 張龍翔 程鎔時 高級脂肪酸的葡萄糖酯 Ⅰ 葡萄糖軟酯酸酯、葡萄糖硬酯酸酯、葡萄糖混合五脂的合成 化學學報 19, 129, 1953

4 張龍翔 程鎔時 高級脂肪酸的葡萄糖酯 Ⅱ 軟酯酸-D-葡萄糖五酯的同質多晶現象 化學學報 19, 139, 1953


5 錢人元 賀智端 程鎔時 丁苯橡膠的分子量分布測定 (第一次高分子化學會議會刊,P.151 ,1954) 化學學報 21, 357, 1955

6 錢人元 賀智端 程鎔時 天然橡膠的分子量分布 化學學報 22, 156, 1956

7 錢人元 秦 汶 程鎔時 丁苯橡膠的分子量 化學學報 22, 249, 1956


8 程鎔時 錢人元 支化高分子的溶液性質 高分子通訊 1, 130, 1957

9 程鎔時 賀智端 武義森 低溫丁苯橡膠的分子量分布 高分子通訊 1, 236, 1957

10 程鎔時 鄧灃儒 冰水的循環 高分子通訊 1, 239, 1957

11 程鎔時 阮梅娜 錢人元 丁苯橡膠的分子量 Ⅱ 低溫聚合的丁苯橡膠 化學學報 24, 217, 1958

12 錢人元 秦 汶 何寶俊 程鎔時 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯混合溶劑體系 Ⅰ 在甲基乙醇溶液中的粘度和滲透壓 化學學報 24, 223, 1958


13 糠醛小組 從玉米芯里提出糠醛的兩種土方法 化學通報 1, 25, 1959

14 糠醛小組 糠醛的土法生產 科學出版社 1959

15 程鎔時 賀智端 氣體中氧的除去和微量氧的分析 高分子通訊 3, 84, 1959

16 程鎔時 鄧灃儒 雲杉亞硫酸紙漿硝化纖維素的分子量 高分子通訊 3, 133, 1959

17 程鎔時 鄧灃儒 高聚物的柱上溶解分級 高分子通訊 3, 295, 1959

18 程鎔時,戴裕昆 阮梅娜 丁吡橡膠的特性粘數分子量關係 高分子通訊 4, 85, 1960

19 程鎔時 粘度數據的外推和從一個濃度的溶液粘度計算特性粘數 高分子通訊 4, 159, 1960


20 程鎔時 錢人元 高分子通過半透膜對溶液滲透壓測定的影響 化學學報 27, 41, 1961

21 程鎔時 秦 汶 錢人元 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯混合溶劑體系 Ⅳ 交聯聚合物在混合溶劑中的溶脹 化學學報 27, 214, 1961

22 程鎔時 金麗鉉 一種簡易滲透計 第三次高分子會議會刊 435, 1961

23 程鎔時 秦 汶 周風柱 聚 2--甲基-5-乙烯基吡啶的溶液性質 第三次高分子會議會刊 412, 1961

24 程鎔時 高聚物的內聚能密度與沉澱點 第三次高分子會議會刊 429, 1961

25 程鎔時 阮梅娜 以鈷鹽為催化劑的順式聚丁二烯在溶液中的降解 第三次高分子會議會刊 362, 1961

26 秦汶 周風柱 程鎔時 聚氯乙烯濃溶液粘度的歷史效應 第三次高分子會議會刊 439, 1961

27 程鎔時 王國光 水蒸氣和液體水在高聚物薄膜中的透過性 高分子通訊 5, 91, 1962


28 程鎔時 胡慧珍 甲酸-水體系的粘度 化學學報 30, 584, 1964

29 程鎔時 縮聚高分子的分子量分布寬度 高分子通訊 7, 216, 1965

30 阮梅娜 穆畢露 程鎔時 聚醯胺的微量端基滴定 高分子通訊 7, 211, 1965


31 程鎔時 多孔色譜載體的物性檢定 上海 GPC短訓班資料 1975

32 程鎔時 簡易凝膠色譜方法 長春 GPC學班講義 1976

33 高分子物理研究室溶液小組 孔性二乙烯基苯-乙基苯乙烯共聚物的孔度與骨架的溶脹 化學學報 35, 121, 1977


34 程鎔時 凝膠色譜的擴展效應 高分子通訊 (2), 123, 1981

35. Cheng, Rong-Shi, Instrumental spreading in gel chromatography, Proc. China-U.S. Bilateral Symp. Polym. Chem. Phys. (1981), Meeting Date 1979, 43-50

36. Cheng R. S. H. Z . Hu ,X.B.Wang GPC determination of the molecular weight and identification of the styrene-but adiene block copolymer (Preprints of Japan-China bila and technology)teral symposium on polymer science 163, 1981

37. 錢保功 余賦生 程鎔時 秦 汶 周恩樂 稀土催聚的順-1,4-聚丁二烯的表征 科學通報 20, 1244, 1981

38. B. G .Qian, F. S. Yu, Cheng R. S., Qin W., E. L. Zhou Characterization of cis-1,4-polybutadiene raw rubber Ⅱ Ln-catalytically polyme rized cis-1,4-polybutadiene(LnPB) (Proceedings of China-U.S.bilateral symposium on polymer Chemistry and physics Reinhold, New York) Science Press Beijing 155, 1981

39. 程鎔時 凝膠色譜的擴展效應 高分子通訊 2, 123, 1981

40. Z. D. He, X .C. Zhang, Cheng R. S. Simultaneous calibration of molecular weight separation and column dispersion of GPC by coupling with LALLS J.Liq.Chromatogr. 5, 1209, 1982

41. S. Q. Bo, Cheng R. S. Determination of the monodisperxse Mark-Houwink equation of high vinyl ppolybut -adiene by gel chromatography J.Liq.Chromatogr. 5, 1405, 1982

42. 阮梅娜 程鎔時 稀土順丁橡膠與鎳順丁橡膠的分子量 中科院長春應化研究所集刊18集 19, 1982

43. 錢保功 余賦生 程鎔時 秦 汶 周恩樂 阮梅娜 張延壽 稀土催聚的順-1,4-聚丁二烯的表征 中國科學 4, 297, 1982

44. 錢保功 余賦生 程鎔時等 稀土催聚的順-1,4-聚異戊二烯的表征 中國科學 11, 297, 1982


45. R. S. Chen, S. Q. Bo simultaneous calibration of molecular weight separation and column dispersion of SEC with characterized polymer standards (Polymer Communication, 2, 125, 1983) ACS symposium series, 245, 125, 1984


46. 程鎔時 薄淑琴 用多分散高聚物標樣作凝膠色譜的分子量分離和擴展效應同時校準 高分子通訊 (2), 93, 1985

47. 金春山 鄭 強 楊同鈞 孫淑蓮,程鎔時 凝膠色譜與毛細管粘度計聯用作分離和擴展效應的同時校準 高分子通訊 (4), 245, 1985

48. Qian B. G., Yu F. S., Cheng R. S. et al. Characterization of cis-1,4-polyis-oprene polymerized with lanthanide catalyst system J.Appl.Polym.Sci.30, 375, 1985

49. Cheng R. S., Wang Z. L. Simultaneous determination of the composition and molecular weight of block cop -olymer by SEC with single detector on macromolecules30th IUPAC international symposium 56, 1985

50. Cheng R. S., Bo S.Q. The molecular weight dependence of the speading factor of SEC columns and the surface structure of the pore of packings Chinese J.Polym.Sci. 4, 119, 1986

51. Jin C. S. Sun S .L., Hou R. C., Cheng R. S. Study on long chain branching in polybutadienes by GPC coupled with capillary viscometer Chinese J.Polym.Sci. 4, 126, 1986

52. 程鎔時 薄淑琴 尺寸排除色譜擴展因子的分子量依賴性與填料的空洞表面結構 高分子通訊 5, 365, 1986

53. 賀智端 張宣琪 程鎔時 凝膠色譜與雷射小角光散射聯用標定國產窄分布聚苯乙烯 色譜 (1-2), 22, 1986

54. 章婉君 阮梅娜 程鎔時 順式聚異戊二烯的微凝膠與粘度方程 套用化學 3, 14, 1986

55. 胡慧珍 程鎔時 稀土催化聚合的順式聚丁二烯的單分散粘度方程 套用化學 3, 51, 1986

56. 邵毓芳 刁蓓蓓 程鎔時 毛細管粘度計動能和殘液改正的綜合效應 物理化學學報 2(4), 350, 1986


57. Cheng R. S., Hu H. Z., Jiang L. S. The bimodal molecular weight distribution of cis-polybutadiene polymerized by lanthanide complex catalysts Chinese J.Polym.Sci., 5, 101, 1987

58. Cheng, Rongshi; Wang, Zhiliu; Zhao, Yang Dependence of spreading factor on the retention volume of size exclusion chromatography ACS Symposium Series 352, 1987

59. 程鎔時 胡慧珍 姜連升 稀土絡合催化聚合的聚順丁二烯的雙峰分子量分布 高分子學報 (6), 436, 1987

60. 金春山 孫淑蓮 侯順才 程鎔時 用凝膠色譜與毛細管粘度計連用法研究順丁橡膠的長鏈支化 高分子學報 (2), 113, 1987

61. 程鎔時 胡慧珍 姜連升 稀土絡絡催化聚合的聚順丁二烯的雙峰分子量分布 高分子學報 (6), 436, 1987

62. Wang Q. G., Cheng R. S. The compatibility of blends of polyvinylchloride or chlorinated polyvinylchlori de with polymethylmethacrylate Chinese J.Polym.Sci., 6, 186, 1988

63. 金春山 胡慧珍 孫淑蓮 程鎔時 擬合粘度曲線法研究高聚物的長鏈支化 高分子學報 (3), 132, 1988


64. 嚴曉虎 余學海 程鎔時 聚苯乙烯齊聚物的高效尺寸排除色譜的研究 Ⅰ 鏈長分布 高分子學報 (5), 558, 1989

65. 程鎔時 嚴曉虎 聚苯乙烯齊聚物的高效尺寸排除色譜的研究 Ⅱ 折光指數增量的分子量依賴性 高分子學報 (6), 647, 1989

66. 程鎔時 王治流 趙 陽 尺寸排除色譜擴展因子的保留體積依賴性 高分子學報 (2), 177, 1989

67. 陸國元 王治流 譚 華 王德粉 胡宏紋 程鎔時 酚醛冠醚共聚物的合成與性能 高分子學報 (6), 669, 1989

68. 邵毓芳 洪懷懋 程鎔時 動態膜滲透壓法測量中的氣球效應和液體粘附效應 高等學校化學學報 10(7), 753, 1989

69. 程鎔時 趙時林 過渡金屬乙醯丙酮螯合物的體積排除色譜研究 無機化學學報 6(2), 21,5 1990

70. Cheng R. S., Yan X. H. Size exclusion chromatographic evidence for the existence of critical concentration for coil shrinking in polymer solution ISPAC, Brno 69, 1990

71. Cheng R. S., Yan X. H. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Appl. polym. Sym. 48, 123, 1991

72. Cheng R. S., Yan X. H. A generalized intrinsic viscosity equation covering the entire molecular weight range of polymer ISPAC,Brno 261 1990

73. Cheng R. S., Zhang Y. D. The scaling law of freezing point depression of polymer solution and swelling networks (Preprints China-Japan bilateral symposium on polymer science and materials. 481, 1990

74. Cheng R. S. Zhang Y. D. Effect of coil shape on the overlap concentration of polymer solution (Preprints China-Japan bilateral symposium on polymer science and materials. 304, 1990


75. 程鎔時 王治流 趙 陽 用單一檢測器的凝膠色譜同時測量嵌段共聚物的組成和分子量 高分子學報 (5), 560, 1991

76. 王治流 王 海 嚴曉虎 余學海 程鎔時 陳茂琪 窄分布聚苯乙烯的分子表征 石油化工(11), 760, 1991

77. Cheng Rongshi Instrumental spreading in gel chromatography (Proceedings of China-U.S. bilateral symposium on polymer chemistry and physics) 1991

78. 程鎔時 趙石林 共聚產物的體積排除色譜定量組成分析 色譜 9(6), 346, 1991

79. 張躍冬 程鎔時 陰離子嵌段共聚物的交聯聚苯乙烯的網路鏈長多分散性與網路結構非均一性. 功能高分子學報 4 (2), 103, 1991

80. 張躍冬 程鎔時 交聯高分子網路平衡溶脹化的溶劑依賴性和溫度依賴性 功能高分子學報 4 (2), 110, 1991

81. 程鎔時 趙石林 單檢測器體積排除色譜測定共聚物的組成分布 高分子材料科學與工程 (5), 64, 1991

82. 余學海 徐 軍 萬玉剛 王治流 程鎔時等 常壓法系列窄分布聚苯乙烯樣品的製備 石油化工20(11), 760, 1992

83. 程鎔時 趙石林 過渡金屬乙醯丙酮螯合物的體積排除色譜研究 無機化學學報 8 (2), 110, 1992

84. Cheng, Rong Shi; Yan, Xiao Hu, Size-exclusion chromatographic evidence for the existence of a critical concentration for coil shrinking in polymer solutions, ournal of Applied Polymer Science: Applied Polymer Symposium (1991), 48(Polym. Anal. Charact. 3), 123-32.

85. Ding Jianfu, Xue Gi, and Cheng Rongshi Dynamic analysis of flat-spring supported polymers. J.Appl.Polym.Sci., 45, 987, 1992

86. Ding Jianfu, Xue Gi, and Cheng Rongshi Dynamic mechanical analysis of sulfonated polyurethane ionomers. J.Appl.Polym.Sci.,45 1087 1992

87. 張躍冬 程鎔時 苯乙烯一二乙烯基苯模型網路的熔脹 高分子學報 (5) 5, 21, 1992

88. Wang Qingguo, and Cheng Rongshi Evalution of preferential solvation by gel permeation chromatogrphy. Polymer, 33 (18) 3978 1992

89. 張躍冬 程鎔時 非均一交聯高分子網路的結構表征 高分子學報 (6), 648, 1992

90. Cheng Rongshi and Zhao Shilin Specific Refractive Index Increments Determined by Quantitative Siz e-Exclusion Chromatography. ACS Symposium Series 521,Chromatography of Polymers,Characterization by SEC 113, 1992

91. 王治流 王海 嚴曉虎 余學海 程鎔時 窄分布聚苯乙烯的分子表征 石油化工 21(1), 22, 1992


92. Mingzhu Liu, Rongshi Cheng, Jingjia Wu, Cheng Ma Graft copolymerization of methyl acrylate onto potato starch initiated by ceric ammonium nitrate J. Polym. Sci. Pt. A-Polym. Chem. 31(13), 3181, 1993

93. Ding, Jianfu; Xue, Gi; Dai, Qingping; Cheng, Rongsh Glass transition temperature of polystyrene microparticles Polymer 34(15), 3325, 1993

94. Xia, Xiaoxian; Ji, Anran; Cheng, Rongshi Effect of structure of organosilicon initiators on the molecular weight distribution of group-transfer polymerization products Nanjing Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexue (1993), 29(4), 615

95. Lu Ping; Ding Jianfu; Cheng Rongshi; Qian Renyuan, Suppression of fluorescence in Raman spectroscopy of chromophore-containing polymer samples Macromolecular Rapid Communications 15(11), 835, 1994

96. 徐海生 楊昌正 程鎔時 磺酸型聚氨酯離聚物的離子導電性能 功能高分子學報 (4), 1994

97. Ding, Jianfu; Xue, Gi; Cheng, Rongshi Dynamic mechanical response of crazes in polystyrene Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 12(3), 266, 1994


98. Mingzhu Liu, Rongshi Cheng, Renyuan Qian Effect of solution concentration on the gelation of aqueous polyvinyl alcohol solution Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 33(12), 1731, 1995

99. 王治流 周采華 錢軍 程鎔時 定量SEC法同時測定短鏈共聚物的組成和分子量 高分子學報 (2 ), 189, 1995

100. 王慶國 劉波 蔡力行 李光亞 程鎔時 淋洗劑凝膠滲透色譜研究苯乙醇對F127膠束溶液的影響 高等學校化學學報 1995, 16(11), 1821-2.

101. 孫紅堯 程鎔時 聚乙二醇溶液的粘度行為 高等學校化學學報 (1995), 16(3), 467-70.

102. Bo, Shuqin; Yang, Guojun; Pei, Yihui; Cheng, Rongshi Determination of specific refractive index increments of water-soluble polymers by quantitative size exclusion chromatography Yingyong Huaxue 12(4), 13, 1995

103. Wu, Chi; Zhang, Yubao; Yan, Xiaohu; Cheng, Rongshi A new method to calibrate size exclusion chromatography Acta Polym. Sin. (3), 343, 1995

104. Xiaohu Yan, Xuehai Yu, Rongshi Cheng Kinetic study of anionic oligomerization of styrene by quantitative SEC Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 34(12), 2319, 1996

105. 朱進 王治流 王振天 程鎔時 氣相滲透法測定數均分子量的儀器常數問題的研究 高分子學報 (3), 99, 1996

106. 徐海生 劉益軍 楊昌正 程鎔時 羧酸型聚乙二醇聚氨酯離聚物及其導電性能 高分子學報 (03), 323, 1996

107. 王慶國 劉波 逢艷 李光亞 程鎔時 淋洗劑凝膠滲透色譜研究環氧乙烷-環氧丙烷-環氧乙烷三嵌段共聚物膠束溶液對苯乙醇的增溶作用 分析化學 (06), 1996

108. Liu, Mingzhu; Cheng, Rongshi; Wu, Kingjia Preparation and swelling properties of super-absorbent polymer Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 14(1), 48, 1996

109. Liu, Mingzhu; Cheng, Rongshi; Qian, Renyuan Swelling property of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel. Acta Polym. Sin. (2), 234, 1996


110. Mingzhu Liu, Rongshi Cheng, Chi Wu, Renyuan Qian Viscometric investigation of intramolecular hydrogen bonding cohesional entanglement in extremely dilute aqueous solution of poly vinyl alcohol Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 35(15), 2421, 1997

111. Wang, Zhiliu; Liang, Gaodao; Wang, Zhentian; Cheng, Rongshi Effect of solute adsorption on vapor pressure osmometry measurement Acta Polym. Sin. (1), 85, 1997

112. Wang, Song; Yan, Xiaohu; Ding, Jianfu; Liu, Mingzhu; Cheng, Rongshi; Wu, Chi; Qian, Renyuan On the cryogenic "degradation" of polystyrene in dilute solution Journal of Macromolecular Science, Physics B36(2), 187, 1997

113. Cheng, Rong Shi, On the concentration regimes of a flexible-chain polymer solution, Macromolecular Symposia (1997), 124, 27-34.

114. Wang, Qingguo; Cai, Lixing; Liu, Bo; Li, Guangya; Hu, Ping; Zhang, Yu; Cheng, Rongshi Eluent gel permeation chromatography method for study of non-associated multi-components solution Wuli Huaxue Xuebao 14(3), 267, 1998

115. Wang, S, Dai, QP, Hong, JM, Yang, XH, Cheng, RS, Crystal structures of isotactic polystyrene ultrafine particles, Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chinese 19 (9), 1526, 1998

116. Wang, ZL Cheng, RS Studies on the problem about the instrumental constant in vapour pressure osmometry Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin. 19 (9), 1522, 1998

117. Yan, XH, Yu, XH, Cheng, RS Studies of the solution properties of sulfonated-(styrene(ethyrene-CO-butylene)-styrene) block copolymer J. Polym. Sci. Pt. B-Polym. Phys. 36 (15), 2677, 1998

118. Wang, S, Dai, QP, Cheng, RS Comparison of DSC traces of polystyrenes synthesized by anionic polymerization, Acta Polym. Sin. (5), 637, 1998

119. Cheng, RS, Shao, YF, Liu, MZ, Qian, RY Effect of adsorption on the viscosity of dilute polymer solution, Eur. Polym. J. 34(11), 1613, 1998

120. Yang, Y, Yan, XH, Cheng, RS Viscometrical determination of effective adsorbed layer thickness of macromolecules on glass surface Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin. 19(12), 2032, 1998


121. Cheng, RS, Yang, Y, Yan, XH The wall effect on viscosity measurement of dilute aqueous solution of PEO and PVA using a paraffin- coated capillary viscosity, Polymer, 40(13), 3773, 1999

122. Wang, S, Yan, XH, Cheng, RS C-13 NMR study of the sequence distribution of styrene oligomers and polymers Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin. 20(1), 156, 1999

123. Yang, Y, Yan, XH, Cheng, RS Determination of the adsorbed layer thickness of polystyrene on glass surface by viscosity measurements to the extremely dilute concentration region,105 J.Macromol.Sci-Phys., B 38(3), 237, 1999

124. Cheng, RS, Shao, YF, Liu, MZ, Lu, RQ Effect of adsorption on the viscosity of dilute polymer solution Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 17(1), 27, 1999

125. Wang, S, Yan, XH, Cheng, RS Measurement of number average molecular weight of styrene oligomer by C-13-NMR method Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 17(2), 135, 1999

126. Liu, MZ, Cheng, RS, Wu, C Laser light scattering study of intrachain and interchain associations of poly(vinyl alcohol) in aqueous solution Eur. Polym. J. 35(10), 1907, 1999

127. Ding, EY, Cheng, RS, Huang, YH, Derivation of temperature variation rule and variation rules of temperature lag, heat flows, internal energy and effective specific heat of platelike sample in temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry Thermochim. Acta 336(1-2), 1, 1999

128. 潘雁 程鎔時 支化高分子稀溶液粘度的濃度依賴性 套用化學 16(06), 102, 1999


130. 羅運軍 程鎔時 譚惠民 硝化纖維素在稀溶液中粘度與濃度的依賴關係 火炸藥學報 (02), 1999

131. Pan, Y, Cheng, RS A novel interpretation of concentration dependence of viscosity of dilute polymer solution Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 18(1), 57, 2000

132. Yang, H, Yan, XH, Cheng, RS Investigation of solution properties of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) in water with its thermohistory J. Polym. Sci. Pt. B-Polym. Phys. 38(9), 1188, 2000

133. Pan, Y, Cheng, RS The viscosity anomaly of polymer mixture solution in extremely dilute concentration region Acta Polym. Sin. (4), 518, 2000

134. Pan, Yan; Cheng, Rongshi. Concentration-dependence of viscosity of dilute polymer solution Gaofenzi Tongbao (2), 10, 2000

135. Pan, Yan; Cheng, Rong-Shi, New interpretation of Huggins coefficient in the viscosity equation for polymer dilute solution, Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao (2000), 21(9), 1497-1499.


136. Yang, H, Yan, XH, Wang, ZL, Cheng, RS The crystallizing behavior of sodium dodecyl sulfate under a electro-static field Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin. 22(4) 666, 2001

137. Qian, JW, Wang, M, Han, DL, Cheng, RS A novel method for estimating unperturbed dimension [eta](theta) of polymer from the measurement of its [eta] in a non-theta solvent Eur. Polym. J. 37(7), 1403, 2001

138. Xu, M, Yan, XH, Cheng, RS, Yu, XH Adsorption of solutions of dendritic macromolecules on tbe surface of viscometer capillary Acta Polym. Sin. (4), 476, 2001

139. Min Xu, Xiaohu Yan, Rongshi Cheng, Xuehai Yu Investigation into the solution properties of hyperbranched polymer Polymer International 50(12), 1338, 2001

140. Pan, Y, Fu, WW, Xue, F, Cheng, RS, Luo, YF, Gu, J Thermal evolution behavior of solution-cast film of PPO/PS blends Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin. 22(7), 1268, 2001

141. Cheng, RS, Yang, H, Yan, XH, Wang, ZL, Li, L The solvation and desolvation process in the course of coil-globule transition of aqueous poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) solution, Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao, 22(7), 1262, 2001

142. Ding, EY, Cheng, RS Novel quasi-isothermal method of measuring heat capacity in temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry Thermochim. Acta 376(2), 133, 2001

143. Ding, EY, Cheng, RS Theory of general temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry Thermochim. Acta 378(1-2), 51, 2001

144. Zhou, N, Zhou, RL, Yan, XH, Wang, ZL, Cheng, RS Single-chain microgels from poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) copolymer Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin. 22(11), 1936, 2001

145. 陳憲宏 程鎔時 張海良 王霞瑜 LCP與PA66共混物的DSC分析及相容性研究 塑膠工業(04), 2001

146. 蔡佳利 薄淑琴 秦汶 嚴小虎 程鎔時 一種聚四氟乙烯毛細管Ubbelodhe粘度計 套用化學 18(05), 377 ( 2001 )

147. 王慶國 蔡力行 龔曉鍾 周莉 黃金梅 李卉 程鎔時 差減凝膠滲透色譜在藥物品牌鑑定上的套用 深圳大學學報(理工版) (02), 2001

148. 陳憲宏 程鎔時 王霞瑜 潘雁 用DSC分析不同條件下PA66/TLCP共混物的熔融與結晶行為 湘潭大學自然科學學報 2001 23(2), 47-52.

149. 周楠 周儒領 嚴曉虎 王治流 程鎔時 高分子單鏈微凝膠的合成與性質研究 河南大學學報(自然科學版)2001 Vol.31 No.4 P.47-50.

150. Yan, P, Fu, WW, Xue, F, Luo, YF, Gu, J, Cheng, RS The viscosity anomaly of polymer mixture solution in extremely dilute concentration region Eur. Polym. J. 38(2), 359, 2002

151. Pan, Y, Cheng, RS, Xue, F, Fu, WW A new viscometric criterion for polymer-polymer interaction Eur. Polym. J. 38(8), 1703, 2002

152. Wang, S, Wang, QH, Cheng, RS IR study on monomolecular particle agglomerates of polystyrene obtained by freeze-drying of its dilute solution Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 20(4), 381, 2002

153. Hu, HQ, He, T, Feng, JC, Chen, MC, Cheng, RS Synthesis of fluorocarbon-modified poly(acrylic acid) in supercritical carbon dioxide Polymer 43(23), 6357, 2002

154. Li, L, Yang, H, Cheng, RS, Wang, ZL Influence of heating and freezing on the hydrodynamic properties of ethyl cellulose dilute solution Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin. 23(12), 2378, 2002

155. Pan, Y, Cheng, RS, Xue, F, Fu, WW A new viscometric criterion for polymer-polymer miscibility Acta Polym. Sin. (6), 746, 2002

156. Yang, H, Yan, XH, Cheng, RS Single Chain Particles of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)”,Macromol. Rapid Commun., 23 (17) 1037, 2002


157. Cai, JL, Bo, SQ, Li, G, Zhou, EL, Cheng, RS Isothermal and nonisothermal transition kinetics of trans-1,4-polybutadiene J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 89(3), 612, 2003

158. Hu, HQ, Chen, MC, Cheng, RS Siloxane-modified poly(acrylic acid) synthesized in supercritical CO2 Polymer 44(2), 341, 2003

159. Zhou, N, Ni, J, Yan, XH, Wang, ZL, Cheng, RS Synthesis and solution properties of single-chain microgels from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) copolymer J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 89(8), 2179, 2003

160. Yang, H, Cheng, RS, Wang, ZL A quantitative analyses of the viscometric data of the coil-to-globule and globule-to-coil transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) in water Polymer, 44(23), 7175, 2003

161. Cai, JL, Bo, SQ, Cheng, RS A polytetrafluoroethylene capillary viscometer Colloid Polym. Sci. 282(2), 182, 2003

162. Yin, WS, Yang, H, Cheng, RS Formation of the concentric banded stripe within poly(ethylene oxide) spherulites Acta Polym. Sin. (6), 899, 2003

163. Xu, M, Yan, XH, Cheng, RS, Yu, XH Theoretic simulation on intrinsic viscosity of dendrimers Acta Polym. Sin. (2), 192, 2003

164. 陳憲宏 程鎔時 牛於華 丁恩勇 DSC程式設定升(降)溫速率偏離的簡易修正方法 分析科學學報 (06), 2003

165. 陳憲宏 程鎔時 王霞瑜 黃凱兵 尼龍66與熱致液晶共混物的結晶行為研究 湖南大學學報(自然科學版) (04), 2003

166. 殷以華 肖智慧 程鎔時 殼交聯納米粒(SCK)的研究進展 高分子通報 (05), 2003. 42-48

167. 丁恩勇、牛於華、程鎔時、陳憲宏,DSC程式設定升(降)溫速率偏離的簡易修正方法分析科學學報, 2003 Vol.19 No.6 546-548.

168. Chen, Xian-hong; Cheng, Rong-shi; Niu, Yu-hua; Ding, En-yong, Simple method for the correction of departure from the DSC programmed heating or cooling rates, Fenxi Kexue Xuebao (2003), 19(6), 546-548.

169. Chen, Xian-hong; Cheng, Rong-shi; Wang, Xia-yu; Huang, Kai-bing, Crystallization behavior of polyamide-66 with thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester, Hunan Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban (2003), 30(4), 18-22.

170. Hu, Hong-qi; Chen, Ming-cai; Cheng, Rong-shi, Studies on hydrophobic association, Guangzhou Huaxue (2003), 28(1), 26-33.

171. Yang, H, Yin, WS, Wang, ZL, Ding, YW, Zhang, GZ, Cheng, RS Self-association of a thermo-sensitive copolymer with transition temperature coincident to the normal body temperature of human beings in aqueous solution Acta Chim. Sin. 62(6), 610, 2004

172. Cai, JL, Bo, SQ, Cheng, RS, Jiang, LS, Yang, Y Analysis of interfacial phenomena of aqueous solutions of polyethylene oxide and polyethylene glycol flowing in hydrophilic and hydrophobic capillary viscometers J. Colloid Interface Sci. 276(1), 174, 2004

173. Xie, HF, Liu, BH, Yuan, ZR, Shen, JY, Cheng, RS Cure kinetics of carbon nanotube/tetrafunctional epoxy nanocomposites by isothermal differential scanning calorimetry J. Polym. Sci. Pt. B-Polym. Phys. 42(20), 3701, 2004

174. Cai, JL, Bo, SQ, Cheng, RS Division of the concentration ranges of polyelectrolyte solutions Acta Polym. Sin. (5), 2004, 625

175. Cai Jiali, Han Ying, Yuan Zuanru, Cheng Rongshi et al. Crystallization behavior of syndiotactic and atactic 1,2-polybutadiene blends Polym. Int. 53 (8), 1127, 2004


176. Yin, WS, Yang, H, Zhang, XQ, Wang, ZL, Ding, YW, Zhang, GZ, Cheng, RS Investigation of the self-association behavior of a thermosensitive copolymer with lower critical solubility temperature near human heat by dynamic laser light scattering J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 96(2), 583, 2005

177. Xie, HF, Liu, BH, Sun, Q, Yuan, ZR, Shen, JY, Cheng, RS Cure kinetic study of carbon nanofibers/epoxy composites by isothermal DSC J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 96(2), 329, 2005

178. Li, L, Yang, H, Cheng, RS, Wang, ZL Effect of cryogenic and heating treatment on the solution properties of nitrocellulose Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 23(1), 119, 2005

179. Hu Yang, Weisi Yin, Xueqin Zhang, Zhengchun Cai, Zhiliu Wang, Rongshi Cheng Observation of the concentric diffractive banding on the spherulites of poly(ethylene oxide) by a dynamic method J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 96(6), 2454, 2005

180. Hu Yang, Rongshi Cheng, Hongfeng Xie, Zhiliu Wang The Role of Solvation on the Conformational Change during Repeated Freezing-Thawing Treatmentto an Extremely Dilute Aqueous Solution of Poly (vinyl alcohol) Polymer, 46, 7557-7562, 2005.

181. Xueqin Zhang, Hu Yang, Quanwei Liu, Yun Zheng, Hongfeng Xie, Zhiliu Wang, Rongshi Cheng, Synthesis and Characterization of Biodegradable Triblock Copolymers Based on Bacterial Poly- [(R)-3- hydroxybutyrate] by Atomic Transfer Radical Polymerization, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2005, 43,4857-4869

182. 劉全偉, 王治流, 謝鴻峰, 楊琥, 李藝, 程鎔時, 丙烯酸 - 丙烯酸鈉共聚物在水溶液中的離解 高分子學報2005,(4),484-485。

183. 袁鑽如,謝鴻峰,劉炳華,金波,沈儉一,程鎔時,碳納米管/環氧樹脂複合物的固化行為研究,高分子材料科學與工程 2005,21(5)235-238.

184. 謝鴻峰,劉炳華,孫清,袁鑽如,沈儉一,程鎔時, 納米碳纖維對環氧樹脂固化反應的影響及其複合物的動力學研究 高分子學報 2005, (6), 870-874.

185. 薛鋒,程鎔時,熱處理對聚丙烯動態力學性能的影響,高分子材料科學與工程 2005,21(5),239-241。

186. Weisi Yin, Hu Yang, Rongshi Cheng, Glass transition of the two distinct single-chain particles of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E 2005, 17 (1): 1-5.

187. Jiali Cai, Rongshi Cheng, Shuqin Bo, Effect of concentration reduction due to adsorption on the reduced viscosity of polymer solution in extremely dilute concentration regime, Polymer, 2005, 46, 10457–10465

188. 王治流, 劉全偉, 楊琥, 程鎔時, 紅外光譜法對環氧瀝青固化機理的研究,高分子材料科學與工程,2005,21(3),93-95.

189. Gu, Ju; Jia, Demin; Luo, Yuanfang; Cheng, Rongshi. Micromorphology and mechanical properties of natural rubber/nano-calcium carbonate modified by solid phase composites. Hecheng Xiangjiao Gongye (2005), 28(5), 374-377.

190. Li, Wenbo; Xue, Feng; Cheng, Rongshi. States of water in partially swollen poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels. Polymer (2005), 46(25), 12026-12031.

191. Xue, Feng; Fu, Wei-wen; Cheng, Rong-shi Characterization of solution casting film of PMMA. Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban (2005), 33(3), 24-27.

192. Yin, Wei-Si; Yang, Hu; Zheng, Yun; Wang, Zhi-Liu; Cheng, Rong-Shi, Preparation and solution properties of a thermo-sensitive water soluble copolymer, Nanjing Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexue (2005), 41(2), 133-138.

193. Li WB, Xue F, Cheng RS, Modification of DSC method for measuring specific heat capacity, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 26 (12): 2310-2313 DEC 10 2005

194. Xue Feng, Fu Weiwen, Cheng Rongshi, Characterization of Acetone-Solution Casting Film of PMMA, Front. Chem. China (2006) 1: 45–47

195. Rongshi Cheng, Hu Yang, Application of time-temperature superposition principle to polymer transition kinetics, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 99, Issue 4, Date: 15 February 2006, Pages: 1767-1772




