no use for a name

no use for a name

硬核朋克樂隊No Use for a Name 1987年組建於加拿大的Sunny dale,最初由Tony Sly(主唱/吉他)ChrisDodge(吉他)Steve Papoutsis(貝司)和Rory Koff(鼓)組成。


硬核朋克樂隊No Use for a Name 1987年組建於加拿大的Sunny dale,最初由Tony Sly(主唱/吉他)ChrisDodge(吉他)Steve Papoutsis(貝司)和Rory Koff(鼓)組成。1987年晚些時候就進行了首張專輯Turn itaround的演出,並由最大的滾石雜誌以7"盤的形式進行宣傳。NUFAN 1989年以單曲Let’emout再次登場,第二年發行了未刪節的演出現場 “Incognito”。在1991年出版了專輯“Don’t Miss the Mrain”後,樂隊和Fat Wreck Chords唱片公司簽約,並在1993年出版了專輯“The Daily Grind”。成員的變遷一直困擾著NUFAN,5年以後樂隊的原始成員只剩下了Sly和Koff。在1994年發行了專輯“Leche Concarne”後,樂隊在相當一段時間內非常低調,直到三年後才發行了專輯“Making Friends”,專輯的錄製有了新吉他手Chris Shiflett和貝司手Matt Riddle的參加。在錄製完成了1999年的“More Betterness”後不久,Shiflett退出了NUFAN加入了Foo Fighters,他的位置被原Suicidal Tondencies的吉他手Dave Nassie頂替。2000年發行了“The NRA Years”,接下來他們開展了巡演,並在幾個月後發行了巡演的現場。樂隊於2001年底重新回到了錄音棚並於2003年發行了“Hard Rockbottom”。


The original line-up of four added Ramon Gras as a second vocalist and Doug Judd as a second guitarist. The band was first featured on Maximum RocknRoll's 1987 Turn it Around compilation, with the song "Gang Way." A year later the band's self-titled debut EP was released on Woodpecker Records. Their second EP, Let 'em Out, was released a year later through Slap A Ham Records. Chris Dodge, Doug Judd, and John Meyers left the band after the release of "Let 'em Out". Soon after, Tony Sly entered the band.

NUFAN's debut album, Incognito, was released in 1990 through New Red Archives. Chris Dodge rejoined on second guitar, and they released their second album Don't Miss the Train in 1992 before signing up with Fat Mike's label Fat Wreck Chords in 1993. During this year Chris Dodge left the line-up, and was replaced with guitarist Robin Pfefer, who took over on lead guitar so Sly could concentrate on singing and stick to rhythm. No Use for a Name also released its first record on Fat this year, The Daily Grind, which turned out to be a highly successful album.

Ed Gregor replaced Robin Pfefer on lead guitar soon after the release of The Daily Grind. In 1995, after the release of Leche Con Carne, their fourth full-length, Chris Shiflett and Matt Riddle joined the band to play guitar and bass, replacing Ed Gregor and Steve Papoutsis respectively. With the punk music breakthrough in 1994, NUFAN received a larger audience after releasing this album, compliments of their video for the song "Soulmate" which was played on the MTV show 120 Minutes. This was the first video on Fat Wreck Chords to ever be aired on MTV. In 1997, after the success of Making Friends, the band went on a worldwide tour through the U.S., Europe, Australia, Canada, and Japan.

After releasing More Betterness!, Chris Shiflett left the band in 1999 to join the successful Foo Fighters, being replaced by Dave Nassie. Two years later, the band contributed to Fat Wreck Chords with the release of their live album, Live in a Dive: No Use for a Name and during the following year in 2002 NUFAN released it's seventh studio album Hard Rock Bottom.

The band released their 8th full-length studio album titled Keep Them Confused June 14, 2005. It takes a more political position than earlier releases.

A greatest hits collection titled All the Best Songs was released on July 10, 2007.

A new fourteen song full-length studio album entitled The Feel Good Record of the Year was released on April 1, 2008.


Studio albums

* Incognito (New Red Archives, 1990. Re-released Fat Wreck Chords, 2001)

* Don't Miss the Train (New Red Archives, 1992. Re-released Fat Wreck Chords, 2001)

* The Daily Grind (Fat Wreck Chords, 1993)

* Leche Con Carne (Fat Wreck Chords, 1995)

* Making Friends (Fat Wreck Chords, 1997)

* More Betterness! (Fat Wreck Chords, 1999)

* Hard Rock Bottom (Fat Wreck Chords, 2002)

* Keep Them Confused (Fat Wreck Chords, 2005)

* The Feel Good Record of the Year (Fat Wreck Chords, 2008)

[edit] EP'S and 7"

* Self-titled (Woodpecker Records, 1988)

* Let 'Em Out EP (Slap-a-Ham Records, 1989)

* Death Doesn't Care EP (New Red Archives, 1993)

* Split 7" with Soda (Session Records, 1996)

* Black Box EP (Fat Wreck Chords, 2005; never released)

[edit] Compilation and live albums

* NRA Years (Golf Records, 2000)

* Live in a Dive: No Use for a Name (Fat Wreck Chords, 2001)

* All the Best Songs (Fat Wreck Chords, 2007)

[edit] Singles and music videos

* Soulmate from Leche Con Carne

* Why Doesn't Anybody Like Me? from More Betterness!

* Dumb Reminders from Hard Rock Bottom

* For Fiona from Keep Them Confused

* Biggest Lie from The Feel Good Record of the Year




