bounce pass

then have other

bounce pass:擊地傳球,又稱反彈傳球或地板傳球。

例句:In the skills competition, the course started with a layup or a dunk, then a weave through pylons before having to complete a chest pass, a bounce pass and a jumper from the top of the key. Then they have to make an outlet pass, go through more pylons and end with another layup or dunk.

在技巧挑戰賽中,參賽球員首先要上籃或扣籃得分,之後交叉運球過障礙桿,繞桿結束後,要完成胸前雙手傳球、擊地傳球,然後是弧頂遠投。 這之後球員必須再度進行胸前傳球,然後交叉運球完成更多的繞桿,最後再完成一次上籃或扣籃,計時結束。


