Venus flytrap

Venus flytrap

Dionaea muscipula () belongs to a kind of vascular plants, is very popular insectivorous plants, with complete roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds.Mainly because it is the most important and obvious, and has a function of their insect prey, the appearance of distinct spines and red sessile glands, looks like a teeth - baring, paw - maw.Below windowsill pot may be applicable to the balcony and watch, also can be specialized for planting the cultured; is native to North America) is a perennial herbaceous plant.Because the edges of said blade - like spines will have rules of the game. The feeling is like the Venus of eyelashes generally, so the English name is Venus, which means" venus fly trap ".Chinese and Japanese on venus flytrap - - "and" flies" Hell "(the nickname).Its main features are capable of very rapid closure of leaf insect prey, this is a species of pitcher plant and its distant relatives of the carnivorous plants like the one in the Droseraceae Dionea in only this one, the Venus flytrap is reputed to be the nature of the meat plant.


clip diameter: 1.5 - 2.0 cm survival temperature: 0 - 38 suitable temperature: 20 - 30 cultivation medium: peat, sphagnum moss, perlite, sand, etc., humidity: 50% of the original production: American adult dimensions: diameter 15 cm

Ecological Environment

Venus flytrap they exist only in the United States of South Carolina and North Carolina to the southeast of the coastal plain to the northeast of the origin of the Venus flytrap they exist only in the United States of South Carolina and North Carolina to the southeast of the coastal plain to the northeast of the origin of the . in the Carolinas, the Venus flytrap grows in moist sandy or peat wetlands or marsh, these were usually the presentation of the morphology of the prairie, with only scattered pines are distributed, and therefore is very wide, able to receive large amounts of sunshine in the Carolinas, the Venus flytrap grows in moist sandy or peat wetlands or marsh, these were usually the presentation of the morphology of the prairie, with only scattered pines are distributed, and therefore is very wide, able to receive large amounts of sunshine .
The climate here is warm and humid, in summer, hot in the daytime, evening and I can still keep warm in winter is very cold, but not so cold as to The climate here is warm and humid, in summer, hot in the daytime, evening and I can still keep warm in winter is very cold, but not so cold as to . snowfall often however,The origin of the Venus flytrap in survival are threatened by human activities snowfall often however,The origin of the Venus flytrap in survival are threatened by human activities .
fast increase in the population and thus deprived of the Venus flytrap of living space, but also because of human intervention in natural wildfires, those regions are beginning to be some small shrubs, and thus, shadow the sun fast increase in the population and thus deprived of the Venus flytrap of living space, but also because of human intervention in natural wildfires, those regions are beginning to be some small shrubs, and thus, shadow the sun . flytrap. Therefore, the Venus flytrap is trying to introduce other areas, like New Jersey and California
has successfully naturalized in Florida, while a significant population of has successfully naturalized in Florida, while a significant population of .
Venus flytrap

Morphological Feature

Venus flytrap belongs to vascular plants, with complete roots, stems, leaves and flowers and seed Venus flytrap belongs to vascular plants, with complete roots, stems, leaves and flowers and seed . most evident is the main part of its blade, has a function of their insect prey, the appearance of the spines and obvious red sessile glands, looks like the gaping maw of sharp teeth (lit. "
1, roots and stems of the Venus flytrap of root is short and underdeveloped, the main function is to absorb moisture in the air 1, roots and stems of the Venus flytrap of root is short and underdeveloped, the main function is to absorb moisture in the air . stems are also generally smaller than that of normal plant, and is connected to the petiole is not obvious, but in the growth process of developed underground bulbs, belonging to the evolution of one of the stem 2 stems are also generally smaller than that of normal plant, and is connected to the petiole is not obvious, but in the growth process of developed underground bulbs, belonging to the evolution of one of the stem 2 .
, the Venus flytrap's leaves are at the center of the leaves grow out of,belonging to a whorl of leaves, the Xianlian seat provided in the form of a tufted morphology was , the Venus flytrap's leaves are at the center of the leaves grow out of,belonging to a whorl of leaves, the Xianlian seat provided in the form of a tufted morphology was . central long out of flat or thread - like shape of the wings is leaf disease, grapevine leaf of native species is generally flat such as leaves, because leaves; instead, it is also referred to as the false central long out of flat or thread - like shape of the wings is leaf disease, grapevine leaf of native species is generally flat such as leaves, because leaves; instead, it is also referred to as the false .
Ye Ye disease with a sweep of the end clamp, this will be the ones that will capture insects on the leaves of the portion, the front face of the distribution of many of the sessile glands, which are usually red or orange, the closer the green to the place of the less sessile glands, in part, to the digestive juices to decompose the insect or insect is absorbing the nutrients of site Ye Ye disease with a sweep of the end clamp, this will be the ones that will capture insects on the leaves of the portion, the front face of the distribution of many of the sessile glands, which are usually red or orange, the closer the green to the place of the less sessile glands, in part, to the digestive juices to decompose the insect or insect is absorbing the nutrients of site . long green toothed leaves with copious stinging hairs, spines on the base of the gland,gland will secrete mucus, which is designed to prevent insect escape and Ye flap adhesive long green toothed leaves with copious stinging hairs, spines on the base of the gland,gland will secrete mucus, which is designed to prevent insect escape and Ye flap adhesive .
leaves this catch insects have a special function, and a special appearance, leaves the whole metamorphosis in "insectivorous leaf" leaves this catch insects have a special function, and a special appearance, leaves the whole metamorphosis in "insectivorous leaf" . 3, Huahua scape 30 cm high; flowers; small white flowers; bracts 3; sepals 5, connate, ovate, irregularly striated, margin glandular hairs; petals 5, white, narrowly obovate, longer than sepals, having color streaks; stamens 5, filaments elongate; 1 pistil, ovary superior, 1 - loculed; style 3, finger 4 - lobed capsule 3, Huahua scape 30 cm high; flowers; small white flowers; bracts 3; sepals 5, connate, ovate, irregularly striated, margin glandular hairs; petals 5, white, narrowly obovate, longer than sepals, having color streaks; stamens 5, filaments elongate; 1 pistil, ovary superior, 1 - loculed; style 3, finger 4 - lobed capsule .
. seed is small, oval,There are about 5 - 6 months seed is small, oval,There are about 5 - 6 months .
. flytraps summer white flowers of the flowering period is early summer Venus flytrap to midsummer, the early could be grown from the stems, each flower stems by perhaps five to ten in the bud, and belongs to the standard of the room, daily turn white blossoms flytraps summer white flowers of the flowering period is early summer Venus flytrap to midsummer, the early could be grown from the stems, each flower stems by perhaps five to ten in the bud, and belongs to the standard of the room, daily turn white blossoms .
principle of each command with an offer that the stems, and if the growth and nutrient - rich environment of words, sometimes grow out of the two stems, generally under normal conditions, most of which were five petals and five sepals, and occasionally the six petals of the mutant strain in which the male core with about a dozen root, a female will be in the center of the core, has a forked stigma stems in addition to the principle of each command with an offer that the stems, and if the growth and nutrient - rich environment of words, sometimes grow out of the two stems, generally under normal conditions, most of which were five petals and five sepals, and occasionally the six petals of the mutant strain in which the male core with about a dozen root, a female will be in the center of the core, has a forked stigma stems in addition to the .,that's not the upward growth of the higher part of the normal of the invisible short stems, petioles and leaves hardly any growth close to the ground ,that's not the upward growth of the higher part of the normal of the invisible short stems, petioles and leaves hardly any growth close to the ground .
This is insectivorous plants bearing feature This is insectivorous plants bearing feature . because apart from their insect prey and absorbs the nutrients, for the sake of continuity required the insects to assist with pollination, which is also called because apart from their insect prey and absorbs the nutrients, for the sake of continuity required the insects to assist with pollination, which is also called .
entomogamy entomogamy.
Venus flytrapVenus flytrap

Growth Habit

Venus Flytrap in the winter, when temperatures reached 10 C below, the Venus flytrap will enter hibernation Venus Flytrap in the winter, when temperatures reached 10 C below, the Venus flytrap will enter hibernation . although, in the tropical and subtropical regions (Taiwan) in the winter, the usually cold, isn't long enough, the Venus flytrap is not completely dormant | flytraps in a number of years among no dormancy, it will most likely cause of death of although, in the tropical and subtropical regions (Taiwan) in the winter, the usually cold, isn't long enough, the Venus flytrap is not completely dormant | flytraps in a number of years among no dormancy, it will most likely cause of death of .
. Therefore, it is possible to manually urge the Venus flytrap dormant in the winter, the Venus flytrap that have been recovered from the cultivation medium, cut leaves, leaving only the rhizomes, then to a moist sphagnum moss wrapping these rhizomes, with plastic bags wrapped, can be refrigerated in the refrigerator (4 C) dormant in the winter, the Venus flytrap that have been recovered from the cultivation medium, cut leaves, leaving only the rhizomes, then to a moist sphagnum moss wrapping these rhizomes, with plastic bags wrapped, can be refrigerated in the refrigerator (4 C) .
refrigerated for about three months later,At this time almost to the spring, can be taken out of the refrigeration units have rhizomes, and returned to the cultivation medium, several weeks after sprouting, president of the Venus flytrap to refrigerated for about three months later,At this time almost to the spring, can be taken out of the refrigeration units have rhizomes, and returned to the cultivation medium, several weeks after sprouting, president of the Venus flytrap to . Do you want to sleep Do you want to sleep .
inconclusive in the other of the following data: the Venus flytrap and clamouring to have to sleep inconclusive in the other of the following data: the Venus flytrap and clamouring to have to sleep . I never forced Venus flytrap hibernate, but in so far as it relates to the Venus flytrap death, but in the spring when the normal flowering I never forced Venus flytrap hibernate, but in so far as it relates to the Venus flytrap death, but in the spring when the normal flowering .
perhaps my cultivation place (Taiwan) in the northern winter was cold enough, as long as it is sufficient for the perhaps my cultivation place (Taiwan) in the northern winter was cold enough, as long as it is sufficient for the . sign of dormancy sign of dormancy.
Venus flytrap

Lasso Mechanism

Venus flytrap insect capture process probably all carnivorous plants are among the most peculiar, the most complicated mechanisms of insect Venus flytrap insect capture process probably all carnivorous plants are among the most peculiar, the most complicated mechanisms of insect . flytraps are by right and left symmetrical structure formed by the blades of the clip, this clip - like configuration is a specialized while leaves, insect trap is connected to the blade - like structure of the petiole is flytraps are by right and left symmetrical structure formed by the blades of the clip, this clip - like configuration is a specialized while leaves, insect trap is connected to the blade - like structure of the petiole is .
catching on the outer edge of the clip arranged bayonet - like Mao, on the very sharp sting, but the fact is that these very soft catching on the outer edge of the clip arranged bayonet - like Mao, on the very sharp sting, but the fact is that these very soft . Mao Mao these functions are used for preventing the trapped insects to escape the trap of Mao Mao these functions are used for preventing the trapped insects to escape the trap of .
than being directly provided by the sensory hairs at the base of each hair feel than being directly provided by the sensory hairs at the base of each hair feel . has a swollen portion,contains a group of sensory cells with cilia has a swollen portion,contains a group of sensory cells with cilia .
acts like a lever, push the insect Mao was feeling, a feeling of oppression in the hair sensory cells, sensory cells will emit a weak current, to advertise the insect traps on all of the cells due to the current acts like a lever, push the insect Mao was feeling, a feeling of oppression in the hair sensory cells, sensory cells will emit a weak current, to advertise the insect traps on all of the cells due to the current . will clap to the entire clip, triggering closure need not touch the same sensory hairs, so long as the insect clamp in that the two current sense hair being issued, will initiate the closing movement of course will clap to the entire clip, triggering closure need not touch the same sensory hairs, so long as the insect clamp in that the two current sense hair being issued, will initiate the closing movement of course .
, sensory hairs, which affects only the current issue of the insect where the clip, it doesn't interfere with the other on the same plant insect capture clip of , sensory hairs, which affects only the current issue of the insect where the clip, it doesn't interfere with the other on the same plant insect capture clip of . trap operation when subjected to a first stimulus,At this time only slightly into the insect trap; if the device is now closed, only a portion of the grip of the insects, the insects can escape the chances of creating the great trap operation when subjected to a first stimulus,At this time only slightly into the insect trap; if the device is now closed, only a portion of the grip of the insects, the insects can escape the chances of creating the great .
when the device is subjected to a second stimulus at this time, the insects also walked to a trap inside, close the trap air can reliably catch insects, placed in a trap in the excite when the device is subjected to a second stimulus at this time, the insects also walked to a trap inside, close the trap air can reliably catch insects, placed in a trap in the excite . before catching a 60 - degree angle is formed of an open clamp, when the insect, the insect to clamp its leaves; the shaft so as to close the closure clip of before catching a 60 - degree angle is formed of an open clamp, when the insect, the insect to clamp its leaves; the shaft so as to close the closure clip of .
insect with the insect on the swelling of the cells related to the clip when the clip on the insect with the insect on the swelling of the cells related to the clip when the clip on the . insect cells to obtain sensory cells emitted by the current,and on the outside of the cells rapidly expand, causing the insect trap is bent inwards, thus closing the insect cells to obtain sensory cells emitted by the current,and on the outside of the cells rapidly expand, causing the insect trap is bent inwards, thus closing the .
Venus flytrap

Cultivation Techniques

1, cultivation medium flytraps preference water - poor, acidic 1, cultivation medium flytraps preference water - poor, acidic . the cultivation media can be used directly or in sphagnum peat soil for cultivation, and is also only a single complete cultivation medium, i.e.,
sphagnum moss and the price is high, but the use of shorter - term, but its other growing medium clean, hence the sphagnum moss is suitable as a leaf or a seedling growing medium sphagnum moss and the price is high, but the use of shorter - term, but its other growing medium clean, hence the sphagnum moss is suitable as a leaf or a seedling growing medium . Big Venus Flytrap, it will be suitable to use a lower cost of peat soil are peat soil texture detail, and therefore completely alone when peat soil is likely to result in poor drainage, we can easily water Big Venus Flytrap, it will be suitable to use a lower cost of peat soil are peat soil texture detail, and therefore completely alone when peat soil is likely to result in poor drainage, we can easily water .
in the peat soil by adding a small quantity of perlite particles or soil,the peat soil and sand in a one - way mixed and used in the peat soil by adding a small quantity of perlite particles or soil,the peat soil and sand in a one - way mixed and used . in the origin of the Venus flytrap is grown in the sandy land, using sand and peat soil mixed into the culture medium may be the best choice because the Venus flytrap in the origin of the Venus flytrap is grown in the sandy land, using sand and peat soil mixed into the culture medium may be the best choice because the Venus flytrap .
like acidity of culture medium, and thus the selection on the sand to quartz sand, silica sand or river sand; not containing calcareous sand, 2. Watering flytraps likes moist environments, they can therefore be used as the soaking method for cultivation, but its immersion depth should be shallow to avoid too heavy a moist from spring to autumn can make the cultivation medium is maintained in a wet state, but in the winter season the culture medium relatively dry,The Venus flytrap is required from the disc from spring to autumn can make the cultivation medium is maintained in a wet state, but in the winter season the culture medium relatively dry,The Venus flytrap is required from the disc .
3 out of the water, the Venus flytrap needs a lot of sunshine 3 out of the water, the Venus flytrap needs a lot of sunshine . cultivation of Dionaea muscipula, possible exposure to the sun, or at least placed in a bright place cultivation of Dionaea muscipula, possible exposure to the sun, or at least placed in a bright place .
if the sun and the place of cultivation, then consideration must be given to the use of artificial lighting if the sun and the place of cultivation, then consideration must be given to the use of artificial lighting . 4, the humidity in the general case of cultivation, the Venus flytrap does not need very humid air humidity, in well - ventilated but not to the extent that they are of strong winds anywhere they could maintain normal growth because of cultivation of Dionaea muscipula 4, the humidity in the general case of cultivation, the Venus flytrap does not need very humid air humidity, in well - ventilated but not to the extent that they are of strong winds anywhere they could maintain normal growth because of cultivation of Dionaea muscipula .
medium has already been very wet, the surface of the cultivation medium by evaporation of the water vapor humidity provided sufficient medium has already been very wet, the surface of the cultivation medium by evaporation of the water vapor humidity provided sufficient . unless living in relatively dry areas, or "long - time Venus flytrap species in the cold room,It is necessary to increase the humidity unless living in relatively dry areas, or "long - time Venus flytrap species in the cold room,It is necessary to increase the humidity .
in this case, it becomes feasible to Venus flytrap placed open aquarium or plastic tank, is improved by maintaining the air humidity of the surrounding of the Venus flytrap in this case, it becomes feasible to Venus flytrap placed open aquarium or plastic tank, is improved by maintaining the air humidity of the surrounding of the Venus flytrap . 5, feeding and fertilization in outdoor cultivation of Dionaea muscipula usually don't have to worry too much of the food shortage problem, the Venus flytrap alone can attract some insects to 5, feeding and fertilization in outdoor cultivation of Dionaea muscipula usually don't have to worry too much of the food shortage problem, the Venus flytrap alone can attract some insects to .
if circumstances permit, it is possible in addition to a container for loading heavy smell of something, like the kitchen and cut of fish left, so I can use many of the Venus flytrap to if circumstances permit, it is possible in addition to a container for loading heavy smell of something, like the kitchen and cut of fish left, so I can use many of the Venus flytrap to . flies feeding there was one thing to note is not fed when feeding excess excess flies feeding there was one thing to note is not fed when feeding excess excess .
occurs as the insect clip early damage phenomenon,Then the insect from the edge of the clip will start out black occurs as the insect clip early damage phenomenon,Then the insect from the edge of the clip will start out black . proper feeding practices are, the same strain of the Venus flytrap can only have a couple of clips have catch insects, but insects must be sized small enough to trap the clip completely encloses the proper feeding practices are, the same strain of the Venus flytrap can only have a couple of clips have catch insects, but insects must be sized small enough to trap the clip completely encloses the .
insects if the insects can be too large to trap insects and expose a part of the clip, the clip of the insect damage insects if the insects can be too large to trap insects and expose a part of the clip, the clip of the insect damage . 6, not to that of added fertilizer of peat, and particulate material (perlite, gravel, etc.) of 1: 1, or pure water, whereas the matrix should be replaced once every spring, is able to give it a little Venus flytrap prefer acid soil of potted
, , . galleting pelvic floor cushion galleting pelvic floor cushion.
Venus flytrap

Propagation Manner

Sexual Reproduction

Venus flytrap can pollinate, but usually that pollination will result which really Venus flytrap can pollinate, but usually that pollination will result which really . however, Venus flytrap of pollination and would not lead to success, because it can't because of pollination however, Venus flytrap of pollination and would not lead to success, because it can't because of pollination .
flytraps flower is not the female, while the stamens are mature when flytraps flower is not the female, while the stamens are mature when . Spend just opened, and the stamens are mature, but not mature pistil, at which time it is useless for the pollination of Spend just opened, and the stamens are mature, but not mature pistil, at which time it is useless for the pollination of .
Venus flytrap of pistils than stamens mature slow day, so that the correct approach is like flowers the next day after pollination of work Venus flytrap of pistils than stamens mature slow day, so that the correct approach is like flowers the next day after pollination of work . We can also observe the pistil of Datatypes for judging whether it is the right end of the immature We can also observe the pistil of Datatypes for judging whether it is the right end of the immature .
pistil stigma is round,the end of the mature pistil stigma will open the batting like shape; only the mature pistil pollination is only successful if pistil stigma is round,the end of the mature pistil stigma will open the batting like shape; only the mature pistil pollination is only successful if . successfully pollinated flowers in 1 to 2 days of withering, while the base of the ovary (gynoecium) would, in a few week fruits can mature successfully pollinated flowers in 1 to 2 days of withering, while the base of the ovary (gynoecium) would, in a few week fruits can mature .
flytraps seeds turn black) in the form of droplets; a fruit containing seeds usually flytraps seeds turn black) in the form of droplets; a fruit containing seeds usually . Ten, the amount of seeds and plant health, related to the size, robust plants generally are capable of a little seed Ten, the amount of seeds and plant health, related to the size, robust plants generally are capable of a little seed .
Sometimes pollination method is correct, but the seeds or junction, and then it's the biggest problem is the Venus Flytrap are not robust, or flowering period does not continue given sufficient light,At this time, even in the absence of any successful pollination, it is difficult to produce seed Sometimes pollination method is correct, but the seeds or junction, and then it's the biggest problem is the Venus Flytrap are not robust, or flowering period does not continue given sufficient light,At this time, even in the absence of any successful pollination, it is difficult to produce seed . flytraps seeds is not resistant to storage, so it is best to plant as early recovery after flytraps seeds is not resistant to storage, so it is best to plant as early recovery after .
sometimes, if you wish to cross - pollinate, but addresses to be used for the hybridization of the plant is not flowering, pollen can be collected, stored in the refrigerator, in order to prolong the life of pollen of the flowering plant because sometimes, if you wish to cross - pollinate, but addresses to be used for the hybridization of the plant is not flowering, pollen can be collected, stored in the refrigerator, in order to prolong the life of pollen of the flowering plant because . is a nutrition activities and, therefore, if it is not necessary, do not let a Venus flytrap flowering, especially if you want to raise a large strain of the Venus Flytrap, its stems cut should be made early, the Venus flytrap to prevent nutrient consumption in flowering on is a nutrition activities and, therefore, if it is not necessary, do not let a Venus flytrap flowering, especially if you want to raise a large strain of the Venus Flytrap, its stems cut should be made early, the Venus flytrap to prevent nutrient consumption in flowering on .
flytraps in due season will bloom,Some debilitating grudging flowering plants, but in order to preserve the plants, the stems must be cut or flytraps in due season will bloom,Some debilitating grudging flowering plants, but in order to preserve the plants, the stems must be cut or .
Venus flytrap

Asexual Propagation

Ye interation method is commonly used in the method of breeding of the Venus flytrap is Ye - extrapolation method, i.e. with a length of the petiole is inserted in the ground, it can grow into plants in late spring to early summer, the Venus flytrap and growing season, the Venus flytrap from earth in the town, then we can see they are buried in the soil in the white petals of the petiole to the Venus Flytrap insect capture clip like petioles (leaves), along with the white base of the petiole is peeled together with the drawing and then put the cultivation media of petiole, to maintain high humidity and bright illumination, over several weeks after will sprout from plants in late spring to early summer, the Venus flytrap and growing season, the Venus flytrap from earth in the town, then we can see they are buried in the soil in the white petals of the petiole to the Venus Flytrap insect capture clip like petioles (leaves), along with the white base of the petiole is peeled together with the drawing and then put the cultivation media of petiole, to maintain high humidity and bright illumination, over several weeks after will sprout from .
shoot formation and the process is slow, it must have the patience to wait for as long as the base of petiole shoot formation and the process is slow, it must have the patience to wait for as long as the base of petiole . is not blackened, rotting,wants them to stay is not blackened, rotting,wants them to stay .
due to this stage of the petioles have no roots, so the humidity remains quite important, to make a moist growing medium can be attached to the petioles on can provide moisture; at this time of the illumination intensity is also very important, need bright light, but not at the cost of the direct rays of the sun, otherwise the petiole will be too hot, dry fall due to this stage of the petioles have no roots, so the humidity remains quite important, to make a moist growing medium can be attached to the petioles on can provide moisture; at this time of the illumination intensity is also very important, need bright light, but not at the cost of the direct rays of the sun, otherwise the petiole will be too hot, dry fall . petiole of age for reproductive success are also relevant, usually in the best shape of my life as compared to the petioles of hypertrophy, the seedlings had the best chance; old leaves and young leaf sprouts petiole of age for reproductive success are also relevant, usually in the best shape of my life as compared to the petioles of hypertrophy, the seedlings had the best chance; old leaves and young leaf sprouts .
prone. Therefore, to reproduce, we may be a peripheral circle of the Venus flytrap of petiole and used it for the rest of the species may also be at the center of the back;If the petiole can take root, the chances of success will be higher in order to reduce the breakage of the petiole , use clean cultivation medium comparison won't let the petiole rot, and it is therefore proposed to use water as a moss - seedling with Leaf of the cultivation medium, the seedling from migrating elsewhere , use clean cultivation medium comparison won't let the petiole rot, and it is therefore proposed to use water as a moss - seedling with Leaf of the cultivation medium, the seedling from migrating elsewhere .
ramets flytraps often get out of the buds, the buds to grow large enough to have a complete root, it can be separated from the mother plant, separate cultivation flower bud of Dionaea muscipula ramets flytraps often get out of the buds, the buds to grow large enough to have a complete root, it can be separated from the mother plant, separate cultivation flower bud of Dionaea muscipula . can sometimes become a plant!Now already know deeply the phenomenon due to temperature differences | temperature swings between day and night is large, there is a temptation for the Venus flytrap of flower buds into new plants, the plant species of tree - - a small cut in the ground, I added, "is a new can sometimes become a plant!Now already know deeply the phenomenon due to temperature differences | temperature swings between day and night is large, there is a temptation for the Venus flytrap of flower buds into new plants, the plant species of tree - - a small cut in the ground, I added, "is a new .

Planting Information

Planting Point

LD: bog plants, native environment away from any tall shade plants, sun - loving LD: bog plants, native environment away from any tall shade plants, sun - loving . family cultivated when, in spring, autumn, and winter can be full of sunshine, summer is added 50% shading or sunny windowsill indoors can family cultivated when, in spring, autumn, and winter can be full of sunshine, summer is added 50% shading or sunny windowsill indoors can .
40W tubes or with the plant 30 cm above the light cultivation, irradiation time 12 hours / day 40W tubes or with the plant 30 cm above the light cultivation, irradiation time 12 hours / day . moisture: try to use pure water, soft water such as rainwater moisture: try to use pure water, soft water such as rainwater .
to dip the basin method (Hong Kong, Taiwan, referred to as" waist - to - water ") to create a method that is similar to that of the original small environment, which comprises that: the Venus flytrap of pots are placed on a tray or a glass, topped up with water to 3 cm in depth, and periodically replenishing to dip the basin method (Hong Kong, Taiwan, referred to as" waist - to - water ") to create a method that is similar to that of the original small environment, which comprises that: the Venus flytrap of pots are placed on a tray or a glass, topped up with water to 3 cm in depth, and periodically replenishing . humidity:greater than 50%, of the Venus flytrap is native marsh environment of the grassland type, moisture is relatively high, it is possible to make the water flood tray waist, in the vicinity of the humidity would be higher, you can also add a basin of water moss on the topsoil layer, are also helps maintain the humidity of the air humidity:greater than 50%, of the Venus flytrap is native marsh environment of the grassland type, moisture is relatively high, it is possible to make the water flood tray waist, in the vicinity of the humidity would be higher, you can also add a basin of water moss on the topsoil layer, are also helps maintain the humidity of the air .
matrix: without added fertilizer of peat, and particulate material (perlite, gravel, etc.) of 1: 1, or pure water, whereas the matrix should be replaced once every spring, is able to give it a little Venus flytrap prefer acid soil of potted , pelvic floor cushion galleting , pelvic floor cushion galleting .
temperature: growth temperature, the suitable temperature: 21 - 35. degree. C., Winter if the country wants them to sleep,shall be controlled at 5. degree. C. (0 - 8. degree. C.) but according to many years of conservation experience, don't sleep through the coming year or normal growth and the regaining of but according to many years of conservation experience, don't sleep through the coming year or normal growth and the regaining of .
feeding: Please Don't force them to eat too much of something, they will hunt for itself the feeding: Please Don't force them to eat too much of something, they will hunt for itself the . (at best) at 2 leaf feeding on arthropods (insects, spiders, etc.)
their digestive juices are more difficult to digest, beef, chicken and other edible meat their digestive juices are more difficult to digest, beef, chicken and other edible meat . fertilization: insectivorous plants very salt - tolerant, directly into the matrix can cause plant death, should be sprayed low - concentration liquid fertilizer fertilization: insectivorous plants very salt - tolerant, directly into the matrix can cause plant death, should be sprayed low - concentration liquid fertilizer .
as a commercial fertilizer foliage plants, can be the recommended concentration of 1 / 5 is applied,growing season each at intervals of 2 weeks as a commercial fertilizer foliage plants, can be the recommended concentration of 1 / 5 is applied,growing season each at intervals of 2 weeks .

Seeding Step

1, ready for seeding pot: the pot is filled after the substrate is placed remains pure water of an aquarium in a sink, or to allow the substrate with water to wet the surface of the wafer, and then the surface wetted by the spray bottle (mist) 1, ready for seeding pot: the pot is filled after the substrate is placed remains pure water of an aquarium in a sink, or to allow the substrate with water to wet the surface of the wafer, and then the surface wetted by the spray bottle (mist) . 2, sowing: Open the package carefully seeds, the seeds are evenly distributed in the matrix surface, cover with 0. 3 cm of the soil cultivating
3, spraying: spray bottle will be squirted (sprayed surface), spraying and carefully, to avoid the seeds from being washed away 3, spraying: spray bottle will be squirted (sprayed surface), spraying and carefully, to avoid the seeds from being washed away . 4, sowing good seed of flowerpot with aquarium or birdbath together on the sunny side of the inner side of a windowsill, if it is a basin, should be added at the top opening of the plastic cover of timely replenishing and moisturizing 4, sowing good seed of flowerpot with aquarium or birdbath together on the sunny side of the inner side of a windowsill, if it is a basin, should be added at the top opening of the plastic cover of timely replenishing and moisturizing .
,typically 10 days germination (20 degrees) ,typically 10 days germination (20 degrees) . 5, seedlings have 2 - 3 true leaves portable 5, seedlings have 2 - 3 true leaves portable .

Application Of Value

Reaction Principle

Venus flytrap leaves the two blade - like shell, predator, which project toward the inside of the blade, when the insects which secrete honeydew temptation to gravitate to the center of the blade, the blade curvature change rapidly, and quickly becomes close to the outer projection, the captured insects, and enjoy your meal. That's where the blade is raised inward and outward projection state is the steady state, the mechanic, which allows them to be in two different states of stable equilibrium of a structure is referred to as a bistable structure where the blade is raised inward and outward projection state is the steady state, the mechanic, which allows them to be in two different states of stable equilibrium of a structure is referred to as a bistable structure .
as shown A, C corresponding to the two points blades inward and outward projection of the strain energy, which has a minimum value, at which point it is in a stable state when a Venus Flytrap in the as shown A, C corresponding to the two points blades inward and outward projection of the strain energy, which has a minimum value, at which point it is in a stable state when a Venus Flytrap in the . A,C between the two - point conversion, i.e., when the vanes are opened and closed when the state is switched, an energy peak B at the B point is called the energy barrier B via
point i.e. the push you need to. alpha., the Venus flytrap unique foliage structure such that the alpha value was very small, and therefore only requires a small amount of energy can achieve, achieve to achieve the effect of

Closing Force

American Oakwood University researchers using sensitive piezoelectric sensor gave Venus flytraps in trigger blade are closed instantaneously at the time, its strength and with size 149mN, a pressure of about 41 kPa American Oakwood University researchers using sensitive piezoelectric sensor gave Venus flytraps in trigger blade are closed instantaneously at the time, its strength and with size 149mN, a pressure of about 41 kPa . when the insect is captured into the break - up, the blades generate a force of up to 450 mN, up to a pressure of 90 kPa for when the insect is captured into the break - up, the blades generate a force of up to 450 mN, up to a pressure of 90 kPa for .
such forces and pressures, generally of small insect to have the opportunity to escape but such forces and pressures, generally of small insect to have the opportunity to escape but . artificial breed was slightly lower than this numerical artificial breed was slightly lower than this numerical .

Multiple Function

blades have their insect prey, from leaves the whole metamorphosis in "insectivorous leaf" blades have their insect prey, from leaves the whole metamorphosis in "insectivorous leaf" . obvious appearance of spines and red sessile glands, looks like the gaping maw of the saber - rattling obvious appearance of spines and red sessile glands, looks like the gaping maw of the saber - rattling .
is very popular insectivorous plants, applicable Below the windowsills and balcony to watch, it may also be used for planting the cultured is very popular insectivorous plants, applicable Below the windowsills and balcony to watch, it may also be used for planting the cultured .


