touch your heart

touch your heart

《touch your heart》,有三個版本,分別由張惠妹、飛輪海(國語版本)、蔡依林(英文版本)演唱,是台灣的觀光歌曲。飛輪海版《touch your heart》mv邀請到韓國女藝人具惠善演出。mv中的景點包括,台灣高速鐵道、高雄港、宜蘭文昌寺、高雄六合、101、台北信義、高雄愛河、台北士林等等。


美麗的島嶼 張開雙手歡迎你

張惠妹演唱touch your heart 張惠妹演唱touch your heart

美食和熱情 沒有人能抗拒



i iha formosa

taiwan will touch your heart

i iha formosa

taiwan will touch your heart

美麗的島嶼 張開雙手歡迎你

美食和熱情 沒有人能抗拒



飛輪海演唱touch your heart 飛輪海演唱touch your heart

i iha formsa

taiwan will touch your heart

i iha formosa

taiwan will touch heart

oh 美好風景 在你身邊

oh 溫暖人情 在心裏面

這將會是你 豐收的旅程


i iha formosa

taiwan will touch your heart

i iha formosa

taiwan will touch heart

i iha formosa

taiwan will touch your heart

i iha formosa

taiwan will touch your heart

i iha formosa

taiwan will touch your heart

i iha formosa

taiwan will touch heart

i iha formosa

i iha formosa

welcome to taiwan


蔡依林演唱touch your heart 蔡依林演唱touch your heart



Come see the beauty

The island so colorful

Come taste the best

The people so friendly

It’ll be the most amazing journey

For your heart to feel and see

Ilha Formosa

Taiwan will touch your heart

Ilha Formosa

Taiwan will touch your heart

Come see the beauty

The island so colorful

Come taste the best

The people so friendly

It’ll be the most amazing journey

For your heart to feel and see

Ilha Formosa

Taiwan will touch your heart

Ilha Formosa

Taiwan will touch your heart

Oh…pretty island (that you can see)

Oh…a paradise (that you can feel)

It’ll be the most amazing journey

or your heart to feel and see

Ilha Formosa

Taiwanwill touch your heart

Ilha Formosa

Taiwanwill touch your heart

Ilha Formosa

Taiwanwill touch your heart

Taiwanwill touch your heart



