Tian Ruichang

Tian Ruichang

Male, born in 1936, a native of suizhong county, liaoning province, joined the army in 1951, and retired in 1997.College diploma or above the rank of major general.Air Force who served as deputy political commissar of the Chengdu Military Region, is a member of Chinese Poetry Academy.

Character Outline

Tian Ruichang, male, born in November 1936, a native of suizhong county, liaoning province, in September 1951 Tian Ruichang, male, born in November 1936, a native of suizhong county, liaoning province, in September 1951 . .
army major general who served as Minister of Organization Department, deputy political commissar of the republic of china 15th airborne corps, director of the Chengdu Military Region, deputy political commissar of the army major general who served as Minister of Organization Department, deputy political commissar of the republic of china 15th airborne corps, director of the Chengdu Military Region, deputy political commissar of the . hobby poems, earned her the nickname "poet general", is a member of Chinese Poetry Academy hobby poems, earned her the nickname "poet general", is a member of Chinese Poetry Academy .
Tian Ruichang

Learning Experience

Zeng in Shanhaiguan High School from 1951 to September from the school joined the army participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression 1 the first part of the National Adult College graduation 2 1992. 9 - 12 in the First Training Class of the CPC Party School (students with both the central government, Zhang Xuezhong, Liu Qibao, Gao Qi, Guan Tao, He Yongnian, Yu Yongzhan, Li Huifen, Xie Anshan, Chen Liyou et al) 3

Work Experience

in 1951 to join the PLA, was the Chief Instructor for Communication Regiment, No 4, boggy propaganda, Communication Regiment, Deputy Chief and Deputy Chief, Department of Political Affairs and the Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the boggy, Commissioner, the Organization Department of the Vice - Minister, Minister of 1987. 12 - 1991. 01 Ren, deputy political commissar of the republic of china 15th airborne corps 1991. 01 - 1992. 12 Ren, director of the Chengdu Military 1992. 12 - 2000. 12 Ren, deputy political commissar of the Chengdu Military Air Force
Tian Ruichang

Congregation Case

in September 1988 and was awarded the Air Force in July 1990 and Senior Colonel were promoted to the rank of Air Vice - Marshalin September 1988 and was awarded the Air Force in July 1990 and Senior Colonel were promoted to the rank of Air Vice - Marshal.

Honors Achievements

Tian Ruichang at various posts also have prominent performance, it has been by Chairman Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping collective met and posed for the Tian Ruichang at various posts also have prominent performance, it has been by Chairman Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping collective met and posed for the . In the Army to work at the same time, also the policy of reform and opening - up in the political, economic and cultural areas of important theory problems in learning research, wrote nearly a million words, over half of the military on the emancipation of women, certain social influence, some article is" reform in the spring of twenty "DENG Xiao - ping's Theory of Research Library" - indexed In the Army to work at the same time, also the policy of reform and opening - up in the political, economic and cultural areas of important theory problems in learning research, wrote nearly a million words, over half of the military on the emancipation of women, certain social influence, some article is" reform in the spring of twenty "DENG Xiao - ping's Theory of Research Library" - indexed .
retired after steering of creation and studies, some poems in the "Daily", the "Literary Gazette" and other periodicals,2007 saw the publication of "acrostic with miscellaneous body poetry anthology", national newspapers carried reports retired after steering of creation and studies, some poems in the "Daily", the "Literary Gazette" and other periodicals,2007 saw the publication of "acrostic with miscellaneous body poetry anthology", national newspapers carried reports . was invited to Taiyuan, poetry forums, poetry to commemorate 90 years" and "national poetry education Huaian pantomime", respectively published on Poetry Development the View "and" in the old and the new development of contemporary creation principle ", subject to all the comrades of was invited to Taiyuan, poetry forums, poetry to commemorate 90 years" and "national poetry education Huaian pantomime", respectively published on Poetry Development the View "and" in the old and the new development of contemporary creation principle ", subject to all the comrades of .
poet praised Lei Shuyan gift on the spot:" refined steel No rust General sword, Chunhua is not the old poet's heart " poet praised Lei Shuyan gift on the spot:" refined steel No rust General sword, Chunhua is not the old poet's heart ".

Character Works

Books: "Fresh Archaic: Tian Ruichang Poetry And Poetics"

Press: Cardozo Published: 1 November 2008 edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 9787220076800 This book of poetry and poetics, both authors in online literary blogs group (51) which has been made, most of his work in front of a creation process to include Press: Cardozo Published: 1 November 2008 edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 9787220076800 This book of poetry and poetics, both authors in online literary blogs group (51) which has been made, most of his work in front of a creation process to include . Nostalgia Shujin, buckets of snow and seismic, of Olympic politics, singing in the Overlook, friendship feeling, Yongshi lyric texts, poetry, discourse Nostalgia Shujin, buckets of snow and seismic, of Olympic politics, singing in the Overlook, friendship feeling, Yongshi lyric texts, poetry, discourse .
Development Development.
Tian Ruichang

Books: "acrostic Poems - And Body - Ruichang Tian General Selected Poems"

Author: Tian Ruichang Press: Cardozo publish time: 2007 - 05 Pages: 288 - page blurb: collections of poetry and a wide - ranging, both to the Sunward spent months of appreciation with the police, but also the friendship the love and praise;both the Chinese and made major progress in reform and opening up and the party leadership is depicted with the name of the song there are injustices with Castigation and denunciation;Existing on the fine tradition of the Chinese culture by excavating and publicity, but also the political, economic and military realities and cultural contradictions of the analytic answer;Existing mysteries of the universe by inquiries and recourse with universe, society and life leaves elaborated Author: Tian Ruichang Press: Cardozo publish time: 2007 - 05 Pages: 288 - page blurb: collections of poetry and a wide - ranging, both to the Sunward spent months of appreciation with the police, but also the friendship the love and praise;both the Chinese and made major progress in reform and opening up and the party leadership is depicted with the name of the song there are injustices with Castigation and denunciation;Existing on the fine tradition of the Chinese culture by excavating and publicity, but also the political, economic and military realities and cultural contradictions of the analytic answer;Existing mysteries of the universe by inquiries and recourse with universe, society and life leaves elaborated . former Vice Minister of Publicity, poet He Jingzhi is poetry inscribed the title, the former editor in chief of the People's Daily wrote the foreword former Vice Minister of Publicity, poet He Jingzhi is poetry inscribed the title, the former editor in chief of the People's Daily wrote the foreword .
Tian Ruichang


